Poland was the only smart country in the EU when Merkel started playing dictator.
It seems to me all media outlets are avoiding the question
That is because the Bleeding Heart Bias Liberal Media promoted the invasion of the Immigrants that invaded the EU.
It all started with allowing the "refugee" immigrants from war torn Syria into the EU which the Liberal Media's Political Correct soon confused and blended the invasion of the "economic" immigrants all into one.
The word refugee soon was replaced with migrants to include the economic invaders also.
The refugees migrants were simply running for their lives and weren't coming to b*tch, collect welfare, refuse to acclimate, wage Jihad, and replace EU law with Sharia Law like you see happening with the economic migrants.
The Liberal Politically Correct have stomped their feet jamming their abortion down our throats by call us bigots, racists, Islamaphobes, xenophobia and all the rest of their Politically Correct guilt words.
We relentlessly tried to tell them that if these people were allowed in that the bombs would start going off and innocent people will get raped and killed in the EU like they have been but they just refused to admit they were wrong.
Now that the attacks are happening the Progressive Liberals are nowhere to be found preaching their Political Correct Propaganda as you have even noticed right here on the Polish Forum.
They have been silenced with, "WE TOLD YOU SO !"
That's why there are now terrorists attacks in Europe.......because of the Politically Correct Progressive Bleeding Heart Liberal Hater Socialist Left Marxists that insist on destroying societies and cultures because they want everyone to be as miserable as they are without others having any potential to be successful or independence by redistributing wealth that others have worked so hard for.
And it is only going to get worse because it is now past the point of return thanks to the Progressive Left low information voters.
Keep Poland Polish by keeping the Invaders Out !