He can't be convicted because he fled without being tried. He will of course be given a lawyer and full rights if he comes back to Poland. Something thwt would never happen to Belarussians who are arrested.
Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ?
So a murderer isn't a murderer until after the trial?
Yes, moron.
Just because you saw A kill B doesn't tell you why A killed B, you idiot...
The "why" is often the difference between the death penalty and the Citizen of the Year award.
God, please take all the idiots where they would be harmless and less annoying...
It will take you a long time to win a debate with me...
Moron, you don't need to reply pointlessly to every post. It is a bore.
Yes, the guy defected. Of that there is no doubt.
And you've never 'won' a 'debate' in your life, not that this is a debating club anyway.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 May 2024 #64
Moron, you don't need to reply pointlessly to every post. It is a bore.
Listen up Morom Troll....Novi has made 11 posts today and you job357 have made 23 already today.
Suck on that fact
The "why" is often the difference
Exactly, however some people can't deal with, "just the facts ma'am, just the facts" as officer Friday on Dragnet use to say.
Novi has made 11 posts today
And all of them sh1t.
Stop whinging.
To a Euro bootlicker, self-defense is murder. Only the king's goons can kill. You can only retreat or die.
It is what I say it is. Don't like it? Go to your husband and complain.
not that this is a debating club anyway.
It is what I say it is. Don't like it? Go to your husband and complain.
What makes you think that the assassination of two people was self-defence?
Or are you just a pig ignorant contrarian with an empty life?
Go away. Your country has more traitors than any other.
The moron you call "King" leading the parade...watching the migrant flood...
The moron you call "King" leading the parade...watching the migrant flood...
We're talking about the Polish judge who defected to Belarus, not your odd opinions about other countries.
If he's caught, the trial should be interesting.
If he's caught, the trial should be interesting.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 May 2024 #70
And all of them sh1t.
Perhaps because he keeps blowing your one line opinions out of the water.
Get a grip jon357 and face the fact that you no longer sit on the top of podium here even if you do own it.
Novi has a much higher i.q. than you do and it just steams you to think after all your years here baffling people with your b.s. that an Intelect like Novi repeatedly shuts your soup cooler in style.
I still like you though. 🥳
If he's caught, the trial should be interesting.
I concur
You could start a new thread on it
This is a thread about a Polish judge who defected to a hostile state.
He doesn't, though, does he.
He certainly doesn't.
And you should perhaps start to behave, given that you are likely to be going away for a long time soon.
Perhaps because he keeps
He doesn't, though, does he.
Novi has a much higher i.q
He certainly doesn't.
And you should perhaps start to behave, given that you are likely to be going away for a long time soon.
This is a thread about a Polish judge who defected to a hostile state.
A person defects if there is an arrest warrant or another official demand to appear or surrender. Without a warrant, a person leaves a country. Got it?
I left Poland. I didn't defect from Poland. Duh!
Those Brits not only don't know how to spell...they don't even know English well enough to converse with adults...
BTW, since he left for Belarus, I am going to assume that the place is not "hostile" enough.
Your hostility to Belarus, on the other hand, is another matter. My personal advice to you is to avoid the place. Quoting:
Belarus provides no anti-discrimination protections for LGBT freaks, nor does it prohibit hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Many Belarusian people believe that homosexuality is a psychiatric illness, and many LGBT persons in Belarus tend to hide their sexual orientation in public.
Did you know that Belarus is still looking for Gender 3, 4, 5...?
A person defects if there is an arrest warrant or another official demand to appear or surrender
No it doesn't.
Here's the dictionary definition:
" . VERB
If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group.
25 per cent of its listed client base defect to rival auditors. [V + to/from]
He defected from the party in the late 1970s. [V to/from n]
...a KGB officer who defected in 1963. [VERB] "
You're obsessed. You mention it at least ten times daily.
If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country,
If there is no arrest warrant, he didn't defect.
Learn English. We don't "join" a country. We move, travel, or escape to a country, not "join".
Learn English
Perhaps you should.
And that, as you well know, is a direct quote from the dictionary.
He defected.
Now stop being a jerk and run along. Nobody cares what you think.

And that, as you well know, is a direct quote from the dictionary.
One more time...We join country clubs. We don't "join" countries. Got it? Not yet? Maybe this will help...
From Webster:
join two blocks of wood with glue
two people joined in marriage
She joined us for lunch
joined the church
join the navy
Still not sinking in?
So whinge to the publishers of the dictionary instead of making a fool of yourself here.
And going off topic since we're talking about a treasonous defector.
And going off topic since we're talking about a treasonous defector.
Platforma is already using Szmydt in their euro elections campaign...
... nice.
... nice.
Korvinus what kind of utter crap is that?
what kind of utter crap is that
I was drunk.
Eh? This worries me, dobri pane brate Korvi. When I am drank I have visions of naked girls. Nice visions.
Trump says Ukraine can 'forget about' joining NATO
Trump says Ukraine can 'forget about' joining NATO