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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

jon357  73 | 22632
8 Jun 2024 #1771
Cause I never get an answer.....

From whom or from where? Perhaps there is no answer.

He's probably the smartest politician in the region (the potato moose shtick is an act)..

That's true. Have you seen his sons? Two middle-aged potatoes with double figure IQs and a 20 year old from the second marriage, bright as a button, film star looks and being groomed to be the successor. Currently either in Moscow learning God knows what or in Beijing, but possibly in neither. Depends which account of his whereabouts is accurate.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
8 Jun 2024 #1773
Have you been to France lately?Obviously not.

Twice this year.

Were you wearing blinkers or a blindfold?I bet you didn't go to Paris,Lyons or Marseille....

Marseille is now one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

My point exactly!And I love that city!

France is a terrorism target with the summer Olympics and all the illegals there now.

Without question!

Soon Macron will be done, Schultz will follow, and the people will take back the systems that have been fvcking them for the last 15 years or so.

Europe, with the exception of the UK is swinging to the right.
Novichok  5 | 7883
8 Jun 2024 #1774
The POS started another personal attack toward me.

If I make it to Poland, let's invite this POS to his last supper.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
8 Jun 2024 #1775
Europe, with the exception of the UK is swinging to the right.

People are waking up to this Woke b.s.
PolAmKrakow  3 | 965
9 Jun 2024 #1776
It is a forum based on servers in Michigan. The venue for any action is the location of the defendant, not the location of the website or server the site is on. I have dealt with an online stalker before and this was the case.
jon357  73 | 22632
9 Jun 2024 #1777
didn't go to Paris,Lyons or Marseille....

Two of those three. Migrations inevitable, however the thread is about Belarus.

Europe, with the exception of the UK is swinging to the right.

Generally, when that happens there's a backlash and things move towards the centre. It's looking brighter for the U.K. though. One interesting factor is that we've never been one of Belarus' major trading partners. Most of their economy is tied up with r*SSia.


There isn't one. Stop whining.
pawian  220 | 24841
24 Jul 2024 #1778
If it is hundreds, then the borders`d better been closed.

Prophetic words from Aug 2023.
Currently the Polish gov is seriously considering closing all border crossings with Belarus. Polish Pres warned the Chinese about such a possibility during his recent visit.
Recently, it has been noticeable that the number of attempts to illegally cross the border with Belarus has decreased. As "Bloomberg" writes on Wednesday, July 24, this is related to President Andrzej Duda's visit to China.

"President Andrzej Duda used his state visit to Beijing in late June to link the issue of migration and freight transport across the border with Belarus," Bloomberg wrote, citing people familiar with the content of the talks.
Poland has threatened to block a key Chinese rail route to the European Union as part of a diplomatic move aimed at slowing the escalation of the migration crisis on its eastern border, Bloomberg reports.

The actions of the government and the president are aimed at easing the migration crisis on the border and at trying to free Andrzej Poczobut, among others. China's pressure on Lukashenko may prove to be crucial here.

Torq  8 | 1132
24 Jul 2024 #1779
Currently the Polish gov is seriously considering closing all border crossings with Belarus.

Brilliant. Should have been done long time ago.

Close the border completely and let the Chinese sort out the Potato Fuhrer and his hybrid migrant invasion. :)
pawian  220 | 24841
24 Jul 2024 #1780
Potato Fuhrer :)

Potato Fuhrer and his imperial boss, Putin, as well.
Torq  8 | 1132
24 Jul 2024 #1781
Yes, I don't understand why it hasn't been done right away in the first place.

This whole silly hybryd war would be over in a month.
pawian  220 | 24841
24 Jul 2024 #1782
why it hasn't been done right away in the first place

Simple. The EU frowns at such a move coz other countries don`t care about the border crisis in Poland and want to keep up their trade with China.
Torq  8 | 1132
24 Jul 2024 #1783
Another reason why it should have been done right away! It would have become all those other countries' problem as well. :)

In any case, Chinese pressure alone would be enough for Lukashenko and Putin to stop their antics.

I hope our government will not back down this time. Close the border!
pawian  220 | 24841
24 Jul 2024 #1784
Close the border!

Polish demands are:
1. Stop the hostile export of migrants to the border.
2. Release political prisoners, especially Andrzej Poczobut.
Novichok  5 | 7883
24 Jul 2024 #1785
Lukashenko, please send more migrants to Poland.
Poles like migrants in Poland and the US. That's why these imbeciles love Biden and the giggling cvnt.
pawian  220 | 24841
24 Jul 2024 #1786
please send more migrants to Poland.

Too late, darling. Luka has backed off and the migrant pressure diminished significantly after Polish threats. Ha!!!
Ironside  50 | 12415
25 Jul 2024 #1787
after Polish threats.

Do you mean after President Duda visits China? See, Tusk couldn't be bothered to do even that much.
pawian  220 | 24841
25 Jul 2024 #1788
See, Tusk

Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk is busy in Poland right now but he is planning to go to China some time in the future. He and his men/women press the BelRus gov, that is a lot.
Ironside  50 | 12415
26 Jul 2024 #1789
Tusk is busy

With his new Ukrainian assistant. That young chick?
Torq  8 | 1132
26 Jul 2024 #1790
That young chick?

Lovely Kristina? She's a cosmetologists and likes expensive handbags (like most women)...

Kristina Voronovska

... so she's perfectly qualified to be an assistant to our PM.

At least Tusk's nails and eyebrows will be professionally taken care of. Of other body parts I shall not speak. :)
Ironside  50 | 12415
26 Jul 2024 #1791
Of other body parts I shall not speak.

Sad, but I think about who she works for.
pawian  220 | 24841
26 Jul 2024 #1792
That young chick?

Of other body parts I shall not speak. :)

You dirty male chauvinists.

She's a cosmetologists

As a dirty male chauvinist, you conviniently omitted the fact that she also holds a degree of MEcon.
Torq  8 | 1132
26 Jul 2024 #1793
I think about who she works for

Mr Z.? Making sure Tusk stays on short leash? Maybe...

she also holds a degree of MEcon

There's definitely more than a degree that she holds xD She holds Tusk by his... degree haha
Ironside  50 | 12415
26 Jul 2024 #1794
You dirty male chauvinists.

Why male? Maybe Torq identifies as a female? Are you transphobic?
Mr Z.?

Mr P possibly.
pawian  220 | 24841
26 Jul 2024 #1795
Why male?

Are you female, like Novi??? I am sorry, I had no idea.
Ironside  50 | 12415
26 Jul 2024 #1796
She holds Tusk by his... degree

Isn't Tusk 40 years older?
pawian  220 | 24841
26 Jul 2024 #1797
Stop obsessing about it. Do you envy Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk that he has such assistants? If you become a decent man at last, women will eventually notice you.
Torq  8 | 1132
26 Jul 2024 #1798
40 years older

So? Janusz Korwin-Mikke is 44 years older than his wife. Remember, Iron:

a) Life is not fair.
b) Żaden stary chłop nie jest tak stary jak stara baba.


And if she is, as you suspect, Mr P's agent, then we have a Berlin's agent cooperating with Moscow's agent. What could possibly go wrong?
Crow  154 | 9098
26 Jul 2024 #1799
So, brat Tusk still has usable penis.
pawian  220 | 24841
26 Jul 2024 #1800
Another impotent green with envy??? ):):)

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