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Poland rejects international criticism over LGBT rights

johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2020   #1
Are the LBGT really being deprived of anything in Poland within reason ?
What I have read the LBGT in Poland are tolerated very well if they just keep their sexual preferences to themselves like heterosexual people do.

Why do the LBGT demand to flaunt their sexual preferences besides to bring attention to themselves.
Why would someone put a sign on their back that says "kick me" ?
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Polish leaders on Monday rejected suggestions that LGBT people are deprived of any of their rights in the country, after an open letter from 50 ambassadors and international representatives cited a need to work for "non-discrimination, tolerance and mutual acceptance."

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said he agreed that every person deserves respect but that he completely disagreed with the ambassadors' claim that LGBT people were being deprived of that.

"To the dear ambassadors, I can only say that tolerance belongs to Polish DNA," Morawiecki said at a news conference. "Nobody needs to teach us tolerance, because we are a nation that has learned such tolerance for centuries and we have given many testimonies to the history of such tolerance."
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2020   #2
if they just keep their sexual preferences to themselves like heterosexual people do.

You mean like taking their partners to function, show their affection by hugging or kissing or having ceremony that both puts the spotlight on their relationship as well as gives them a legal status as a couple?

You mean that kind of keeping it for themselves?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Sep 2020   #3
It is worth noting that US ambassador Georgette Mosbacher, this colourful American bird of tolerance and freedom, has become the face of that letter in Poland. Pictures of Ms Mosbacher have been shown in all TV channels' news bulletins here in Poland as the illustration of the news on this letter .

It is also woth noting that Ms Mosbacher as a nominee of the Trump administration can hardly be labelled 'leftist' or 'libtard diplomat".

- "You are on the wrong side of history" - said Ms Mosbacher with connection to the matter in the interview to the .

Thank you, Ms Mosbacher, for promoting freedom and tolerance in Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2020   #4
US ambassador Georgette Mosbacher, this colourful American bird of tolerance and freedom

Konfederacja probably has a field day out of it. They already are against her.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Sep 2020   #5
They already are against her.

Fvck Konfederacja! Despite her 73 years of age, Ms Mosbacher still has a womanly look and a lot of Broadway allure in her personal style.

I can only say that tolerance belongs to Polish DNA," Morawiecki said at a news conference

If this is the case, why would the American ambassador bother to issue such a letter and persuade other 49 ambassadors in Poland (including that of Venezuela!) to co-sign it?


Geogette Moscbacher, US Ambassador to Poland
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2020   #6
Oh I like her style and her pi**ing of PiS and Konfederacja is a bonus.
kondzior  11 | 1026
29 Sep 2020   #7
49 ambassadors in Poland (including that of Venezuela!) to co-sign it?

And including Albania XD.
Does Albania have gay parades? Also lol at the US and Venezuela signing the same letter. Peak clown world.
Ironside  51 | 13109
29 Sep 2020   #8
Ms Mosbacher still has a womanly look

Botox and a lot of money spend they could be used to help those who are really in need but not that brazen ***** gonna use it to talk down to Poles and you are just happy about it which proves my point that you are a soviet and a natural butler without spine, honor and dignity.

Why Polish gov keeps her around is a mystery to me.

Oh I like her style

Another Soviet in our mist. How you peasants claim to be insulted why I call you for what you really are is just amusing. Don't know you are soviet leftovers, rootless yokels?

nominee of the Trump administration can hardly be labelled 'leftist' or 'libtard diplomat".

What is that? Those nominees are more oft than not just some random people with connection to the admiration. So she proved herself to be liberal and what more proved to be a brazen big mouth that PiS is unable to put in her place. Well, hence I don't support them.

Are the LBGT really being deprived of anything in Poland within reason ?

Nah, just generally people and gov said they will not allowed to let LGBT ideology to be taught at schools.

LGBT ideology as a branch of Marxism connote be tolerated in any forum and needs to eradicated. Otherwise is going to lurk in the darkness waiting for an opportune moment to shrike again.

Seems to me that governments and big corporations found it be a convenient tool to used to curb any freedoms where they are still left some. Destroying social and moral cohesion of a society to rule over disconnected rabble with ease.

Why there so many useful idiots that believe it is about some right or freedoms? I guess it proved them with a cause that is easy because doesn't demand from them anything other then adherence to few basic slogans. No thinking, no self-sacrifice just go with the flow spewing empty slogans and deucing some 'bad' people (those who disagree with them). I guess nice glowing feeling inside that makes them feel better about themselves and better than others is a reword in itself for them/

Really sad, their empty misérable lives, empty people. I would pity them if not for the fact that their act of support for the evil ideology is extremely harmful.

Stupidity cannot serve as an excuse.
AntV  3 | 670
29 Sep 2020   #9
Mosbacher is pushing the LGBT agenda in Poland?
Ironside  51 | 13109
29 Sep 2020   #10
Evidently and the silly PiS gov says nothing. They should make Trump aware she is creating issues in Poland that WILL undermine Polish - American relations.
AntV  3 | 670
29 Sep 2020   #11
Trump doesn't appear to want to fight against the LGBT agenda-I think he's a libertarian when it comes to sexual relations. The US needs to stop promoting it, though. It's one of my few complaints about the Trump admin.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
29 Sep 2020   #12
Why should he ? Trump has a pretty good love life, a bit complicated but he does ok for an old guy.

Why would he care about what other people do in bed ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2020   #13
Back on topic of my thread please as we all know what happens when we don't stay on topic.
AntV  3 | 670
29 Sep 2020   #14
With the LBGT agenda, it's not about what people do in bed as much as it is accepting what is being done in bed as natural. It's about socially normalizing an abnormality.

Regardless of how you slice it, sex has a couple co-equal purposes, one being procreation. We can use all the semantics we want, but you cannot erase from nature the reality that the sex organs have one biological use: making babies. And nature has so designed it that a man and woman are complementary to each other sexually, whereas homosexual sex is not and cannot be complementary.

The very basic building block of any civilized and ordered society has been the family-this is designed within nature. The family being where humans are created and nurtured. So, when you start redefining the foundation of society, society itself will not only become redefined but disordered.

BTW, same can be said about certain heterosexual behaviors, like adultery, incest, etc. All disordered.

None of this is to say that homosexuals should be denied respect and dignity as persons, they are human beings made in God's image and therefore are equally deserving of dignity as anyone else.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
29 Sep 2020   #15
Having fun is not a biological use ? It's good for you - makes you happy, helps your immune system, boosts your endorphins. Well worth trying
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2020   #16
bwahahah you did it johnny...

just a matter of time before "oy vey the goyim know! shut it down!"

Moschbacher is just another crypto jew masquerading as a "Presbyterian" shabbos goy in the trump admin and is perpetually kissing jewish ass while working for israeli/jew interests - not American and certainly not Polish ones. Time and time again she's called for restitution to Poland's jew (unsurprisingly), offering more rights to lgbt people even though the majority of Poles are against it, and constantly inserting herself in Polish politics.

She is an agent of Israel and needs to go now!!! If Trump wants to keep good relations with Poles and the Polish government he needs to get rid of this jewish agent provocateurs. Although since Trump loves kissing jewish ass so much, even though he can't comprehend that not only do they use him they don't like him one bit, I doubt it'll happen.

None of this is to say that homosexuals should be denied respect and dignity as persons, they are human beings...therefore are equally deserving of dignity

No they're not. They go against everything that Poland and Polish society stands for - which is why the majority of Poles not only doesn't want to give them more rights in terms of adoption and marriage, they flat out don't like them and don't accept them. If they don't like the laws and the way majority of Poles view them they can always leave. Otherwise they need to stfu

And speaking of "God's image" the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin

No one likes them which is why no one cares (aside from the internarnational organizatios, leftists, and jews sponsoring them) when they get beaten to a bloody pulp everytime they try to host a pride march.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2020   #17
Another Soviet in our mist.

Yawn. Try something new, it really is boring by now.

sex has a couple co-equal purposes, one being procreation.

AntV  3 | 670
29 Sep 2020   #18
Having fun is not a biological use

That's also a part of it. Sex also has a very strong bonding characteristic, that's why guilt is often felt after the fun ends when there's no commitment involved. Here's the thing about marital heterosexual sex, every now and again that endorphin rush of sex has associated endorphin rushes when the child you made is born and develops throughout his or her life. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


A unitive purpose is the other.

And speaking of "God's image" the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin

And you think heterosexuals don't sin? They do, so following your logic, heterosexuals aren't made in God's image either, because they're sinners.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2020   #19

And it is now your turn as a Liberal Feminist to add your opinion about the Liberal Feminist.
Do you think she is what the majority of Poland wants ?
cms neuf  2 | 1958
29 Sep 2020   #20
Ant I think you are getting most of your info about sex, whether monogamous or casual from priests. But you should realize they probably get more action than any of us - they are the biggest hypocrites going.

Guilt might follow a casual encounter but not often. That's all a few decades in the past for me but it was generally a McMuffin for breakfast and subway ride home with a big smile on my face
AntV  3 | 670
29 Sep 2020   #21
@cms neuf

You know your cliches-I'll give you that.

Even though your assumption is wrong, if I was getting all my info from a priest, who may he getting action, if that info is good and correct, does the priest's hypocrisy make what is correct any less correct? He may not be practicing what he preaches, but that doesn't necessarily effect the veracity of what he preaches.

But, anyhow, it'd be more interesting if you had something more substantive.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
29 Sep 2020   #22
Why do you think your view Is good and correct ? - that sex is only for procreation and anything else is disordered and requires government intervention

Your entitled to your view but it's a bit weird

What gays do is fine by me - I couldn't care less.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2020   #23
Heterosexuals don't mix semen with feces as their preferred method of sexual intercourse. Homos do. Even if you take the whole eschatological aspect out of it, it's flat out disgusting...

Regardless, the majority of Polish people don't want this crap in our society. If you believe in democracy and rule by the people then you wouldn't push expanding LGBT rights or even approving of them considering that most Polish people do not. No matter how you spin it, the majority of Polish people are against expanding LGBT marraige and adoption and the majority of Poles do not accept gay people. We're the most anti-gay country in the EU with no desire to change. Unless of course you're against democratic rule... which is quite common in neo-marxists pushing multiculti and the globo-homo-run-by-a-guy-named-Shlomo agenda. Well it's not going to happen in Poland. A cross hangs in parliament, the constitution says that marriage is a protected institution between man and woman, and most importantly the majority of Poles have no desire to expand lgbt rights to match those in the west.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2020   #24
A unitive purpose is the other

True. What I meant is the fact that even though one of the purposes of sex is procreation it has no impact on whether or not LGBT free zones make sense or whether homosexuals couples should be given legal recognition.

Or maybe I should say I hope so as then we go into the area of childless couples and unmarried couples with kids and that would be slightly off topic ;)

Heterosexuals don't mix semen with feces as their preferred method of sexual intercourse. Homos do.

Interesting how you take lesbians out of the equation-usual for people like you
Ironside  51 | 13109
29 Sep 2020   #25
No they're not. They go against everything that Poland and Polish society stands for

Came on. Not all homosexuals' support that ideology and even less support so called pride parades. LGBT ideology, activist and movement is in no way a representative of homosexuals'. They claim to be it but that is a different story.. nowadays anyone can claim anything that doesn't make it so.

Yawn. Try something new, it really is boring by now.

Not boring at all. It funny to me that you don't realize what you are. It is pretty obvious and hence cannot be seen as an insult.

preference for an international mythical community rather than your own country - check
seeing patriots as a threats, embarrassment or some narrowminded backwards people - check
seeing religion as a nonsense or some outdated BS. - check
believing in some ambiguous progress and its laws - check
support for Marxism, neo-Marxist ideologies - check (oft seeing Nazis as something worse than Commies)
phew what boring is you insisting that you are not some rootless Soviet drone lol!

Ant I think you are getting most of your info about sex,

sure, there no adults here or people who have sex or/and are married. What are you at dude? Where you are getting your info about sex from? Leftie brochures ? It is proven that most sexually flustered people with same abnormal tendencies are more oft than not left leaning in their political views. So look in the mirror buddy!

they are the biggest hypocrites going.

in your opinion credibility of which amounts to a big fat zero.
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Sep 2020   #26
Yawn. Try something new, it really is boring by now.

It's an obsession.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2020   #27
hence cannot be seen as an insult.

Coming from you it's a badge of honour.
But it is boring. Yeah, I know you can throw around the Soviet/Commie slogans (because coming from you they are just that) but I don't care so it's pointless for you to repeat yourself
Crow  155 | 9716
24 Jun 2021   #28

An EU human rights organisation Memory Centre Berlin (Hafiza Merkezi Berlin) equals Poland to Turkey

An article

Report: Poland, Turkey Undermining Women's and LGBT Rights


Turkish and Polish governments are using similar tactics to undermine the rights of women and LGBT groups

"In both countries, state officials, religious authorities, and conservative groups have supported each other in the drive to denounce the Istanbul Convention,

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