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Poland Parliamentary Elections 2019

kondzior  11 | 1026
11 Oct 2019   #1
Recent poll:


---Dramatis personae---


PiS (Law and Justice)


Catholicism and social solidarity. Jarosław Kaczyński is a volcel cat lover, good catholic, big fan general de Gaulle and polish interwar Sanacja. He has a strange power of somewhat-long-term planning, that's why people call him the Brilliant Strategist. Kaczyński genuinely cares about the little people, that's why he bribes them with their own money.


Koalicja Obywatelska (Citizen Coalition)


PO (Civic Platform) invited some plankton and enslaved Nowoczesna party. Minor visual rebranding, but it's still the same hollow party of power (but without the power). No ideas, no convictions. Pro-EU orientation is the only thing they stand for. The current leader, Grzegorz "Porcelain Grin" Schetyna, is HATED by his own electorate and a big chunk of his own party. Tries to replicate Kaczyński's tactics from last elections, but fails at every step. Hiding behind a marionette with a friendlier face involves not showing your own ugly mug, you stupid schmuck!

Smaller non-coalitions.
These parties technically are unified entities. Which makes electoral treshhold lower, only 5%. It also makes subventions impossible to split. Leader takes all. This will cause some drama...


Lewica (the Left)


SLD (Alliance of Democratic Left) - Old commies looking for a new identity. They rule this circus and they will get all the money from subventions. Their leader is a muppet-looking man with a large collection of pastel sweaters.

Wiosna (Spring) - one-man gay show run by Robert Biedroń. Probably going to be absorbed by SLD soon. It seems that Biedroń just wanted a ticket to Brussels and he's not really interested in real politics.

Razem (Together) - Starbucks Marxists from big cities, progressives and SJWs. Used to distance itself from SLD a lot, now they enter a strange disadvantageous alliance.


Konfederacja (the Confederation)


Wolność (Freedom) - The man, the meme, the legend, Janusz Korwin-Mikke and his crew. Libertarian darwinian monarchists. Let's turn back time to la belle epoque but with even more drugs and guns. Socially conservative... kind of... it's like... quantum culturally catholic morality. Cheating on your wife is not that bad as long as you don't get caught and avoid scandal.

RN (National Movement) - Nationalists. Surprisingly sensible bunch with a bad rep.

KKP (Confederation of Polish Crown) - Unironic cathotaliban plus some free market and guns. A miniscule group centered around Grzegorz Braun, a documentary director mostly known for his anti-semitism and love for Star-Wars. Claims the Galactic Republic were the bad guys. Dodges questions about rumored Yoda's jewish roots.




PSL (Polish People's Party) - Ancient agrarian mafia. Fighting and slowly losing the fight for rural electorate with PiS. Chosing a townie as a leader was a bad move.

Kukiz'15 - Syncretic "Fvck the System" movement started by an old rock star falls apart and joins an ancient mafia structure. This is just sad...
pawian  226 | 27558
11 Oct 2019   #2
---Dramatis personae---

That might be misleading and some people could think this is an objective presentation-

but you forgot to add:
dramatis personae according to openly partisan kondzior. :))
mafketis  38 | 11167
11 Oct 2019   #3
. Jarosław Kaczyński is a volcel cat lover, good catholic

A supposed supporter of family values who's never had a serious relationship with the opposite sex. In true communist fashion he is indisuputably the most powerful person in the country but has no legal responsibility.

He enjoys making other influential figures in the party compete for his affections and support and periodically humiliates them in public to test their loyalty.

He has no understanding of economics and has never held a non-governmental job (not 100% sure but pretty sure about that).
Has assembled a coalition of the elderly, the undereducated and the rural in order to sabotage the young, the educated and urban.

I calls 'em like I see 'em.
Crow  154 | 9552
11 Oct 2019   #4
People, what would you with PiS?

Are we finally sure they are patriots? In true, they play dirty politics but its dirty era. Crucial thing is that we know that they allowed to Serbia to transport heavy Russia`s weaponry via Poland`s air space. In that PiS is in line with Orban, Zeman, Lewandowski, etc. Logically, with Trump himself.

So, why tackle them now more? Who care if PiS is sincere or just pretend to be sincere as long as PiS helping the common cause.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Oct 2019   #5
A supposed supporter of family values

What I find most disturbing about him and others like Ziobro is that they seem to have no real values at all. Everything appears to be based solely on political calculation, which explains why they've done a dismal job of passing actual conservative legislation over the past four years.
mafketis  38 | 11167
11 Oct 2019   #6
they've done a dismal job of passing actual conservative legislation

I'm not complaining about that.... though it's true that if they followed any obvious principles beyond staying in power they'd be a bit more tolerable (even if wrong).

But as someone here said, passing entitlement legislation is easy, but they avoid starting any project that requires long term planning and expertise... or they fail miserably at it.... so it's back to the kiełbasa.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Oct 2019   #7
but they avoid starting any project that requires long term planning and expertise... or they fail miserably at it

Have they actually succeeded in any long term project at all? The flats never materialised, the ship they were allegedly building in Szczecin never happened, most road projects were started under PO and not them, they're struggling with that idiotic canal project in Elbląg, the railway modernisation programme appears to be lurching from one mess to another, the armed forces are desperate for cash, the electric car project has gone mysteriously quiet, the school reform was terribly botched with a disaster of a school programme, etc etc.

They've also spent a lot of money in buying up businesses and bringing them back under state control for no real reason, such as the cable cars in Zakopane or now the Baltona duty free shops. Obviously, the only purpose of this is to put in more cronies.

All that they really seem to have done is to create a mess in everything that they touch. I've just read an article about the military university in Wrocław and how it's been decimated by PiS - - this seems to be par for the course with them.
mafketis  38 | 11167
11 Oct 2019   #8
Have they actually succeeded in any long term project at all?

Besides making sure they'e not subject to any oversight that they themselves don't control? They're doing okay there, but anything practical..... what a mess.
Ironside  50 | 12954
12 Oct 2019   #9
to openly partisan kondzior.

the only openly partisan person on PF is you, wait and maf too.
pawian  226 | 27558
12 Oct 2019   #10
Liar, liar.... hahaha
Strike the table and Iron will sound. :):)
pawian  226 | 27558
12 Oct 2019   #11
No more articles/comments/discussions in the Polish media about Sunday elections: it is election silence since Friday midnight.

A guy who was caught tearing down election posters/banners was fined with 150 PLN - 40$. As cheap as borsch. :)

The turnout at 12 o clock was the highest of all recent elections since 2015. I suppose the final one will be about 60%.

Turnout at 5 pm was again a record one: over 45%. The highest in Warsaw.
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 Oct 2019   #12
maf too.

No one is stopping you from pointing out inaccuracies in what I wrote....

Feel free to list all of PiS's dazzling achievements....
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Oct 2019   #13
periodically humiliates them in public to test their loyalty.

an example, please?
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 Oct 2019   #14
Publicly trying to dump Szydło five minutes after the election.

done and done.
Ironside  50 | 12954
12 Oct 2019   #15
Feel free to list all of PiS's dazzling achievements....@ mafketis

Why? I don't feel the need to do that. As I'm not partisan as you and pawian. As for inaccuracies, I won't say there aren't any as I haven't read all your posts but instead I'll only say that you should point out another obvious fact. At the movement there is no-one better i.e. some power that would make things better in Poland.

Liar, liar.... hahaha

I see Harry is alive. OK, another lesson for you. Meaning of words part II, chapter 4:
liar - someone who falsify or distorts the truth on purpose while being fully aware of that.
I have been easy on you pawian when it comes to your political views. Taking you really believe in your own fibs because your pollical affiliation. As view or opinions are not lies. However if you insists that such is the case i.e. somebody's pollical views and opinions are in fact lies you are the biggest liar on PF.

If I think about it. Someone who has different pollical standing than you and has different views than you - is just different. You cant take disagreement based on different point of view, which makes you a very Soviet like partisan with a totalitarian mindset.

Unless you call me a liar because you are not able to win any argument with me and your are that desperate.
Ironside  50 | 12954
12 Oct 2019   #16
How about some prediction as you the results of the election?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Oct 2019   #17
My prediction is that if Jarosław Kaczyński (at the present moment: Our Dear Leader Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński) decides to leave the political scene in Poland, the PiS party will fall into pieces pretty quickly.
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 Oct 2019   #18
At the movement there is no-one better i.e. some power that would make things better in Poland.

Basic economic fact. If half of the charges they made against PO were true then Poland would have been in deep recession when they took power and have stayed there a year or two (at least).

PO is a fairly awful party (pure neoliberals by now) who are incapable of articulating any kind of positive vision for anyone who isn't urban and/or rich, that much is true. But credit where it's due they managed to keep Poland out of the worst of the Europe wide recession and helped bring about rapid economic progress that PiS gets to take credit for (and wreck with careless giveaways).

When the coming recession does hit Poland it will be amusing to see PiS try to blame it on PO.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Oct 2019   #19
I'm sure it will inevitably happen which means both will happen: the recession and blaming PO for it. This has been predicted already in a song by Wojciech Młynarski of which I am quoting an excerpt:

Pociąg spóźnił się do Buska - wina Tuska.
Podupada kurort Ustka - wina Tuska.
Groch się jakoś marnie łuska - wina Tuska.
W Totku Ci nie wyszła szóstka - wina Tuska.

Ironside  50 | 12954
12 Oct 2019   #20
to see PiS

Still the people voted them to power and kudos to them as there were not any realistic alternative after PO. Yes, there are up some silly and some outright outrageous policies and the way the go about politicks where I actually agree with them in principle is just very lame and lacking. However that all reflect a state of the Polish society and how it is. One cannot argue with the reality.

I hate talking about PiS this way as there is like lost of anti-PiS partisans' like pawian, Ziemko and such. You might have a point or two but you have jumped on the same bandwagon that carries such unsavory crew. So, you reap the befit of being tarried with the same brush as them.

My prediction is that if Jarosław Kaczyński (

Nah, no your tribal silly hopes. A prediction, I say that PiS will get majority and K will get about 5% and PSL will not get 5% threshold.
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 Oct 2019   #21
Still the people voted them to power

The question is after Sunday will they ever have a chance to vote them out... their agenda is clearly a single party state.

JK is the only Polish politician I've heard who referred to other parties as "wróg" and speaks of creating a new nomenklatura (with another name). He's PRL to the bone and anyone who supports them is support a kind of neo-PRL...
Ironside  50 | 12954
12 Oct 2019   #22
heir agenda is clearly a single party state.

Nah .. I think you exaggerate. They might stay for sometime in power but there will be not a one state party. Not in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27558
12 Oct 2019   #23
Unless you call me a liar because you are not able to win any argument with me

No, I called you a liar coz you acted like one. I am really amazed you lack such basic intellectual skills as to not see why I called you one. Saturday night syndrome again? You stop thinking at the weekend? :):)

Let us go back to our words:

You said

the only openly partisan person on PF is you, wait and maf too.

I called you a liar as you have proven in dozens of your posts that you are partisan to PiS when you reject every our attack and defend PiS at all cost, even their dirtiest tricks, and you do it against morals and reason.

That is why you are a liar. How simple. :):)

I hate talking about PiS this way as there is like lost of anti-PiS partisans' like pawian, Ziemko and such

That is funny you are afraid of talking sincerely because of some guys here. Are you really so sensitive? hahaha
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
13 Oct 2019   #24

Election turn-out?

Any stories from the election booths today? There was a 300 metre long queue and a FOUR hour long wait to vote in Barcelona today, information courtesy of my daughter.

It's a pity that Poland doesn't as a rule have politicians worthy of the name, who can properly serve such interest from its' diaspora.
pawian  226 | 27558
13 Oct 2019   #25
The exit poll results
PiS - 43.6%
KO - 27.4 %
Left - 11.9 %
PSL/Kukiz - 9.6%
Konfederacja - 6.4%

PS. Of course, the result still can change. E.g., polled people might have been ashamed to reveal they voted for the Left.
mafketis  38 | 11167
13 Oct 2019   #26
PiS hasn`t won the ruling majority

I'm wondering how well the konfederacja results will hold up, it will be hilarious if the Euro parliament results are repeated... but even in that case PiS still should remain under 50%
pawian  226 | 27558
13 Oct 2019   #27
No, I was too hasty with no ruling majority, with such results PiS has 239 MPS and is able to create their own government. Fortunately, they didn`t win the constititutional majority. And there is still Senate which hasn`t been counted yet.

it will be hilarious if the Euro parliament results are repeated.

Yes, interesting. We shall see in an hour or two when first results from counted votes flow in.
Lenka  5 | 3539
13 Oct 2019   #28
I'm actually quite surprised by the left's high result ( I don't follow polls generally).
I wonder if it's the result of polarisation of society, protest vote or genuine resurection :)
mafketis  38 | 11167
13 Oct 2019   #29
I'm actually quite surprised by the left's high result

I could do with Biedron but I think Zandberg is someone to watch.
pawian  226 | 27558
13 Oct 2019   #30
I'm actually quite surprised by the left's high result ( I don't follow polls generally).

I am not coz the polls before elections had given them even 13%. It is the positive result of their joining forces in one coalition.

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