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Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment?

jon357  72 | 22778
20 Aug 2024   #391
Last year, Germany's economy was the only one out of the G7 to contract.

In part because it was a hothouse before. Expecting permanent growth is as dangerous as getting in an orc tank.

The UK doesn't import any r*SSian hydrocarbons however its economy is doing well compared to other European countries. It was never 'the sick man of Europe'; that was wishful thinking by the French and Germans.

Who could ever believe this, before the war started?

Me and all other members of that political party.

I was in Berlin three weeks ago. Seemed pretty prosperous to me. And now a couple of countries are going from development to production stage for crude, Libya is extracting and exporting at full capacity again (including joint ventures with Germany), and Lavroll has finally been told his fortune by Algeria (plus the North Sea is preparing to be maxxed out), I suspect Germany will survive.
mafketis  38 | 10869
20 Aug 2024   #392
loss of access to cheap hydrocarbons from Russia

Germany trusted russia and got the knife in the back that reasonable people knew was coming....

Never. Trust. russia. cursed country with no honor.
Bobko  27 | 2124
21 Aug 2024   #393
Germany trusted russia and got the knife in the back


Did we declare war on Germany?

Did we blow up the pipeline?

Did we force Germany to spend untold billions on supporting deadbeat Ukraine?

Did we force Germany to spend hundreds of billions on rearming itself?

Germany did all these things, because people in Washington told them to. The war ended in 1945, but Germany still can't shake the mentality of a puppet. It didn't have to do any of the things it did.

In fact, I think if it was someone else in power, instead of Merkel or Scholz, like a Schroder or Kohl - we would have a different situation on our hands.

Modern Germany is ruled by Lilliputians.
gumishu  16 | 6181
21 Aug 2024   #394
Did we blow up the pipeline?

as far as I can remember Russia stopped pumping gas through the pipelines a good couple of months before they were blown up

also you don't understand the concept of soft power - Germany would lose much of their soft power in Europe (and probably also outside of Europe) if they didn't firmly side with Ukraine

edit: also personally Scholz would simply would lose face if he stood with Russia on the whole issue or tried reamining neutral - mainly because he publicly declared that Putin ascertained him (before the whole thing started) that Russia was NOT going to invade Ukraine
mafketis  38 | 10869
21 Aug 2024   #395
Did we declare war on Germany?

Germany had _heavily_ invested in the idea that russia had matured enough to join the world community of normal countries that don't invade each other. That is had progressed beyond being a gas station run by the mafia....

russia indicated that neither of those was true

And as gumishu points out all of Germany's diplomatic soft power (which it had spent decades investing in) would have dried up and blown away like dust in the wind if it simply enabled russian ethnocide of Ukraine.

It was kind of an own goal since some countries (Poland, the Baltics, Finland maybe) had been warning Germany that russia cannot be trusted to do the non-insane thing....

Modern Germany is ruled by Lilliputians.

Better than the psychotic criminals running russia...

russia had a choice.... act like a normal county and use its massive resources to build up the country or to try to steal another country's wealth and it chose.... badly.
gumishu  16 | 6181
21 Aug 2024   #396
if they didn't firmly side with Ukraine

it is also worth mentioning that Germany started really helping Ukraine (outside of rhetorics) only a long moment after it became clear that Ukrainians repulsed the initial strike - so yeah it's not like they were not willing to maintain good relations with Putin's Russia meaning business-as-usual attitude even at the cost of Ukraine (compare that to the actions of the US government who started assisting Ukraine with millitary equipment, financial aid and intelligence (famous Javelin anti-armour missiles for example) weeks before the actual invasion)
Ironside  50 | 12312
21 Aug 2024   #397

Germany is not a friend of ours. That obvious... Them helping Ukraine or not is not an issue. Them using Ukrinina as a chip against Poland that is an issue.
gumishu  16 | 6181
21 Aug 2024   #398
Germany is not a friend of ours.

I never stated that - I only said what I thought should be obvious to an outside objective observer
Alien  22 | 5460
21 Aug 2024   #399
Germany is not a friend of ours

There are no friendships in politics, but there are common interests.
gumishu  16 | 6181
22 Aug 2024   #400
yeah - and there are also opposing intrests - German politicians for example think that using coal is bad and they impose some heavy burdens on coal use through their influence on the EU - at the same time Polish energy generation is based mostly on coal - also German along other European politicians thought up that oil based fuels are bad too and we should all in the EU abandon oil based fuel vehicles in 2035 - explain that to a Polish pensioner in provincial Poland who drives a 20 year old Fiat or Skoda that it would be so much better for them to buy 50 000 PLN electric vehicle whose batteries will last maximum 10 years instead of replacing their old Fiat/Skoda with some used Opel or Volkswagen that would set them back 5 to 8 thousand PLN

or maybe let's take into account that Germans would love to share with us some burden sorry privilege of hosting hundreds of thousands of "refugees" they welcomed so eagerly in 2015 and 2016 - and make us pay them the same or similar social handouts they receive in Germany in order for the said refugees not to turn back to Germany

let's not forget about the fact that some German politicians don't really like the idea of Poland building a nuclear plant in Pomorze
Ironside  50 | 12312
23 Aug 2024   #401
There are no friendships in politics, but there are common interests.

In that sense, we don't have enough common interest with Germany. That is their choice. I guess the fact it elites formed from the Prussian conquest and Prussian baggage of being rebelled Polish province set it in this way.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
23 Aug 2024   #402
to buy 50 000 PLN electric vehicle

What electric vehicle can you buy for 50k? 150k more like.
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Aug 2024   #403
Germany would lose much of their soft power in Europe

Yes, and I'd even say they'd lose it all.

Intelligence services in Europe and elsewhere no longer share information with Germany since their government and military are so thoroughly riddled with r*SSian assets. That's a huge reputational blow and a sign of instability that it's important for Germany to mitigate.

buy 50 000 PLN electric vehicle

Expensive, however it it has to be done sooner or later, preferably sooner.

Germany is not a friend of ours

Yes. Germany is a friend of Germany. They tried to use a dodgy hydrocarbons deal with a pariah state in order to undercut and steal a march on other European countries who actually are supposed to be their friends. It didn't work, and now they're licking their wounds.

We forget that until relatively recently, it was legal in Germany for firms doing business abroad to put the bribes through their accounts. Usually however, common sense is a better long term approach than greed and naked self-interest.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
23 Aug 2024   #404
Yes. Germany is a friend of Germany.

Not this gov.....they don't give a ***** about Germany.....there is a reason the economy sinks....businesses wander off to better of the countries with the highest taxes is going broke......the only one rising are the numbers of foreigners standing in queue for social benefits!

If Germany (the gov) would be a friend of Germany (the people) you would know it, Germany would look lotsa differently!

Yes, and I'd even say they'd lose it all.

The Greeks are mocking already our economy....our foreign minister (who only got the job because she has know "woman quota") makes us internationally to the laughing stock....there is no longer any soft power to wield with such a gov of dumb, inexperienced but highly ideological numbnuts who think the world works like their "dialog circles" in university!
Bobko  27 | 2124
23 Aug 2024   #405
The Greeks are mocking already our economy...

Who cares about the Greeks?!

Zelensky blew up a pipeline Germany invested tens of billions into, and thrust you into the embrace of American oil companies. This is a big reason why your economy stinks now.

But you want to talk about Greeks?

Stop sending weapons and money to Ukraine, and invest that into making life better for Germans.

You know how much you could do with the $40B Germany has sent to Ukraine? How many schools you could build? How many hospitals? Maybe your roads would start looking like German roads again, and your trains would run on time.

During the recent Euro 2024 football tournament, many visitors were unpleasantly surprised at the condition of Germany's supposedly "superior" infrastructure.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
23 Aug 2024   #406
But you want to talk about Greeks?

Yeah.....that is so embarrassing!

WE usually mock THEM!!!! That was the natural way of things in the world...


many visitors were unpleasantly surprised at the condition of Germany's supposedly "superior" infrastructure.

Our trains are no longer to expect punctual following a plan...the arrival times are now only guessed! Sadly no joke, that was an official statement...

We are so sinking!
Bobko  27 | 2124
23 Aug 2024   #407
the arrival times are now only guessed!

It's the same in America, so you are in good company :)

Amtrak just might be in worse shape than Deutsche Bahn.

Several times in recent years, my trains were simply canceled. Not delayed, but cancelled. Not because some ship crashed into a bridge in Baltimore, but due to "signal issues", "debris on tracks", "maintenance", etc.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
23 Aug 2024   #408
But.......but....but....WE ARE GERMANY!!!

jon357  72 | 22778
23 Aug 2024   #409
the arrival times are now only guessed!

I've always found the trains quite good in Germany. More efficient than most places except maybe the Netherlands and Britain.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
23 Aug 2024   #410 just want to be nice.....
mafketis  38 | 10869
23 Aug 2024   #411
always found the trains quite good in Germany

All evidence points to them going to complete crap starting around the end of covid (or maybe still during).
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Aug 2024   #412
I've not noticed a change. Sometimes I travel from Belgium or the Netherlands to Poland via Germany, with a few tight changes in the early part of the journey and it always works. You even get phone notifications telling you the percentage likelihood of making your connection.

However yes, people do say, as you have, that things have deteriorated.

As a Brit, I do see some irony. DeutscheBahn invested heavily in privatised rail and bus franchises in the U.K., never carried out the infrastructure investment that they'd agreed to as part of that, increased the fares, failed to meet the minimum service level agreements, took 'profits' out to subsidise their core activities in Germany and whined like pussies when they lost the franchises due to their poor behaviour.

On the whole though, I've had good experiences with public transport in Germany. The railway line has been down for a while between Berlin and the Polish border, however they have to do maintainance, and you can still get the S Bahn to Erkner then a regional train to Frankfurt if you don't want (as I don't) to get on a coach from behind Hauptbahnhof that they lay on to get people to the Warsaw Express.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
23 Aug 2024   #413
I've had good experiences with public transport in Germany.

Na ja....we still live off a very high of the highest world wide! If the gov doesn't get a grip and starts changing course in 5 years you will have experiences like in a third world country...

*cries and takes helmet*
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Aug 2024   #414
live off a very high standard..

Not many countries could have coped easily with the costs and radical changes of reunification.

Give it time, plan things carefully, and don't let capitalists suck all the money away.
pawian  219 | 24592
29 Aug 2024   #415
he Germans perceived the letter as "an additional insult to the insult already inflicted."

"The Polish authorities failed to fulfill their legal obligation to arrest the wanted man. This is an unprecedented affront. The man managed to escape to his own country. The Polish authorities could even have warned the Ukrainian," writes "Spiegel." According to the weekly, the German government and services "are furious with Warsaw" and will not "forget the Poles and Polesses" for this move.

hahaha Amasing!
Korvinus  2 | 560
29 Aug 2024   #416
Our safety is best assured by the weakness of our both historical opponents.

Sure, Germany is currently our ally in NATO, but they were always a shady one, doing deals with our greatest foe.

So, from Polish perspective weak Germany and weak Russia are preferable to strong Germany and strong Russia.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
29 Aug 2024   #417
from Polish perspective weak Germany and weak Russia are preferable to strong Germany and strong Russia.

Without question!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
30 Aug 2024   #418
hahaha Amasing!

What is so amazing about that?

You are make our pro-Ukraine gov look weak and ridiculous....think about that when the AfD gains grounds, from election to election to election...she wins votes also because our gov looks weak and without control. The AfD says "Thank you"!

But hey....who needs strategic, long term thinking, right? A short term humiliation is so much more fun....right!
pawian  219 | 24592
30 Aug 2024   #419
The AfD says "Thank you"!

Stop blackmailing us with your own domestic problems, please! Germans voted for Hitler in 1933, not Poles or Polesses. Also, it is Germans who will vote for AfD in coming elections. Why do you want to shift the responsibility or even blame on Poles and Polesses????

.who needs strategic, long term thinking

Don`t be silly. Strategic long term thinking was appropriately put in action when the Stream was blown up. hahaha buhahaha.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
30 Aug 2024   #420
hahaha buhahaha.

Okay....don't come running when AfD-Germany prefers Russia...that will be then no longer german domestic problems, but polish problems too....just saying!

Some Poles still seem unable to grasp that Poland shouldn't **** off both her neighbours at once....that did never end well....

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