First...when i read this bullshit regarding balkan ect i can only laugh.
I look like any other German. Im dark blonde, when i put styling gel in my hair it appears darker, wooohoo big deal. My hair color in germany is called "Straßenköter Blond" in a ironic way. Street dog blonde, because its so common

So drop this bullshit.
Now to next point...Want some € reality for Germany?
The ordinary German profits zero from this ****. No other EU country has a bigger cheap labor market. People work their asses off for an income you cant live from. They work very much each months but still have to go to Jobcenter to get additional welfare. They are treated like working slaves.
They bost themself here about the low unemployment but dont tell that 30% of teh jobs are worthless shitjobs.
The gigantic export plus? Wooohoo big deal, when some rich ones at Siemens or VW fill their pockets. The wage rises at the workers is absolute minimum. No other EU country has less ability to save money than Germans and when they retire many get only minimum pensions.
The € is an elitist project from elitists for elitists.
We Germans are trapped in a system that exploits us and to exploit others.
Ever wondered why Merkel the ***** wanted all those migrants? For helping? ha ha. She is a cold blooded *****. No. For exploition as additional slave workers.
She doesnt care for people. Not for her own and also not for foreigners. What you witness is the biggest "Hunger Games" in world history.
If she really cared for the migrants she would help them abroad. She doesnt do that. She let them cross the Sahara and Mediterranean Sea. Only the strongest make it. For each one who dies in the sea, 10 died in the Sahara. Only the wealthy and strong reach Europe. The rest gets killed off before. Merkel was like S irene who lures millions to death.
She did not only betray Germany and Europe as a whole. She does so on command of creatures like Soros.
In other times Merkel would have been sued for high treason on Germany and Europe.
The good thing is, she is political dead because AfD, clings on her power like a zombie though. She is shaking and shivering and was forced to stop her perverted politics
When she went full goon in 2015 it was Visegrad countries that saved Germany from the worst and for that im thankful. It took AfD till 2016 to gain enough momentum to stop Merkel in her madness and in that time she could have done much worse too us if not for Visegrad stopping her madness like a firewall.