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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2023   #1
The EU has proposed a new plan to deal with exotic migrants who cross European borders. . Each EU country would be obligated to accept certain amount of them. Countries which refuse to host migrants will pay fines - about 20000 euros per each rejected migrant.

The current Polish gov/rulers object to those plans and are going to hold a referendum on the matter.

It is amusing coz PIS rulers have allowed for a steady flow of immigrants from non-European countries into Poland for years. E.g, they had been planning to issue 400.000 working permits to exotic migrants for the coming years but dropped those plans after their hypocrisy was disclosed and criticised by the opposition.

BTW, I am against hosting additional immigrants from the EU coz we are already helping Ukrainian refugees and migrants. Poland needs migrants for the sake of economy and demographics but if we already have Ukrainians, that is enough and we don`t need more.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Jul 2023   #2
Most smart Ukrainians move to the West.Poland should get immigrants based on the needed professionals but certainly not forced refugees which Poland has enough already.
Luke1410  - | 146
26 Jul 2023   #3
BTW, I am against hosting additional immigrants from the EU

Why do you support DT then? He will give control of Poland back to Brussels, have you seen what happens to countries under Brussels control? They are no longer countries.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2023   #4
Why do you support DT then?

Because he is the only one able to contain the corrupt PiS. He`s Neo fighting PiS Matrix. He is the knight in the shining armour.

He will give control of Poland back to Brussels

Firstly, he won`t. Stop spreading false propaganda.
Secondly,. even if he did, it wouldn`t be much worse than current PIS gov which has been inviting exotic workers for years. Since 2015, about 200.000 have come.

IIn 2022, the government issued 85,000 work permits to Ukrainians, which is less than a quarter of all decisions. The rest of the workers came from such culturally close countries as Uzbekistan (33,000 permits), Turkey (25,000), India (41,000), the Philippines (22,000) and Bangladesh (13,000).
Crnogorac3  3 | 666
26 Jul 2023   #5
Should Poland attract citizens of non-EU countries to work in our country?

39.6% of Poles are in favor of hiring citizens of non-EU countries to work in Poland

25.1% "I rather agree"
14.5% "I strongly agree"
20% "I rather disagree"
25.5% "I strongly disagree

Support is highest among PiS voters (48%). Men support more (49%) than women(32%)
Luke1410  - | 146
26 Jul 2023   #6
Firstly, he won`t. Stop spreading false propaganda

I'm sorry but DT is the EU candidate, this is as clear as day. His mission is to bring Poland to obey the EU rule of law in order to accept mass migration.

Since 2015, about 200.000 have come

Have you got the figures for Germany in that same 8 year period? Probably not because nobody has.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2023   #7
39.6% of Poles are in favor of hiring citizens of non-EU countries

You shouldn`t provide false info in this thread.

Have you got the figures for Germany

I don`t care, This is Poland. Stop twisting. We are talking about incredible hypocrite PiS and their pro-immigration policy which they are trying to sweep under the carpet after the scandal broke out.
Luke1410  - | 146
26 Jul 2023   #8
Support is highest among PiS voters (48%)

Haha, you should make it at least a little bit believable lol make it 31% or something. But it's interesting that Russian trolls are playing to the same PiS pro-immigration myth that pawian just alluded to, very interesting indeed.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2023   #9
PiS pro-immigration myth

It isn`t a myth, it is reality. While I visit big cities, I see those exotic immigrants. They didn`t arrive during PO rule, they appeared during PIS rule!! HA!!
Novichok  4 | 8744
26 Jul 2023   #10
39.6% of Poles are in favor of hiring citizens of non-EU countries to work in Poland

39.6% of Poles are idiots or insane.
26 Jul 2023   #11
The current Polish gov/rulers object to those plans and are going to hold a referendum on the matter.

At the same time as the elections! Well, who would have thought it! Hungary is also objecting, no surprise there.

Each EU country would be obligated to accept certain amount of them.

Hardly any of them will stay anyway. IMO, Poland is looked upon as a transit country for a lot of migrants. The language is difficult to learn and wages are low in comparison with richer EU countries.

exotic migrants

This just sounds wrong. Exotic fruits, insects etc, but people?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2023   #12
This just sounds wrong.

Maybe, I don`t know as a non-native speaker. :):):) But it is definitely shorter than "migrants from exotic countries" so I am not going to give it up. Thanks anyway. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8744
26 Jul 2023   #13
Immigration is pure evil - unless it is so limited that it does not move the needle. Then why have it?

Justifying immigration because you need workers is bs. If you need workers the way you need a plumber, let them in for a year and out, no matter how good they are. Men only!

Also, delete "asylum" from your vocabulary. It's a fraud. Asylum is temporary for friendly neighbors, not some a-holes in Africa that like killing each other or because they are poor.

Exotic fruits, insects etc, but people?

Exotic insects are easier to deal with. Just spray them and they die.
You can't kill exotic migrants. In fact, they are treated better than the locals when they rape. "He didn't know that raping women is a no-no". No, I am not making it up...
Novichok  4 | 8744
26 Jul 2023   #14
Immigrants take space and create zombie crowds you never interact with socially; buying a pack doesn't count. You are invisible to them.

They are useless when you need directions. They avoid eye contact out of fear that you may say something they will not get. They never do small talk. You are "them" to them.

The worst offenders are Orientals - pushy and unable to say thanks when you hold the door for them.

As if this annoying crap was not enough, they depress wages, create their little filthy ghettos cops avoid, discriminate against the host population when they hire, cling to their language and smelly food, and on and on...When they reach critical mass, they outvote the locals in small towns...

Today, immigrants are a liability, if not cancer. If they were assets countries would be bidding for them the way they bid for factories.

Nobody does because nobody wants them.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #15
I am against hosting additional immigrants from the EU coz we are already helping Ukrainian refugees and migrants.

I am against but forgot to say that I am going to vote yes, in opposition to PiS` and nationalist Konfederacja`s ideology and expectations. This is Poland, the Land of Absurd, if anybody asks why.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
31 Jul 2023   #16
How exotic is "exotic", pawian?
Why would a Thai, Phillipino or North African want to work in Poland anyway?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
31 Jul 2023   #17
Why would a Thai, Phillipino or North African want to work in Poland anyway?

Lately since covid there are plenty of them here.My friend told me they are bringing workers from Thai,Indonesia,Philipinos for factory work.I even met this philipino woman who paid 4000 euros to get a work permit visa and work in a factory for 3000Pln PM better then middle east and a step in the EU and she was living in a house near Warsaw with 7 other philipinos and wanted to buy the bike I had for sale to go to work.

In Middle east they only make 4 to 500 USD a month and living conditions are bad.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
31 Jul 2023   #18
Desperate is as desperate does, Cargo pants!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #19
Why would a Thai, Phillipino or North African want to work in Poland anyway?

Because to them, Poland is a rich country. In Egypt, most farmers still use animals for transport and field work. It is extremely rare here.
Bobko  27 | 2236
31 Jul 2023   #20
In Egypt, most farmers still use animals for transport and field work.

Come on, be serious...

In a domestic setting, perhaps. Not commercially.

Egypt is 110M people, and a GDP almost $2T in PPP.

There are very poor areas of Egypt, and very rich areas - sure. But they know what a tractor is, and have the means to buy one. It just doesn't make sense when your total property is 1 hectare, which I think you are talking about. Then it really is better to use an ox, or borrow your neighbor's tractor.
mafketis  38 | 11278
31 Jul 2023   #21
Why would a Thai, Phillipino or North African want to work in Poland anyway?

Come here and ask them....

caveat: I just put 'factory job in Poland' in youtube and these (among others) came up. I haven't watched them....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #22
But they know what a tractor is, .

Yes, of course. I was going to write small scale before farmers. Now I am looking and it isn`t there. Sorry.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Aug 2023   #23
WTF exactly do you mean by "Exotic" immigrants???
Asylum seekers?if thats what you mean then what are Ukrainians?Or some of them who will seek to stay in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11278
1 Aug 2023   #24
WTF exactly do you mean by "Exotic" immigrants???

Wha'ts going on here? (I assume you understand Hindi)

A lot of these asian/african factory job videos are by people who probably intend to move westward from Poland but some will probably also stay...

Some months ago I was watching videos for asians/africans who want to move to Malta (tons of immigrants there) and it was clear that many/most veiw it as a stepping stone.

It's an interesting thing going on now and no one that I no of is really studying it....

the welfare seekers get all the publicity but there's huge pent up demand for European style governance in lots of countries... and if they can't get it at home they'll come here (or try).
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Aug 2023   #25

LOL he does look colourful with lipstick lol He cant even pronounce Zloty he sounds"Gloty"

I was watching videos for asians/africans who want to move to Malta (tons of immigrants there) and it was clear that many/most veiw it as a stepping stone

or asians/africans

where is the exotic part,I would call them economic migrants.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2023   #26
WTF exactly do you mean by "Exotic" immigrants???

Immigrants from non-European countries.

then what are Ukrainians

Europeans and the closest to Poles mentally and culturally.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Aug 2023   #27
Immigrants from non-European countries.

How about North Americans,S Koreans,Japs?

Europeans and the closest to Poles mentally and culturally.

So you mean Europeans & Poles cant be "Exotic"LOL?
mafketis  38 | 11278
1 Aug 2023   #28
I would call them economic migrants.

I would split economic migrants into two groups....

want to work: mostly asian (india and eastward)

want welfare: mostly african and middle eastern

there are exceptions both ways but those two clusters really stand out....
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Aug 2023   #29
I am curious about the "Exotic"part as once one of my son asked my wife wife that why did she marry me and she answered cuz I looked exotic to her.Then when I asked her in pvt what did she mean even she couldnt answer that.

@ Maf: but WTF ,where are they Exotic from???Exotic in my opinion is also rare but that fuc.king crowd is more then half of the worlds population?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2023   #30
cuz I looked exotic to her.

She meant unusual, special. :):)

Exotic countries means countries where everything is different than in Poland: culture, skin, climate, food etc.

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