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The Political Circus of Poland

Alien  25 | 6430
4 Oct 2023   #271
At least he has charisma.
Paulina  19 | 4484
5 Oct 2023   #272
@Alien, and balls of steel lol


OP pawian  226 | 27558
5 Oct 2023   #273
And the penis of uranium! Perfect for destroying Russian tanks! Three at a time! hahahahaha
PS. Russians will complain about environment contamination with uranium but they always complain, like their stalinist grandpas. Such a grumpy imperial nation.
Novichok  4 | 8550
6 Oct 2023   #274
And the penis of uranium! Perfect for destroying Russian tanks!

Russia doesn't need tanks to win. This is not WW2. All Russia needs is to bleed the UA out of men and the US out of patience and money. See PAK.
Alien  25 | 6430
6 Oct 2023   #275
balls of stee

Made of armored steel. 😄
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Oct 2023   #276
and balls of steel

Made of armored steel.

With the help of the US & Poland mostly.While ruskis are trying to break them he is now flashjing them to Poland and in future I guarantee to the US too,while ruskis will laugh there arse off.

They are fu.ckin corrupt as hell and will never be loyal to anyone.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Oct 2023   #277
One of the PIS nominated judges in the PIS controlled Constitutional Tribunal, embittered with the election results, said that Poles don`t deserve to live in an independent country.

It immediately struck me as ringing the bell to the words by Adolf Hitler who claimed that Germans, unwilling to fight tooth and nail with utter sacrifice against allies, didn`t deserve to have such a genial leader as himself and it was a natural course of history for them to be conquered by stronger nations, especially Russians.

He even gave the Nero Befelh in which he ordered the German industry to be obliterated before falling prey to allies.
Will PiS gangsters also issue such an order??? After us even a deluge????
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Feb 2024   #278
PiS bolsheviks are so embarassed by their gangsta party affiliation that they hide PiS logos on the posters promoting them in the currently running local gov election campaign.

Amassing clowns. And idiots if they really believe a non-PiS voter might fall for that scam. :):):):)

That is why a new campaign has just been launched on X - DisclosethePiSSer!

Dorżnąć tą bolszewicką watahę do końca!!!! hahahaha

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
7 Feb 2024   #279
Today we could witness amassing scenes in front of the Parliament where PIS bolsheviks tried to break through Parliament Guards who prevented two convicted PIS criminals from entering the building. See it in the film below. PiS bolsheviks turned it into a deplorable brawl.

On the one hand, it is a huge embarassment for Poland coz it shows that thanks to PIS bolsheviks and their homo sovieticus voters, are are still an Eastern, not Central European country. I saw similarly violent mayhem with Parliament members`s active participation in underdeveloped countries in the Middle East or Asia.

On the other hand, it is a blessing that PiS bolsheviks are doing it, proving again and again they are wild uncontrollable pack of hoodlums who need to be aborted to the very end so that Poland can be a safe and prosperous country again. Seeing them in action, even more Poles and Polesses will vote against them in the coming elections in April and June than on the 15 Oct.

If those bolsheviks were more clever, they would completely change their attitude and behaviour in order to attract decent centrist Poles to vote for them.

Fortunately, they are moronic rightists and will remain such. Goddess bless them all!!!!!! hahahahaha

OP pawian  226 | 27558
7 Feb 2024   #280
proving again and again they are wild uncontrollable pack of hoodlums

Of course it is natural that Tusk and Co enthusiasticaly, even wildly support such wild PIS, especially before the coming elections. hahahaha I suppose they are even ready to say prayers so that PiS won`t change.
Ironside  50 | 12954
7 Feb 2024   #281
amassing scenes

They made a mess with these two MPs and now there is a result, they can't pass any legal bill, lol! Neo-Sejm.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
7 Feb 2024   #282
They can, do and will. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11167
7 Feb 2024   #283
They made a mess with these two MPs

They're no longer MP's that was annulled when they were convicted and a pardon doesn't change the verdict it just keeps them out of jail...

What I want to know is why PiS is going all in for these two convicted criminals?

They may be shoring up their aggressive and ill-informed base but they can't imagine this plays well with anyone else....

Another idea is they're sending a message: stay loyal and we won't abandon you when you get in trouble (to encourage other crooks in the party to not abandon ship).
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
7 Feb 2024   #284

Please improve your poor English.....
Ironside  50 | 12954
8 Feb 2024   #285
They're no longer MP's

Oh, I wish it was that simple, it is not. What is more fun is the fact that only one of them was nullified formally (legally or not) whilst the other is clean as a whistle and according to all laws still an MP.

Holownia and their cronies are morons.
That made such a mess that it is possible to question the legal validity of all bills passed by the Sejm, not to mention that ministers Bodnar and Sienkiewicz are currently certified criminals, awaiting jail time.

Public opinion does not care about that and PiS because they are rightly fed up with them, for people it is like powerful politicians get their commence and they like it without understanding what is going on.


They can, do, and will. :):):)

So can you! But nobody cares!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
9 Feb 2024   #286
ministers Bodnar and Sienkiewicz

Dream on if it unstresses you. . :):)

But nobody cares!

That`s a very healthy attitude! :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Mar 2024   #287
PiS President Duda and pro-democratic Prime Minister Tusk were united by President Biden who used a trick aimed at strengthening the NATO alliance.

"By inviting two of the most important people from the two dominant political camps in Poland, which is unusual in terms of protocol, Biden used a trick that previous presidents had already used: in this way he was able to show that the security of the Alliance also in Poland must take priority over partisan disputes. "- emphasized the portal, while noting that "for their part, Duda and Tusk tried to demonstrate unity."

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Miloslaw  20 | 5124
13 Mar 2024   #288

LOL!!! Tusk and Biden a combination created in hell!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
14 Mar 2024   #289
LOL!!! Tusk and Biden a combination created in hell!

Don`t ignore Duda - he is also of satanic origin. Even more than the other two coz he is a rightist. They are the truest followers of Mefisto. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27558
16 Mar 2024   #290
Tusk and Biden a combination created in hell!

:):):) PiS bolsheviks had shown the Saviour with red satanic eyes on their corrupt TV. That was one of the reasons they lost the elections. Ha!!!!
cms neuf  2 | 1869
17 Mar 2024   #291
Driving a lot around villages this weekend and see PiS candidates are even embarrassed to put PiS words or symbols on their posters - they are trying to deceive voters in an Udmurtian stylee LOL
Luke1410  - | 146
18 Mar 2024   #292
''Tusk upped the stakes in tweeting that that what Ukraine needs is "less talk and more ammo,"

Well said Donald, time to get behind him now.
Ironside  50 | 12954
19 Mar 2024   #293
"less talk

said Donald

lol it is a comic relief.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
19 Mar 2024   #294
a comic relief.

Exactly, cosmic.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Mar 2024   #295
Here's a cheerful piece of news..............

The general gist of it is that prison reform is needed in Poland - which it is, wouldn't argue with that - but in the usual cheap and not-so-cheerful Polish style, a fast track to reform is to reduce the present numbers by around 25% as quickly as possible. That will alleviate overcrowding.

The daft bint deputy justice minister Maria Ejchart believes that it can work because it does in Norway - Norway! Yes dear, it works in Norway because Norwegian society and social policy couldn't be more different to Poland. What a silly cow.

Wonder what sort of convicts she'll be releasing? Happy days ahead.
Ironside  50 | 12954
20 Mar 2024   #296
Happy days ahead

Those clowns are sad.
Bobko  27 | 2107
20 Mar 2024   #297
Wonder what sort of convicts she'll be releasing?

1) Step 1: Create a private military company called "Chopin".

2) Railroad these 20,000 convicts into its ranks.

3) Train them to become stormtroopers.

4) Lease them to Ukraine, just as Renaissance-era Parma or Bologna would rent outs its condotierri to the Medici princes.

5) Ukraine throws them into the worst sectors of the front to soak up Russian attrition.

6) Result. No convicts. Tons of cash. A valuable ally has been supported. PROFIT.
Ironside  50 | 12954
20 Mar 2024   #298
1) Step 1:

Good idea. They won't do it. They are clowns, we need to get rid of those sad clowns.
Bobko  27 | 2107
20 Mar 2024   #299
Good idea. They won't do it

Maybe more time has to pass.

After two years of making funny jokes about Russia's use of convicts, a few weeks ago Ukraine quietly started doing the same.

Can you imagine how Polish convicts will sh!t their pants when they are informed the next destination is Donbass? It will calm everybody else in Polish society that is considering to commit a crime.

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Alien  25 | 6430
20 Mar 2024   #300
6) Result

You're wrong, everyone would have capitulated immediately. There are more important things to do in life than die for putin or Ukraine. For example, you can steal cars and sell them to russia.

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