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The Left wing (not-so Slow) death in Poland

amiga500  5 | 1491
10 May 2021   #91
Should I feel special?

We are just trying to help you so you don't lose all dignity and credibility for years to come.
Onet published a sondaz 67 percent were for working with PiS for the good of the country. only 27 percent were against negotiating with PiS and wypierdalac etc. Even 58 percent of those crazy enough to still support PO were for doing a deal with the goverment!!. Pupka has not shot himself and his party in the foot he has blown his head off.

Politics is not a morality play or emotional screech, but a negotiation for the benefit of the populli.
In 2023 the electorate will remember that it was PiS and Lewica that gave out the EU money and Pupka and his cronies were against. You should be amongst the first to abandon the sinking ship of PO because if you are one of the last there will be no lifeboat left.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 May 2021   #92
I would certainly prefer her

Mr Orban comes to Poland for a visit - and Ms Lempart says ' wypierd****'

also if Duda is a puppet (which I hinted to you he's not with the examples of couple of his vetoes) then who is Komorowski who vetoed a couple of minor bills
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 May 2021   #93
Mr Orban comes to Poland for a visit

God forbid even though I love Hungary and Budapest.

Budapest is a splendid city!
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2021   #94
pawian currently supporst Marta Lempart

I hope this is some bad joke. But if it's true, it means that pawian completely lost his touch with reality. Lempart is just a useful idiot for all the big boys in PO. As soon as that deranged lesbian tries going solo, she's dead meat. Same thing happened to the guy that was leading KOD (can't remember his name right now). This type of support can get him lynched in PO.

Sorry pawian, but supporting Lempart makes you a useful idiot of another useful idiot ;))) Probably something you got used to already :)))

silly denial

I'm afraid you're a pretty hopeless case :P
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 May 2021   #95
the guy that was leading KOD

Mateusz Kijowski (i forgot his surname too - had to google it)
Ironside  50 | 12928
10 May 2021   #96
so you don't lose all dignity and credibility

What dignity and credibility? We are talking about baboon here. Let be realistic.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2021   #97
Mateusz Kijowski

Oh yeah Kijowski and his Komitet Obrony Dewiacji :) As far as I can remember there was also KOD Kapela with another spirited opposition leader - human trafficker and rapist (not gonna bother to google him).
pawian  226 | 27364
11 May 2021   #98
I'm afraid you're a pretty hopeless case

Yes, correct. I will never become a rightist or leftist - I have always been in the middle. :):)

Sorry pawian, but supporting Lempart makes you a useful idiot

No, supporting Lempart makes me a seer and prophet! hahaha Do you want to bet she will be voted a President one day??? :):):)

so you don't lose all dignity and credibility for years to come.

In the eyes of rightists? You should know by know I care little about it.

abandon the sinking ship of PO because if you are one of the last

Sorry, but one of my traits is loyalty. If there is the need, I will sink with them but won`t change my views. :):)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
13 May 2021   #99
I will sink with them but won`t change my views

Well, everything is going according to your plan.

supporting Lempart makes me a seer and prophet!

Seeing is believing, my friend. Thank you oh great one for your wisdom.

I have always been in the middle

Jak rowek... w bułce. keep your spirits up ;)))
amiga500  5 | 1491
15 May 2021   #100
Well, everything is going according to your plan.

Yes indeed. Two leading members of PO have been unceremoniously booted out of party. Get the popcorn out, watch the sinking ship and laugh at the drowning baboon :)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
15 May 2021   #101
laugh at the drowning baboon :)

Most monkeys don't swim so I guess he'll be back brown-nosing Szymon Hooyownia, rather sooner than later :) Btw, the leftists are catching up on PO in the latest polls and their death can be even slower than expected.

Two leading members of PO have been unceremoniously booted

Probably, they will take refuge in PSL, PL 2050 or even Gowin's party. And will be followed by others.
pawian  226 | 27364
15 May 2021   #102
laugh at the drowning baboon

That`s my role - make people laugh. I am happy to be of service. :):)

But why drowning? Shouldn`t it be sinking? :)

Never mind. The problem is baboon isn`t drowning or sinking. He is in quite a comfortable situation. Think hard and use your logic to guess why. :):)

Most monkeys don't swim

Yes, most. but I was a high school champion in swimming competitions :):)

they will take And will be

Propheteering is your hobby here, I see. :):)

Back to the subject please
pawian  226 | 27364
16 May 2021   #103
He is in quite a comfortable situation. Think hard

Well, I see that amiga and Korki didn`t try to take that guess. I only meant I am a PO voter by tradition but I am not obsessed with them. That is why, when they are losing support now, I don`t panic coz those disappointed voters won`t become PiS supporters all of a sudden - no, they will think of voting Hołownia or another opposition party. So, as the Polish saying goes: everything remains in the family.

Do you know now why I feel relaxed about it? I will vote PO as long as they are a party despite anything coz why shouldn`t I?? I am loyal to my views and my choices and shall stay so. If they dissolve, I will find myself another pro-democratic pro-European party which opposes neobolshevik PiS or nationalists. Isn`t it simple??? :):):):)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #104
everything remains in the family.

What a heartbreaking story :P Fortunately your bolshevik sect is diminishing with each passing day :))),891.html#comment

Do you know now why I feel relaxed about it?

Sure I know. You are Kaczynski's asset :)))
pawian  226 | 27364
20 May 2021   #105
is diminishing with each passing day

Lies, lies, lies by neobolshevik korki on each passing day. :):) Doesn`t your long nose disturb you in your daily activities??? hahaha

You are

Yes, I know - always the same: I am, I am, I am. hahaha
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #106
I am, I am, I am. hahaha

Mildly retarded? ;)))

Lies, lies, lies

Just read the article in the link above. :) Your bolshevik sect is going down. Soon you and Boryslaw Pupka will be miauczeć for Holownia ;)))
pawian  226 | 27364
20 May 2021   #107
Just read the article in the link above.

I don`t read biased rightard sources - it is a waste of time.

Read these poll results, darling: they are also biased the way you love but closer to the truth

for Holownia

Hołownia or anybody who chases neobolshevik PiS away. :):)

Mildly retarded?

Why only mildly??? :):)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #108
Read these poll results, darling: they are also biased the way you love but closer to the truth

Oh boy, your paranoia is probably eating you from the inside. ;) Are you really happy that Pupka is wasting taxpayer money on fake polls? :) Here's next one for you:

Why only mildly??? :):)

Hey pawianku I'm trying to be nice here ;)))
pawian  226 | 27364
20 May 2021   #109
on fake polls?

I see. When the results are poor, you say it is a true poll, when the opposite - it is fake. :):)

I'm trying to be nice here

Yes, you are. But why are you so obsessed with male politicians` pupkas? You mention one in each post.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #110
I see. When the results are poor, you say it is a true poll, when the opposite - it is fake

You are having an interesting conversation with yourself. I see :)))


Yes, Boryslaw Pupka is your beloved leader... don't you know that? ;))) For now, at least ;P
Now, read and weep:,nId,5244386
pawian  226 | 27364
20 May 2021   #111
interesting conversation

About polls. Yes, it seems you are not only obsessed with pupkas, but also with polls.


Again??? :):)

Now, read

What I read is that rightards have less support than the opposition.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #112
What I read

Wake up, monkey boy! ;P You had similar wet dreams during presidential elections and we both know how that went down ;)))


Boryslaw Pupka is all you got ;))) Stick to him while you still can ;)))
mafketis  38 | 11127
20 May 2021   #113
during presidential elections and we both know how that went down ;)))

Why is block-voting by welfare leeches a matter of humor for you?
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #114
leeches a matter of humor for you

Because I see Boryslaw Pupka lovers and other leeches trying to get back to koryto and failing miserably ;) It's always fun to bring down leftist idiots with an overly-developed sense of self-importance. ;)))

Just look at pawian, that's my boy ;P
mafketis  38 | 11127
20 May 2021   #115
trying to get back to koryto and failing miserably ;)

PiS has got that mother locked up! Go..... snouts!
pawian  226 | 27364
20 May 2021   #116
during presidential elections and we both know how that went down

Yes, darling, but last year rightards had over 40% support. Today it is around 30%. Why is it so? Will you say that polls are manipulated? :):)

pawian, that's my boy

Stop this wet daydreaming. Go and find yourself another partner. :):)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 May 2021   #117
PiS has got that mother locked up! Go..... snouts!

Where have they kept you for the past decade or so? ;)) There are leftist knury running freely in Warschau, Danzig oder Breslau ;))) and thus making other leftist leeches a bit agitated ;P

Stop this wet daydreaming

You disgusting hmophobe, racist and anti-Semite. :D I always knew that deep down inside your head you are just a scared fascist, sucking up to the lefties to gain their support, just like the whole POKO party. And that, my friend, keeps bringing you down and keeps them in the parliament. ;))) I'm glad you've finally expressed your true self ;)))
amiga500  5 | 1491
21 May 2021   #118
Why is block-voting by welfare leeches

Your yankee doodle view of the world transplanted to the Polish superstructure is about as useful as gonorrhea in a convent. Mafketis, your arsch lecken of Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan is becoming tiresome, please take down their altars of worship from your bedroom, they're dead. You sound like a 'good ol boy' talking about n**gers in the south, admit it you secretly feel superior to polish people.
pawian  226 | 27364
21 May 2021   #119
You disgusting

Funny. I mentioned the falling support for rightards and you scored a meltdown. :):)


Only for closet gays who hate their own group like you.


haha Do you suggest rightards who I oppose now are Jews????

keeps them in the parliament.

Aaa, so you want a fully rightard parliament. Forget it.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
21 May 2021   #120
Funny. I mentioned the falling support for rightards and you scored a meltdown. :):)

Your projections are getting dumber than ever ;))) Sadly, you've been having a permanent meltdown at least since 2015, just like the party you represent out here ;))) And I love teasing you because you act like a monkey :P Almost as if you are a member of Pupka's party... are you? :)

closet gays

Hey, leave Trzaskowski out of this ;)))

Do you suggest rightards who I oppose now are Jews

There are Jews on all sides... even in Konfederacja... do you have a problem with that? ;)) But that's not the point. I mean that you are a perfect reflection of what Platforma has become... a midget party, led by a mental midget with a seemingly progressive mindset on the outside and commie mentality on the inside. ;))) You fit them brilliantly :P

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