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Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2022   #31
that will go nowhere and everybody and their grandmom knows that


Kaczyński is just trying to score brownie points with his "patriotic" electorate. And in any case, it's a win-win situation for him: if Germany pays, brilliant - they will buy some more tanks and HIMARS launchers and will be able to declare historic success; if Germany doesn't pay, brilliant - they will talk ad nauseam about heartless descendants of nazi war criminals ("they never really changed", "if only they had the chance they would do it again", "it's all a conspiracy against Poland" blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda) and they'll be able to rally and consolidate their iron electorate (and maybe fool some "neutrals" into their camp too); it will also be an argument to use against German dominated EU and their sanctions against Poland. So, for PiS it's a win-win. For Poland, on the other hand, it means long legal struggle, doomed to failure from the very beginning, and worsening relations with our largest trade partner. :-/

I used to think that Kaczyński is a bit off his rocker but he loves Poland and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. However, in recent years I see more and more often that he puts his own phobias, greed for power, and narrow party business ahead of Poland's vital interests. The man has to go.

P.S. And I still think that Kaczynski should demand something like $100 trillion. He would get nothing anyway, but at least the number would look respectable. One trillion is a slap in the face to Poland and all the survivors of WW2.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
1 Sep 2022   #32

....I'm not gonna miss him, that's for sure!

And I still think that Kaczynski should demand something like $100 trillion.

He is so bad for german-polish Twitter they are asking already for the #Ostgebiete back or nutters are calculating that the worth of the territories is so high that Germany could demand monies from Poland back instead etc....

*big heartfelt sigh*
Lyzko  44 | 9738
1 Sep 2022   #33
Poland in my opinion has but to prove legal, not merely historical or even psychological, justification for making such an extreme claim, and I'm not referring solely to the monetary amount!

This will doubtless drag on for years and years, since surely Germany will attempt a counter claim/suit if I don't miss my guess, and seek damages from Poland for territory allegedly "stolen" following the end of the Second World War, such as former, Pomerania and East Prussia. Now, Russia is brought into the act as well, e.g. Kaliningrad, erstwhile Koenigsberg etc.

As with the ongoing Arab-Israeli Conflict, closure is never likely to occur unless both sides resolve somehow to accept a realistic truce agreeable to all parties.

I for one don't see this happening, at least any time soon, I'm afraid.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
1 Sep 2022   #34
closure is never likely to occur unless both sides resolve somehow to accept a realistic truce agreeable to all parties.

We already had peace and closure...and a common EU membership forbids such claims....but then came K. who just gives a sh*t!

It's not much difference to bad apple in power can rot the whole basket!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Sep 2022   #35
@Bratwurst Boy
There was no closure, not any real closure! That's the point! There was a fake one, which pleased the German side, but not Polish side! If German side doesn't want close, then sure! What the heck!
Lyzko  44 | 9738
1 Sep 2022   #36
One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch, you mean.
I roundly concur, B.B.

As you guys have a German, Ursula von der Leyen, heading the European Commission, it's not likely there'll be any movement on the European, that is the German, side on Poland's demands.

What's more, Scholz'll be damned if he's ever going to concede to such patent malarkey, already in trouble with his own constituents regarding his willingness to give in to Putin and one helluva frigid winter without Russian petroleum!

So he'd be willing to have Poland on his neck too??
Forget it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
1 Sep 2022   #37
There was no closure, not any real closure! That's the point!

You subscribe to closure treaties aka become a member of the EU (and with that get a gazillion on support monies / alot of that german monies!) and that case ist well and truly closed for good!

You do all that but still come around with some new claims every few years nonetheless is just bad, disingenuous behaviour....
Lyzko  44 | 9738
1 Sep 2022   #38
Plain nuts is what it seems to me!
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2022   #39
#Ostgebiete back or nutters are calculating that the worth of the territories is so high that Germany could demand monies from Poland back

Classic. Remember that I used to read (and post a little there too) Politik Sind Wir. There will be no end to this sh*t on both sides. *sighs*
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
1 Sep 2022   #40
There will be no end to this sh*t on both sides. *sighs* old is K. now actually? ;)
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2022   #41
how old is K. now actually? ;)

You would be surprised how many people in Poland are checking the proverbial first page of newspapers every day. ;)
Lyzko  44 | 9738
1 Sep 2022   #42
I'd be curious about just how many rank-and-file Poles will go along with their gov't's demands to essentially shake down the FRG for money! :-)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Sep 2022   #43
Money is coming in one way or the other, money here isn't really the point. Not for me at least, it's about gesture!
mafketis  38 | 11288
1 Sep 2022   #44
Money is coming in one way or the other,

No... it's really not and Kaczyński knows that.

it's about gesture!

It's about getting you riled up at Germany and ignoring PiS incompetence and misrule...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Sep 2022   #45
German reaction is funny, they must feel gulity to react the way they do.
Alien  26 | 6567
1 Sep 2022   #46
What do you mean?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Sep 2022   #47
Seems to me they are overeacting. That is only a thing that gov in Poland puts on the news. There is no official or legal claim. As far as I know. Yet the Germans jump when JK whispers - boo!

Aslo that sum they put out that is a joke IF we talk about reparations for the WWII. The real number would be around 100 to 200 trillions.
Novichok  4 | 8827
2 Sep 2022   #48
Let me close this case on behalf of Germans: Poland, fu*ck off once and for all.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Sep 2022   #49
Your writing as if I can't see that's what he wants. Don't insult me as if I am some PiS pleb you githead of a materialist anal licking sellout
jon357  72 | 23712
2 Sep 2022   #50
Money is coming in one way or the other

For what? They're skint and owe Poland nothing.

go along with their gov't's demands

This is not new; it comes up from time to time dating from the days of the vile Lech Kaczyński.

As I said, it's intended to distract from other issues.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Sep 2022   #51
I was thinking about taxes (not Euro)
amiga500  5 | 1551
2 Sep 2022   #52
Gee it's not that greece isin't doing the same in regard to calling for reparations from germany...You morons can't see this in totality, that this is part of a smart calculated campaign to get our EU money. We will pressure the krauts on all fronts. we will bring any new eu measures esp the insane green policies to a standstill. If edrogan can do it so can we, when millions more ukranians come to poland in winter, cause of no heating , we will just bus them to germany. Esp since we already spending 1 percent of our gdp on ukri refugees with no EU help.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Sep 2022   #53
You really expect them to give it? Your delusional, until PiS starts waving rainbow flags and stomping Polish national flag and putting up EU flags everywhere those EURO's are locked and stowed away, and bills will only increase and be sent to Warsaw.

Brussels will only accept submission to hell for those EURO's.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 964
2 Sep 2022   #54
This is exactly what it is. Poland knows Germany isn't going to pay. But the EU and the German head of the EU needs to send the recovery money, or at least part of it. The judiciary is unfair, sure. But what is fair about fining a country daily, and taking the money out of a recovery fund that you have not even given them? Where is the court ruling for that? The EU body is a rotting political carcass, like the US congress and senate. While great in spirit, terrible in execution. VAT? Where the F is any added value in Europe lately?

Now Poland will simply veto every single EU item coming up for a vote. Yet Germany knows this and still says F U to Poland. Watch what happens when Germany wants something now.
jon357  72 | 23712
2 Sep 2022   #55

As economic recession hits, the tax revenues will of course fall.

As will PiS.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Sep 2022   #56
Money from Germany won't solve that, re-purposing state employees and beginning reducational programs for much needed faculties/factories/businesses would halt the downward spiral.
amiga500  5 | 1551
2 Sep 2022   #57
As will PiS.

unf u might be correct, after a recession due to war, the ruling party gets kicked out, no matter their achievements. (churchil etc) unf unlike in post war with labour in Britain, u might not like their policies, no matter the rainbow flags waving around the country. Austerity, we can't afford transport in poland b, more zero hour contracts, the usual neo-liberal PO old hats brought back to steer economic policy. Dismantling of state owned enterprises, let the market rule oh wait jon i though u were against that when Thatcher was in? we're really sorry but 500+ was a mistake and we will replace it with food stamps. Who needs LOT when Tusk always flies Lufthansa, come on u non kashubians it's not that far to catch a flight from berlin? rail, just use the private toll highways run by the oligarchs. Wat u pensioners wat cheap tickets on your trains and buses, pay your way mongrels!

Oh wait it's a crisis let's bring in the Euro that will solve all our problems.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #58
Poland, fu*ck off once and for all.

If only that would work, magic words. I would use them right away - Novichok, off once and for all.

They're skint and owe Poland nothing.

Not in a legal way but morally they own Poland a big time.
There is no reason not to talk about it. If anything that is a good detector of 'volksdeutsches'.
Novichok  4 | 8827
2 Sep 2022   #59
Poland was compensated by the land that used to be Germany. What's its value?
amiga500  5 | 1551
2 Sep 2022   #60
we lost equally valuable land to the east. zero sum game. plus it was not our choice, poland would have happily kept it's pre war borders. that does not include warsaw being razed to the ground. I thought your mother would teach you about that.?

Home / News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

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