People like you would advise us to be weak and defenceless.
Just the opposite...Be strong, be brave, and kick ass all you want...on your own.
it will embolden Putin to go for more invasions and the Baltic states are prime targets.
1. The Baltics were part of the USSR for decades and the US was fine with it.
2. Russia had the Baltics and gave them up as useless. Getting them back would serve no purpose.
3. Russia will not go for the Baltics because Europe has two nuclear powers, money, and armies.
They received such beatings from the Finns that they had no choice but to stick to this treaty.
There you go...
So no fear that Russia would attack Finns, Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Brits, Irish, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Lichtenstein, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Albania, Andora, and Monaco.
The US would be very happy to advise you on how to make your armies LGBT-friendly to improve the morale of your troops.