Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
14 Jun 2021 #121
Oh I dunnooo....even LePen isn't talking anymore about a Frexit....she wants to get elected sometime, heh:)
"...She is opposed to the EU membership for Turkey, in favour of a "privileged partnership",[22] and also opposes the accession of Ukraine to the European Union, while supporting association status.[23] She is currently campaigning for a referendum on France leaving the EU.[20] Despite have previously sought France leaving the body, she no longer supports a full exit, preferring instead a restructuring.[79]...."
I even agree with her about Turkey.....but I think Ukraine could need every help it can get.....and some reforms, why not? *shrugs*
"...She is opposed to the EU membership for Turkey, in favour of a "privileged partnership",[22] and also opposes the accession of Ukraine to the European Union, while supporting association status.[23] She is currently campaigning for a referendum on France leaving the EU.[20] Despite have previously sought France leaving the body, she no longer supports a full exit, preferring instead a restructuring.[79]...."
I even agree with her about Turkey.....but I think Ukraine could need every help it can get.....and some reforms, why not? *shrugs*