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Israel furious as Poland signs law to limit property claims

Lyzko  44 | 9745
20 Aug 2021   #91
That question remains open.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #92
I read the article referenced in Post 1 and found this under Duda's photo:

Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a law setting a 30-year time limit on challenges to property confiscations - many of them relating to Poland's once-thriving Jewish community.

To most, that sentence would be routine. So those who know Jews, "once-thriving" is telling the whole story and it's not a good one. In a zero-sum service economy, when one group "thrives", it "thrives" at the expense of others - the very definition of exploitation by parasites. In the economy based on wealth production, things are different and "thriving" is not parasitic since it's based on newly created wealth.

Another point...Israel has no basis to claim the law is discriminatory as it affects all equally. So the demagogues resorted to the "impact" of the law, not the literal text of it.

The article acknowledges this point as follows:

While the law covers both Jewish and non-Jewish claimants, campaigners say Jewish owners will be disproportionately affected because they were often late in lodging claims after the war.

Translation: because some lazy a-holes can't get their sh*it together in a reasonable time, therefore Poland is anti-Semitic. As they say, it's hard to make this kind of crap up.

Not done yet...

Israel was joined by the United States in its opposition to the legislation, and Lapid said Israel was conducting talks with the Americans on further courses of action.

To say that I hate it would be an understatement. For Israel to involve the US as its enforcer in a dispute with another pro-US country is beyond disgusting. If Isreal has a good case, let it argue in some court somewhere with the rules of evidence and by following an established procedure, not by running to a bunch of dual loyalist Jews in DC.
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Aug 2021   #94
What remains open is your denial.

He is brazen and slippery so I don't have time for him.

That so called Jewish claims are BS.
If anything Polish citizens living in Poland hadn't been able to get their property back. The sate offered some pitiful compensation or nothing at all.

On the other hand that Jewish property multiplies by a minute, First Soviet Poland paid to USA to settle or reminding claims by the Jews with American passports it was in the 60'. In the 90' there was some 'returning' of property or money that belonged to Jewish organization - it was questionable but OK/

Some property was was returned to Jews after 1945.
On the top of it those Jewish rightful owners who wanted could get back their property all along in Polish courts and they were doing it. Nearly impossible for Poles.

I guess greed of some Jewish gangsters from NY has bo limits as they claim to property that has no rightful owners but somehow they know its Jewish. No matter laws no matter it is ridiculous and unpreceded, just cough up the dough that say, is a shake up.

I just wonder is Israeli state backing up gangsters? Is USA gov doing that same, sure like hell is condoning it? No wonder shameless Lyzko try to communicate in his incomprehensible Polish.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #95
Is your English any more "incomprehensible" without some assistance from GoogleTranslate? Nice try to get me to crack-:)
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #96
Is your English any

That sentence feels like flossing with barbed wire.

"Any more incomprehensible" goes fine with You English can't be any more incomprehensible than that - for example.

Or: How about some assistance from Google Translate to make your English less incomprehensible.

Or: Even with Google Translate your English sucks.

Simpler is better, professor.

Other than that, children, what you just witnessed was teeth pulling and a pogrom - both at the same time.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #97
A matter of opinion, Rich.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Aug 2021   #98
Still no answer....
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #99
A matter of opinion, maf.

Please tell me that you are not holding your breath...
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #101
"Israel furious as Poland signs law to limit property claims"

I am furious that Israel is furious and interferes in disputes that are none of its fu*cking business. If Poland owed me 100 bucks and I moved to Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe would not be furious at the Polish government for not giving my damn 100 back.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #102
Israel considers Jews EVERYWHERE their business.
We seem to be losing sight of the basic bone of contention here, you people.
In the search for "heirs" to allegedly "heirless property", we've neglected to mention the fact that the Jews who were displaced in countries such as Poland, once again,

were there LEGALLY!! They were neither squatters nor beggars, nor foreigners in the technical sense, but rather citizens of another religious affiliation and a different ethnic origin.

Many though, were Polish nationalists through and through, such as Brzechwa, Tuwim and countless others who were proud to call themselves "Poles of Jewish heritage". A number, I read, fought in the Polish army side by side with gentiles, dying just as they died.

What's coloring this entire discussion is prejudice. As was quoted prior, non-Jews lost properties and businesses as did the Jews, yet somehow only the Jews were larger in number after WWII and applied for claims instead of merely taking a loss.

Why is that? Furthermore, what makes the claims of the Jewish property owners any less valuable than that of the gentiles who lost life and/or property?

No, folks, we're not going to arrive at any easy answers to this mess, I'm afraid.

@Maf & Tacitus, I sent you a private mail, but have yet to receive a reply:-)
@Ironside, I don't use GoogleTranslate to write Polish or any other languageLOL
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Aug 2021   #103
Jews EVERYWHERE their business.

Fine, however in this case is not about Jews anywhere but about money in Poland some gangsters feel should be theirs. Do Israel care so much about Jews that even gangster's feelings and their extorsion business get its protection?

I don't use GoogleTranslate to write Polish

Maybe you should.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #104
Jews were no more gangsters than all non-Jewish Poles were drunks or anti-Semites!
One generalization's as bad as another.
Lenka  5 | 3531
21 Aug 2021   #105
Furthermore, what makes the claims of the Jewish property owners any less valuable than that of the gentiles who lost life and/or property?

Nothing but it's Israel and USA moaning and not Polish citizen (whose claims fall under the same law)
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Aug 2021   #106
Jews were no more gangsters

Hey, comprehension. There are no Jews that Israel can protect in this case. Only some gangsters going about their extortion business and that BS is a part of their shtick.

Do me a solid Lyzko and talk to your buddies in the NYC. Don't be delusional no more.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Aug 2021   #107
I sent you a private mail,

you didn't answer the questions...

who should heirless propterty be "returned" to?

how should those losing their property in such circumstances be compensated? and by who?

Until you answer those two simple questions there's no real basis for conversation....
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #108
Is it heirless though, Maf ? This remains the salient question.
@Ironside, those demanding financial redress are only gangsters in Duda's mind:-)
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Aug 2021   #109
those demanding financial redress

For what? 'Jewish' property? What that? Is there some Polish property in the USA? I want it. right now!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #110
You're babbling again, Rich, almost as bad as Crow.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Aug 2021   #111
We seem to be losing sight of the basic bone of contention here, you people.

No," We are not, You are," by refusing to answer Maf's two question.
First things first Lyzko.

No, folks, we're not going to arrive at any easy answers to this mess,

Not as long as you keep avoiding answering by going off on babbling bunny trails of your liking to avoid answering Maf.
Maf has you by the short hair and has called you out, Lyzko.
Now be a man and answer his two questions before we move on here.
Zrozumieć ?
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #112
Israel considers Jews EVERYHERE their business.

Fine. When Israel compensates the victims of Jewish crooks in the US - starting with Madoff - then Isreal can claim this moral ground.
Or is "their business" limited to the cases where money is supposed to flow to Jews but not in reverse?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Aug 2021   #113
Only Madoff wasn't rotten because he was Jewish, while the Jews in question were stigmatized, victimized, displaced, and in most instances exterminated, SOLELY because they were!
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #114
Only Madoff wasn't rotten because he was Jewish,

He was able to rip off other Jews BECAUSE he was Jewish and his Jewish victims trusted him BECAUSE he was Jewish. They would have never handed over their millions if he were not Jewish and, thus, one of them.

SOLELY because they were!

Bush*il! Christians lost their properties, too.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Aug 2021   #115
Is it heirless though, Maf ? This remains the salient question.

Let's say yes. No known direct descendants of the presumed owner. What should happen to it? What should happen with those who invested/built on the land after WWII?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
21 Aug 2021   #117

I did warn you about not getting into this dumb debate, but you didn't listen, you always think you know best.
All you are doing is keeping alive the flames of antisemitism. ...maybe that's what you want?
Of all my Jewish friends, only one would agree with you, we have been friends since school and he is an extreme Zionist and now lives in Israel.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Aug 2021   #118
I did warn you about not getting into this dumb debate, but you didn't listen

Never in the history of PF have so many been so united as now. We should celebrate it.

Thanks, Lyzko.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
21 Aug 2021   #119

Great post Novi!
I just hope Lyzko takes note, but I somehow doubt it.
He seems determined to demonise Jews as much as possible.
His kind of Jew needs to STFU.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Aug 2021   #120
All you are doing is keeping alive the flames of antisemitism. ..

Sometimes I think he's trying to prove Kevin MacDonald right....

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