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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Dec 2023   #451
still better than handicap migrants

Watch out before I hit you with my walker!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
3 Dec 2023   #452
LOL Walker is fine as a legless weakling cant lift that,I would worry for the crutches.BTW can one now carry a walker on a wheel chair also???Guess American disability goes a long way in Poland.

Maf try this,if you can afford..
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Dec 2023   #453
Somalis are about the worst performing group of immigrants anywhere.

The Somalis in Cardiff and Swansea are very established and very much part of the wider community.

I don't think there are many here since Poland doesn't have any large port cities. Maybe there are a few round the Trojmiasto.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Dec 2023   #454
Somalis in Cardiff and Swansea are very established and very much part of the wider communit

Which is why "nearly 75% of the Somali population is unemployed" (from 2015 are the figures showing improvement since then?)
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Dec 2023   #455
Nine migrants rape a 15 year old girl in Hamburg..... 8 escape jail with suspended sentences.....none showed any remorse....

As this is publicized AfD gains news supporters.... because no other political party thinks there's anything wrong with it....
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Dec 2023   #456
Nine migrants rape a 15 year old girl in Hamburg

Do only migrants do that?

AfD gains news supporters.

I bet you'd join them.

And when they're driven off for a shower, would you stand on the pavement quoting unemployment statistics and nwdpapr article about rape?
Novichok  4 | 8748
3 Dec 2023   #457
Sweden is a highly industrialized country, with a low birthrate, which is desperately in need of foreign labor

Bullsh*it. Industrialized countries don't need unskilled labor. They need automation.
If that's not enough, they import things, not people.
If they still need people, they import people who look and act like the natives. See Poland and Ukrainians. Brilliant! No blacks, no Muslims!
No sane country ever imports unskilled black scum.

Do only migrants do that?

No, idiot.
Locals cannot be stopped. Migrants can be. Just don't let them in. Duh!
Debating a-holes is so easy...
Novichok  4 | 8748
4 Dec 2023   #458
Oh, the joys of going to college...

Student Tells Charlie Kirk That His College Puts Tampons In Male Toilets
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Dec 2023   #459
That His College Puts Tampons In Male Toilets

Maybe his nose was bleeding?
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #460
Do only migrants do that?

I guess not... okay then! It's normal that the only way Europeans can keep 15 year-olds safe from gang rape is to not let them leave the house except with a male guardian!

And when they're driven off for a shower,

You're being hysterical..... come back when you have serious arguments..... changing European migration policy to keep out criminals is not genocide.... on migration you're as bad as novi is about russia. It's all ideology completely divorced from reality.

European migration policy is now wildly dysfunctional and this is why parties like AdF are growing in every country but Denmark (which paid attention to what citizens were saying and began adjusting migration policy).
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #461
gang rape

Extremel rare.

It's all ideology completely divorced from reality.

What are your thoughts on 'biological determinism'?

and this is why parties like AdF are growing in every country but Denmark

Not, fortunately in the UK or Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #462
What are your thoughts on 'biological determinism'?

Biology isn't so much a determiner as an influence. Individuals are formed by complex interactions between genetics, language and culture which happen in family and broader social and economic contexts. Just randomly plucking a bunch of people from one complex system and expecting them to thirve in a very alien system is a neo-religous belief that people are fundamentally malleable interchangeable widgets.

Extremel rare.

Nowhere near rare enough. And in Europe now almost entirely committed by migrants (or their offspring.... *cough* Rotherham *cough*.....)

Not, fortunately in the UK or Poland.

The UK is a de facto 2 1/2 party system so small groups have trouble getting off the ground and migration to Poland is not welfare based and the numbers are small.

The failure of the political establishment to recognize just the fundamentally broken nature of migration policy is one of the biggest failures of the EU (and evidence that further integration is not necessary).
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #463

Have you spent much time there? I certainly have. I'd say the issues are more to do with poverty than anything else.

The UK is a de facto 2 1/2 party system

Three really, Labour, the Tory cvnts and the SNP.

The last of those is largely unaffected, the Tories rail about migration as much as some on here with as little practical effect and Labour take a pragmatic approach.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #464
I'd say the issues are more to do with poverty than anything else.

So? That makes it okay? A normal society in which something like that happened would move heaven and earth to stop it and prevent it from happening again.... what concrete steps have been made in the UK?

Three really

I was thinking at the national rather than sub-national level, more precisely I was thinking of the lib-dems.... are they still a thing?
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #465
That makes it okay?

Poverty is never OK.

what concrete steps have been made in the UK?

With a right-wing libertarian government, steps towards lifting people out of poverty and developing social cohesion rarely happen.

lib-dems.... are they still a thing?

Yes and no. They were wiped out at the last general election but have made gains in by-elections in rural and affluent areas. They are expected to take some suburban eats of the Tories next year. Worth mentioning that when I worked for Rotherham County council cil th make-up of the chamber was 62 Labour, 2 Tories and a lonely Liberal. There were no real problems with girls in care and older men exploiting them. The sh1t started to happen after more Tories and LibDems got in and started to close the kids' homes and most significantly, cut the number of police and social workers. If you have rust-belt poverty, it has to be managed carefully or the problems snowball.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #466
Poverty is never OK.

Poverty did not cause the mass sexual-exploitation of young women, the choices of men (from a culturally and religiously alien environment) did.

With a right-wing libertarian government, ..developing social cohesion rarely happen

A good reason to halt migration which only aggrevates differences and poverty.
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #467
Poverty did not cause

It did. The perps were born there (I was in 6th form with some of their parents who were also born there) and no problems occurred until the town's economy collapsed.

A good reason to halt migration

Have you ever seen an exponentially growing trend 'halted'?
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #468
no problems occurred until the town's economy collapsed

Lots of places manage economic disruption without mass sexual exploitation....

Have you ever seen an exponentially growing trend 'halted'?

Sure.... migration is a not a tiktok 'trend'.... it's the sum of choices made by those in poor countries, traffickers, and national governments (both in producing and receiving countries).

Who's left out there?

Change the incentives and you change behavior. Stop making being in Europe a better experience for those arriving and you'll slow down/stop the flow.

the question is do you want to be nice about it (like me and say Andrew Hammel) or do you want to resist until politicians far, far worse than Geert Wilders get elected with overwhelming mandates? Cause that's where it's headed. change policy before it becomes a disaster or wait for the disaster and point fingers....

Postive feelings and an open mind and appreciation for whatever it is you like to imagine that Pakistanis and Algerians etc etc bring to Europe are no match for an electorate that has had enough and wants things to change by any means necessary....
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #469
Lots of places

So what?

Sure.... migration is a not a tiktok 'trend'.

I've only a vague idea what tik tok is and of course you're pretending to misunderstand the word trend.

No European country has managed to slow the trend; it is increasing and is likely to do so for a long time.

Stop making being in Europe a better experience

That hasn't worked either. Not Theresa May's 'hostile environment' nor France's lack of material support nor Greece's internment camps.
Paulina  17 | 4465
4 Dec 2023   #470
Lots of places manage economic disruption without mass sexual exploitation....

I agree. It's not about a sudden strike of poverty, but about culture and people's mentality = the attitude towards women (and kids) and their rights, the level of patriarchy and misogyny in their society.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #471
, the level of patriarchy and misogyny in their society.

Dont' forget the cultural alienation.... one thing that seems to happen a lot in Europe is that parents from muslim countries do not want their children to assimilate to the local culture. Instead they reinforce their culture shock trauma onto them more or less guaranteeing that they will stay in the parents' cultural orbit and not be successful in the host country....

That dynamic creates angry, alienated young men (never a good thing to have).

Forced assimilation (as used to happen in the US) is the only way for an ethnically diverse society to thrive....
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #472
more or less guaranteeing

You'd be surprised, and of course social cohesion is a matter for us all.

is the only way for an ethnically diverse society to thrive....

And not without BLM riots and fascist 'summer of hate' marches.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #473
without BLM riots and fascist 'summer of hate' marches

Exactly! The US gave up forced assimilation sometimes during the Great Compression and the results since have not.... been.... encouraging.... among other things not making immigrants assimilate creates pressure on existing minorities (in the US African Americans, generally more like a linguistic and cultural minority than a simple racial classification) to dissimilate from the majority, one of the results of which is BLM....)

I'm still not sure what the positive argument is for enabling migration from NAfrica given their sky high crime rates in Europe (a recent Dutch study found even the generations born in the Netherlands are about 5 times more likely to engage in crime than ethnic Dutch).
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #474
forced assimilation

How did they 'force' it? I read Jeffrey Eugenides' Middlesex which talked about Henry Ford. the well-known Nazi sympathiser, who used to have weird programmes for his staff. Was it like that?

one of the results of which is BLM....)

That was a result of police violence, as well you know.

5 times more likely to engage in crime than ethnic Dutch).

Perhaps because the presence of newer Dutch has brought such affluence to the older Dutch that a new urban proletariat formed. Doubtless a few decades ago, the working class were five times more likely to engage in crime as the bourgeoisie just like today.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Dec 2023   #475
Perhaps because

Perhaps.... not.... really the best you can do? I'm always amazed at the lengths some on the left go to avoid blaming criminals for doing crime....

result of police violence, as well you know.

The police arresting George Floyd (a violent criminal who resisted arrest while being stoned out of his mind) did nothing wrong.... police actually shoot more white suspects per capita than black (blacks shoot each other at sky hight rates and that doesn't bother surviving blacks very much, so.... it is what it is)
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Dec 2023   #476
@Maf, it depends on whom you talk to.
The Swedish press is obviously not thrilled about having them there.
Yet, I've heard other reports from Swedes with no particular axe to grind!
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Dec 2023   #477
really the best you can do?

The best sociologists can do...

The police arresting George Floyd

The police who murdered him, and thousands of others...
4 Dec 2023   #478
mafkeis, remember all I was saying about how the Polish people were really like and how you constantly ignore the fact they are naitonalists? Look at what they are doing on the border with Ukraine. Look at how racist naitonalsitic they are. WHy do you think they are any better than Russians and keep supporting them?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
4 Dec 2023   #479
The following text has been rewritten for clarity and corrected for any spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors:

Do only migrants do that?

Are you excusing the bestial behavior of migrants by suggesting that others might also engage in such behavior? You have not provided any evidence of wrongdoing by these hypothetical others. It seems that you are providing an excuse or explanation only in your own conflicted mind.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
4 Dec 2023   #480
Extremel rare.

You would pay attention if gang rapes were happening every day in every German city? But according to your standards rare is ok?

Home / News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

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