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Should Poland leave the EU institution?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Jun 2021   #121
Oh I dunnooo....even LePen isn't talking anymore about a Frexit....she wants to get elected sometime, heh:)

"...She is opposed to the EU membership for Turkey, in favour of a "privileged partnership",[22] and also opposes the accession of Ukraine to the European Union, while supporting association status.[23] She is currently campaigning for a referendum on France leaving the EU.[20] Despite have previously sought France leaving the body, she no longer supports a full exit, preferring instead a restructuring.[79]...."

I even agree with her about Turkey.....but I think Ukraine could need every help it can get.....and some reforms, why not? *shrugs*
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
15 Jun 2021   #122
And true.

Not really.
amiga500  5 | 1505
15 Jun 2021   #123
preferring instead a restructuring.

Yes the future Le Penn/Salvini/Kaczynski/Orban/Kurz grouping/axis in the EU will be a pleasure to watch .. :) We will cut the Commission and Court down to a more humble stature.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
15 Jun 2021   #124
Not really.

Why, it is de facto the same thing, or where do you see differences?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
15 Jun 2021   #125
Yes the future Le Penn/Salvini/Kaczynski/Orban/Kurz grouping/axis in the EU will be a pleasure to watch

Thing is....has always been.....nationalists don't work well together.....they will be quickly busy with sniping, insulting, attacking, backstabbing each other....getting out every historical argument they can find.....a pleasure to watch?

Salvini will hate Le Pen....Orban licks Putins boots, no matter what that would mean to Kaczynski...etc...etc...

There is no nationalist "internationale"....banding together for a common cause.....never has been, never will be. Their own short sighted advantage will be always more important to them. That's why leftists are always stronger, sad but true!
Tacitus  2 | 1264
15 Jun 2021   #126
MLP has pledged to cut the Cohesion Fund for Eastern Europe and is - together with Salvini - interested in forming a partnership with Russia. I imagine that neither of those things are within Polands' interest. MLP also wants to leave NATO. Think about what that means for Poland's security in the future. An America that is increasingly unwilling to defend Eastern Europe against Russia. A Germany that can't defend Eastern Europe. And France who simply won't defend Eastern Europe. Not exactly an appealing scenario in my court.

There is no nationalist "internationale"

Amen to that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
15 Jun 2021   #127
Agreed, in a Europe ruled by nationalists Poland, without an influential EU, Poland will stand alone....again....tell me again, how that did work out for the Poles in the past.

And risking all that what Poland has right now....military security, financial help, economical support, a seat and a voice like everybody else at the european table....only because of some refugees? Or some rights for gays? Or some guaranteed independence for your judges?

Really? Is that worth it???
Crow  154 | 9463
15 Jun 2021   #128
EU is nothing but Holly Roman Empire that is not holly but unholy. Unholy as Roman Empire was unholy. What Poland have from it? Bluntly speaking Poland have right to die for it. To die. Proudly. In the process of dying to spread word of the papacy and Germanics. Also, in the process of dying Poland have right to feel shame for being Slavic. So, ultimately, death in shame. That is the right of Poland here.
amiga500  5 | 1505
15 Jun 2021   #129
There is no nationalist "internationale"

It's called the United Nations and what the European Union ('A Community of Nations') was sopoused to be. At your extreme definiton there are frequent europe wide gatherings of right wing/nationalist types (incl polish and ukranians skins hanging out) there's even a training school akin to the soros university set up by steve bannon in italy.

Or some guaranteed independence for your judges?

Yes considering the Commission has now turned its eye on the karlsruhe for suggesting that german law acually is worth a fig, The concept that national law and constitution is sovereign, and not being trash beneathn some made up rubbish that is not in the european treaties, is worth fighting for. Look you and Takticus want to forget all about the concept of germany but some of us love Poland and want to be part of a community of nations and the original christian vision of EC/EU.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
15 Jun 2021   #130
It's called the United Nations

What is Poland getting from the United Nations? Military security? Financial help? Economical Support?

If Poland asks the UN for support against Russia....don't you think Russia will veto everything?

The UN would be like another of these far away "friends" Poland liked to put his hopes to (GB, France)....tell me again how that panned out in Polands past!

Look you and Takticus want to forget all about the concept of germany

Oh please.....I'm a proud German, I'm still an Ossi by heart, not a no-border globalist....if I dream of the past it's about mighty Prussia....I like the successful Hanse too.

There is a middle way for nationalists....those fighting all other nations and those who want the best for their own nation. Germany's way right now led to it's most successful century ever, and alot of that success has to do with the EU.

Now compare Polands often enough catastrophic past with the modern Poland during the recent decades inside the EU.....and there can only be one conclusion!

It's a matter of rationalism and seeing the world as it is, not as you want it to be! If you truly love Poland, you want the best and most successful Poland it can be. Going it alone is a sure way to lose....again!
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jun 2021   #131
What is Poland getting from the United Nations?

The same as from the League of Nations in 1939... :):)

during the recent decades inside the EU.....and there can only be one conclusion!

Of course. But those conservatives are blind to such reasoning - they only see LGBT, women`s rights, abortion and other. Let me repeat it - if the Kremlin is the last resort to keep LBGT in check, cons will welcome it with open arms.
amiga500  5 | 1505
2 Jul 2021   #132
bye bye merkel. terrible job
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Jul 2021   #133
And good riddance.

Great article.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
2 Jul 2021   #134
Looks like the Spectator is still salty that all its predictions about the imminwnt demise of the EU during the Eurocrisis and later after Brexit have again and again by frustrated by Merkel. No doubt there is also some jealousy that she is Europes' most impreasive politician of this generation while the UK (and the conservative party) has only produced failures and mediocrities.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Jul 2021   #135
she is Europes' most impressive politician

So was Hitler except that Hitler wanted to make Germany stronger and that idiot decided to turn Germany into a Muslim sewer - to be shared with her unwilling neighbors. Unfortunately, her generosity was not appreciated...Shame on Poland...
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Jul 2021   #136
the imminent demise of the EU

I would not say it is imminent but it could happen unless the EU reforms itself.
Merkel has made some serious errors in her time including allowing all those refugees in and messing up on Covid.
About the only thing she has done right is to keep the German economy strong.
2 Jul 2021   #137
Such insanity, bred from dressing up cowardice as humility. Poland needs to remember the difference asap, it is a fatal mistake.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Jul 2021   #138
About the only thing she has done right is to keep the German economy strong.

That's easily done - just do nothing.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Jul 2021   #139

Yeah, all is OK so leave it alone!
Tacitus  2 | 1264
3 Jul 2021   #140
About the only thing she has done right

Merkel has done a lot of things right. Managing the Euro crisis, forging an European response to Russia's agression against the Ukraine, brokering Minsk II to name some examples.

messing up on Covid.

Merkel allowed the EU to mess up the vaccination program - although the diverging demands of various countries were mostly at fault - yet she gets also credit for getting through the crisis better than any other mayor European country (or the USA for that matter) in terms of victims. And while the vaccination roleout was slower than it could have been, we are catching up to the likes of the UK who did benefit all that much from their advantage all things considered (they still had and have restrictions).

No doubt what will define Merkel's legacy is how she has dealt with the two challenges that will have the biggest impact on future generations: The survival of the EU and Climate change. If the EU survives Merkel's departure for say 30 years, then her place in the history books is assured. As for climate change, she has done more than others, but maybe not enough. That being said, most of her contemporaries will be judged harshly as well, many of them even more than her.
Novichok  4 | 8748
3 Jul 2021   #141
Climate change.

By how many degrees did she lower the temp 100 years from now and how did she do it?
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Jul 2021   #142
ationalists don't work well together..

Well, do you think the EU is an union in making of nations? Seems to me like corporations are using it to their own ends. ( that is the way it rolls).

defend Eastern Europe a

Ultimately EE or/and Poland has to defend itself.

only because

lol those are not 'only' those are rather major issues in a guise of insignificant adornments. Plus there is more...

it is de facto the same thing

No is not and never was. MP was used to help rebuild desolated by war countries. Not need to me overestimated by it was simple enough solutions, Americans send need goods and expertise for free.

EU funds are mainly wasted on some BS projects and indebt participants in the process. If you add all that Poland need to implement as a matter of course it just a joke not help. Quite the opposite.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
3 Jul 2021   #143
Going it alone is a sure way to lose


Although a lot depends on how the UK will fare outside the EU. If they end up better off being outside, then the eurosceptic forces throughout the Union will be strenghtened immensely.
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jul 2021   #144
To leave? Why leave? EU is modern and will give a lot of to Poland.

GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
3 Jul 2021   #145
@photo above:

11 goals for our national team in exchange for a moderately attractive blonde? That's a bargain! We have throngs of blondes and not nearly enough NT goals. :)

However, I don't see the connection with the EU here (Olisadebe was from Nigeria, as far as I can remember).
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
4 Jul 2021   #146

Well, Even Denmark think about leaving, Greece is still upset for being shafted by the bankers supported by the EU institutions.
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Jul 2021   #147
Well, Even Denmark think about leaving,

You heard it on the local radio in the Republic of South Africa? haha

Greece is still upset f

Of course. They recklessly squandered billions on stupidities so they must be upset at sb else - a simple projection known in psychology.

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