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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #271
Konfederacja announced that they're going to withhold from voting, which may mean that the bill will be passed. They're being heavily criticised for this in the comments:
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Aug 2021   #272
They're being heavily criticised

So, what?
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #273
LOL Classic Iron :))

@Ironside, have you read those comments?
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Aug 2021   #274
LOL Classic Iron :))

I mean if you are doing something in politicks you are going to be criticized no matter the fact some people express their disappointment or dislike for this or that act of K doesn't mean anything. Its meaningless.

If you wanted to make a meaningful post you should add what, why and in your opinion..,,
Then I could have something to agree or to disagree or to ignore - commenting on some comments from a twitter is rather pointless.
Do I have to write that much? I would think - so what? - is on point!
Sorry that you failed to understand its meaning..
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #275
@Ironside, Poles commenting on that tweet are writing, among others, that Konfederacja has no balls, that they're going against their core values by not opposing that bill ("wolnościowcy" - supporters of freedom), some of the people write that they won't vote for them again because of this, that if it wasn't for the free media nobody would know about their party, etc.
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Aug 2021   #276
Poles commenting on that tweet

Well, yes, some people expressing their opinions, some are doing it as a part of their job.. I don't have anything to say on the issue..
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #277
Iron, then you're just like Konfederacja - an ostrich hiding it's head in the sand :D 🙈🙉🙊

You should become a MP/politician ;D
cms neuf  1 | 1846
11 Aug 2021   #278
Konfederacja members are being bribed with management posts in state companies and NGOs - funded by the taxpayers. Complete pathetic cowards

Any company that puts a Konferacja member/family etc on their board won't be getting my business
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #279
@cms neuf, yes, I've read about those jobs for Konfederacja offered by PiS too.

Here's an opinion about why Kaczyński and PiS hate TVN so much and why they're ready to strain relations with the US over the "Lex TVN" bill:
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
11 Aug 2021   #280
Konfederacja not voting is cowardly
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Aug 2021   #281
e if TVN is owned by an American company it's more difficult for the Polish government to mess with that TV station

Interesting idea but if that was the idea... then really stupid way to try to achieve that (we are talking about PiS .....)

Konfederacja not voting is cowardly

That's what they are, cowards (armchair warriors) in some ways they're looking to become the new PSL (align with anyone who'll give them a morsel of power).

What massive losers.

curiouser and curiouser....

Double K from PSL unexpectedly put forth a resolution to delay voting on the Lex tvn (probably Sept 2). Voting took place a few minutes later.... and it passed!

456 MPs voted, 229 were for, 227 against and none abstained....

Recess was announced, first for 15 minutes and then until 18.00.... will they pull that old PiS trick and try to redo the vote?

Will PiS (now officially a minority government) be able to hold together a majority until Sept 2

The soap opera continues....

And true to their crooked PRL nature PiS is forcing a vote on resumption of voting (in clear violation of the law)

Support for PiS is spitting in the face of the law!
cms neuf  1 | 1846
11 Aug 2021   #282
Some good news today

Konfederacja are a busted flush. They're tight T-shirt supporters would've respected them if they had stood by their guns.

Even if this law passes this government is just crumbling now - not gonna last a full term.

An awful lot of pressure now not just from the Americans but from the markets and from moderate right wing poles. .
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Aug 2021   #283
Hey I didn't know that Konfedracja had so many supporters and fans on PF. You have been hiding well.
K has no interest or business in meddling into this issue.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
12 Aug 2021   #284
Now in true PiS style, with Konfedracja not voting like the cowards they are, the bill passes in a late night session. Now TVN will probably sell the majority stake to another friendly EU country who will be even more critical of PiS. Along with the US potentially moving troops to Romania instead of Poland. This leadership will financially kill this country.
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Aug 2021   #285
Remember it has to go to the Senat, then back to the Sejm where it will need another vote.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Aug 2021   #286
Remember it has to go to the Senat

Are there senate members that PiS can buy? If not and the senat votes it down then what's needed to override that, simple majority or 2/3?
amiga500  5 | 1505
12 Aug 2021   #287
Once again it is delightfull to watch the wailing and knashing of teeth by the POrks on this forum :)

Konfederacja members are being bribed...supporters would've respected them if they had stood by their guns.

Of course Jak nie wiemy oco chodzi to chodzi o pieniądze, only problem is ty nic nie wiesz! Maybe its more to do with the fact that TVN24 has defamed Konfederacja and it's supporters as fascists, anti semites and russian agents for the last ten years! Why should they now support this vile propaganda station, and that''s not forgetting the stations history, set up by post communist intelligence services with stolen FOZZ money. TVN24 even tried to blame the false flag attack on the russian embasy on konfa supporters. You are quite ignorant, but yes keep believing your delusions that its about board positions. I'm sure your boycott and outraged tweets will have an effect lololol the clown show never ends.

US potentially moving troops to Romania instead of Poland.

A lot of probablies and potentially in your post there, well one could even say USA might potentially attack Poland with nuclear weapons for this outrage. Balderdash! Let me give my prediction, the USA will do nothing, as its currently trying to coax Poland into taking hundreds of millions in return for consenting to nordstream2

@mafketis yes you keep repeating that PiS is stupid, so stupid that they have won 4 elections in a row, then u will pivot to oh polish people are stupid and they were bought etc etc, and your Polonophobia reveals itself once again.
amiga500  5 | 1505
12 Aug 2021   #288
Thats not even to mention the fact that the same rentacrowd protesting for 'Wolna Media' would at a drop of a hat protest to have konfa members permanently banned from all social media for their lockdown and vaccine views. And you expect konfa to ally with these lolcows ? I'm not sure if the POrks on this forum are low iq or just brainwashed? Probably both.
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Aug 2021   #289
what's needed to override that, simple majority or 2/3?

Absolute majority which I think means 2/3.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Aug 2021   #290
the USA will do nothing

Historically the US does not do 'nothing' when its business interests come under attack...

Interesting tidbit.... apparently Sachajko, used an excuse for the unconstitutional 'reasumpcja' is a longstanding supporter of Lukashenka and Putin.... (like many in Konfederacja)

The longer PiS is in power the greater the odds that Poland ends up back in the Russian sphere of influence with Russian troops in Poland
amiga500  5 | 1505
12 Aug 2021   #291
Historically the US does not do 'nothing' when its business interests come under attack...

Its not a national security interest or even a half significant business interest, It's a lowly 24 hour news station that just about breaks even and is a speck of sand in the vast conglomerate that is Discovery. If PO was trying to strip Discovery of TVN Group then I would agree.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Aug 2021   #292
not a national security interest or even a half significant business interest

It's just a banana exporting business..... who cares?
amiga500  5 | 1505
12 Aug 2021   #293
Yes if United Fruit Company had owned a newspaper in Cuba, and Castro had just seized that, whilst leaving it's sugar mills and banana plantations alone, then I don't think America would have given a sh*t. Thank you for proving my point with your analogy :)
cms neuf  1 | 1846
12 Aug 2021   #294
Od kiedy jestesmy na ty ?

I know you Aussies have an informal culture but it's different over here.

Loving the stream of Konfederacja cowards on the airwaves this morning trying to justify their pathetic stance.

PiS are turning in each other too - this has been a great exercise in exposing their personal ambitions which normally amount to how much cash they can extract from various unfortunate state owned industries,
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Aug 2021   #295

Not the country I was thinking of....
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Aug 2021   #296
Maybe its more to do with the fact that TVN24 has defamed Konfederacja and it's supporters as fascists, anti semites for the last ten years!

Are you suggesting that Konfederacja as a party is so low as to pass laws based on who may or may not like them?
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Aug 2021   #297
Are you suggesting that Konfederacja as a party is so low

Are you suggesting they're not?

They actually are trying to play the PiS game - be 'independent' by making enemies all around.... Antagonizing the German dominated EU, the US and Russia all at the same time.... what could possiblye go wrong?
gumishu  15 | 6227
12 Aug 2021   #298
senat votes it down then what's needed to override that, simple majority or 2/3?

regular bills only need a simple majority to dismiss the senate's disapproval

PiS buying voters with 500+ is just another example

about half a million of Polish children missed on eating a lunch every day before 500+ was started - also the money that was given to people went straight into the market causing a virtual economic boom
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
12 Aug 2021   #299
This is where you clearly dont understand how Americans think in business. Mess with our money and we will go to great lengths to make sure you suffer for it. I use this mentality every day, and Poles simply dont understand take no prisoners approach to business. This is why the measure of success in Poland is so much lower than in the USA. There is no compete in Poland, only roadblocks to progress that always eventually fall.

Yes, and about half a million drunk parents went without their morning monkey until 500+ too
gumishu  15 | 6227
12 Aug 2021   #300
so you would like to see hungry children just to lower alcohol consumption in Poland?

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