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In increasingly chaotic world, diaspora of Poland moving back to Poland an masse?

Crow  155 | 9699
20 Jan 2021   #1
An article

Tide turns for Polish émigrés, lured home by booming economy

For the last 15 years Mateusz has lived, studied and worked in the UK, one of the many Poles who left their country

rtfm  1 | 62
20 Jan 2021   #2
I think a lot of Poles always planned to move home after making money abroad to build a house and life in Poland.

The improved Polish economy has simply sped that process up. Even in the 12 or so years I have been coming here the changes have been impressive (not all in a good way).

I'm interested to see how Poland does after the pandemic, and brexit. It will either thrive on the challenge or sink under covid debt.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
20 Jan 2021   #3
No, I don`t think Covid can stop Poland. Not in situation when world moved to Multi-Polar formation, where western Europe and the USA losing its global economic and political dominance, while shackles of western Europe on Poland, and in general on eastern/south-eastern Europe (and outside of Europe) weakening.

Geo-strategically speaking, modern day Poland already reminding of back in past Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Jan 2021   #4
How do you guys even function in normal society tho?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Jan 2021   #5
What do you define as "normal", Sag?
21 Jan 2021   #6
Yes, but they must raise the salaries of teachers and academic professors in Poland. They still earn too little, compared to someone in an outsourcing company.
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2021   #7
I think a lot of Poles always planned to move home after making money abroad to build a house and life in Poland.

I wonder how many decades it takes to call the new country my country and treat it with respect greater than one does an ATM.

Or are the new immigrants from Poland not capable of ever becoming "locals" and love the country that let them in like the guy sipping his beer on the next stool?

It must feel like crap to have your heart a thousand miles from the rest of your body.
rtfm  1 | 62
21 Jan 2021   #8
I think it depends on how one chooses to integrate into the society one moves to.

If you emigrate but do not integrate you will never feel at home.

Moving to a new country means you should adopt the culture of the new country and leave your own at home. That way society stays in harmony and everyone can be welcome.

That applies to Poles moving to the UK in the same way as it does me moving to Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Jan 2021   #9
Wonder how the Biden admin. is going to impact this entire díscussion.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 Jan 2021   #10
It takes balls to tear up your roots and move to another country, for me it has worked beyond my expectations , I have a great life here.

Cant say I wont move again once I reach retirement age, but for now life is good.
mafketis  38 | 11260
21 Jan 2021   #11
Wonder how the Biden admin. is going to impact this entire díscussion.

start by giving citizenship to over ten million people with no legal right to be in the country and de facto invite tens of millions more in while over half of all small businesses have gone bankrupt....

My guess..... not great.
21 Jan 2021   #12
Well it's great for the EU. Let the US get them instead of us! After all they caused all those wars in the Middle East, we didn't and yet we had to accept them.
mafketis  38 | 11260
21 Jan 2021   #13
Let the US get them instead of us!

These are Latin Americans I'm talking about, where Central American elites facilitate violent gang crime and make money by forcing their citizens to move to the US...

Latin American immigrants are more likely to adapt to European countries than those from Africa or the Middle East.... but it's not any way to run a country (either Central America or the US).
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Jan 2021   #14
...though a darned sight better than returning them to the hell holes from whence they came! Just imagine if FDR had allowed the S.S. Missouri to dock and disembark in Havana rather sending them back to the Dante's Inferno that was Nazi Germany, if merely to cave in to Senator Long, Rankin, Bilbo and the rest of that dastardly bunch.
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2021   #15
than returning them to the hell holes

There 6 billion people in hell holes today.
How many should we allow in? No essays. Just a number.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 Jan 2021   #16
Now what?

Time to retreat to Texas.or Poland of course.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Jan 2021   #17
I honestly couldn't say, Novi. Any ideas?
mafketis  38 | 11260
21 Jan 2021   #18
.though a darned sight better than returning them to the hell holes from whence they came!

Latin american countries are maintained as hell holes because it's profitable for a tiny elite in the US and in LA itself....

S.S. Missouri

completely irrelevant to the modern world - what about Uyghur concentration camps in China? those are far more relevant...
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
21 Jan 2021   #19
start by giving citizenship to over ten million people with no legal right to be in the country

All of those will obviously vote for the Democrats ofcourse, and with the borders wide open, it's a step in the direction of America becoming a one party state.
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2021   #20
I honestly couldn't say,

I can. Zero.

Or just as many as you would let into your house.

The difference between leftists and normal people is that leftists lie and do not practice at home what they push on society.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 Jan 2021   #21
Or just as many as you would let into your house.

I would allow four Americans into my house , but I also have two other houses for American refugees if needed.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Jan 2021   #22
"Relevant" however for totally different reasons. The US has akways seen herself as a safe haven. It's a messy job, but somebody's got to do it, so why stop now?
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2021   #23
All of those will obviously vote for the Democrats of course,

...and each will bring a dozen old and sick to happily rip off the Medicare "trust fund".

Can you imagine what a relief it will be not to spend those billions to elect the DC scum every two years?
mafketis  38 | 11260
21 Jan 2021   #24
The US has akways seen herself as a safe haven.

that's a rewriting of history - and being a save haven means letting hell holes stay hell holes, making your economy dependent upon poor countries forcing out just the population they need most - so liberals can feel good about themselves and pay less to have their floors scrubbed.
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2021   #25
The US has always seen herself as a safe haven.

If you can't name the limit, you are disqualified from an adult conversation.
The poetry club is down the hall to left...
mafketis  38 | 11260
21 Jan 2021   #26
If you can't name the limit,

I always ask in discussions of immigration

who do you want to keep out?

how do you propose to keep them out?

what do you want to do if they get in anyway?

I've yet to hear or read anything resembling a coherent answer from a progressive... the idea of limiting immigration pains them yet without being able to answer those questions then a person is de factor in favor of open borders (and the degradation of the concept of citizenship and countries and welfare etc etc etc)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Jan 2021   #27
You agree then, Maf, with one-time Mass.Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who believed the US is a nation to be populated solely by those of Northern European descent?
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2021   #28
I always ask in discussions of immigration

I am so happy you asked those questions.

who do you want to keep out?

Everybody. This bus is full. Like the Japs, we can grow our own talent and our own tomatoes.

how do you propose to keep them out?

Visas for tourists only after they deposit a departure bond of 10 grand. You miss it by a day, the bond is gone and an arrest warrant is out.

what do you want to do if they get in anyway?

Israeli-style wall plus open fire for the climbers. No benefits of any kind to the illegals of any age. For the adults, five years upon the first conviction, 20 for the second.

The word would spread faster than a bad fart and there would be no takers.
Israelis solved their problem to the point that's hard to believe and nobody is dying at the wall because nobody is trying.

BTW, we paid for that wall in big part if not all of it. It works. Oh, and that fence in the DC. That one worked, too, along with guys with AR's. Amazing, isn't it?
mafketis  38 | 11260
21 Jan 2021   #29
You agree then, Maf

Now, you answer.

Who do you want to keep out?

How do you want to keep them out?

What are want to do if they get in anyway?

Or are you an open borders enthusiast....

In which case, how many hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians do you think the US absorb?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Jan 2021   #30
Whom? Ex-Nazis, for one. 'Course we gladly let in von Braun, Strughold, Rudolph etc. because after all "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

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