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Poland's PiS party members and crime

Ironside  50 | 12916
2 Mar 2017   #271
wait a second - so you claim

He claims nothing. He is only heckling PiS.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2017   #272
Isn't it funny how the mouthpiece for PiS on this forum is strangely quiet about this snitch being outed?

Isn't it also funny how our PiS supporters here are trying to drive the topic away from the topic, which is that the husband of the (illegitimate) President of the Constitutional Tribunal cooperated with the Communist security services?
2 Mar 2017   #273
How about make public names and faces all snitches, prominent beneficiary of the commie regime? All of them!

If the list was complete and accurate, I'd support that.

One wonders why Polonius hasn't shown up yet to denounce this snitch.

I must say that I'm not wondering at all. I doubt anybody who has read his work is.

It's mysterious that some workers were able to gain luxury (for that time) accomodation in a wealthy part of Warsaw, while other workers were living in tiny cramped accommodation.

Yep, hard working Poles lived in shoe boxes while people you'd expect to be less favoured by the Party, such as former AK soldiers and citizens of countries Poland was in a cold war with, lived in grace-and-favour villas.

judge Andrzej Rzepliński

There is no such person.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2017   #274
If the list was complete and accurate, I'd support that.

Likewise. It would probably decimate the political classes in Poland, but that would be no bad thing. Certainly the current government would lose badly once it was revealed just how deep their links are with the PZPR and how many of them had privileged upbringings as a result of their nomeklatura status.

Yep, hard working Poles lived in shoe boxes while people you'd expect to be less favoured by the Party, such as former AK soldiers and citizens of countries Poland was in a cold war with, lived in grace-and-favour villas.

Yes, it's all very strange, isn't it? Revealing all of this would certainly provide us with the answers as to how some AK soldiers found themselves tortured and oppressed (or worse) by the regime, while some just so coincidentally happened to have a stellar career that was rewarded with a comfortable lifestyle for them and their children.

But let's not go off-topic here. Polonius, Polonius, can you explain to us why it's acceptable for PiS to have a snitch serving as ambassador to Germany and for his wife to serve as the President of the Constitutional Tribunal?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Mar 2017   #275
As the main parrot of Dziennik Telewizyjny appears to have gone quiet on this thread, I think I'll just post another link about the PRL-era snitch and current PiS-appointed ambassador to Germany, Andrzej Przyłębski.

Personal file of "Wolfgang", AKA Andrew Przyłębski was released on Friday. The documents cover the years 1979-1980. They show that TW "Wolfgang" "was recruited for cooperation June 11, 1979". As reported, in order to "ensure the flow of operational information regarding demonstrations of anti-socialist activity in the student environment in Poznan.",1342,title,Szef-gabinetu-prezydenta-Adam-Kwiatkowski-ws-Andrzeja-Przylebskiego-poczekajmy-na-decyzje-IPN,wid,18718086,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=118bd0

Perhaps one of the other rabid PiS supporters on this forum can provide us with a justification as to why a snitch should remain in such a high profile position?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Mar 2017   #276
Still silence from DT's favourite correspondent, despite Jolanta Szczypińska from PIS openly criticising the situation.

Clearly the silence can be taken as acceptance of an SB snitch in the MSZ.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Mar 2017   #277
Seeing as PF's Chief Propagandist is silent, Radio Poland has reported on yet another snitch in the employ of PiS.

On Thursday, public broadcaster TVP reported that according to records found at the Warsaw-based Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), out of the seven members of the board of the Solidarity trade union branch of the foreign ministry.. one is a former collaborator of the communist authorities.,Foreign-ministry-shakeup-meets-opposition-from-union
17 Mar 2017   #278
Perhaps one of the other rabid PiS supporters on this forum can provide us with a justification as to why a snitch should remain in such a high profile position?

I'm certainly not a rabid PiS supporter, but the reason that particular SB snitch has kept his job is that he is very loyal to the person of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, and so his sins are forgiven.

Or perhaps Polly can provide an alternative explanation?

Radio Poland has reported on yet another snitch in the employ of PiS.

Given that Radio Poland is now really just Radio PiSlamic State, that case must be beyond debate. Not that anything will change following the announcement, Solidarnosc's leadership are now very much in PIS's pocket and personally loyal to The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Mar 2017   #279
but the reason that particular SB snitch has

Why you worry about some small fry just because they are in PiS. PO has been created by big time operatives and there are lots of SB snitches on top appointments left, right and centre, in the pats and at the present.

Never heard you uttering a word about those facts.
How about German gov. founding PO - that is an interning issue in progress. Also nothing from you.
in conclusion it is clear that you don't care if someone has been SB snitch, Hitler or Pol-Pot himself as long as such a person support PO or generality speaking commies, progressives. Why don't you jump off that high horse of moral indignation. You're faking it!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Mar 2017   #280
Isn't it funny

Isn't it funny how the very same people who claim "there is no collective guilt" change theri tune when a relative or spouse of a currentn official (Przyłębska) is lambasted for collaboration, but the same accusers are silent about the real estate scamster (Waltz) whose wife is the Heinous Hanna. Or how someone's father can serve hsitory's greatest tyrant Stalin but never be mentioed because his son is the notorious chief of the Kosher Courier. Or how Piotrowicz can be attacked but not the 30 PO MPs who were either PZPR members or TW snitches. THAT'S CALLED H Y P O C R I S Y!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Mar 2017   #281

Tell us more about the snitch in Berlin, appointed by PiS, why don't you?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Mar 2017   #282
appointed by PiS

Why obsess about PiS when they have far fewer TWs and ex-PZPR types in their ranks. Go to where the concnetration is gretaest -- PO and SLD.

And you're constant PiS-bashing, being upset about Trump and Brexit all has to do with results. Go to the source and exlain why people voted the way they did? Unless yoiu do you'll contiue p*ssing in the wind!
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2017   #283
the snitch in Berlin, appointed by PiS, why don't you?

That's quite a worry
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Mar 2017   #284
why don't you

The information is on the net. You have an exaggeratred sense of my importance if you think I have an inside line of the news. I doubt whether his past was known when he was appointed, But any country's ambassador is a small fry compared to a PM and European Council leader (Tusk) accused of being a Stasi TW (code-named Oskar). Or a former Polish president (Komorowski) was TW Litwin. And what about Nobel Peace laureate TW Bolek ('Wałęsa). If it wasn't for the Kosher/Commie clique that ran the roundtable, all this would have been known and done with years ago. But the Wałęsa-led parliamentary coup of 1992 put paid to any sense of vetting, de-communisation or human justice.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2017   #285
I doubt whether his past was known when he was appointe

You deliberately underestimate this.

Or a former Polish president (Komorowski) was TW Litwin.

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Mar 2017   #286

He's actually making it up now, as even PiS haven't accused Tusk of anything in that respect.

Still, it's completely off-topic, as this is about PiS and their snitches. Perhaps he can tell us why the snitch in question remains Ambassador to Germany despite the IPN confirming that they hold documents confirming who TW Wolfgang was.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Mar 2017   #287
leader (Tusk) accused of being a Stasi TW (code-named Oskar)

How did that work? Was he ever in the DDR?

What about Kaczyński's TW past (code name: Pikieta)?
19 Mar 2017   #288
code name: Pikieta

You sure about that? It's not the code name I've heard in the past
mafketis  38 | 11137
19 Mar 2017   #289
It's not the code name I've heard in the past

What code name did you hear for JK as a TW?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Mar 2017   #290
Plenty of good examples of crime over the weekend.

First up - it transpires that PiS have been giving people salaries from the European Parliament as assistants, despite them not actually working as assistants at the time. Our old friend, Misiewicz, is at the centre of it:

Doubts also concern MEP Beata Gosiewska. In her case, it regards Bartłomiej Misiewicz. From November 2014, Misiewicz was her full-time assistant. At the same time, however, he worked in a pharmacy in Łomianki.,lewe-etaty-w-pis-oplacane-z-unijnych-pieniedzy-europarlament-pyta-m-in-o-bartlomieja-misiewicza

Others were also involved, but it shouldn't surprise us that he's at the centre of such a scandal.

Next - Tomasz Markowski, former MP from PiS.

Former parliamentarian PiS, Tomasz Markowski, was finally convicted for claiming money from the Sejm to rent an apartment, even though he had his own apartment in Warsaw.,byly-posel-prawa-i-sprawiedliwosci-skazany-za-wyludzanie-pieniedzy-na-mieszkanie-wyciagnal-od-panstwa-114-tys-zlotych

The stench of crime around PiS is unbelievable.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Mar 2017   #291
salaries from the European Parliament as assistants, despite them not actually working as assistants at the time

That sort of behaviour can and does rebound on politicians who do it.

The stench of crime around PiS is unbelievable

As Lech Kaczynski said about corruption: "now it's our f*cking turn"...
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Mar 2017   #292
That sort of behaviour can and does rebound on politicians who do it.

Well, it's already dragged down Le Pen in France. Such blatant corruption is hard to cover up, especially if it results in punishments from the EP.

As Lech Kaczynski said about corruption: "now it's our f*cking turn"...

Exactly. Perhaps Polly will be along soon to explain to us about why it's acceptable for Misiewicz to remain anywhere near the government.
pawian  224 | 27236
23 Jul 2020   #293
Why just PiS? In the embezzlement department the Platfusy are the leaders, and the ex-commies of the SLD are not far behind.

No more. PiS has surpassed all of them within 5 years since they got power in 2015. Thank you, PiS.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2022   #294
with crimes committed by members of PiS?

PIS Minister Jacek Sasin and PiS Prime Minister Morawiecki will answer for organising elections which didn`t take place. It cost Poles 70 million PLN.

The case relates to presidential elections that were scheduled for May and which the government sought to organise as an all-postal vote despite relevant legislation authorising that not having been passed. The elections were eventually abandoned and new ones called.

Currently it is impossible to take them to court coz prosecutors who give green light to lawsuits are controlled by PiS. The ones who refuse to obey are punished so most do or don`t do what PiS tells them.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Jul 2022   #295
will answer for o

Answer questions?

to take them to court

To court? lol good luck lol!
By the way do you think PO and Tusk stand a chance to win an election if wll they do they whinne, talk about puting people behind the bars and promise only four day a week people will have to go to work?

I would think that the first order of things would be to change the court stystem that had been bulid in a way as to ensure that non of communits would even face a trial. That system is rotting from inside with corruption and mafia like connections.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2022   #296
PO and Tusk stand a chance to win an election

They won`t win the elections coz numerically PiS will. . However, PO will have enough members to create a gov with other opposition parties. Simple, isn`t it? :):):)

That system is rotting from inside with corruption and mafia like connections.

No ,it isn`t. It has been slowly changing for better since 1989 and it was PiS which cried about communist mafia in order to replace independent judges with their own PiS mafia ones.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Jul 2022   #297
However, PO will have enough members to create a gov with other opposition parties. Simple, isn`t it? :):):)

Lol! The will not get enough votes. What oppostion parties? Crazy left, Hołownia? Is that goes to conrary of Tusk aims to have united oppostion going for elections?

All you people do are simply say the same stuff year after year and nothings happens. If they have brains like you to help them out I understand why they loose again and again. lol

No ,it isn`t.

Yes it is!

It has been slowly changing for better since 1989

lol! sure it was if it wasn't your defence of it would be fishy and diffcult to understand in someone who claim to be a 'decent' person and a ;liberal.

It was set by communists as a safty measure to overwrite any court precess set against them and it has been working as a charm, on the extra side they created mafia that is doing well.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
16 Jul 2022   #298
PiS will likely win the presidency again unless a real alternative comes to the front. But the opposition will control the sejm. No question about that at all, even the PiS polls show they will not be in control. This is exactly why they are trying to delay local elections now.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2022   #299
The will not get enough votes

Don`t worry about it. :):):)

they created mafia

Only in your imagination. :):)

PiS will likely win the presidency again

No, they won`t. Trzaskowski defeats any PiS candidate easily. :):):)
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2022   #300
Certainly a few PiS lawmakers and ministers will be prosecuted for considerable financial losses that Poland has suffered due to their conscious obstruction of European Parliament and Commission decrees.

The European Commission says the daily fines imposed on EU member country Poland for not complying with an order to suspend a disciplinary mechanism for judges have now piled up to more than 160 million euros

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