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Poland Plans New Canal from Vistula to the Baltic. Drought?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2014   #1
It's my understanding that Poland plans to build a new canal from Vistula to the Baltic.
This no doubt is being built to by pass Russian waters.
It's great in my opinion that Poland is doing this.
It will put people to work helping the economy and make Poland more independent.
Can't find much on the news about the project however.
I would appreciate some input wheather the Polish people think this is a good idea
or not.
Hard to get both sides of a story first hand this side of the pond.
Thank you in advance.
13 Aug 2014   #2
Can't find much on the news about the project however.

Have a look at this article:

Costing an estimated £167 million, the planned canal will link the Vistula Lagoon in the north east of Poland with the Baltic Sea. Currently, all sea traffic from the lagoon and the flourishing port of Elblag has to travel through Russian waters to get to the Baltic. The canal will cut through a narrow strip of land separating the lagoon from the sea.
Monitor  13 | 1810
14 Aug 2014   #3
It's great in my opinion that Poland is doing this. It will put people to work helping the economy and make Poland more independent.

It's not so simple, because things must have potential of future saving/earning to be economically justified, nut just work for the sake of work creation.

It's happening probably since 20 years, that from time to time Russians forbid Polish ships to cross from Zalew Wiślany to Baltic Sea through their territory. This channel will give independent access to the sea to Elbląd - 4th largest city on Polish coast. Maybe it will be a boost for port/shipping investments and industry there, when Russian risk will disappear. But only maybe, if not, then it will be mostly wasting of money, which could be used in some more useful way.
14 Aug 2014   #4
But only maybe, if not, then it will be mostly wasting of money, which could be used in some more useful way.

I've got to say that I'm not a fan of the project, I think the money could be better spent expanding Naftoport and the LPG terminal to reduce Polish dependency on Russian energy. For transport needs developing the DCT at Gdansk and up-rating Gdynia port to Baltimax (although I think that that project might already be underway); those ports are currently the two busiest container ports in the Baltic.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Aug 2014   #5
It's happening probably since 20 years, that from time to time Russians forbid Polish ships to cross from Zalew Wiślany to Baltic Sea through their territory.

And looking twenty years down the road I would guess it will more than pay for itself.
Plus the more Poland creates it's independence from uncle Pootie the more leverage Poland will have.
Walk and don't look back.
Thanks for the article Pam ; )
f stop  24 | 2493
30 Aug 2015   #6
Merged: The Vistula river dried up and at a standstill in Warsaw? Drought in Poland.

My aunt tells me one can walk across the Vistula river in Warsaw, it is so dried up. Is that true?
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2015   #7
No, that's a slight exaggeration, though water levels are the lowest in decades and archaeologists are having a field day with some of the (mostly WW2) stuff that's turned up in the silt.
InPolska  9 | 1796
30 Aug 2015   #8
I crossed the river last Thursday and I can say that your aunt is for sure joking.
f stop  24 | 2493
30 Aug 2015   #9
On August 19, this report states that the river is at its lowest since some 18 century. I hope it rained since..

Warsaw is having a treasure hunt - exploiting the record low level of the Vistula River to find pieces of historic bridges and boats amid the discarded tires and broken glass littering its banks. It's all part of city authorities' goal to turn the free-flowing river into a major tourist and sports attraction.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Aug 2022   #10

Is Poland as affected by drought as Germany or Norway?

Having read about much of Northern Europe suffering so under the sweltering heat and certain drought conditions, I was wondering how Poland has been faring under current circumstances.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Aug 2022   #11
It's quite dry anyway so is used to periods without rain.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 Aug 2022   #12
Wasn't aware, thanks.

Home / News / Poland Plans New Canal from Vistula to the Baltic. Drought?

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