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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Dec 2023   #541
migration to our continent continues to increase.

Let's be clear.

It's not good for European countries.

It's not good for the migrants themselves (who are mostly completely unable to function in Europe and subsist on welfare and petty crime).

It's not wanted by the vast majority of European voters.

No European country has made the slightest effort to reduce it.

Even half-@ssed efforts reduce the numbers so more energetic and vigorous efforts would reduce things more.
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Dec 2023   #542
Even half-@ssed efforts reduce the numbers so more energetic and vigorous efforts

I just don't see that happening.

If you want to reduce migration from the Global South to the Global North, a massive redistribution of wealth is about the only solution, and that of course would increase man-made climate change, mitigating some of the effects of any redistribution.

It's going to be an interesting (or perhaps nieciekawy) century.

Am I alone in wondering if China's interest are in grabbing the minerals in Africa and creating remittance economies like the Philippines there?
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #543
Sweden: -Iraqi migrants who urinated on and gang raped Swedish woman will remain in Sweden as court says they have 'integrated'

Mazin Al-Sharash (36) and Akar Bajorani (32) were sentenced to 5.5 years each but won't be deported because they've integrated and deporting them violates their rights.

The courts are the enemy of the people.

Imagine what would happen if they hadn't.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #544
French woman punched in the face by a third world migrant on the Paris subway. These people are incompatible with western society. Mass deportations are needed. They have to go back.

Everyday life with migrants.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Dec 2023   #545
These people are incompatible with western society

Modernism, especially in the incarnation of neoliberalism is all about the mass movement of humanity. Capitalism and communism both share a mania for moving people around like containers in a dockyard with no concern for what happens to them.

What's being done to migrants in Africa and the Middle East is horribly cruel to them. They're being told they need to go to Europe and once they arrive they find they serve no purpose and cannot fit in and have no hope at any kind of dignified life.... so they lash out.

And the slavers known as human traffickers (which includes the NGOs picking up their boats in the Mediterranean) keep the flow up because they're making money and the feckless Europeans say 'nothing can be done....' and things like welfare states and human dignity are being lost.

Those who support the current European slave trade are no better than those who supported the Arab or Atlantic Slave Trades.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #546
British police unable to handle the cultural enrichment
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #547
and the feckless Europeans say 'nothing can be done....'

...and so do feckless faggots...To them, having useless Africans justifies having useless LGBTs.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #548
Hyde park, London 1950s.

Before the cancer of multiculturalism was forced onto them.

London before "diversity" was injected into it.
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Dec 2023   #549
they serve no purpose and cannot fit in and have no hope at any kind of dignified life.

Plenty fit in very well.

Hyde park, London

You've never been there. And wouldn't 'fit in' if you did.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #550
It's certainly increasingly inevitable.

OK, Mr. about answering this question...

What's the endgame?

A PF moron knows that "it" is inevitable but won't say what "it" is - even when asked a direct question...
Another Lyzko...
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Dec 2023   #551
slave trade

Capitalists and China of course.

And of course those who bang on most about migrant rarely actually see them.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #552
Plenty fit in very well.

What do you want to do with those who don't fit?
How many is plenty? 10%? 50%
Please remember that pulling claims out of your ass is a losing proposition.

those who bang on most about migrant rarely actually see them.

I rarely see the AIDS virus but still avoid gays like a plague.

So now we have a low-IQ kid...If you don't see it it doesn't exist...
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #553
Comment from another forum, probably translated from Spanish:

▪️ Mayor of London - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Birmingham - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Leeds - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Sheffield - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Oxford - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Luton - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Oldham - Muslim.
▪️ Mayor of Rockdale - Muslim

_All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England:_
There are over 3,000 Muslim mosques in England today.
There are more than 130 Muslim Sharia courts.
There are more than 50 Muslim Sharia Councils.
78 percent of Muslim women do not work, they are supported by the state + a free apartment.
63 percent of Muslim men do not work, they are supported by the state + a free apartment.
Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children, supported by the state, receive free housing. Now every school in the UK must teach a lesson on Islam! And we (Spain) cannot decide on immigration policy?
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #554
This man is convinced that his ancestors built Britain. Does he look Roman to you?

London before "diversity" was injected into it.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #555
63 percent of Muslim men do not work,

78 percent of Muslim women do not work,

I am sure that Lyzko and the faggot will easily explain how these parasites are an asset.

Those numbers don't bother me as much as that even one American died defending this godforsaken sh*ithole. The US should have let Hitler have it.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Dec 2023   #556
UK: -British court sentenced a Pakistani rapist to four years for raping English girl (13)

The same court sentenced an Englishman to five years for criticizing migrants and jews on his web.

Courts exist to punish White people for speaking out against crimes being done to us.

UK: -Afghan migrant who killed army veteran (82) with single punch avoids jail and is given only 2 years youth detention

Same court gave an Englishman five years jail time for criticizing migrants online.

UK courts, police and government have become hostile to their own people.

"What did we fight for?"
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Dec 2023   #557
Mayor of Leeds - Muslim.

Has Councillor Al Garthwaite changed her religion then? Or maybe you're confusing her with her predecessor Bob Gettins who wasn't Muslim either,

Of the other Mayors on that list I can name without resorting to google, Andy Burnham (Manc), Randall Woodfin (Birm) and Colin Ross (Sheff) aren't adherents to Islam either and I doubt many of the others are. Not that it matters what faith someone follows.

Your list is made up. We can assume that all the rest of your factoids are bullsh1t too.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #558
UK: -British court sentenced a Pakistani rapist to four years for raping an English girl (13)

...out in 2.

The stupid Brits still believe that they are better than the USSR because if they stopped the only thing left would be mass suicide.

I wonder why they even bother to vote...On the plus side, they have this freak show aka the "royals" divert their attention from the invasion.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
11 Dec 2023   #559
Plenty fit in very well.

In the same breath, you will tell us you do not support uncontrolled migration. You are the epitome of a liar. The worst is a man unable to save himself from himself.

You've never been there. And wouldn't 'fit in' if you did.

So what? Must you step in excrement to know it stinks?
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Dec 2023   #560
Plenty fit in very well.

And a far greater number don't.... again over the last 25 years immigration has cost the Netherlands 400 billion more than its received....

No sustainable.

The choice is.... shut down the slave trade or see the collapse of Europe.

I know which I want. Which do you want?
Bobko  27 | 2130
11 Dec 2023   #561
Not sustainable.

Send them to Russia.

We will teach them how to love the Motherland.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Dec 2023   #562
We will teach them how to love the Motherland.

If you mean where they came from then I'm _sure_ a stint in russia will make Burkina Faso or Iraq look like heaven on earth in comparison.
espana  17 | 951
11 Dec 2023   #563
i think they should close this thread , i find it very racist
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
11 Dec 2023   #564
I think they should leave it open for the same reason.
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Dec 2023   #565
fit in very well .......uncontrolled migration

Are the two things incompatible? You're an immigrant yourself. Sometimes it works for people, sometime it doesn't.

shut down

Easily said...


That too? Is there no fetish that doesn't draw you to it?
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #566
The same court sentenced an Englishman to five years for criticizing migrants and jews on his web.

I am still waiting for the first Euro bootlicker who will explain how five years in a British prison for criticizing migrants is any different from five years in a Soviet gulag for criticizing the communist party.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
11 Dec 2023   #567
Sometimes it works for people, sometime it doesn't.

You slippery snake, you know you are comparing oranges to apples. For liberals is worth a try, trow the sh*t against the wall, it might stick,

That too? Is there no fetish that doesn't draw you to it?

This is the area you are familiar with I might call you an expert:::)))
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Dec 2023   #568
oranges to apples

Both edible. And after all, you are an immigrant yourself, as are most if not all of those here who bang on constantly about it. Some immigrants descended from other immigrants.

you an expert

I know nothing until you started to boast about your escapades.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Dec 2023   #569
I am still waiting for the first Euro bootlicker

OK, it's been almost an hour and the Euro bootlickers confirmed that today the Brits are as scared to speak freely as the Soviet citizens used to be in the past.

And after all, you are an immigrant yourself, as are most if not all of those here who bang

Yes, idiot, because I immigrated here, I should be for 3 million uneducated and useless bums crossing the border illegally every year...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
11 Dec 2023   #570
Both edible. And after all, you are an immigrant yourself,

Most poisons are edible in acceptable doses. Immigrants from my immigration wave are law-obeying, God-fearing, hard-working, loyal, taxpaying, and loving the country of their choosing. You are so ideologically damaged that you can not distinguish between legal, controlled, beneficial immigration and the deluge of excrement. To you, we all are the same.

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