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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 May 2017   #3151
voting for the opposition

If I could vote, why in the world would I vote for the opposition? Am I a bankster, Polanophobe, former SB thug, member of the post-PZPR/KOR roundtable mafia, promoter of the libertine/decadent agenda, supporter of the Tusk-era status quo, advocate of one clique constantly enjoying the fruits of transformation at the expense of the majority? In fact, those are the only Poles that could vote for PO. There may of course be a few decent but gullibe voters deluded by the deceptive, albeit cleverly phrased high-sounding slogans.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 May 2017   #3152
If I could vote, why in the world would I vote for the opposition?

Exactly. You prefer the type of politics reflected by your comment

Muslim vermin

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3153
Muslim vermin

Rather than obsessive broken-record repetition reminiscent of your guru (Kaczyński volunteered to prosecute disssdirents, etc.) why not present your take on the "homos(exuals) for Islam" business. Though it sounds incongruous, skewed, cock-eyed and hay-wire, perhaps there is some aspect thereof we have missed.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3154
Chairs (Chairman or Chairwoman) and in the UK they have Leaders

But nowhere in the US or UK are there 1st Secretaries, only in the sick mind of PF's main obsessive-compulsive poster, no -- baiter & troll, who has added an "i" to his nick in some of his recent posts. And he used to make such a fuss over it, but that's how the obsessive-compulsive syndrome functions.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3155

WIkipedia defines vermin as wild animals harmful to crops, livestock or game, or which spread disease. When applied to humans it means: people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.

Example: "the vermin who ransacked her house"

No group of people in the 21st century fits that description better than than the communtiy of Muslim terrorists, decapitators and virulent hordes attempting to penetrate the European continent and impose their fanatical beliefs "or else".
jon357  72 | 23361
17 May 2017   #3156
the communtiy of Muslim terrorists, decapitators and virulent hordes

Now Po. You didn't really dodge that one very well. Perhaps you, as someone who claims to be a practising Christian and a vocal Pis supporter considers your

Muslim vermin

to be the tired and hungry refugees, or nice Mr Khan with the corner shop. Or the gentleman in Warsaw whose cafe was graffitied by an elderly man.

Really, you should be ashamed of using the phrase

Muslim vermin

I'm surprised Admin allows that to be on this forum too.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3157
Muslim vermin

On the same level as Stalinist slime and Hitelrite scum. Some humanoids are so odious, evil and disgusting that even the strongest language cannot do justice to their vile criminal behaviour. And remember, just like you trying to whitewash the terrorist scum, there were people who claimed "not all Nazis were bad" and "normal, good people served Stalin, they did it to support their families because there was not other way."

practising Christian

The PZPR and their Trybuna Ludu would routinely lecture the Church on how they should follow "open Catholicism" as in France and elsewhere, in fact Szchter's rag pursues the same general line praising "progressive" Catholics. You apparently identify with the latter and feel entitled to tell Catholics how to practise their faith. Although charity defines the essence of Christianity, there are situations so extreme that other means must be employed. Jesus Himself chased the Jewish money-changers out of the temple and demolished their stalls. Even more so, he said those who scandalise His innocents should have a millstone tied round their neck and get thrown into the sea.

In other words the worst sin is setting a bad example, depraving innocent children. But isn't that what your libertine culture with its one-toilet genderists and LGBT deviates is all about. Brainwash them when they're young and impressionable, and soon there'll be more "fresh meat" on the market.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 May 2017   #3158
More political scandal. The conservative politician who claimed 40,000zl in petrol money without having either a car or a driver:

Some humanoids are so odious, evil and disgusting

Yes. People who use phrases like

Muslim vermin

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3159
who use phrases like

...volunteered to prosecute dissidents. Sound familiar?
jon357  72 | 23361
17 May 2017   #3160
volunteered to prosecute dissidents

You mean Kaczynski? Yes, he did. Worth remembering that some of his relatives worked as prosecutors during the very darkest period of the PRL.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3161
some of his relatives worked as prosecutors

But you're the one that claims there is no family guilt. So the bastard (or illegitimate - if you prefer) Szechter boy is not responsible for his out-of-wedlock father Ozjasz Szechter being one of Stalin's blindly loyal henchmen nor his out-of-wedlock mother Helena Michnik sovietising Polish school textbooks. Still, he was raised in what by the standards of the day was a posh nomenklatura flat visited by family friends with similar Stalinist backgrounds, explaining his soft-on-commies proclivity.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 May 2017   #3162
But you're the one that claims there is no family guilt.

And you're the one who claims there is. And a relative of a certain pair was a prosecutor who called for the death sentence on certain well known wartime figures.

Plus the other relative who was minister of 'justice' at the time.

No wonder they got the villa, the posh school etc.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3163
certain well known wartime figures

Name one or two.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3164
for the death sentence

Schecter's elder brother Stefan actually had blood on his hands when his sentences were carried out. What about your unnamed mystery sentencer?

certain well known wartime figures

Are you sure they weren't SS-men or other Nazi war criminals?
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 May 2017   #3165
The Southern Poverty Law Center

A Commie Center for lies and commie propaganda phew!
jon357  72 | 23361
17 May 2017   #3166
Are you sure they weren't SS-men or other Nazi war criminals?

Nope - people you would have approved of, like Witold Pilecki.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 May 2017   #3167
Witold Pilecki

So why don't you name your real or imagiend culprits?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 May 2017   #3168
posh school

What posh school?
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #3169
is it true that recently convicted murderer Pawel Kopacz is Former prime minister from PO, nephew?and according to Austrian police sources,he was protected for 18 years from being prosecuted by her and her PO circles.his father is also arrested and number of policeman who are being now prosecuted for preventing course of justice and destroying evidences.,11667444
told you PO **** is no opposition party,its a scum criminal org.same with murder of M Zuk and Wroclaw PO and KOD scum involvement in human trafficking.

those libtards are simply morally degenerates.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2017   #3170
is it true that

No, it isn't. She has said that she's never heard of him and that the surname is a co-incidence. Worth mentioning that there are thousands of people in Poland called Kopacz.

Just as Jaroslaw Kaczynski isn't the aunty of the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski.

murder of M Zuk and Wroclaw PO and KOD scum involvement in human trafficking.

Don't be silly
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #3171
Don't be silly

really,wasn't KOD member,one of KOD leader Konrad M. prosecuted for human trafficking?
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2017   #3172
Really? According to the article, it says accused. Not convicted.

And nothing to do with either the suicide of the crazy tourist Magda Żuk, or any elected politician.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #3173
Ziobro,why so slow? why PO filth is still allowed to walk freely and show their ugly mugs in public.should public take justice into their own hand and deal with them like Romanians dealt with Ceaușescu ?

Really? According to the article, it says accused. Not convicted.

funny,even people from KOD says its disgusting what he was involved in..he himself said he would accept one year in prison suspended sentence(gotta be kidding you scum).wonder why
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2017   #3174
should public take justice into their own hand and deal with them like Romanians dealt with Ceaușescu ?

No, I don't believe we should lynch Kaczynski or Macierewicz.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #3175
no no no..them 2 should be expelled to Russia in some Gulag cultural enrichment program.

Wroclaw has become arab and muslim mafia territory thanks to Dutkiewicz and PO mafia.its well known fact.
you can see it yourself here on this forum,how many muslims want to settle in Wroclaw.everyday muslims asking about IT Wroclaw jobs.
we can now learn from detectives from Lampart company about 72 people closely associated with PO elites in lower Silesia involved in human trafficking.

Worth mentioning that there are thousands of people in Poland called Kopacz.

no,,its from austrian police sources and he himself claim hes related to Kopacz PO whoe. beside,he shown the same morality level to her auntie.filth
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2017   #3176
Wroclaw has become arab and muslim mafia territory

No. No it hasn't.

austrian police sources and he himself claim hes related to

He claimed it. She has denied any knowledge of the person. No reason to doubt her of for her to lie since it would be very easily checkable.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #3177
No reason to doubt her of for her to lie

muahahaha,what? are you fooling around ?that biatch is synonym of a liar in Poland..shes in fkin polish dictionary on first page 1 intro of liar description

only chyzy ruj can match her in lying skills
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2017   #3178
that biatch is synonym of a liar in Poland

Now now...

Any such information would be easily verifiable (like Kaczynski's relative who was the prosecutor that called for the death sentence for Witold Pilecki)

So not much point in lying.
Atch  22 | 4299
18 May 2017   #3179
Very easily verified and in fact any Polish journalist who wanted to get a scoop and discredit Ms Kopacz could very easily confirm the fact and publish an article to that effect. I wonder nobody has done so, if it's true............
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 May 2017   #3180
Very easily verified and in fact

no no no ..the are morally and genetically closely related.same degenerated filth,same genetically related idiocy.same surname. coincidence? i dont think so

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