Are we going to see a rise of new political circus in Poland?
Duda`s wife refused to back up her husband (rumours suggest she is going to divorce him after elections coz she`s had enough of politics ),
Guys, do you remember that quote from Presidential elections thread? You were sceptical about it, rejected it as rumours shrumours. Yes ,you were right coz the situation has changed in the Dudas marriage. I have just received amazing info but it is strictly confidential so I can`t tell you where I got it from.
The couple had a serious talk about their future. Earlier, Agata had threatened to file for divorce coz as I said, she was fed up with her role of the Silent First Lady. However, Andrzej begged her to stay with him so that his reputation of a family man wouldn`t be tarnished by divorce. Agata agreed on one crucial condition: he must stop being Kaczyński`s sock puppet at last, he has to become an honest politician, give up his low lies and try to unite the divided nation. Also, she expects him to block controvercial laws passed by PiS parliament. One of them is the repolonisation of the media with foreign capital which is intended by PiS to curb free speech in Poland, especially that critical of rightwing rulers. .
Wow, if Duda really becomes independent, that will be certainly a new circus event in Poland. After all, he risks nothing. He can`t run for President any more so now Kaczyński can kiss his ass. Before, Duda was an obedient puppet coz he feared PiS wouldn`t choose him as their candidate. Now, it doesn`t matter to him so he might try to change his image of Ballpen and go down in history as a decent President.
Stay with us to keep track of the developments/