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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
15 Jul 2021   #121
And Ukraine in the 90's was an economic, and socially mobile booming country.
Novichok  4 | 8732
15 Jul 2021   #123

I read the article and I couldn't agree with PiS more. A quote:

Imagine a situation where a media in Poland ... would be bought by an entity from Russia, China or an Arab country," Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thursday. "Would we as citizens want the right to say 'no'?"

followed by this moronic argument...

The issue with that narrative is that TVN isn't owned by an authoritarian country but by one of Poland's closest allies, which is also stationing troops on Polish soil.

Not an authoritarian country? Talk to any conservative who wants to speak at a US university without a battalion of bodyguards.

It is beyond infuriating to watch the US lecture anyone about freedom of the press. Sure, we are free if it means that nobody goes to a gulag; here we just get fired.

As far as TVP being a propaganda outlet for the Polish government, our alphabet stations are worse since they pretend not to be that. Just yesterday, ABC 6:30 news ran what amounts to a Biden infomercial about voting rights and gave zero time to the opposing pov. Pravda would be proud.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jul 2021   #124
All I need to know what party pawian hates and Dirk likes.

But you realise it works the other way round too?? I know which party you support on US soil and....... hahahaha Do you remember our nice exchanges about the elections in the US thread ??
Novichok  4 | 8732
15 Jul 2021   #125
I know which party you support on US soil

No, you don't since hate RINOs even more than the Bolsheviks. The last time I voted was in 1980.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
15 Jul 2021   #126
This is not about USA TV stations. Who cares if they are worse, they do not effect Poland. The bottom line is in a free market economy, you have to have foreign owned companies to create competition. Poland is turning into an isolationist country, and if it continues, they wont be in the EU much longer. PiS will then get the booming cold war economy back they seem to want to badly.

These guys are simpletons. They are religious maniacs who can not govern effectively for the entire country. Attack the middle class and wealthy to give more to poor and unmotivated who are not even trying to better themselves. Socialism at work. Class warfare. Meanwhile these bumbling idiots keep lining their own pockets and the pockets of their family members.
Novichok  4 | 8732
15 Jul 2021   #127
This is not about USA TV stations.

I used the US - a country that has the 1st Amendment - as a point of reference in a debate about a country that does not - Poland. Once we drop that naive line, it's a raw power play, other arguments being weapons. In this kind of contest, I always take the side of the locals and argue against the foreign scum and their foreign interests that rarely overlap those of the host country. See: Hungary, and Italy vs the foreign-funded NGOs and Soros.

Bottom line: just because it's "American" doesn't mean squat and 51% ownership rule is good.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
15 Jul 2021   #128
51% ownership rule will kill foreign investment in Poland. Poland, if not in the EU can not survive without foreign investment. 4.4% rise in CPI in one month. No comments on those real numbers? This is simply bad business, and less about free press.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jul 2021   #129
I hate RINOs even more than the Bolsheviks.

That is why you opposed Trump`s reelection with all your might. :):):) Funny that I didn`t notice it. I must go to an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) to get me glasses, Or lenses,.:):):)
Ironside  51 | 13109
17 Jul 2021   #130
This is not about USA TV stations

you are right this is about foreign capital owning Polish TV, radio stations or least it should be
I release that PiS motivation is different from what they claim, but still that something I don't disagree with .. but this takes things in the right direction..
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2021   #131
So it means you don`t know that far right Konfa politicians are banned from appearing on PISTV coz PiS considers them rivals at the ballot. . Now they can still be seen and heard in independent media. If PiS gains full monopoly, Konfa will have to go to Moscow and collude with the Kremlin media to be on air, coz in Poland they will be blocked thoroughly.

But that`s what you like: at last they will go where they belong. :):) So, yes, you are right suporting PiS monopoly on info. Quite clever, I must say. hahahaha
Ironside  51 | 13109
17 Jul 2021   #132

you are not only an ignorant soviet but you don't know anything. I don't care about tribal games your ilk is playing, ...
Crow  155 | 9721
17 Jul 2021   #133
And Ukraine in the 90's was an economic, and socially mobile booming country.

and there was POLUKRBAT (Visegrad plus Ukraine plus Serbia) and Russians were content with it, while EU and NATO didn`t like it.

Then happened Maiden, Lech tragically died and Ukraine fell in chaos.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jul 2021   #134
I don't care about tribal games

That`s good. With such engaged voters, Konfa will get 5% at the next elections. Keep up good work! hahaha
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
18 Jul 2021   #135
Bottom line is until now, the TVN license was renewed and seen as compliant based on the Sweden ownership contingent. Only now, when it suits PiS and they need it, are they trying to mess with the license. Not only that but they try to mess with the new US ambassador.

So, look for some blowback from the US if this continues. The last country Poland wants to offend or pi$$ off is the US. Make US business think that Poland is a hostile environment and you will see a slowdown in foreign investment from big companies. This once again is amateur hour in Polish politics.
Ironside  51 | 13109
18 Jul 2021   #136
are they trying to mess with the license.

Well, the bottom line is that is their right. Whoever invested tinto it should have taken it into consideration.

ome blowback from the US if this continues

Its Biden and democrats, there is nothing good that Poland can expect from them..
As for foreign investment I doubt that will make firms back out of Poland.

Regardless TV station and such shouldn't be in foreign hands.
Novichok  4 | 8732
18 Jul 2021   #137
shouldn't be in foreign hands.

Exactly. Especially if those are in the news and commentary business.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
18 Jul 2021   #138
Then since the TV station is 51% owned by a company in Sweden, and EU member, there should be no problem renewing the license by your standards.

News needs to be free otherwise it is just edited propaganda. TVP is really hilarious in their presentation though. I sometimes watch and then watch the exact same video on other stations and the spin on TVP is just amazing. Outright lies, that of course the church must condone, hypocrites.
Ironside  51 | 13109
18 Jul 2021   #139
News needs to be free otherwise it is just edited propaganda.

Well that what we deal here , CNN is the best example of edited propaganda which is the most hypocritical at the same time because they claim to be the most free and objective.

roblem renewing the license by your standards.

I think that TV stations and radio station as well as newspapers shouldn't be owned by a foreign entity..
As to all practical and minutiae issues about the issue I won't comment as I don't know them ...I used this opportunity to express my firm believes on the issue of ownership of mass-media as stated above.
Novichok  4 | 8732
18 Jul 2021   #140
News needs to be free otherwise it is just edited propaganda.

All propaganda is bad but it's easier to deal with the domestic kind when the good guys take control than with the foreign subversives you can't control. The fact that the Americans are on average the good guys does not change the fact that today Democrats and their propaganda outlet, CNN, are worse than Pravda ever was. RT is an oasis of freedom, by comparison, but you still wouldn't want their TV station in Warsaw.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
18 Jul 2021   #141
Ok, I get it whats happening in America. This is about Poland, and TVN is really quite balanced, TVP is worse than anything I have seen in any other country and I have seen a lot of the world. It is laughable that anyone would believe TVP is actually "news". Truly this is not a matter of anything more than PiS not being able to deal with another voice to the people. They are afraid, and cowards who are on the ropes usually try desperate measures.
amiga500  5 | 1544
18 Jul 2021   #142
. This is about Poland, and TVN is really quite balanced

All your other points about inflation and USA investment are called into question as your credibility has just gone out the window with that cretinous statement. TVN24 is just the mirror of TVP Info, one is anti PiS the other is Pro PiS , both are manipulative propaganda. It really takes a foreigner/moron to think TVN is balanced, even PO senators call it 'our media' and on polish radio i heard one of them say "You might think something is not right with TVN but one should still support media plurality" Stick to Polsat News and don't make a fool of yourself again.
jon357  72 | 23665
18 Jul 2021   #143
TVP is worse than anything I have seen in any other country

I've seen marginally worse in Iraq and in certain African military states. Only marginally worse.

TVN is really quite balanced,

They have basic journalistic standards, rather than the blatant propaganda on non-independent TVP.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jul 2021   #144
in Iraq and in certain African military states

Yes, that is PiS standard - banana republic regime propaganda. My God, what a shame, why have YOU done it to us? What bad karma are we repaying now with those neobolshevik rightards at the helm?
Ironside  51 | 13109
18 Jul 2021   #145
what a shame

but you are shameless so don't act up
amiga500  5 | 1544
19 Jul 2021   #146
They have basic journalistic standards, rather than the blatant propaganda

Surely that was uttered tongue in cheek or do you really believe the faeces dribbling out of your mouth is a rational opinion?
Basic journalistic standards? You mean like when TVN paid some neo-nazis in poland to perform a ritual and used it to potray poland as full of nazis and anti jew hate? Or when during PO's rule, TVN fired Grzegosz Jankowski from Fakty, for being the only presenter on the network to mildly criticise PO policies? No different from TVP getting rid of Tomasz Lis after PiS got elected. There is no difference between TVP and TVN. One is full of PiS sycophants the other is full of children of the communist elite. Both are institutionaly captured and blatant propaganda. If your teaching standards are the same as the 'basic journalistic standards' of TVN24 then you really should be in the Old Bailey in chains. Ignorant Pom.

I've seen marginally worse in Iraq and in certain African

Stop pretending you lived in or anywhere near those countries.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
19 Jul 2021   #147
When was the last time you actually watched TVN and TVP in the same day and the same story?

Actually, I watched new in Kuwait several times, and they are pretty one sided as well. Pretty equal with TVP now that I think about it.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2021   #148
There is no difference between TVP and TVN.

BS. Stop lying in this horrible neobolshevik style,.

One is full of PiS sycophants


the other is full of children of the communist elite

Darling, shall we start again the debate about PiS and other right members who are children of communist elites in the past?? Coz we can if you want.
amiga500  5 | 1544
19 Jul 2021   #149
BS. Stop lying in this horrible neobolshevik style,.

So you deny that TVN gave money to neo-nazis to perform for the camera? Your furious response only proves that you know TVN is a PO propaganda outlet.

I guess if you think PiS is neo-bolshevik then TVN financially supporting neo-nazis is to be applauded? ahahhaa slink off in your corner in shame baboon.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
19 Jul 2021   #150
TVN is a PO propaganda outlet.

So which is worse.... a self-supporting private propaganda outlet or a state funded propaganda outlet that sucks up taxes from everyone (including those opposed to the government)?

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