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Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea.

johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Aug 2019   #1
Will the up coming election in Poland focus on the unpopular gay population.
Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has made hostility to gays a central focus of its campaign, depicting LGBT rights as a dangerous foreign idea that undermines traditional values.

The pride parade in the city of Bialystok in July was plagued with violence after anti gay protesters chased people through the streets and beat them.

Dirk you were right.
WARSAW (Reuters) - More than 1000 people took part in a pride parade in the central Polish city of Plock protected by a cordon of armed police as LGBT rights became a hot button issue in Catholic Poland ahead of a parliamentary election in October.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2019   #2
Will the up coming election in Poland focus on the unpopular gay population.

Yes, absolutely johnny. There's a gay guy living in a turreted house up on the hill near me. Enough is enough, so I have been organising the neighbours, and tonight, after dark, we are all marching up there with baying hounds, crucifixes, and flaming torches, to burn the bastard out!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Aug 2019   #3
Are you trying to trash my thread that obviously you disagree with ?
Every other thread about gays has been closed by your tactics.
There are nicer ways to show your disapproval.
Now please stick to the topic.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Aug 2019   #4
Enough is enough, so I have been organising .... to burn the bastard out!

You should be ashamed of yourself. Show some compassion for that mentally ill guy, instead.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
11 Aug 2019   #5
Treating your own people with dignity is seen "as a dangerous foreign idea by some"?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
11 Aug 2019   #6
LBGT rights everywhere have always been at risk.

My feeling is that we should simply live and let live. After all, deviance from the norm is
a human right, not a sin, unless of course one takes the written word of any holy scripture literally,
which is a dangerous idea anyway.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Aug 2019   #7
My feeling is that we should simply live and let live.

A meaningless one-liner. Sometimes we don't when a pregnancy is inconvenient.

LBGT rights everywhere have always been at risk.

And what rights would those be that they don't already have - like you and me?
Lenka  5 | 3528
11 Aug 2019   #8
To nake their relationship legal? And with that medical decisions, inheritance, social security etc
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Aug 2019   #9
Their relationship is already legal. Nobody is going to prison for being homosexual.
They are not prevented from making medical decisions. That's what the power of attorney is for.
They can write the will and name anyone as the beneficiary like you or me.
They get the Social Security and Medicare benefits like everyone else.

Anything else?
Lenka  5 | 3528
11 Aug 2019   #10
One word: POLAND!

And the truth is that if the relationships are not recognised by law there will always be disparity.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2019   #11
One word: POLAND!

Which neither the OP or Rich reside in, so I fail to see what the hell it has to do with them - the question was simply johnny attention seeking, because he doesn't have a life. Now that he has our attention he feels vindicated.

Quite sick actually.
pawian  226 | 27453
11 Aug 2019   #12
we are all marching up there with baying hounds, crucifixes, and flaming torches,

hahaha Reminds me of the mob that goes to kill Frankenstein Monster.

  • angrymob.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Aug 2019   #13
They can write the will and name anyone as the beneficiary like you or me.

Not really the case in Poland.... as anyone who is actually Polish would know....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Aug 2019   #14
And the truth is that if the relationships are not recognised by law there will always be disparity.

What disparity?
Law does not recognize a relationship between a guy and his sister, even if she had hysterectomy to eliminate birth defects. No disparity, or is there?

Why would law recognize, register, and validate what mentally ill or mentally disturbed people do?

You can dance forever about this and I will out dance you because the facts and logic are on my side. You see, there is a difference between tolerance and accommodation as we practice with the Down, the blind and the deaf people and full normalization.

You can try to cram the gay thing down our throats but we will never say it was yummy.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2019   #15
Not really the case in Poland...

Yes, it is strange though that you can't necessarily keep wifey out of your will if she been done you wrong......simply because the state wants to abdicate all responsibility.

In this country the state decides to do with your estate - quite criminal really. On the other hand, I agree with Lena, that common law partnerships needs to be legally recognised - time for the EU to sort it out, and this is precisiely what they should be doing, if Poland persists in insisting on living in the Middle Ages.
Crow  154 | 9531
11 Aug 2019   #16
(PiS) party has made hostility to gays a central focus of its campaign, depicting LGBT rights as a dangerous foreign idea

Its a wrong approach.

Homosexual people exist since humans exist and by that, as long as it is willing by those involved it is normal. But, on the other hand, same as everything in human political affairs, homosexuality is also manipulated in political purposes. Oldest example that we know of is of old Greeks that stimulated admiration to male body in order to de-stimulate growth of population. Reason was limited available resources. Later, Romans and others continued to manipulate with homosexuality. In out time, it is EU that continued that practice.

But, Slavic countries don`t need reduction of population but growth and that is why those practices greatly damage Slavic countries.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
11 Aug 2019   #17
think about the perverted sex acts that go along with LBGT.

What is so perverted about what LBGT do to each other compared to what a hetero couple is capable to? It is not like hetero couples never practice b*tt sex if they are so inclined.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Aug 2019   #18
What is so perverted

Being Poland is a Christian Catholic culture..... men having sex with another man or a woman having sex with another woman is considered perverted.
That already has been established here a 1000 times now.
Since a huge majority of Poles are against LBGT and don't accept it........ it could have a major impact on the election.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Aug 2019   #19
PiS is going after LBGT people because... what else do they have? They can't keep on bribing the voters with "free" money forever, Smolensk is a dead end and the entitled nature of PiS elite with Air KuchciƄski (probably just the tip of the iceberg) will alienate some.

when in trouble political hacks like to find a scapegoat and LGBT are this year's model - no matter how backward and primitive it makes the Polish public seem.

And, in case you missed it, rumors about JK's orientation have been circulating for decades (and none of them are about women....)
Lyzko  44 | 9713
11 Aug 2019   #20
Considered "perverted" by those at ideological odds with established religion, not human biology:-)

No, Johnny, live and let live is essential to permitting this planet not to become any more unglued and
out of control than she already is!
Tacitus  2 | 1255
11 Aug 2019   #21
That already has been established here a 1000 times now.

Established by whom? By you and demented bigots like Rich Mazur? There is no reason why sex between two male or two female partners should be considered "perverted" by any rational individual.

There seems to be a silver lining in Poland though. The attitude towards LBGT people is changing. We might see some drastic changes over the next 20 years. Once the public attitude has shifted, legal changes are next.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Aug 2019   #22
Considered "perverted" by those at ideological odds with established religion

You just described the majority of Catholic Poland so I have to agree with you.

not human biology

Nonsense as it take a male and a female for biological reproduction.

not to become any more unglued andout of control than she already is

Exactly what the Polish voters will be saying as the title of this thread: Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea.
You can have your personal opinion Lyzko and I am not arguing that.
What I am trying to tell you is that regardless of what the small minority here want, is that the huge majority of Catholic Poles, especially in the rural areas, believe that gay rights undermines the traditional values of Poland which will give PiS an added advantage come election time.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Aug 2019   #23
Only a very small minority here care about the question johnny.
The huge majority are for live and let live, and don't care either way. If Pis actually helped people who live in rural poverty, instead of feeding their inherited fears, then society might see real progress.

I wont hold my breath.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Aug 2019   #24
gay rights undermines the traditional values of Poland which will give PiS an added advantage come election time

No, it's meant to give PiS voters an excuse for voting for the horribly corrupt neo-PRL party. Some want to pretend they vote for PiS for reasons not related to handouts and this is meant to help them maintain that fairytale...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Aug 2019   #25
The huge majority are forThe huge majority are for live and let live, and don't care either way., and don't care either way.

That "live and let live" works only if I know your end point. Liberals have no end points. Each step is immediately viewed is in the bag and the fights starts all over for the next hill.

You ask where the "struggle" ends, the left never answers.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Aug 2019   #26
a silver lining in Poland though. The attitude towards LBGT people is changing

Not fast enough for any changes soon though.
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Aug 2019   #27
, not human biology:-)

Not only is it against Gods law, its also against the laws of nature!

Tell us Lyzko, which mammal can reproduce within its our sex????

You can try to cram the gay thing down our throats

They won't be satisfied until all the children have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe this deviant behavior is normal.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
11 Aug 2019   #28
Tell us Lyzko, which mammal can reproduce within its our sex????

Because sex is all about reproduction nowadays.... .
Tacitus  2 | 1255
3 Feb 2021   #29
LBGT people are ultimately just that, people. People can be good or bad, thus there are of course also bad LBGT people which nobody would deny
jon357  72 | 23482
3 Feb 2021   #30
there are of course also bad LBGT people

Darren Grimes is perhaps a good example, plus that Yannopoulos guy that used to be in the media. They're nothing to do with any particular activism (or even engagement in) LGBT issues though. Jaroslaw Kaczynski and J Edgar Hoover also come to mind. Do I need to condemn them too, simply because we don't date ladies?

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