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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

Ironside  51 | 13109
12 Jul 2021   #31
No, darling

YES and yes and yes and YAY.

Aren`t you a clueless ex-Polish emigrant 28 years out of Poland? :):)

It doesn't even make sense. By the way - why are you not picking on Lenka or Tusk?
you hypocrite
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jul 2021   #32
yes and YAY.

Try to control that hysteria of yours.. :):)

why are you not picking on Lenka or Tusk?

Wow, this combination sounds like you are well stoned. :):)
Ironside  51 | 13109
12 Jul 2021   #33

Why? Tusk is returning economic migrant. Lenka an immigrant who is living outside Poland but still comments on Polish politicks. Tusk had been twitting all the time while abroad and now he decided to come back and go straight into politicks.

Why they are allowed to talk and I'm not - according to rules made up by you? Cause you don't like my views - that is the only reason you hypocrite..

So you should shut up cause you are too much of a dumb traitor to talk about polish issues.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jul 2021   #34
Tusk .... Lenka

The thief is running away and is crying: Catch the thief! to divert people`s attention from him. That`s what you are doing now. :):)

Why they are allowed to talk and I'm not

Coz you attacked maf in a stupid way - so I engaged and stood up to you like I always do to show solidarity with decent people against rogues. You pointed to maf`s immigrant status so I did the same to your emigrant one. Isn`t it a wonderful example of balance in nature????? :):):)

So you should shut up

How many times are you going to repeat it and I have to reply: no way!!! ???? hahahaha
amiga500  5 | 1544
12 Jul 2021   #35
TVN/ITI Group was set up by the communist intelligence services in their bid to shape the Third Republic. Due to it's history it deserves to be shut down in the name of lustration and reconciliation.

I don't get why they are playing with laws, they should be able to revoke licence of that TV

The licence is up for renewal in September and has not yet been approved...
Novichok  4 | 8732
12 Jul 2021   #36
No, it is a very polite way of telling you the truth.

No, it was an evasive weasel line. "You are wrong" can be applied only to facts, not opinions, my dear professor of English, and not much else.

My post was my personal opinion, or I would quote the source or post links.

Try to control that hysteria of yours.. :):)

Wow, this combination sounds like you are well stoned. :):)

As an experiment, try to debate without getting personal. Your students will be proud.
amiga500  5 | 1544
12 Jul 2021   #37
We shall remember it at the next elections. :):):).

Will you have time? Since you have to toil in the your 2.5 acre farm for many hours so your family does not go hungry. When will the authorities let you work as a teacher again or is it a lifetime ban?
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jul 2021   #38
State institutions

Television ought not to be a state sponsored institution though. The nature of journalism is that it's supposed to be independent.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #39
Kremlin intervention in Poland one day (...) Nice you are not bothered by such issues

Your political sympathies would seem to somewhat cloud your judgement on this matter. The law in question will limit equally the presence of foreign owned media, no matter if it's American TVN, Russia Today, media owned by China or any other non-EU entity. It is basically a good law, in conformity with EU regulations - opposing it only because it's proposed by PiS makes very little sense.

Here's a short poem for those who will cry for TVN...
... ;)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
13 Jul 2021   #40
I agree, problem is how journalists earn their money. It's very tempting for journalists to earn money from either tax collection (which the state redistribute from the budget, mainly out of taxes) or rich companies with donations/bribes/backing.

The second the journalists focus on appeasing to the biggest donator, and not the quality of their work or loyalty to their readers. They slowly and gradually will lose readership, keeping up a facade that everything is ok. Only slows down the process, it doesn't fix it.

Unorganized and individual journalists who don't belong to any media company/network without a payroll are easily manipulated by thugs/thug tactics unless they are really brave and know where to find safety without losing their life while also keeping their integrity.

In such situations one is also easily influenced to be partial towards them who saved said journalist.

It's very difficult to be a professional journalist nowadays
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #41
Anyway, PiS will most likely succumb to the pressure and change the proposed bill. If they do, it will only show that vassal-like mentality and inferiority complex are not limited to PO or Lewica.
Novichok  4 | 8732
13 Jul 2021   #42
It's very difficult to be a professional journalist nowadays

Good post. It also explains why there should not be "professional" journalists, politicians, or jurors. A lying paid journalist is worse than none.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #43
The law in question will limit equally the presence of foreign owned media, no matter if it's American TVN, Russia Today,

Yes, but I already told you you can`t change the rules during the game. If you do, you pay huge damages. They can pass any laws but they have to apply to future cases. That is why PiS` ally, Porozumienie, claims they are working on amendments to the proposed bill which would skip TVN.

or is it a lifetime ban?

I was banned by my authorities when I admited sincerely that I contact closet self hating gays, including you, in this and other fora.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #44
I already told you you can`t change the rules during the game

And I already told you that according to that logic no laws applying to existing entities could ever be changed, because the old ones are in place and the "game is on".

Porozumienie, claims they are working on amendments to the proposed bill which would skip TVN.

As I said, PiS are already succumbing to external pressure. Miękiszony.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #45
no laws could ever be changed,

And I am telling you again that you can pass any law on condition it applies to future cases and leaves the old ones alone.

PiS are already succumbing to external pressur

We will see. The parliament voting will show who is for or against.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #46
And I am telling you again

So, according to your logic an independent country could never change any laws applying to already existing entities.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #47
ndependent country could never change any laws

It depends what such a change entails. If it causes detrimental consequences to the company, the country has to pay damages. Do you want to pay a few billion $ to cover Discovery financial losses after they are forced to give up the Polish market? There are already a few articles which foresee such effect and they claim TVN brawl will cost Poland a lot of money.

I am really surprised you reason like a child in this case. Or like a really walthy man. :):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #48
Do you want to pay

That's the government's problem and their choice. They have to decide what they want to do and what cost they are willing to pay.

There is no doubt, however, that as a government of an independent country they are fully entitled to introduced media law changes (especially if these changes are in full conformity with EU regulations, as it is indeed the case here).

I am really surprised you reason like a child in this case. :):)

I am using cold, unshakeable logic. :) You are letting your political sympathies cloud your judgement.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #49
That's the government's problem and their choice.

No, it isn`t. It is all Poles` problem coz WE always pay from our taxes when the crazy rightard government messes sth up .]

You are letting your political sympathies cloud your judgement.

No. I am thinking about the money now.

I am asking you AGAIN - are YOU ready to pay a few billion $ compensation????

I am using cold, unshakeable logic. :

Which is against basic rules and standards of running a business..
Ironside  51 | 13109
13 Jul 2021   #50
Discovery financial losses after they have to give up?

Well, I guess they pay next to nothing in taxes, so their financial loses on paper would be rather low, unless they produce the real books and income but then they would have to admit they committed a fraud and tax evasion.

Anyway TV licence can be simply revoked and that is not a new law.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #51
WE will pay

We have been paying from our taxes for the antics of every single government since 1989. Nihil novi sub sole. The question is: are they, as a government of an independent country, entitled to do that. The answer is: yes.

do you want to pay a few billion $ damages?

If that's what it takes to adjust Poland's laws to EU standards (similar to media laws in Germany or France) as they have been adjusted in the judiciary area (similar solutions as the German or Spanish ones), then why not? I thought that you are an EU enthusiast, Pawian, has anything changed lately?

Which is against basic business rules and standards.

There are some things which are more important than business. Like independence for example.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #52
I guess they pay next to nothing in taxes,

Yes, you guess , but we know your guessing is always incorrect. Now, too.

I am constantly amazed that you never check facts before you write such BS in the forum. They are so easily available. You know it only discredits you, nothing else.

Anyway TV licence can be simply revoked a

There is no legal reason to revoke it. If they do, Poland will have to pay.
13 Jul 2021   #53
PiS are going even stupider. No wonder you have Poles now migrating to Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary in droves.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #54
It's summer. They are not migrating - they are going on holiday. :)
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #55
Like independence for example.

Very nice. So why do you mention the EU at all?

If that's what it takes to adjust Poland's laws to EU standards

coz it seems you are contradicting yourself now. :):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #56
Very nice. So why do you mention the EU at all?

Because we, as an independent country, are a part of this alliance and have to take our allies into account. :)

coz it seems you are contradicting yourself now. :):)

Not at all. The EU, in my opinion, will be the strongest as an alliance of fully independent countries, whose legal systems guarantee them their full independence.

You see - there is no contradiction at all - Poland has full right to have judiciary system laws like Spain or media laws like Germany or France, n'est-ce pas? :)

Or are all the EU countries equal, but some are more equal than others? :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
13 Jul 2021   #57
Cause the EU is a union of sovereign independent states sharing a common market.

It's like you are saying that there were no conflict between Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Crown of Poland and that Poland was always a centralized state which is pure nonsense.

Poland was a decentralized state before 1926, PPS, Piłsudski and anyone surrendering to the concept of an centralized state went against how Poland has operated in the past.

Just because PRL politicians and those growing up then listened to the critique and propagated an centralized state (for obvious reasons) doesn't mean it's how Poland functions the best.

One would have to be a complete brain dead lunatic to think that one at the top except for Jesus Christ is able to rule in Poland by giving orders and deciding about any laws being set.

Even when Piłsudski reigned in Poland it was thanks to his connections and not some law in place which all Poles listened to diligently.

Doesn't matter if it's Tusk, Kaczyński or who ever that's the head of state or government. It's just a facade for the population basically anyways.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jul 2021   #58
Because we, as an independent country, are a part of this alliance

No, we aren`t in an alliance. It is a union, sth bigger than alliance. :):) You can work on making it so but it will take time while we are discussing things today and now. :):)

Never mind. Guys, the EU debate belongs to another thread.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Jul 2021   #59
It is a union, sth bigger than alliance.

Perhaps, and that's why Constitutional Tribunals of Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Denmark and Romania - forgive me if I forgot about any other country - have already issued court rulings about their constitutions being superior over the EU law (hopefully Polish Tribunal will do the same today). Precisely for the purpose of the union being a union composed of independent countries. Poland should definitely follow the example of France and Germany in this matter.

the EU debate belongs to another thread

Sure. Just an interesting side topic, but definitely connected to EU media law regulations. :)
Ironside  51 | 13109
13 Jul 2021   #60
but we know your guessing is always incorrect. Now, too.

Oh really are a bookkeeper to that company that you know it all? If not you don't have a clue about anything do you?

There is no legal reason to revoke it.

They don't need a reason to refuse to extent it.

Home / News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

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