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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

Ironside  50 | 12333
13 Jun 2024   #451
Those who ignore such American stupidity are imbeciles.

yOUR NGOs have a lot of money and they spread that crap everywhere including Poland. Not to mention that the US federal government is involved in that as well.

So it is not a question of imbecility but about integrity corruption and accountability. Such is in low demand amongst Polish politicians and some stand for the USA.
Novichok  4 | 7809
13 Jun 2024   #452
amongst Polish politicians

I am talking to or about Polish voters, not the Polish ruling mob.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
14 Jun 2024   #453
Poland yesterday reintroduced restrictions on movement along parts of the border with Belarus because of increased migration pressure that has involved violence against Polish security officials.

The ban took effect Thursday and will be valid for 90 days and affects 60 kilometers (37 miles) of the land border between NATO member Poland and Belarus, an autocratic state aligned with Russia.
Ironside  50 | 12333
14 Jun 2024   #454
Poland yesterday reintroduced restrictions

It is only a game government pretending to do a lot while doing very little. They should start to shoot-to-kill policy and they won't.
Novichok  4 | 7809
14 Jun 2024   #455
They should start to shoot-to-kill policy and they won't.

All it takes is the first dozen, on camera, and the front page of every newspaper... and, guess what...a miracle...the garbage stops!!!

For this post, I forgive you all your sins and insults, Iron...That was absolutely brilliant...

On the downside, you just gave bootlickers like Atch, Barney, Faggot, Lyzko, and Tacitus a heart attack...Shooting innocent people who are just trying to have a better life? How cruel!

Memo to the "let 'em in" bootlickers: Migrants are 100 times worse than Wehrmacht or the Red Army. Both armies eventually left. Migrants never do and they make babies. Oh, fvck...
Ironside  50 | 12333
14 Jun 2024   #456
All it takes is the first dozen, on camera

The thing is the US would get ready to nuke Poland if that happened. At the very least the EU there would be outcry and lamentation and call for Hugue. I don't care about those but cowardly politicians do.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Jun 2024   #457
They should start to shoot-to-kill policy

The current rulers aren`t nationalist murderers like you. Hard luck.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
14 Jun 2024   #458
They are just disarming soldiers and hoping for them to get stabbed to death? It clearly shows who's side they are on... How many soldiers need to Get MURDERED before you get it? High horse «pacifist»
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Jun 2024   #459

Another nationalist lie.
Why do you, nationalists, lie at all times when you take voice here???
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
14 Jun 2024   #460
Giving out orders, to not shoot when in need to protect one self is verbal disarnement! What lies?! Lier calling other liers?! Projector!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Jun 2024   #461
Giving out orders, to not shoot

Still nationalist lies. Disgusting. Yuk!!!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
14 Jun 2024   #462
You wrote it here yourself criticising for shooting! You crazy!


Belarussian oppositionist informs of migrants being trained by Belarusians on how to attack with lethal weapons and how safe it is. Since the migrants won't be shot at!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Jun 2024   #463
yourself criticising for shooting!

Exactly. Shooting to kill like you or Iron advocate is inhumane and would put Poland in the same league with brutal Eastern regimes.
There are more human methods to disperse unruly rioters - tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets, sound cannons.

You don`t need to kill right away.

You crazy!

Me?? Wasn`t it you who mentioned your RC religion and beliefs? Do you practise what you tell us or it is only a nationalist guise which you exploit to look better here???
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
14 Jun 2024   #464
Just write it honestly. Me being dead guarding the border would grant you the second best satisfaction, since it wasn't Ironside!
jon357  72 | 22979
14 Jun 2024   #465
You don`t need to kill right away

Or at all.

Perhaps there's some banana republic somewhere that routinely kills people crossing into their country however it would be a sad sad day if Poland were to become the only European country to do this.
Ironside  50 | 12333
14 Jun 2024   #466

Perhaps, if you have a magical Harry Potter wand.
Perhaps, if you live in a rainbow land with unicorns roaming free.
However in real life on solid ground bad people with sinister intentions and means to harm others won't stop if you ask them nicely. They need to be put down like crazy dogs they are.

As they say, if you don't want to spill blood at any cost it will cost you your blood.

Some banana republic somewhere

Indeed One is Saudi Arabia and the other is Israel, there are others but those two are enough, you can plant bananas there.


Labeling people and spewing slogans doesn't make you right. It makes you look like a crazed fanatic and an idiot.
By the way according to the poll, 69% of people agree with me.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
14 Jun 2024   #467
Labeling people and spewing slogans doesn't make you right. It makes you look like a crazed fanatic and an idiot.

This is the problem I have with you exactly!Sometimes you talk sense and at other times you sound like a crazed fanatic and an idiot!
johnny reb  46 | 7613
14 Jun 2024   #468
I think he is trying to buddy up with you I.S. 😉
Poland has witnessed the devastating results from immigrants in the rest of Europe.
Just look how those thugs treated the Polish border police at the Belarus border with Poland.
Poland doesn't need or want these uncivilized and uncultured people in Poland.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #469

In your case it isn`t labelling but telling the truth. You revealed your murderous inclinations many times here.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jun 2024   #470
In your case

you are spewing nonsense as they say words words it doesn't cost you anything all you do is just spin it this way or the other, I hope karma will teach you something about real-life consequences, and seeing the directions the Tusk government is taking it might be quite soon.


This is the problem I have with you

I wanted to write that it could be because it goes over your head but then to be true to my feelings I say - I don't care.

I only responded to you because if you take a different approach you might learn something and I like it when people learn other than that I couldn't care less.



Poland will see soon the influx of illegal immigrants from Germany and a big drop in economic prosperity due to the EU machinations and Tusjk governance, It going to be tough for most people.
Novichok  4 | 7809
15 Jun 2024   #471
Poland will see soon the influx of illegal immigrants

I was shocked that there was no border control of any kind when I took a train from Berlin to Warsaw in 2017.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jun 2024   #472
I was shocked that there was no border control when I took a train from Berlin to Warsaw in 2017.

That is not an issue, the issue was the external border of the EU due to some crazy left legislation of the EU and Berlin's decision to invite all the world's illegal migrants to their country. ?Now they are backpedaling and saying they don't mean that and that all EU countries should say that 'burden', migrants are burden out of the blue. Yesterday some poor people were welcome in /Germany, and Poland is a bad and racist backwoods country for not accepting them.

Anyway, now the Polish-German border is monitored and Germans use this opportunity to drop their dear guest on the Polish side of the border and the Tusk government accepts them.

It starts with our African friends showing what they are made off, the other day by jumping on cars and attaching a passerby in Warsaw and the other day roaming about with a machete in the old town of Poznan.

Nobody shot those morons yet because no one what to go to prison but do they think they can F about like that without consequences,?

I wonder where all those smart-asses of the PF yapping about this or that are now? Hibernating?
Novichok  4 | 7809
15 Jun 2024   #473
What you described would be almost excusable if nothing like that happened before or on another planet...

Hello, Polish morons...Go to Sweden to see how it worked out...Or ask Atch or Barney...

Memo to the "migrants are nice people" imbeciles: No, they are not. They are cancer. The educated whites are nice people but, as with faggots, only if the numbers are low.

I don't want 100,000,000 brilliant and peaceful Chinese PhDs in the US. either...
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #474
It going to be tough for most people.

The prophet of disaster, Iron, spent 30 years abroad as a pathetic emigrant. He came back 3 years ago, believing Poles and Polesses would welcome him with open arms and bread with salt. It didn`t happen, that is why he is so embittered today.

Why don`t you return to the place you came back from???
Korvinus  2 | 567
15 Jun 2024   #475
Poland will see soon the influx of illegal immigrants from Germany

Why not guard the Polish-German border then and push back any non-EU citizens?

Rumor has it that another Polish soldier was killed at the Belarusian border.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #476
Why not guard the Polish-German border then

Germans already do it.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jun 2024   #477
Why not guard the Polish-German border then and push back any non-EU citizens?

Why do you ask me? Ask Tusk!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #478
Ask Tusk!

Ask and then blame!!!! You will feel better in your lousy existence. At least for a moment. Ha!!!!
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Jun 2024   #479
Why do you ask me? Ask Tusk!

Tusk will let them in to "Diversify" Poland!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #480
Tusk will

You are obsessed about Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk. AmaSSing!!
. Why don`t you see to your own country before the coming elections? You are wasting time here. Britain needs you.

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