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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
27 Dec 2021   #481
Can you really be this ignorant? How much ZUS do you think they contribute in Poland? How much income tax? How many business advertisers do they impact positively driving the Polish economy? They are the largest TV network in the country. TVP lives off of billions in PiS subsidies that the taxpayer is responsible for and they still cant produce a profit. The competition is so incompetent that they cant even beat them with free money! Love watching TVP news today, not a mention of this, yet they talk about flooding in India. That is the joke of Polish news coverage.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
27 Dec 2021   #482
Can you

So, do they or do they not. I know French pay 0 tax, Germans 0,5.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Dec 2021   #483
Only backwood mountain hicks think TVN doesnt pay taxes and doesnt bring a lot to Poland.

Poland saw broad protests against the new law, with over 2.3 million people signing a petition in defense of private broadcaster TVN that is widely seen the actual target of the bill.

Power to the people !
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Dec 2021   #484
Poland saw broad protests against the new law, with over 2.3 million

Let me tell you what it really looks like. There are epople in Poland - a minscule minority that protest all the time give a half a chance. Since six years ago. They have issues with PiS rule. Majority looks at them and see loonies.

As for that petition - it is not real.

Power to the people !

Right, because media that propagate LGBT, and all that are to be supported.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
28 Dec 2021   #485
The petition is not real? Say it isnt so! Oh My. How could the world come to this and with fake petitions on line now?!?!?! We must all pray this kind of thing stops right away. Get some help man.

Duda finally had a pair and now, maybe there is hope for him to fire JK and MM because he has the power to do so. Then take the last few years of his lame duck presidency and make a real difference in Poland. That would take big balls and that would be leadership that no one else in any other party offers.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Dec 2021   #486
The petition is not real?

You don't speak Polish don't you?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
29 Dec 2021   #487
Clearly you don't know how to speak or write English. Thanks you for making that obvious. Yes, I do speak Polish fairly well now thank you. That has nothing to do with anything though. You are more Polish because you were born here of course, I know a lot of other donkeys think that place of birth actually means they are more entitled when they have never done anything for society. This is particularly true in Poland.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 734
29 Dec 2021   #488
You don't speak Polish don't you?

You are talking to an individual who was placed in the devil's nest instead of the nursery after birth. The language of Eastern Frontier had a peculiar name for devil's nest, czortapolog Heeee. You see, his answers are prickly and with a sense of superiority
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Dec 2021   #489
Clearly you don't know how to speak or write English

Have I been writing in Polish?
No? You can understand me and that is good enough. Your English ios not that great either from a literary point of view.
If you do speak and read Polish you should know that petition is a joke, not a real thing.
By the way you score lower and lower on a chart of a decant human being. Way to go!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
30 Dec 2021   #490
Don't care that you are keeping score. My English only comes with a graduated university degree, and clearly the education system in the US is below average, please forgive me.

This is another issue in Poland. Why does anyone think that anyone else gaf about your opinion of decency? Is Poland now the morality and decency police? That classroom must be right next to the strip club and 24 hour alcohol store.

Really hilarious to read all these amazing opinions from people who wont even examine their own faults within their own society. But hey, there is always time to go bashing on line instead of cleaning your own house.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
30 Dec 2021   #491
So... any ideas on why Duda finally vetoed the idiotic lex tvn?

Pressure from the US? If so, what kind?

Covering his @ss when PiS loses power?

Late attack of principles?

12 dimensional chess (having realized how bad the law makes Poland look, JK wanted him to veto it?)

Something else?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
30 Dec 2021   #492
Pressure from the US on its largest investment of 3 billion dollars in Poland. Duda is looking out for his future and not pissing off the US business where he could turn into a high powered lobbyist after his presidency making big money luring US companies to Poland. 16K per month retirement is not going to be enough for a man like Duda, and he knows the US is where he can make some serious money.

JK is not playing chess now. PiS is under attack from every possible side. PiS is in survival mode, and this spyware case could be the end of them. The corruption from Zioboro and all of them is evident by the refusal to investigate. With inflation pegged to reach 11% now, PiS is done. Duda is planning for his future without them.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
30 Dec 2021   #493
Pressure from the US

A lot of that is very likely, but I'm also interested in theories from those who supported the law....
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Dec 2021   #494
Don't care

PolAm? I think in you inherited characteristics from both countries.
All bad.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
30 Dec 2021   #495
And now for the smoking PiS gun:|3

Only political retards would stoop to spying on the competition. And maybe now we know why Duda would distance himself and use this veto at a very critical time.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Dec 2021   #496
And now for the smoking PiS gun:

Only an American retard would take rumors for reality.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
31 Dec 2021   #497

If they're just rumors, then surely the government would call a commission to investigate them so that they can be put to rest.

Why is the government so uninterested in this?

mods- maybe move this to the appropriate thread?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Dec 2021   #498
Only political retards would stoop to spying on the competition.

What are you talking about? That's the norm in politics all over the world. They send operatives to each others conferences, hire industrial spies, etc. They're not below hire hackers or going to the government with b.s. "evidence" to get a warrant from a judge...

Power to the people !

It's not "power to the people" - the US government basically forced PiS to drop it and since Poland relies on the US as a political ally and bulwark against the EU, they complied.

The reason why the Polish government was doing this is so that the majority of Polish media are in Polish hands... and not German/US/etc. run by some jews in New York City that constantly speak bad about the country and the people. Imagine if say Trump while in office bought out CNN and took it off air so the media wouldn't be flooded with how terrible the US is, how white people owe everything to non-whites, how conservatives are evil and Trump is "literally Hitler," etc. etc.

They may not have gotten discovery but they at least put some more media back in Polish hands.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
31 Dec 2021   #499
so that the majority of Polish media are in Polish hands... and not German/US/etc

The law would not prevent German ownership.... (Poland would have to leave the EU to do that). It had nothing to do with foreign ownership (esp by allies) and everything to do with trying to put the major media company investigating and exposing their misdeeds out of business and PRL-izing all media the way they have with Kurwizja.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
31 Dec 2021   #500
You need to seek help.

@Dirk diggler
The norm in politics is to spy yes. Infiltrate the opposition. During any election this not only happens but it is expected. The problem is when the ruling party uses these spying tools without a warrant, on someone else's phone, and that person is not a candidate in the election cycle. Its no different than a hacker accessing the nudes of your GF and then posting them on line. Totally illegal.

The US, didn't force PiS, PiS forced the US to take political action against them t begin with. Point the finger and the people who initiated this action only to see it blow up in their faces like 90% of everything they do. Bad planning, bad execution and worse timing. Now all eyes are on inflation and hackergate. Really amateur hour stuff.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Dec 2021   #501
the government would call a commission t

Why? Would you call the policie if you heard some rumors about your aunty?
I guess, you are foreginer too, you have no idea what going on in Poland.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
31 Dec 2021   #502
you have no idea what going on in Poland

crumbling healthcare, massive ruling party corruption, alienated public.... I think I've got a clue...

The other day TVP "News" made no mention of spyware or news in order to spend a lot of time talking up their annual disco polo show in Zakopane....
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Dec 2021   #503
The other day TVP "News" made no mention

Oh those crminals lock them up! There is TVN American owned station that produce a lot of anti-polish propaganda. They talk a lot about it and make stuff up too.


Tusk and KO will fix it, right? You have no clue.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
31 Dec 2021   #504
Flooding in India was the story when Duda announced the veto. It is like the old Soviet news reports. Nothing to see except what we want you to see and everything is great for the motherland even though heating prices are up 400% and inflation will be 11% next year. All hail PiS, JK is a saint, and MM could be Pope if he were not married. So fortunate to be lead and feed by the state.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
31 Dec 2021   #505
It is like the old Soviet news reports.

More like CNN!
Novichok  4 | 8732
31 Dec 2021   #506
Don't insult Soviet outlets by comparing them with CNN or any leftist American propaganda sewers.
jon357  72 | 23665
7 Jan 2022   #507
As I said earlier, it's all fizzled out for now.

The next issue will be whether or not TVN get their licence renewed; that is a possible stumbling block and much depends on how PiS want to be seen.

crumbling healthcare, massive ruling party corruption, alienated public.

And sooner or later, this will reach a tipping point.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
7 Jan 2022   #508
License renewal? They have no grounds to delay more or deny. Any more PiS nonsense will get a stronger response from the US.

The PiS breaking point is much closer now. Polish Watergate has now arrived and it is the end of days for the clown show.
jon357  72 | 23665
7 Jan 2022   #509
You might think that, I might think that, however neither you nor me nor any foreign government controls the licensing authority. And those who do are loose cannons right now, as we've seen so often.

PiS are however on their way out. Hopefully we'll see an end to their anti-women, anti-LGBT, anti-democratic, pro-theocracy games and the arrival of something more solid. The posturing in the Sejm and the presence of far-right minor parties as coalition parties does not bode well though.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
7 Jan 2022   #510
License renewal? They have no grounds to delay more or deny.

There is no legal ban. They can do it all they want from a legal point of view. The only thing that would stop them is political.

heir anti-women, anti-LGBT, anti-democratic, pro-theocracy

There is no needed for any of it in Poland. Doesn't add anything of value.

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