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Poland's post-election political scene

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 May 2016   #2071
The EC have softened their tone

You're reporting this word for word from TVPiS.

The reality is that the European Commission gave the deadline of Monday - not as an ultimatum, but a simple warning that things would process if Poland didn't comply by Monday. From what I gather, Poland has two weeks from the date of the public warning or recommendations will be issued to Poland. These recommendations will almost certainly include solving the TK issue and fixing the mess with TVPiS. If Poland fails to comply, then we see Poland being recommended for sanctions.

You might think Hungary will save Poland from sanctions, but a simple agreement to provide Hungary with a couple of extra billion Euro will soon see that veto becoming a non-issue.

I suspect that the European Commission may also have been waiting to see what happened in Austria.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
23 May 2016   #2072
"European Commission gave the deadline of Monday" after which they will be sending the tanks in.

The Austrian nutter Nazi lost because of "A few postal votes", good job the EU learned a few tricks from the soviets.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 May 2016   #2073
after which they will be sending the tanks in.

They don't need to send tanks in. It's enough to suspend the CAP payments to Polish farmers.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2016   #2074
happened in Austria

Austria may well be next under the miscroscope after a leftist extremist barely won the presidency. Luckily it's only a figurehead president. In general, a wave of healthy patriotic sentiment is sweeping Europe and the days when lefties and libretards ran the show are numbered. As in Poland, people have finally seen through the slick, glib lefty propaganda.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
23 May 2016   #2075
leftist extremist

Don't be stupid Polonius any more than you have to be. I suggest that you look up the word "extremist" n the dictionary. We all know that Austria would have faced sanctions if that fascist had won, and carried out his racist threats.

Maybe you should relocate to Hungary and cuddle up to your racist buddy-boy Urban? In the meantime normal service is resumed, and soon will be in Poland as well.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 May 2016   #2076
barely won the presidency

Or "democrats" just faked it...

They don't need to send tanks in. It's enough to suspend the CAP payments to Polish farmers.

So how mighty "they" are going to do it ? Junkers and other fockers own that money about as much as you or I do.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 May 2016   #2077
Just needs to be pointed out here : the złoty is again in the toilet.

1EUR = 4.44PLN
1CHF = 4.00PLN
1USD = 3.96PLN

It's lost 4% this quarter so far, and markets are now starting to believe that PiS could attempt a referendum on Poland leaving the EU. All in all, a total disaster.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
24 May 2016   #2078
As in Poland, people have finally seen through the slick, glib lefty propaganda.

That's why we have PiS now - people were sick of commies, traitors, elitists, Zionists, extortionists, and people who had no problem selling the country out to the EU and US...

It's funny how much PO and Soros financed KOD complains about this yet they won't talk about how they illegally appointed 2 justices prior to their departure.

I just hope that Poland can keep the Zionist and Commie influences both in and out of the country at bay. Patriotism and Catholicism are their largest enemies that why there is such an attack now on the church and calling anyone with conservative values a fascist.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
24 May 2016   #2079
Looks as if the people are getting behind the new government and it's policies.

PiS support increasing: poll
24.05.2016 06:33
If the parliamentary elections were held this month, the ruling conservative party Law and Justice would receive 39 per cent of the vote.
- See more at:,PiS-support-increasing-poll#sthash.7WMNIovX.dpuf

Support for Andrzej Duda has gone up since he won Poland's presidential election last May, according to a new poll. - See more at:,Support-for-Polish-president-up-poll#sthash.lUqnh3Io.dpuf
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 May 2016   #2080
the people

Well, thank God we are somewhat isolated from the madness here in Tri-City. That's the illusion I have anyway and long may it continue.

Duda would not be welcome here.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
24 May 2016   #2081
"Duda would not be welcome here." I think you have a point Doug I Think the majority of his support comes from outside the big cities.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2016   #2082
ooks as if the people are getting behind the new government and it's policies.

That might be happening, but I do not trust government news sources.
24 May 2016   #2083
people are getting behind the new government and it's policies.

Yes, people at state-owned companies who want to keep their jobs.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 May 2016   #2084
state-owned companies

But not only... factroy workers and cawshiers, taxi drivers and waiters, students, dentists, engineers, priests, accountants, firefighters, farmers and many. many more. Did you know that every reigon of Poladn would vote for PiS if an election were held at presetn? Last October, only rootless Pomerania (settled after the war by lots of moley riffraff from all over) supported PO. Now even they have thrown in with PiS. The future indeed looks bright and promising.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 May 2016   #2085
Now even they have thrown in with PiS.

Pomorskie is solidly anti-PIS Polonius. I live here and I can tell you that anybody over the age of 35 hates them with a passion.

Over and out!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 May 2016   #2086
Pomorskie is solidly anti-PIS Polonius

But polls show both Pomprskiei & Zachodniopomorskie woudl vote for PiS. Maybe some Gdańsk-based elties are still for PO, but not the provinces as a whole.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 May 2016   #2087
markets are now starting to believe that PiS could attempt a referendum on Poland leaving the EU.

This is a totally absurd assumption.

It's lost 4% this quarter so far, [...] All in all, a total disaster.

The currency loosing 4% of its value in a quarter is not a 'total disaster'. It is not even a 'disaster'.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2016   #2088

Supermarketariat of the nation unite! You have nothing to lose but your pampers!

Pomerania (settled after the war by lots of moley riffraff from all over)

You really hate Poles who fail to fall in the party line, don't you?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 May 2016   #2089
Poles who fail

Poles who snitch and badmouth their own country, invite foreign intervention and take their cues from Polish-langauge but anti-Polish rags like GW. KOD are essentially a fifth column triyng to soften up the coutnry for the EU-Soros takeover. Happily they constitute a mere drop in the spitoon or chamber pot.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
24 May 2016   #2090
How's Wroclaw stand in terms of PiS/PO support?

I know my dad's side of the family was partial to Komorowski as we're from the same town - that was a while back though..

I was impartial to Komorowski's regime till Marek Belak (JP Morgan employee, World Bank employee, ex-PM, ex-Finance Minister, arguably a Bilderberg member, Director of the Zionist IMF Mafia) was exposed giving control of Poland's bank to foreigners, admitting Poland isn't really a sovereign nation, and other abuses of his positions. A tape exposed a conversation between Belka and Minister Sienkiewicz and shows ties to the Zionist Rothschild banking family.

'...Mówiąc po prostu jeśli w drugim półroczu gospodarka się zdecydowanie nie przyspieszy to będzie problem. To będzie być może konieczne tego rodzaju niestandardowe działanie. A wtedy trzeba serdecznie ze wszystkimi, jakby to powiedzieć, możliwymi tymi różnymi lanserami podziękować hrabiemu von Rothfeld-Rostowskiemu i powołać technicznego niepolitycznego ministra finansów, który znajdzie ...'

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild

And you silly goys thought that the Zionists had nothing to do with Poland's banking system...

The Rothschilds have been planning this takeover of Poland's banking system since the 90's - (Polski Fundusz Prywatyzacji Banków - PFPB) and even set up an office in Warsaw, according to documents from NM Rothschild and Sons Limited (Strategy For The Privatization of Banks Final Report). Polish politicians, like Belka, were more than willing allow Zionists to control the banks. This is why I am so happy to see PiS finally putting some control on the 'foreign' (aka Zionist) influence on our banking system.

From - - original conversation also published in Wprost

According American organization Global Financial Integrity it shows that Poland is in the top twenty countries most exploited by foreign capital.

According to GUS (the Central Statistic Office of Poland, nonetheless a UN Agenda 30 organization), in 2004, the year of Polish accession to the European Union, the national average salary before taxes could purchase 1,990 cubic meters of gas but in 2013 only 1,386 cubic meters. In 2004, the average salary of a Pole could purchase 818 liters of diesel, while in 2013 only 663 liters. Sure, we have new roads, new airports, and lots of foreign companies. The economy appears to be growing rapidly. However, according to many statistics, the standard of living for the average Pole is actually going down - thanks to the Zionist Rothschild, EU, and IMF plundering of Poland.

The western world will punish Poland and it's democratically elected government for going against the EU, the Zionist IMF, and reducing Rothschild shares in our banks.

From NY times - 1991 -

Mr. Lewandowski said that talks with foreign institutions would begin in July and that the Government had held talks with a dozen concerns, which he declined to name. One investment bank that helped draft the privatization plan was S. G. Warburg & Company of Britain, which is expected to receive...

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2016   #2091
Seeing as Polonius will never report the news...,Kandydat-PO-wygrywa-przedterminowe-wybory-samorzadowe-w-Trzebiatowie

In Sunday's election for mayor of Trzebiatowa in Zachodni-Pomorskie, Joseph Domanski won. He received 66.11 percent of the votes and defeated other three candidates in the first round.

Newsworthy is the fact that the PiS candidate obtained a mere 19.09% of the vote. In comparison, PiS in the same area won 27% of the vote in the election to the Sejm, meaning that they've lost 8% of the electorate in 6 months.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
24 May 2016   #2092
"Our country is now run by politicians accountable to Polish voters, not to German, British or French left-wing intellectuals."

But, ironically, in the eyes of some European commentators, it is Poland that "violates the foundations of democracy."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2016   #2093
Good link. This headline sums it up perfectly :

Poland didn't lurch right: PiS is a throwback to Soviet-style politics

It goes on to say :

The leadership of PiS is in fact deeply marked by the political culture of the communist era.

Exactly what we've been saying on here. It's nothing but PZPRbis tactics - while the PZPR used internationalism, friendship and "peace" as slogans, PiS use nationalism. Nothing really different at all.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
24 May 2016   #2094
See the headline: POLITICO asked leading thinkers, politicians and policymakers to weigh in on the Polish question.

If you bothered to read it all, you would see it is the opinions of many different, all respectable people. It is not one article written by just one person...

There are some people calling for the EU to go outside of the EU treaty to punish Poland for not following a 'liberal democracy.' A lot of these people don't understand that Poland is a sovereign nation and that PiS is a democratically elected government.

One of the articles says the following regarding the whole 'attack on media' by PiS versus how PO treated them when they were in charge:

It's hard for us at Wprost to treat seriously accusations, levelled by politicians from the former ruling party and the radio and television chiefs they nominated, that the new government is attacking our freedom of speech. These are the same people who, hand in hand with disgraced politicians, accused Wprost...

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2016   #2095
A lot of these people don't understand that Poland is a sovereign nation and that PiS is a democratically elected government.

Sure. But don't forget that the EU can also order comprehensive audits into how their cash is being spent, and when it becomes obvious that there's widespread corruption, simply stop funding Poland until the EU is certain that it's above board. The money doesn't flow, PiS start struggling to find cash to finish roads/railways/etc and the government falls. Job done.

Don't forget that many countries such as France, the Netherlands and the UK wouldn't be that bothered if Poland left.

Latest poll, and a very interesting one.,75398,20131818,sondaz-dla-faktow-tvn-pis-umacnia-sie-na-pozycji-lidera.html?

PiS - 37%
Nowoczesna - 20%
PO - 17%
Kukiz'15 - 5%
SLD - 5%

If you put Kukiz in the PiS camp and the SLD into the PO/Nowoczesna camp - it's a 50/50 split between pro-government and the opposition.
Jardinero  1 | 383
24 May 2016   #2096
PiS - 37%

Can't believe 1/3 of the nation is still supporting those asses.
24 May 2016   #2097
But don't forget that the EU can also order comprehensive audits in... Job done.

Your appreciation to EU tools that are used to interfere with internal affairs of a sovereign country shows what an anti-Polish scum you are.

You make me sick.


I can't believe that 2/3rds still call themselves Poles yet want to sell my Motherland to foreign usurpers.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2016   #2098
Your appreciation to EU tools that are used to interfere with internal affairs of a sovereign country shows what an anti-Polish scum you are.

If Poland wants the cash, Poland will behave.
24 May 2016   #2099
Frans Timmermans said earlier today that Constitutional Tribunal is a Polish internal thing to deal with and it shouldn't be decided outside of our country. Hahahahhahahah what a slap in the face of those KOD psychos lol. It's European Committee who said that. It means that your badmouthing won't be listened to in Brussels losers hahahahhahahah

Really Delphiandomine? Really? We just said "GTFO from our things it's not your business" to the EU and today Timmermans AGREED HAHAHHA EU will go on compromise with Poland. They will not FORCE anything upon us hahahahaha. Bet you gonna wet your mattress tonight hahahahha
Jardinero  1 | 383
24 May 2016   #2100
I can't believe that 2/3rds still call themselves Poles yet want to sell my Motherland to foreign usurpers.

Ah, more of the same old from the 'only true believers' (jedyni prawdziwi wyznawcy sPiSkowych teorii dziejów) - what drugs are you people on?!

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