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Rape and sexual abuse in Poland

johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #181
Why do you feel so miserable?

Because it is rare to have an adult discussion going on here without having some immature comedic like you butt in and take it of Off-Topic.
Now like I said, "The thread is now all yours."
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Jul 2024   #182
about mustards.

Alien, stop annoying johhny, we don`t need more escalation in the forum. Do you want him to suffer another meltdown???

The thread is all yours

Thank you.

Polled women say they would prefer to meet a bear in the forest rather than a male.

There's a heated debate on the internet about why women would rather meet a bear in the woods than a man, following a viral TikTok video in which the fair sex almost unanimously claims that in such a situation they'd rather come face to face with the dangerous animal.

Who is better to meet in the forest? A bear or a male stranger? A viral video in which women respond has sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. All because the vast majority of women pointed to the bear . Although it may seem like a joke question, the discussion about the fair sex's sense of security is really serious. In the comments under the video, many people indicated that they share this point of view because they know what to expect from a bear , but they cannot say the same about a male.

Alien  23 | 5540
3 Jul 2024   #183
Alien, stop annoying johhny

Flowers for Johnny. ๐Ÿ’
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #184
Wouldn't be able to do that idiot

Anybody can report anything 30 years after the fact, moron.

What would stop a woman from falsely reporting rape?
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #185
Anybody can report anything 30 years after the fact,

She would go, talk to the police and? It wouldn't go anywhere. It would be as is she went there for a coffee.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
3 Jul 2024   #186
She would go, talk to the police and? It wouldn't go anywhere.


Not because of indifference or inaction on the part of the police.

It is because she would be advised of the following and then quickly make her excuses and leave:

Giving false testimony

Republic of Poland
The Penal Code


Chapter XXX. Offences against the Administration of Justice

Article 233. ยง 1. Whoever, in giving testimony which is to serve as evidence in court proceedings or other proceedings conducted on the basis of a law, gives false testimony or conceals the truth shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to 3 years.

This is why jaded women always prefer to use social media rather than the court system to attack men with false rape accusations.

Accountability is kryptonite to all women.

Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #187
Women lie all the time - from 2 till they die.

Any man who believes a woman who says her husband has been abusing her for years is the dumbest moron walking on this earth.

Or repeatedly raped by her boyfriend...

Memo to stupid broads: Men and women are not meant to be friends. They are supposed to fvck for fun or to make a baby. So if a guy says let's meet at your place and watch a movie he means let's fvck.

If you accept the invitation and refuse the fvck part, you will die because men can't handle rejections and get violent when they are turned down.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
3 Jul 2024   #188
Men and women are not meant to be friends.

Yes and women know this.

There was a video posted on social media the other day of a crazy control-freak woman complaining about her boyfriend.

He invited her over to his place to watch a movie. When she got there she told him emphatically that she would only allow him to cuddle with her.

So, thanks to decades of rabid male-hating feminism and men lives being destroyed publicly with false rape accusations, the boyfriend did exactly what his girlfriend asked and just cuddled with her while they watched the film.

Her problem with this? Now she thinks he might be gay.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #189
Her problem with this? Now she thinks he is gay.

Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Women are game-playing psychos...
Poloniusz  4 | 869
3 Jul 2024   #190
Women are game-playing psychos...

Because they know they will always be the center of attention and get all the sympathy while the men they decide to turn against are tarred as rapists or homosexuals.

And this pathetic state is the best that modern women have to offer to men who simply want to start a family.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #191
Women are game-playing psychos...

That all gets instilled in them by their mothers by the time they are seven years old.
By the time they are 13 they are little sassy snots.
By the time they are 16 they know how to work it.
By the time they are 21 they are big mouthy b!tches.
By the time they are 30 they have total attitude (listen to me growl, listen to me roar, I am woman)
By the time they are 40 men just stay away from them to avoid the drama.
Its a double-edged sword, can't live with them and you can't shoot them.
(Just kidding about the shooting part girls) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Novichok  4 | 7809
4 Jul 2024   #192
By the time they are 30 they have total attitude (listen to me growl, listen to me roar, I am woman) for another cat...
By the time they are 21 they are big mouthy b!tches.

Spot on. Every time I see somebody acting like a total woke moron, it's a woman or some freak who would like to be one. Or a non-binary azhole ...

BTW, could somebody here please explain what non-binary means? Does it mean they are not sure or won't tell?
Alien  23 | 5540
4 Jul 2024   #193
explain what non-binary means?

This means that it is Swiss and it just won ESC.
Torq  8 | 957
20 Jul 2024   #194
And I hear about the Red Pill from you instead from the media.

Here's your chance to catch up with the latest trends in male-female dynamics, Pawian...

... xD
Alien  23 | 5540
20 Jul 2024   #195
latest trends in male-female dynamics,

Alpha male in grandpa's chair sitting in front of a computer all day? This is not the real world.
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Jul 2024   #196
There is no rape in Poland. In fact, violent crimes don't happen in Poland.

They do here and that is why we have guns. I have two. Both loaded. Because we have crime.
Alien  23 | 5540
21 Aug 2024   #197
guns. I have two. Both loaded

You once wrote that you had three. ๐Ÿ”ซ
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Aug 2024   #198
He did but his wife found and confiscated one. Now she is looking for 2 more but Novi is clever - instead of under the pillow, he keeps his guns under the sheet!!!

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