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Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #121
6.2 billion PLN

No, I didn`t say it. Look again. hahahahahaha I was wondering if you would detect the true meaning of that number I provided. I sometimes play with my students with such numbers. You failed my little test. AmaSSing you are!!! hahahaha

1.5 billion dollars - a piddling amount

Only in your incorrect calculation. hahahaha

Wow, Novi, I got you!!!! Didn`t you graduate from the Polytechnic College???????
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #122
OK, what is that amount in US dollars?
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #123
hahahaha you still can`t calculate it, even using a calculator??? AmaSSing!
I wrote: 6.200 billion. Which in words is six thousand two hundred billion. One thousand billion is one trillion.

That is why I wrote earlier: The amount has been provided - over 6 trillion PLN.

It is amaSSIng you read it as 6.2 billion. hahahahaha

what is that amount in US dollars?

Divide 6200 billion by 4.70 and you will have it. :):):)

Wow, I am so proud I am teaching an engineer how to count! hahahahaha I am going to put it in my CV. hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #124
I wrote: 6.200 billion. Which in words is six thousand two hundred billion.

No, genius. 6.200 is not equal to six thousand two hundred. 6,200 = six thousand two hundred. Duh!
What are you on?
OK, after all that grinding, finally we have 1.5 trillion dollars. How about saying this first?
Now, that is some major dough. Good luck with is, Poland.
How much was the Western third of Poland worth in 1945? Maybe it's still less than that.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #125
6.200 is not equal to six thousand two hundred. 6,200 = six thousand two hundred.

You mean in America you put a comma first? We put a dot. Hence the misunderstanding. Again amasing! :):):)

How about saying this first?

I always try to make my students think and arrive at proper answers on their own! Ha!

How much was the Western third of Poland worth in 1945?

Nobody has calculated it and I don`t think anybody will coz it is impossible.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #126
Realtors know how much an acre on Saturn would go for so that should be trivial.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #127
how much an acre on Saturn would go for so that should be trivial

Acre on Saturn?? Yes, a barren acre of rocky desert is easy to measure and assess. .
While the country`s territory always comes with infrastructure, especially in cities. How can you assess it, especially when some of it was damaged or completely destroyed????

It is really strange that sometimes you SEEM not to grasp basic things. Novi, I am really worried about you. Or, it is nothing serious, just attention sicking. :):):):)
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #128
How can you assess it, especially when some of it was damaged or completely destroyed????

Assume it's just the land. The value of what was still standing would cancel the cost of cleanup of what was not.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #129
The value of what was still standing would cancel the cost of cleanup of what was not.

No. The things which were standing were only a part of total infrastructure. There were also things which were lying. On the ground and beneath it. :):):): E.g, electricity cables, gas pipes, water installations, roads, railway tracks etc etc etc.

As an ex-engineer, you know what I mean.

PS. God, I am teaching engineering to an engineer. I am so fekking amasing!!! hahahahaha
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #130
Demanding reparations only from Germany is unfair and clearly shows that PiS is playing a dirty game in order to divide Poles even further before the coming elections. Poland wasn`t only attacked and occupied by Nazi Germany but also by the USSR. Today, Poland should also demand reparations from RuSSia which is a direct heir of all things Soviet.

HA! But PiS is too cowardly and scared to deal with RuSSia. They think Germany is a better and weaker opponent to push around.

All decent and smart people in Poland know that PiS is only starting a new ideological war in Poland coz that`s their awful rightard style of ruling - divide et empera. Let them all burn in Hell for that.
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Sep 2022   #131
PiS is playing a dirty game

It's basically a PiS version of Nigerian scam...

"Hello Sir,

my name is Prince Jarosław Kaczynski and I am about to receive a huge amount of money from my relatives in Germany. It's over $1trillion and I want to give it to your country. It will take some time though, and I can't do it without your help. So please vote for me in the next year's elections and then, if I win, my relatives will transfer the money right away.

Best regards, my friend
Prince J.K."

... I wonder how many people will fall for it. *rolls eyes*
Alien  26 | 6567
4 Sep 2022   #132
Definitely too many.
amiga500  5 | 1551
4 Sep 2022   #133
dumb as F traitors don't realise when they are criticising our government, they are criticising the frontlines in regards to the war effort. PPFFT! traitors and scum ! u think PO would have built the denmark pipepline or the LNG terminals to get american gas, instead if tusk was in power we would have been like germany SPD, saying oh well, ukri invasion is bad but we can't do anything.. yes it's bad but we have no choice so now freeze., we never knew putin was that bad. . and now they pretend that they Pis our energy indepence policies don't exist. and that they did not ridicule tjem.

scumbags, all and one of them> send pawian and his goat to the gas chambers!
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #134
send pawian and his goat to the gas chambers!

Yes, we can already see the results of PiS` political gangsterism. That`s what I said: PiS is playing a dirty game in order to divide Poles even further Now rightards and naziopolaken will use the argument of gas chambers on their opponents who refuse to accept their sick ideology.

Mods, can you keep amiga`s post here coz it is precious in showing the true nature of rightards, in this case Polish.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
4 Sep 2022   #135
Demanding reparations only from Germany is unfair

Why it is unfair? The fact that they haven't paid anything to Poland is unfair. They even bring those ex-German territories into the fry. That fact alone tell me they should pay and right now. F Nazi-German scum!

You are their dog! yap yap!

It's basically a PiS

Listen to me boys. Forget about PiS and your obssesions you are jerking off to!
The question is political, about Poland interestes and I would rather that you talk about that not about PiS and sideissues. What PiS want to achieve by bringing that up is rather obious and there is no rocket science.

That is not the point here.
Joker  2 | 2468
4 Sep 2022   #136
The fact that they haven't paid anything to Poland is unfair.

Its hard enough to get those weasel Germans to pay for their own defense and you expect them to pay reparations to Poland. Dont hold your breath. Youre better off trying to get blood out of a stone. Germany should become part of RuSSia. Theyre already helping them by supplying weapons to fight Ukraine, right? They should be expelled from NATO for that!
Bobko  27 | 2272
4 Sep 2022   #137
please vote for me in the next year's elections and then, if I win, my relatives will transfer the money right away.

You just made me realize that most elections around the world are based on the Nigerian Prince scam. However, regarding the subject at hand, I think it is much more likely that Kaczynski will get a $1T payment from a wealthy Nigerian nobleman, than from the government of Germany.

BTW: Sorry for not responding a few days back - got suspended again...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
4 Sep 2022   #138
you expect them to pay reparations to Poland.

I don't expect them to pay anything unless we put a gun to their head. I'm a realist here. I just want them to squirm more and put pressure on them. It shows their true face as they stared talking about ex-German terriotries.

What I expect I expect Poles to agree on the fact that Germany hasn't pay any compensation to Poland and this is not fair. Nothing more nothing else. I see those who diagree with it as stupid EE peasant or traitors - nothing more nothing else.

Germany should become part of RuSSia.

They should be resetteled into Russia there is enough land for that.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #139
Why it is unfair?

Can`t you read, are you blind??? :):) ONLY from Germany is unfair. RuSSia should also be included. But PiS is cowardly and won`t go against RuSSia. Additionally, they know it won`t divide Poles so much as demanding reparations from Germans. So why should they deal with it at all???? They can play their dirty Germanophobic game and it is enough for them.

I don't expect them to pay anything

So, the whole brawl started by rightards and supported by naziopolaken is useless. Its only aim is to sow ferment and divide Poles coz PiS has always used an enemy to fight against as their election campaign leit motif. In previous years in was LGBT and immigrants, now it is going to be Germany.

Most Poles are not as Germanophobic as rightards and naziopolaken but PiS hopes it might change. I hope they will be disappointed.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #140
What I expect I expect Poles to agree that Germany hasn't pay any compensation to Poland not fair.

Just like the case of RuSSia not paying reparations is unfair.

If PiS demands reparations both from Germany and RuSSia, I am in. If only from Germany, bugger off, rightards!
PiS translated means Law and Justice. They have proved hundreds of times it means nothing to them. They are also doing it now, excluding RuSSia from reparations.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
4 Sep 2022   #141
ONLY from Germany is unfair

Are you kidding me? So we can only jail rapists if we catch every last of them, if we miss even one that is unfair to all those rapist they we have in custody? So we should just let them go free...

I knew you are not very bright but your stupidity astonish even me.
Unless you only pull some excuses from your a..s! just to defend Germany as their good dog!
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #142
So we can only jail rapists if we catch every last of them

Darling, that is a stupid analogy.
In our case, you don`t need to catch anybody:
Germans are in the West, RuSSians are in the East. We know their capitals and where their govts are located. Sending demands for reparations to both of them is a piece of cake!

LAW and JUSTICE! Reparations from Germany and RuSSia!!!
If only from Germany - fekk you, rightards.
Novichok  4 | 8827
4 Sep 2022   #143
Yes, we can already see the results of PiS` political gangsterism.

So Poland is not a democracy? I didn't know that...Run by gangsters like Vegas...Strange...
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #144
Run by gangsters like Vegas.

Yes, they operate in the peculiar underground coz the FBI namely the EU is too powerful for them to act openly. Ha!
Thank God we are in the EU.
Let`s pray for Poland and Germany, united:
Vater unser who are in Heaven, hallowed be deine Name, etc
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2022   #145
Comments from German press, quite accurate:

According to Die Welt, the claims that are being made now also have another goal - they serve to mobilize the PiS electorate ahead of next year's parliamentary elections. Due to the exploding coal prices and high inflation, PiS is under pressure and is looking for replacement topics. "In the past, the party already won elections with anti-German campaigns," reminds the author.

"Why is PiS not running an anti-Russian campaign?" - asks Philipp Fritz. One of the reasons, in his opinion, is the unanimity in Poland in the negative assessment of Russia. Almost all Polish parties support severe sanctions against Moscow and arms deliveries to Ukraine.

"The electorate cannot be divided on this issue, and thus it is impossible to mobilize a part of it," explains the German journalist.

"Die Welt" concludes with the opinion of the PiS chairman, who explained the lack of claims against Russia in yet another way. "Russia is not a state of law, therefore claims against this country would not make sense," Jaroslaw Kaczynski said.

Tacitus  2 | 1274
4 Sep 2022   #146
.Russia is not a state of law,

Which is hardly a valid argument, since the entire claim for reparations from Germany is not based on legal arguments (because the matter is legally settled) but supposedly moral ones.
Joker  2 | 2468
4 Sep 2022   #147
I don't expect them to pay anything unless we put a gun to their head.

I remember when Trump had to threaten them just to pay their NATO obligations.

The Germans have always been the troublemakers of Europe, they just do it more covertly these days.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
4 Sep 2022   #148
There are no "NATO obligations". Every country can choose how much it spends on defence.
mafketis  38 | 11288
4 Sep 2022   #149
Is there any legal way to enforce those claims today? No.

Kaczynski knows this, the whole issue is an attempt to distract people's attention from the many ongoing policy failures of PiS....
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Sep 2022   #150
Oh, and one more thing - if the idiots had wanted to make futile claims, with zero chances of success, then they should have at least come up with a proper number, because this measly trillion is a slap in the face of the victims and survivors of WW2.

Home / News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

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