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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

amiga500  5 | 1505
17 Sep 2023   #211
Try this in the "free and democratic" US! hahahahahahahahahahaha...

Are you saying one can't be 'communist' and get communion in USA?
Novichok  4 | 8764
17 Sep 2023   #212
No. Sorry that I didn't make it clearer.

"Communist" Poland made public schools available for religious classes to prepare us for bierzmowanie. In the US, that would be impossible.

Here, in the land of ACLU and other nuts, if you write X on school property and turn it 45 degrees you will be sued by the ACLU Jewish lawyers. You know...state and church crap...
amiga500  5 | 1505
17 Sep 2023   #213
"Communist" Poland made public schools available for religious classes to prepare us for bierzmowanie

No they did not, but that does not mean that the highest polish communists did not go to church. And that religion was unofficially tolerated and sometimes celebrated. You lived through stalins time, they made allowances for polaks and their catholic regilosity because they were scared of us. But at the same time, crack down and shoot a priest on a whim.
Novichok  4 | 8764
17 Sep 2023   #214
No they did not,

Why would you say this? I was there and participated in person. Their reasons are another matter.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
17 Sep 2023   #215
What was your "communist" experience?

You can find it in another thread. :):):)

communist traditions.

Eating carp at Christmas is one. :):):)

In fact, they made their schools available for religious activities. Right in Warsaw!

5 years after the destalinisation thaw communists abolished that law which allowed to teach RV religion in state schools. It took place in 1961.

You see, you shouldn`t be annoyed when I say you don`t remember. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8764
17 Sep 2023   #216
You see, you shouldn`t be annoyed when I say you don`t remember. :):):)

You see, you make those claims just to annoy me.

I didn't know or care about any laws THEN because I was a KID! Hello, anybody home in your head, or is it vacant???

What I do know is that I received the holly communion when I was 8 in Radom and Bierzmowanie in Warsaw.,21.013111,3a,90y,67.92h,99.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNz-meU5NVlzqjQpB6shW_A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

How many years did you live in "communist" Poland between 194x and 1966?
OP pawian  224 | 27252
18 Sep 2023   #217
What I do know is that I received the holly communion when I was 8 in Radom and Bierzmowanie in Warsaw.

That is nothing special, communists weren`t able to ban those things which had been so deeply rooted in Polish tradition. It was christian Poland stemming from Christian Europe, not bolshevik Russia which is half Asian and where you can freely bully the population. :):):) Similarly, communists could ban breathing to people. :):):)

I didn't know or care about any laws THEN because I was a KID!

In 1961, when they abolished religion education in schools (which had been taught there since 1956, so only for 5 years) you were 19. Like a big kid, you say??? :):):) That is why I said you don`t remember important facts when you boasted of being taught religion at school.
Novichok  4 | 8764
18 Sep 2023   #218
That is why I said you don`t remember important facts when you boasted of being taught religion at school.

Good lord...Is everyone a retard here?

I will go slow...To not remember, one HAS TO KNOW FIST!!!! YOU CANNOT FORGET WHAT YOU DON"T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got it finally?

In 1961, I was done being a Catholic so I didn't give a damn about applicable laws. My attention was 100% on how to get my diploma and get the fu*ck out of Poland and to "America".
OP pawian  224 | 27252
18 Sep 2023   #219
In 1961, I was done being a Catholic so I didn't give a damn about applicable laws.

Were you living in splendid isolation like a solitary island??? No. You lived among people. Removing religion from schools was a big deal then and people discussed it extensively.

Never mind, it isn`t really worth all our time. Additionally, it is off topic.
mafketis  38 | 11143
18 Sep 2023   #220

Not fingers, thumb... or even knuckles... one HAS TO KNOW THE WHOLE FIST!!!!!!!!!
Korvinus  4 | 600
20 Sep 2023   #221
Deputy Foreign Minister Wawrzyk forced Polish diplomats to issue visas to the immigrants he indicated.

Yep. Don't you worry though, the liberal opposition already created a "documentary" about the brutality of the Polish state against poor immigrants so the setup is simple. You either vote for based party that will bring you mass immigration while pretending to fight it, or you will vote for the cringe party that points violations of human rights yadda yadda.

Polish politics starts to resemble the UK 1:1
OP pawian  224 | 27252
20 Sep 2023   #222
the cringe party that points violations of human rights

You say party, I say Donald Tusk. He is the party. Just like JKaczyński is PiS. That`s how it works here.
That is why, tell me where and when exactly Donald Tusk pointed to such violations within the last 2 years.
Alien  25 | 6360
20 Sep 2023   #223
Polish politics starts to resemble the UK 1:1

Where, in the House of Commons or the House of Lords? ....ah, no, in the House of Horror.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
20 Sep 2023   #224
the House of Horror.

More exactly: Dr. Terror's House of Horrors - Gabinet grozy doktora Zgrozy.
Korvinus  4 | 600
21 Sep 2023   #225
You say party, I say Donald Tusk. He is the party.

when exactly Donald Tusk

Nice strawman.
holland made a film for the PO about Poles eating Muslim children on the border with Belarus.
libs from gated communities are exalted by this film and holland's general "works", which is a stream of consciousness of the fears of the contemporary left
amiga500  5 | 1505
21 Sep 2023   #226
holland made a film

i come from activist background.
holland made a film for her activist crew. they fine women. why we're paying so much attention to holland, she's a fine director just gone a bit batty in her old age.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
21 Sep 2023   #227
holland made a film for the PO

I didn`t know it. Prove it, please.
It seems you are negatively obsessed with PO. Just like me about PiS but the difference is that I can prove everything I say while you can`t. :):):)

i come from activist background.

Yes, it was anarchosyndicalists or sth. :):):)
Korvinus  4 | 600
23 Sep 2023   #228
holland, she's a fine director

Wait a minute.
First - the most important things about Mrs. Holland

She was born on November 28, 1948 in Warsaw, the daughter of Henryk Holland, a journalist and sociologistof Jewish origin, captain of the Polish People's Army, communist activist
Novichok  4 | 8764
23 Sep 2023   #229
Why is it that Polish+Jewish=Communist? Always...I never saw any other outcome.
Alien  25 | 6360
23 Sep 2023   #230

Adam Michnik was an anti-communist.
Novichok  4 | 8764
23 Sep 2023   #231
Dear Alien, pick your examples better...Quoting from Wikipedia:

Reared in a family of committed communists, Michnik became an opponent of Poland's communist regime at the time of the party's anti-Jewish purges

As I said:

Polish+Jewish=Communist? Always...

Adam was not not anti-communist. He got pis*ed off at the "communist regime" for the party's anti-Jewish purges. That was self-serving, and not based on any high moral principle.

Some things never change, including that I am a genius.
Alien  25 | 6360
23 Sep 2023   #232
pick your examples better...

Okay, let's try again. This time Bronisław Geremek. So what? You're not a genius.
Novichok  4 | 8764
23 Sep 2023   #233
I have a better idea...Tell us how many Jews as a percentage were at the top of the Soviet "Polish" collaborator pyramid. You can start with UB.
amiga500  5 | 1505
23 Sep 2023   #234
Tell us how many Jews as a percentage were at the top of the Soviet "Polish" collaborator pyramid. You can start with UB.

Well, Novi I can answer that In the initial Stalinist period, about 60-70 percent, what's your point? But there were always too polish 'catholics' at the top of the pyramid.
Novichok  4 | 8764
23 Sep 2023   #235
My point is that not only do I qualify for the Nobel Prize for Peace but also as a math wizard. My Z-P=0 is revolutionary and would save 500,000 lives if followed.

Now another equation to add to my bio and application: With the probability greater than 60%, P+J=C.

My genius is amazing even to me by now.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
23 Sep 2023   #236
of Jewish origin

Only antisemitic crazies or brainwashed idiots mind Jewish origin. Intelligent people consider it an advantage cos a lot of Jewish Poles have done great things for Poland. Check the thread What do Poles owe to Jews?
OP pawian  224 | 27252
23 Sep 2023   #237
My genius is amazing even to me by now.

Your narcissism is even more amazing. hahahaha It is clear they don`t praise you too much at home...... :):):)
Korvinus  4 | 600
23 Sep 2023   #238
a lot of Jewish Poles have done great things for Poland

So, what's your plan to survive the vindictive Jewish plot to send the entire human race all into anuddah shoah? Are you prepped? Will you bunker up in your present location, or flee to the countryside? Or will you dindu nuffin in the local supermarkets?
OP pawian  224 | 27252
23 Sep 2023   #239
Are you prepped?

No, coz I don`t believe in any plot. It is another conspiracy theory. You should be ashamed to believe in such crap.
Korvinus  4 | 600
23 Sep 2023   #240
You should be ashamed to believe in such crap.

Dude, just stop, you're embarassing yourself.

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