Muslim vermin
On the same level as Stalinist slime and Hitelrite scum. Some humanoids are so odious, evil and disgusting that even the strongest language cannot do justice to their vile criminal behaviour. And remember, just like you trying to whitewash the terrorist scum, there were people who claimed "not all Nazis were bad" and "normal, good people served Stalin, they did it to support their families because there was not other way."
practising Christian
The PZPR and their Trybuna Ludu would routinely lecture the Church on how they should follow "open Catholicism" as in France and elsewhere, in fact Szchter's rag pursues the same general line praising "progressive" Catholics. You apparently identify with the latter and feel entitled to tell Catholics how to practise their faith. Although charity defines the essence of Christianity, there are situations so extreme that other means must be employed. Jesus Himself chased the Jewish money-changers out of the temple and demolished their stalls. Even more so, he said those who scandalise His innocents should have a millstone tied round their neck and get thrown into the sea.
In other words the worst sin is setting a bad example, depraving innocent children. But isn't that what your libertine culture with its one-toilet genderists and LGBT deviates is all about. Brainwash them when they're young and impressionable, and soon there'll be more "fresh meat" on the market.