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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

Novichok  4 | 8764
14 Sep 2023   #181
They are fekking political gangsters now turned into regular criminal gangsters.

Pawian, please...After all, you are talking about Poland ... a very democratic, Western country to be loved and emulated.
A country run by "criminal gangsters" cannot possibly be good. Were your last elections stolen?
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Sep 2023   #182
Were your last elections stolen?

Poland, like so many countries, doesn't have a proper system of proportional representation. The only way to get a properly representative government is to have the single transferrable vote system of PR.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
14 Sep 2023   #183
Some small fish will be dragged to courts instead of big shots

Yes,a friend of mine in Poland was kept in Poznan prison without bail for 5 months,arrested by CBA from Warsaw Hilton trying to bribe a politician for visa scam through a middleman.He was just let out in August after he pleaded guilty and posted 100k Pln bail with release restrictions the case is still in courts and they say will not even start for a year.
Alien  25 | 6360
15 Sep 2023   #184
friend of mine

Good thing I don't have such friends.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Sep 2023   #185
If you are in business,you never know what contacts you make.One is not responsible for what anybody else does and now for eg people who are friends with "Biden"family cant be blamed for there actions.

Meanwhile I just read this news about that scandal that I mentioned above:

Były już wiceminister spraw zagranicznych Piotr Wawrzyk został zdymisjonowany, bo pomógł w stworzeniu nielegalnego kanału przerzutu migrantów z Azji i Afryki przez Europę do Stanów Zjednoczonych - wynika z ustaleń Onetu. Czasami Hindusi udawali... ekipy filmowe z Bollywood.

Afera wizowa ciągnie się za Wawrzykiem
Źródło: PAP, fot: Rafał Guz

Jak opisuje Onet, w ubiegłym roku do konsulów w różnych miastach Azji i Afryki zaczynają trafiać "polecenia". Mają wydawać zgody na wjazd do Polski grupom konkretnych ludzi. W każdym mailu jest wymienionych od kilkudziesięciu do ponad stu nazwisk, które mają być obsłużone "poza kolejką".

Nazwiska przekazywał Wawrzyk do dyrekcji Departamentu Konsularnego MSZ, która następnie rozsyłała je do placówek konsularnych. W niektórych wiadomościach znajdowały się też numery telefonów, by szybciej móc skontaktować się z osobami, które mają otrzymać wizy.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Sep 2023   #186
Good thing I don't have such friends.

You know Alien,that is some kind of Euro,Polish thing.In developed western lawful countries you are not responsible of others actions including your,wife,kids or any near dear ones.I was also advised in Poland even by some lawyers to be careful when talking or meeting my that friend(BTW I just talked to him for half an hr or so) cuz THEY* might be listening and when I asked them so what???we are not talking anything or discussing anything illegal and they had no answers.Even my friend didnt want to use the cell fone that they confiscated,I tried to convince him to use it but he wouldnt.I wonder why they are so scared when they are not doing anything wrong.

Now I even remember how these brit shi.ts tried to scare me but to no avail lol I also remember when one of these roaches told me that I was talking to Strz,lol thinking that would scare me.I think these rats have a lot to hide so they are scared and think everybody does too.But its really fun to see these idiots playing childish games

LOL lately the bugger lazarus telling me about my adresses and 4 youths with pliers lol SERIOUSLY dude you dont need pliers to pry open a door,try a hammer,pathetic fools fu.cking brit sh.its.
Novichok  4 | 8764
15 Sep 2023   #187
I wonder why they are so scared when they are not doing anything wrong.

That's exactly what I noticed even here. On an American forum! A bunch of pathetic and scared bootlickers that would rather drink their own urine than criticize their "democratically elected legal representatives".
Paulina  17 | 4465
15 Sep 2023   #188
Are you talking about RuSSians?? :)))
mafketis  38 | 11143
15 Sep 2023   #189
rather drink their own urine than criticize their "democratically elected legal representatives"

Is that really worse than "word rather die in a senseless foreign war than protest against the Tsar!"
gumishu  15 | 6227
16 Sep 2023   #190
I doubt PIS will prosecute their own men.

this article in Polish is especially for pawian (it's from okopress but pawian probably doesn't even know what okopress stands for) -
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #191
A country run by "criminal gangsters" cannot possibly be good.

It isn`t the case of being good or evil, but intelligent vs stupid. PIS promotes stupidity among Poles, thus providing itself with loyal voters. It is the policy which is making us eternally Eastern European, the characteristic which decent intelligent Poles would like to dump but they can`t, overwhelmed by rising stupidity of homo sovieticuses, bribed and brainwashed by rightists.

this article

How does your article correlate to your quote from me: I doubt PIS will prosecute their own men.???
Novichok  4 | 8764
16 Sep 2023   #192
PIS promotes stupidity among Poles, thus providing itself with loyal voters.

Impossible. Poland was under commies for how long? In 1990, how many Poles were true, hardcore commies? Try 10. All under 17 and women.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #193
And how does it correlate with what I said in 191???? :):)
Novichok  4 | 8764
16 Sep 2023   #194
Time started when I was born. Events before that day didn't happen yet.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #195
I asked you to explain what your hardcore commies have in common with current rightists promoting stupidity in the nation.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #196
current rightists promoting stupidity in the nation.

That is just an opinion and not a fact.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #197
No, it is a fact. I see it in education. If I watched PIS TV, I would see it on TV. etc.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #198
No, that is still just your biased opinion and not a fact.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #199
You know nothing about PiS and their actions here and are only opposing me coz I am against nasty rightists. :):):) That is very unprofessional of you.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #200
You know nothing about PiS and their actions here and are only opposing me coz I am against nasty rightists

You are wrong in the first part of your comment.I know all about PIS, both the good and bad.They are very disfunctional but some of their decisions have been spot on.

And the fact that you call "Rightists" nasty says all I need to know about a Socialist like you.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #201
Rightists Socialist

Darling, you seem to forget there is always one more option to that duopol. Are you able to guess what??? :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #202
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #203
:):):) So you aren`t able to guess. I guessed it when asking the question. hahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #204
So you aren`t able to guess

I guessed right.If you aren't a Communist then you can't have a proper political group.Left of centre,Liberal and Social democrat are meaningless terms.

Wishy Washy nothingness.
You are a lefty nobody then.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
16 Sep 2023   #205
I guessed right.

No, left.
Novichok  4 | 8764
17 Sep 2023   #206
I asked you to explain what your hardcore commies have in common with current rightists promoting stupidity in the nation.

Easy. Promoting stupidity is irrelevant if the targets don't turn stupid. My analogy is meant to show that decades of "communism" had zero impact on Poles when I was there. Zero.

Conclusion: your claims are not supported by Polish reality.

Now, Western leftist, woke, globalist, climaate, covid, and trans crap...that's another matter...PiS could learn a thing or two from them. Stalin, Hitler, and Mao would be impressed
Alien  25 | 6360
17 Sep 2023   #207
Now, Western leftist, woke, globalist, climaate, covid, and trans crap

You mean Western elites?
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Sep 2023   #208
How does your article correlate to your quote from me

it doesn't - it was just a way to attract your attention
OP pawian  224 | 27252
17 Sep 2023   #209
decades of "communism" had zero impact on Poles when I was there

Wrong. Communism destroyed many old traditions and introduced its own. You simply don`t remember.

Promoting stupidity is irrelevant if the targets don't turn stupid

The problem is that the target group of most hardened PiS voters are brainwashed homo sovieticuses.
Novichok  4 | 8764
17 Sep 2023   #210
You simply don`t remember.

I remember everything from when I turned 5. You annoy me when you speak for me.
Me think that I know Polish "communism" better than you do since I lived in it from the beginning till 1966 when I left.

What was your "communist" experience?

Communism destroyed many old traditions and introduced its own.

Name the top three communist traditions. Skip temporary bs. If I were Jewish, I would be a blond Catholic in an hour to save my ass during occupation.

I never once was even asked to participate in the May 1 parades or belong to PZPR. Or my parents...

I got my first communion and later bierzmowanie without any pressure to skip either from the "commies". In fact, they made their schools available for religious activities. Right in Warsaw!

Try this in the "free and democratic" US! hahahahahahahahahahaha...

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