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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #61
They don't need a reason to refuse to extent it.

Now you are speaking like a child. :):)

that you know it all?

I am intelligent enough to look this info up. :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
13 Jul 2021   #62
Either way, bringing U.S.A in to this no matter who owns what company. Federalists in the EU would use to their advantage in the debate, so long as problems arise and the topic of possibly excluding members (however how unserious it is). Won't result in anything good for the opposition.
Ironside  51 | 13109
13 Jul 2021   #63
I am intelligent enough to look this info up. :):)

Really? Kudos to you, you can read with comprehension, that is progress.
Have you verified that info is not cooked?

Now you are speaking like a child. :):)

In practise they don;'t need it. Can made up any reason they want.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #64
Can made up any reason they want.

No, coz it must have legal grounds. If not, Poland will pay. You don`t care, while I do.
Novichok  4 | 8732
13 Jul 2021   #65
You don`t care,

You are wrong.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jul 2021   #66
TVN is pulling the Wizard of Oz because it is offensive to people without brains.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
13 Jul 2021   #67
The PC-mindless among us will deconstruct almost ANYTHING merely in order to prove a point! Is nothing sacred including one's own personal
taste within the privacy of their own viewing screens?? I dare you to show me a single icon, symbol or story which won't be "offensive" to at least one other person.

Ya can't please everybody:-)
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #68
You are wrong.

Actually, not. Stop behaving like a child. At your age?? :):)
The case is simple - if TVN owned by Discovery is forced to suffer financial losses, they will sue Poland for damages which might total a few billion $. Ironside and Kania don`t mind and accept such effect. I do mind coz I live here and don`t want to see my money squandered on rightist madness.

Besides, the USA and Poland signed BIT a long time ago. The move against TVN is a direct breach of that treaty. We can say that Americans have already won the compensation if the new law is passed..
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
13 Jul 2021   #69
They don't need a reason to refuse to extent it.

PRL / Soviet mindset... the political party in power _is_ the law....
Lyzko  44 | 9730
13 Jul 2021   #70
Right. In many countries, Russia hardly the exception, the law remains THE LAW! This interpretive law stuff having Constitutional scholars coming out of the woodwork

to debate, wrangle, and endlessly discuss to death government decision and policy is a US thing, essentially unknown, indeed laughed at, throughout most of the world. Why, England doesn't even have a Constitution.
Novichok  4 | 8732
13 Jul 2021   #71
Actually, not.

Actually, yes. You had no evidence that Iron does not care if Poland will pay. You, as is your habit, pull such crap from somewhere dark and present it as a proven fact. Quoting:

If not, Poland will pay. You don`t care, while I do.

...without proof and any possible way for him to prove you wrong. This is what dishonest debating and your preferred way are all about.

We can say that Americans have already won the compensation if the new law is passed..

Do not insult Americans by conflating us with the globalist, Soros-grade Jews - the scum that has as much loyalty to "America" as I have to Zimbabwe. He and others like him are nothing more than subversives on the mission to promote group hate and to normalize every perversion known to mankind.

They are the ultimate influencers.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #72

Funny that you always insert Soros everywhere. You are obsessed. :):)

You had no evidence

Of course I did. Iron`s own words. What else do we need??? In a forum like this we mostly depend on what you write.

...without proof and any possible way for him to prove you wrong.

My proof is derived from his opinion. If he wanted, he could prove me wrong. But he didn`t.
All in all, I am right in everything I said, while you are wrong. How simple.
I love educating you. It is so easy. High school students pose a bigger challenge. ):)
Novichok  4 | 8732
13 Jul 2021   #73
If he wanted, he could prove me wrong.

Bullsh*it! You claim he doesn't care, you prove it. The same with this pawian as slippery snake special of the day:

You are obsessed. :):)

OK, how do I prove I am not?

you always insert Soros everywhere.

Because he or his proxies ARE everywhere. There is not a major city in the US where the DA is not a black, BLM-grade woman who was funded by that pos.

Just enter "Soros" in google and watch google add every country on the globe, dear professor who likes playing stupid. Armenia included. His own country, Hungary, is doing everything possible to keep this vermin away.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #74
I am disappointed in your lazy English and your posts.

Yes, I am lazy when running useless debates with such types as you or Iron. :):):) You are a waste of my time and energy anyway so why should I strive? It is enough when I say "you are obsessed" and everybody knows what I mean coz you have been known as an obsession troubled guy in this forum. .

Hahahaha is defeat.

Of course not.

Now, can you get back onto the topic and get off me at last?? You are wasting my precious time with your infantile remarks. . hahahaha
Crow  155 | 9721
13 Jul 2021   #75
No one has noticed or cares about PiS's latest attack on the press? A new proposed law is transparently aimed at TVN

Logical move. Position of TVN is anti-Slavic and Poland is great Slavic power that helping in arming Serbia. Poland knows how to hit hard and systematically f*k one foe after another.

Oh, God bless awakened Poland, PiS and brat Duda!
Novichok  4 | 8732
13 Jul 2021   #76
Now, can you get back onto the topic and get off me at last??

After you explain how what Iron thinks and my "obsessions" became the topic. Another pawian's special: throw in personal insults and immediately claim that the response is off-topic. Good boy. Here is a cookie.

Your posts are primitive and predictable.

Oh, God bless awakened Poland, PiS and brat Duda!

That is a mega irony...A Serb being a better Polish patriot than some Poles here.
Crow  155 | 9721
13 Jul 2021   #77
A Serb being a better Polish patriot than some Poles here.

Poland care. In Serbia people feel that Poland care. Since the days of Commonwealth Poland didn`t care for nothing. Fell in silence. Now, Poland awakening. Its a Sarmatian dragon that raised its head.

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #78
A Serb being a better Polish patriot than some Poles here.

Serbs are generally very positive towards Poland. :)
Novichok  4 | 8732
13 Jul 2021   #79
Let me rephrase it. The white Euros and Americans will soon be fu*cked out of existence unless they unite to fight back against the wokism, multi-crap, and other self-inflicted mental disorders that drive them to the cliff to feel righteous - if only for a couple of seconds before the jump.

Serbs are generally very positive towards Poland. :)

I can see that so clearly and I appreciate it even after 50 years of being away.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
13 Jul 2021   #80
David Zaslav

Early life and education....

Imagine my surprise.... or lack there of...

PiS needs to shut it down.
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Jul 2021   #81
No, coz it must have legal ground

listen stupid, they have legal grounds, In Poland to open TV station and operate it one need to be granted a revocable licence (and you need to pay annual fee for it as well), such a law has incorporated in its DNA perfectly legal options to:

a. revoke
b. do not extent
said licence.
If they want to justify and give some or other reason why their are using one of those option its up to them. However even if they would fail to provide a satisfactory reason for those measures it doesn't render their right to revoke or refuse to extend that licence illegal. I get that such a dumb person like you doesn't get it. fie

PRL / Soviet mindset.

Keep telling yourself that.
Novichok  4 | 8732
14 Jul 2021   #82
listen stupid,

As you said, not extending needs no justification. Without the justification not to extend, nobody can claim discrimination on any basis.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
14 Jul 2021   #83
not extending needs no justification

Yes it does, because such a decision can be appealed (and if no reason (uzasadnienie) is given the appeal will easily succeed unless you have crooked judges willing to do whatever the party leader tells them to (which actually PiS has spent a lot of time cultivating).
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jul 2021   #84
I get that such a dumb person like you doesn't get it. fie

You are dumb coz you don`t know what BIT is that Poland and the USA signed long ago. Revoking the license of an existing business which doesn`t break the law isn`t such a simple act as you imagine in that birdbrain of yours. :):)
14 Jul 2021   #85
Nope, I've seen Poles online saying they're packing it up for better job perspectives for either the rich Scandinavian countries or Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary... even in winter months. I guess Orban's Fidesz rules better than PiS.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
14 Jul 2021   #86
If PiS does this, they will have issues with the US. I can imagine some issues coming up for Polish reporters in the US. Some additional bad press in the US about Poland. This is really not the fight PiS should be taking up, but it shows how arrogant they are thinking they can do anything.

It is such stupidity to think they can control all the news and think they will retain control of the country by it. All regime's like this fail, time and again. They will too.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
14 Jul 2021   #87
I've seen Poles online saying

You shouldn't believe everything you read online.

Scandinavian countries or Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary

Scandinavia makes sense. Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary - not so much.

I guess Orban's Fidesz rules better than PiS.

They probably do!
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Jul 2021   #88
isn`t such a simple act

I never said it simple but I said it is not illegal as you claimed you dumbass.

It is such stupidity to think they can control all the news and think they will retain control of the country by it

Not if they don't control internet, social media and so on .....which they won't, so yes that is kind of stupid.

they will have issues with the US.

Well F Biden US with those Democrats Poland will always have issues, not need to bother with it...
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jul 2021   #89
it is not illegal as you claimed you dumbass.

So you take the ttitle of a dumbass coz you still know nothing about BIT. Ha!
Novichok  4 | 8732
14 Jul 2021   #90
Yes it does, because such a decision can be appealed

I don't know the contract details so you may be right. As a general rule, when the seller - the Polish government - has many bidders, only a fool would allow any possibility for an appeal at the end of the contract term. An attempt to terminate before expiration is a different matter.

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