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Poland is being robbed - Kukiz

Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Jun 2015   #1
At the grand opening of a new Ciechan brewery in Kraków, political hopeful and rock musician Paweł Kukiz addressed a crowd of fans and and gave a concert. "Poland is being robbed. That is why we must fight for single-mandate election districts," he said. Kukiz sang an anti-roundtable remake of an anti-Nazi song about the 1939 invasion of Poland. It started with the words: "On the 4th of June one memorable year, the roundtable gang assembled here." He also sang "I'm a Silesian" and about how he evaded conscription (draft dodging) and declared he was a "mohair". That was a reference to Tusk's derisive remark about mohair-beret-wearing grannies who listen to Radio Maryja.,44425,18175208,Otwarcie_browaru__Kukiz__Zawisza_i_wlasciciel_Ciechana.html#ixzz3dZyU6kVZ
teargas  - | 71
20 Jun 2015   #2
What is strange is that he seems to be trying to take over PiS rather than PO.

Can you make sense of it, Polonius? Why is he trying to appeal so much to traditional PiS voters?
20 Jun 2015   #3
Kukiz sang an anti-roundtable remake of an anti-Nazi song

An interesting choice to play at a brewery owned by somebody whose politics aren't far off those of the Nazis.
teargas  - | 71
20 Jun 2015   #4
Yes, he seems to be lurching more and more to the right.

Putting himself firmly in the moherowe berety camp won't win him any votes, but he will certainly lose plenty.
20 Jun 2015   #5
Yes, he seems to be lurching more and more to the right.

It's more that he's exposing himself more and more as a clueless moron every time he opens his mouth :D

Putting himself firmly in the moherowe berety camp won't win him any votes, but he will certainly lose plenty.

Even better, if he takes votes from PIS, he reduces the number of seats they get.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Jun 2015   #6
he's exposing himself more and more

Funny thing, I kind of initially dimissed him as a rock musician figuring he'd be espousing anarcho-decadent views. Now it turns out that he's come round, is a good family man and has divested himself of his shamelss irrreligious youth and anticlericalism. He also seems to have seen through the PZPR-Michnikite (roundtable) pact with Wałęsa as the figleaf in the background.
20 Jun 2015   #7
has divested himself of his shamelss irrreligious youth and anticlericalism.

Unquestioning support for the RCC is bound to be a massive vote winner, isn't it.

He also seems to have seen through the PZPR-Michnikite (roundtable) pact with Wałęsa as the figleaf in the background.

Again, that stance is certain to attract a vast number of voters, and definitely ones who would otherwise have supported PO.
20 Jun 2015   #8
He's power hungry.

Thinking he wouldn't get sufficent votes under PR to get a seat, he suggested a first past the post system. Under this he could get power based on his fame and personality in a single district.

However, to his surprise he's now polling 20%. Unfortunately for him, under First Post the Post, that will get him maybe 3-5% of the seats. PiS with 34% of the vote will get 50-60% of the seats.

Kukiz will be utterly irrelevant with 20% of the vote. So he needs to steal votes from the easiest target, PiS, whose leadership is unremarkable and have acceptable politics.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Jun 2015   #9
bound to be a massive vote winner

It is in good Catholic Poland. Some PO misfits may finally see the error of their ways, turn their backs on all the cosmopolitan crap and return to the patriotic Polish fold.

And not to worry! You won't get expelled when true Poles come to the helm. They are very tolerant.
teargas  - | 71
20 Jun 2015   #10
Kukiz will be utterly irrelevant with 20% of the vote. So he needs to steal votes from the easiest target, PiS, whose leadership is unremarkable and have acceptable politics.

They are already fighting back. I've noticed that the PiS media is linking Kukiz with PO and suggesting that it's some sort of conspiracy theory to appeal to the paranoid to replace PO with Kukiz.

If the JOW referendum succeeds, then the election will be a bitter fight to the death between PO and PiS if the law is changed for the election. He could well be in the paradoxical situation of encouraging people to vote no as his only hope of winning more than 2-3 seats would come from proportional representation.

What is most interesting for You is that Kukiz is the only one really campaigning right now. Yet his support is dropping.

Yes, it is hilarious that he declared himself to be with the berety.
jon357  72 | 23482
20 Jun 2015   #11
He always was a joke candidate - now he's confirming it.

Poland isn't Catholic, as is shown by the fact that the vast majority of Poles don't do the very minimum required by the Catholic church from Catholics. The small minority that do do the minimum are solidly behind PIS, so by appealing to them, all the clown is doing is trying to take votes from PIS and actually driving away the voters he could attract from middle parties. All excellent stuff.

Exactly. The more he appeals to Poland B the better.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Jun 2015   #12

The berety thing totally exposed shifty-eyed Don for the insensitive, power-hungry bastard he really is.
Millions of Poles were incensed by his derisive remarks towards one of hte country's major assets:
20 Jun 2015   #13
According to today's GW, he's to have a concert in Bemowo (a neighborhood in Warsaw) that would cost ... 76,000 ZL to taxpayers. He claism to be anti system but he loves money brought by the system ;)

May he continue so people see what kind of jerk he is!
jon357  72 | 23482
20 Jun 2015   #14
May he continue so people see what kind of jerk he is!

I think people already have, but in a land where people have voted for Lepper, Giertych, Macierewcz, Bubel etc, do some of the voters actually care?


No different from any other poorly educated, post-menopausal, socially-inhibited member of the less fortunate classes.

Don for the insensitive, power-hungry bastard he really is.

Aside from that description of him being untrue, you do realise that phrase was being used by

Millions of Poles

long before he ever said it.

Yes, it is hilarious that he declared himself to be with the berety.

More comedy. That phrase came about as a term of derision during the short-lived PiSuarz coalition. Kukiz is going to be one to watch for more of the same in the months ahead.

Yes, he seems to be lurching more and more to the right.

He always was really, if you look at issues he's supported in the past. Certainly no man of the people. A shame he went to a Ciechan factory and associated with Zawisza, however if it aligns him with the right and takes votes from the PiSuarzy all the better.
sobieski  106 | 2111
20 Jun 2015   #15
For me he is another Tyminski, too bad he cannot be deported to Canada. I yet have to hear his program. But for sure he eats into the PIS electorate, the same brainless, education-less Polonia crowd. And to testify to his hypocrisy - He performed for 76.000 PLN "in defence of democracy in Bemowo", arguably the most corrupt gmina in Warsaw (even PO and PIS agree on this) He could do it for free perhaps?
Polsyr  6 | 758
20 Jun 2015   #16
Sobieski hit the nail on the head with every word.
jon357  72 | 23482
20 Jun 2015   #17
For me he is another Tyminski, too bad he cannot be deported to Canada.

Or can't vanish so easily when the inevitable scandal comes.

But for sure he eats into the PIS electorate, the same brainless, education-less

Exactly. This could of course be a cunning plan on the part of Kukiz - but I doubt it. Just another Lepper/Bubel.

You have described perfectly majority of Anglophone posters based in Poland and contributing to this site, including yourself.

Not very articulate or intelligent of you, so par for the course for yourself and most of the (fortunately dwindling) extremists in PL.
20 Jun 2015   #18
But for sure he eats into the PIS electorate, the same brainless, education-less Polonia crowd.

Which is a very good thing. I'll happily support any politician who makes sure that PIS get nowhere near forming the next government.

Exactly. This could of course be a cunning plan on the part of Kukiz - but I doubt it. Just another Lepper/Bubel.

It's going to be interesting to see how PIS react to him appealing to their natural voters. Hopefully they'll lurch even further away from the middle ground where elections are won and lost, even more towards the far left economically and the far right socially.
20 Jun 2015   #19
The problem is that Kukiz has "the calendar in his favor". Kukiz does not have time to show that he is a jerk. If the parliamentary elections were to be held in one year for instance, it would have plenty of time to show who he is and to disappear from the political scene.

I believe that his concert in Bemowo that cost 76,000zl to tax payers shall hurt him.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Jun 2015   #20
He's actually come up with some sort of a 'manifesto':

2000zl more per month for everyone
Retirement at 50 for women, 55 for men
3 years maternity leave for women

You couldn't make it up!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
25 Jun 2015   #21
He's actually come up with some sort of a 'manifesto':

That's not a manifesto. That's the ramblings of a previously unheard of "rock" singer, who doesn't know diddly-squat about basic economics.

So it's a two horse race then. Good. A straight choice between market forces and centralised interference in the economy.

Let's have it!
InPolska  9 | 1796
25 Jun 2015   #22
@Jon: "lol"! This guy (Kukiz, not Jon ;)) is really sick in his head. I cannot believe some people are going to "buy that". Fortunately this guy is going down very quickly and after this summer, he'll be forgotten...
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jun 2021   #23
Poland is being robbed. That is why we must fight

Yes, how funny. Kukiz mentioned robbing in 2015 and today he has officially made an alliance with PiS, the greatest robbers of Poland since the collapse of communism. PiS needs 4 votes of Kukiz sofa party to pass law.

I liked him as a rock band leader, but as a politician he is a loser and scum.
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jun 2021   #24
Yes, how funny.

Just wait as everyone from so called opposition will join PiS in one form or the other and only some loons and fringe young loons from the left will remains ah and the real opposition like konfa.

After all PiS gets into line with Germany and the EU. USA is not a viable opposition any more and they are too stuck to come up with anything new. They will just cling to power and all those small turds will join them ...
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jun 2021   #25
Just wait as everyone from so called opposition will join PiS in one form or the other

That can happen in case of the Left only. Others are too decent for that.
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jun 2021   #26
Others are too decent for that.

As soon as Germany will stop pumping money into them they'll stop being 'decent'!!
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jun 2021   #27
Of course I was talking about real opposition. Konfa isn`t coz they share main ideological issues with PiS. So, they are even closer to alliance with PiS than the Left.
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jun 2021   #28
Of course I was talking about real opposition

Yes me too. I was talking about PO and their cronies all growing on german money. They are the real opposition to Polish independence I know.

The only Polish opposition to PiS is Konfa.
Soviet scum for sale and German lapdogs do not count as such.
You should know it by now.
I have been educating you for years.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jun 2021   #29
Yes, but you aren`t a pro educator like me so the effect is poor. :):)

They are the real opposition to Polish independence I know.

It is Konfa which is a real threat - those guys would happily sell Poland to the Kremlin if Putin vowed to introduce and keep his order here. Order prevails in Warsaw! - an old slogan brought back by Konfa for the future.
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jun 2021   #30
those guys would happily sell Poland to the Kremlin if Putin v

again talking out of your backside ...trying to justify your treason?

but you aren`t a pro educator like me so the effect is poor. :):

Nah, it just that you are too dumb and rotten to learning anything until you got whipped.

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