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rychlik  41 | 372
12 Oct 2010   #1
Let's discuss this. Should Poland have them considering its history? Not to cause trouble but just to say they have them. Poland is safe now but with a country like Russia you never know.
OP rychlik  41 | 372
12 Oct 2010   #3
trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #4
Well, since Pakis and Ruskies have them and Iran will soon too, it only makes sense. It's like keeping a gun in the home for self defense when all the criminals are armed. It only makes good sense; it's the responsible thing to do.
12 Oct 2010   #5
Care to compare how many times in the last 100 years Pakistan, Russia and Poland have invaded their neighbours? By my count Poland has invaded her neighbours five times and Pakistan and Russia combine for a grand total of zero. Maybe that is why those countries feel the need to be better armed than Poland.
convex  20 | 3928
12 Oct 2010   #6
The genie left the bottle a long time ago. The number of nuclear powers will only grow from here on out.
jonni  16 | 2475
12 Oct 2010   #7
Though Poland has never shown any interest in having them and opposition within the country would be widespread. Besides, they are committed to nuclear non-proliferation.
convex  20 | 3928
12 Oct 2010   #8
NPT is a joke
trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #9
how many times in the last 100 years Pakistan, Russia and Poland have invaded their neighbours?

Suuuure, others need to protect themselves from P-Land! Hahahaha... Leave it to you, Harry... Always anti-Poland... No matter how ridiculous you have to sound in order to be so.

Hey, didn't Russia just invade Georgia a couple years ago?...
Who has Poland aggressively invaded and conquered lately?

The genie left the bottle a long time ago.

Pretty much.

opposition within the country

Let me guess, you're anti gun ownership too?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Oct 2010   #10
There is a spat right now in the NATO about Nukes...Germany want them to go, France want them to stay.
pgtx  29 | 3094
12 Oct 2010   #11

what for?
in the future, Poland will belong to the US or Ruskis anyway, so there you go...
convex  20 | 3928
12 Oct 2010   #12
Germany is still voluntarily a part of the nuclear weapons sharing program.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
12 Oct 2010   #13
What do amateur political dabblers really know about nukes, Poland and its needs? Are you gonna take part in decision making as nukes for Poland are concerned?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Oct 2010   #14
Germany is still voluntarily a part of the nuclear weapons sharing program.

They are discussing it at the NATO summit...some changes are going to happen (Cyber warfare etc)

....Calls by Germany and other European states for the strategic concept to prominently promote the elimination of nuclear weapons have placed those nations at odds with France, a nuclear-armed state that believes NATO involvement in nuclear matters could threaten French self-determination. "The Germans wanted the strategic concept to say that NATO commit to nuclear disarmament," one diplomat said.

trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #15
What do amateur political dabblers really know about nukes, Poland and its needs? Are you gonna take part in decision making as nukes for Poland are concerned?

Well, pretty much, yes. Isn't it up to The People in a democracy to select leaders who share their views? So when it comes down to it, it should The People who ultimately decide this and every other issue, in a roundabout way. Yes.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
12 Oct 2010   #16
Poland will belong to the US or Ruskis anyway

Yeah, I wonder who will be the lucky one to listen to your constant complaints...
jonni  16 | 2475
12 Oct 2010   #17
who will be the lucky one

Hopefully the one born from democracy, however given that Poland shares a border with Russia, I can't see her ever getting nukes.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
12 Oct 2010   #18
I can't see her ever getting nukes

.. Or paying for them. NATO will have to foot the bill..i.e. US / Germany / France.. Limeys. The crazy thing about nukes.. have they stabilized things to a degree?.. lessened the chance for large world wars? They ironically have.. so probably worth the money.
kondzior  11 | 1026
12 Oct 2010   #19
The problem is, the only imaginable reason Poland is going to need nukes, it is against Russia. So if we, one day, start to test nukes, or something like that, the next day we are going to face the (preemtive) Russian invasion. And it would give NATO perfect excuse "This dirty Poles have broken non proliferation treaty, it is their own fault, they should deal with conseqences alone".

So, unless Poland can acquire, ready to use on day one, nukes, it is not going to happen.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #20
Hopefully the one born from democracy

As it should be.

given that Poland shares a border with Russia, I can't see her ever getting nukes.

Russia doesn't want any of their potential future subjects to have the capability of self defense. They threw a fit when the US was going to provide P-Land with a missile shield...

It's like criminals complaining that their potential victims are arming themselves for self protection from the criminals...

The crazy thing about nukes.. have the stabilized things to a degree?.. lessened the chance for large world wars? The ironically have.. so probably worth the money.

This was indeed the case for a long time. But now, as nukes spread and more and more rogue nations get them, they will likely become an destabilizing force.

When you're dealing with enemies who are willing to destroy themselves in order to advance their cause, it's tough to defend against that.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Oct 2010   #21
Pakistan and Russia combine for a grand total of zero.


Hey, didn't Russia just invade Georgia a couple years ago?...

Neeh... In Harry world they were helping poor neighbours from other neighbours! THat's not invading right? LOL

(Cyber warfare etc)

Think of it, soem ahckers could later disarm nukes by sitting infront of an laptop miles away...
Nukes? Who needs that when the threat that your countries infrastracture & economy and all kind of comonucation can suddenly DISSAPEAR or get blocked?
jonni  16 | 2475
12 Oct 2010   #22
Think of it, soem ahckers could later disarm nukes by sitting infront of an laptop miles away...

Or much worse, launch them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Oct 2010   #23
Think of it, soem ahckers could later disarm nukes by sitting infront of an laptop miles away...


That's why they need to update the NATO and it's strategies...adapting to the new kind of threats.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
12 Oct 2010   #24
When you're dealing with enemies who are willing to destroy themselves

Those aren't as prevalent as you think.. Even me in the US can see through media horror scenarios. I'd say the only nation you'd have to worry about is Pakistan. I don't think Iran is the eager to do anything to be honest. The Russians don't really hate anyone except Muslims; Poland isn't really on their radar as an imminent threat.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #25
In Harry world they were helping poor neighbours from other neighbours! THat's not invading right?

That's like the armed mugger was just helping relieve his victim of the burden of his money! Lol...
jonni  16 | 2475
12 Oct 2010   #26
I'd say the only nation you'd have to worry about is Pakistan.

Even then, it's questionable whether the bombs in Pakistan are actually Pakistan's bombs. They were paid for by a large oil-rich country who isn't allowed to keep their own.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #27
I don't think Iran is the eager to do anything to be honest.

I'm not so sure.

The Russians don't really hate anyone except Muslims

At least we have this going for us.

They just don't want Poland to be able to defend itself. Why might this be?
convex  20 | 3928
12 Oct 2010   #28
I'm not so sure.

The Iranians are only worried about their part of the world. Nukes would have come in handy when Iraq was gassing them in mass with American and European chemical weapons.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
12 Oct 2010   #29
They just don't want Poland to be able to defend itself. Why might this be?

They don't trust the US.. not necessarily Poland. Any.. and I do mean any talk about missile shields, "star wars" phantom technology spooks the Russian. They fear a pre-emptive strike by the US. The may have lessened a little with Obama dealings with them.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
12 Oct 2010   #30
The may have lessened a little with Obama dealings with them.

No one fears us with Obama in office.


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