The EU requires the Polish gov to choose judges legally, according to democratic rule of law
Fun fact: The presiding judge of the German constitutional court was the vice president of the ruling party's faction in parliament (and a personal friend of Angela Merkel) right up until the day he was "elected" to the constitutional court by that same parliament. In order to be eligible he had to be a professor of constitutional law, which he magically became a few months earlier despite having a full time job as an MP. All the documents involved in him becoming a professor are kept secret to this day.
When the government's corona mandates landed in the constitutional court, the justices had dinner with Merkel and the rest of the government right before they unsurprisingly decided that everything the government did was absolutely A-OK.
German media assured everyone that all of this is perfectly fine and healthy. While at the same time running countless of segments of how the evil Polish conservatives are undermining Poland's independent judiciary, for which it should justly be punished by the EU.