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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

Joker  2 | 2374
26 Sep 2023   #1
Dominik Tarczynski claims Poland has never been attacked by terrorist because they haven't let invading migrants. Spot on!

"Polish nation has rejected you, dear leftists. Eight times in a row you have lost elections in Poland so get used to it"

Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Sep 2023   #2
I am glad you started this thread.

I am so proud of Poland because of Poles' in-your-face position on this issue. If I were not so invested here with Medicare and the family I would be there already.

This damn invasion of ours drives me crazy.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #3

About time we did that.They slipped a little with that visa scandal but better late then never.
OP Joker  2 | 2374
27 Sep 2023   #4
I am so proud of Poland because of Poles' in-your-face position on this issue

Dominik Tarczynski is a true Polish patriot. I wish we had more leaders like him in America.

He has the same initials as Trump....DT2 The Polish Trump:)

Notice... how the PF lefties are staying silent. They know he right as Poland is the best counrty to live in Europe.

@Cargo pants

Im shocked ABC fake news covered this. You know Biden is done when the msm starts actually reporting the truth.

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Alien  25 | 6392
27 Sep 2023   #5
Dominik Tarczynski

Is this the sausage guy? If so, he could throw pork sausages at them.
Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Sep 2023   #6
actually reporting the truth.

...that is in sharp contrast to what this pos is doing to us...
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Sep 2023   #7
....They feel strong because they are in the majority, they insult German parents

The educator mentions the horrible scenes between parents of migrant origin and parents coming from Germany. Foreigners "stared and insulted" German parents in front of the kindergarten.

- They raise children badly and are to blame for many problems in the kindergarten and they feel strong because they are in the majority. I myself was a victim of insults. The children would confidently tell me "Shut up, German". The parents of those children do not respect us, they treat us with derogatory words, says the teacher...

FEAR OF CHILDREN AND PARENTS OF MIGRANT ORIGIN: Teachers and educators in German schools and kindergartens reveal what happens to them every day

Is it for real, what the hell, how surprising. 🤔 😁
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
27 Sep 2023   #8
Haha, very well integrated no wonder. Where is Alien to tell us how he knows an Afghan who is so good you can spread him on a loaf of bread.

Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Sep 2023   #9
If it went unnoticed, I HATE illegals.

They should be shot just as any intruder who broke into my house. Since I can do it legally, Border Patrol guys should be authorized to do it, too. No interviews, no sob stories, no hearings, no deportations. After a dozen corpses left to decompose as a warning, this bs would stop.

God is up there to listen to their bullsh*it about breaking in for a better life. Six billion people want a better life...So fu*cking what?
jon357  72 | 23482
27 Sep 2023   #10

a dozen corpses left to decompose as a warning,

So fu*cking what?

Enjoy life each day!

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #11
That's all you do.

And whats wrong in it if its for people like yourself.

Enjoy life each day!

Each day & everyday,
BTW those cats need to be put to sleep.I can take them to the shelter for the noble work.
Paulina  19 | 4458
27 Sep 2023   #12
Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

It looks like PiS has been saying a big YES to the "flood of immigrants" - just quietly :)))


You mean like this?? :D:

"The majority of recipients left Poland for other Schengen Area countries or for North America."



BTW those cats need to be put to sleep.

I don't think those cats are real.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #13
It looks like PiS has been saying a big YES to the "flood of immigrants" - just quietly :)))

I doubt that,it is the low level people working in embassies who were making money.I heard people from South Asia esp,paid 7 to 25k euros or even more to get the visa/work visa etc to agents who had contacts in the embassies and gave a cut,and I think slowly the money started seeping up in the ranks.Tons of Philipinos/Indians/thai work in meat factories around Poland and tons of massage parlors hire south asian women in Warsaw.Film crews would bring 30 people and more then half would evaporate in the EU and with Mexico requiring no visa if one has Schengen visa,lots went to Mexico to cross the border in the US,thats when the US got involved.

I don't think those cats are real.

Care less.till they are faggots fav lol
Lyzko  44 | 9713
27 Sep 2023   #14
Poland is a relatively homogeneous society, albeit a large country by European standards.
Certain countries such as the US or Canada can easily absorb large numbers of immigrants;
Poland is not one of them!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
27 Sep 2023   #15
Poland is a relatively homogeneous society, albeit a large country by European standards.

Some people say that Poles are xenophobic but the general definition of this word is wrong; it says: "having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries".

But as professor Wolniewicz used to say: "Xenophobia is not a dislike of people from other countries as such but it is rather a dislike of people from other countries who want to enter your home, very often uninvited".
jon357  72 | 23482
27 Sep 2023   #16
Some people say that Poles

Not all. some are, some aren't. In a country of 38 million people there will always be diverse opinions.


The invitation was extended when Poland decided to join the EU.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
27 Sep 2023   #17
The invitation was extended when Poland decided to join the EU.

I doubt there are many people in Poland against EU-nationals coming to work and live here. Or against Ukrainian war refugees.

What people will never look kindly at, however, is the idea of bringing in masses of third-world immigrants.
Paulina  19 | 4458
27 Sep 2023   #18
I doubt that,it is the low level people working in embassies who were making money.

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister isn't a "low level person":

And it's not just about that visa scandal:

"PiS has opened the door wide for foreigners from outside of Europe":
Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Sep 2023   #19
Certain countries such as the US or Canada can easily absorb large numbers of immigrants;

Why should we?
How many zeros in "large numbers"?

Don't even bother...Those were rhetorical questions...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
27 Sep 2023   #20
Our size for one thing. Our heterogeneity for another.
Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Sep 2023   #21
Didn't I say "don't even bother"? I just ate.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
27 Sep 2023   #22
How come? Afraid you might learn something?
Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Sep 2023   #23
From you???

Let's see...My question was: How many is "large numbers"?
Your answer: Our size for one thing. Our heterogeneity for another.

I would get a better conversation in a mental institution's low-IQ ward for permanently retarded.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
27 Sep 2023   #24
Try it, Rich! I dare ya.
jon357  72 | 23482
27 Sep 2023   #25
bringing in masses of third-world immigrants.

Migration from the global south to the global north is the story of the next century or so.

Had to know how someone from, say, Eritrea, is a worse protect from someone from, say, Portugal.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #26
Polish Deputy Foreign Minister isn't a "low level person":

slowly the money started seeping up in the ranks.

Now read again.
Paulina  19 | 4458
27 Sep 2023   #27
@Cargo pants, but according to that article on Onet it was Wawrzyk who organised everything and was directly giving instructions to those "low level people" which immigrants should get visas.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #28
slowly the money started seeping up in the ranks.

LOL and I guess the orders started flowing downwards lol as the money started coming in.Film industry in South east Asia is very big money.I also suspect there is way more to it then exposed.Some companies started hiring people by the hundreds and I am sure they didnt need low level contacts.And honestly I have never seen so many foreigners in Warsaw as I have seen in the last cpl of years I dont know much about other cities.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #29
BTW both parties are right in there claims,the people,opposition claims who were issued visa didnt even enter the EU,they directly flew to Mexico to cross the border as they didnt need the Mexican visa to enter.Mexico,they say it is very hard to get for those people.They get visa on arrival if they have a Schengen visa.
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Sep 2023   #30

I loved that video. The only thing this great man didn't say but got close to it was: Shove your advice up you ass and fu*ck you.

I would.

You made my day, Joker, and I want to thank you for this dose of sanity.

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