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Poland highest inflation in 20 years

jon357  72 | 23361
31 Oct 2021   #61
PiS promised turning Poland into economic Paradise but everything is collapsing.

Indeed. One of the reasons inflation is so much higher here than in most of Europe is their inability to respond in terms of fiscal policy.
Novichok  4 | 8748
31 Oct 2021   #62
Paradise was not promised, but paradise is what people thought they heard.

..and our PF man-child who doesn't report facts but his interpretation of facts. Like this one:

While my problem is that PiS promised turning Poland into economic Paradise but everything is collapsing.

Ease off on whatever you are taking, pawian.

it'll be another nail in PiS' coffin given...

...that voters are mostly stupid and many are total morons on matters beyond where to buy beer and cigarettes for less.
To 100% of them, prices going up is "inflation". The law of supply and demand is rejected offhand because there is nobody they can blame for it.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
31 Oct 2021   #63
@johnny reb
Lets stop using liberals and general labels because under your definition PiS would be a liberal party.

PiS is to blame for all the other bad fiscal policy. Hyper inflation is just a symptom of all that is happening, not simply COVID.

Cars are too expensive because of entitlements the automakers promised to people who can retire at 55 and milk the payments for 20 or more years and free health care. Advertising and executive pay is also a big problem.

Banks and executive pay, with golden parachutes are a big problem. All of this mirrors the problems set up in Polands state owned corporations that are being fleeced by cronies. PiS is a disaster because of stupidity and bad timing. If not for the virus, the bad timing would have allowed for a continued period of more bad fiscal decisions.
pawian  224 | 27236
31 Oct 2021   #64
Paradise was not promised

Of course they didn`t use the term Paradise directly - but they implied it, especially when advertising their New Deal project. Some media dubbed it as promises of Paradise.

who doesn't report facts but his interpretation of facts

Sometimes i provide facts, sometimes interpretation. Why not? I am a free man, darling, I can do what I want. :):):)

I was right with that Paradise while you are still foaming at the mouth, stupidly claiming I wasn`t. Do you feel foolish enough now, darling?

I always wonder - why are most rightists that I know so incredibly dumb??

Ease off on whatever you are taking, pawian.

Definitely sugar.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
31 Oct 2021   #65
PiS are liberals economic liberals of fiscal liberals just not social liberals.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
31 Oct 2021   #66
They are not economic liberals - they believe in state ownership, handouts and gimmes, high regulation, intervention in markets and high taxes on labor. Not my cup of tea but I guess they do have some economic theory which PO rarely displayed when they were in power
Strzelec35  19 | 830
31 Oct 2021   #67
state ownership is more alongside the lines of communism rather than liberal economics.
mafketis  38 | 11137
31 Oct 2021   #68
they believe in state ownership, handouts and gimmes

And hiring by nepotism and connections, don't forget that.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
31 Oct 2021   #69
I always wonder - why are most rightists that I know so incredibly dumb??

It makes total sense that leftists would consider most people stupid.
Think about what leftism is.
It's about government control of the economy and government control of people's beliefs and attitudes, generally through political correctness.
Leftism is all about control over people.
If leftists thought people were capable of intelligence, they would not seek to control them.
Leftists and progressives have no confidence in human reasoning.
They have no respect for common sense and no reverence for objective knowledge.
All that matters to leftist progressives are feelings.
That's why they use media and government to do everything in their power to shape, curb and influence people's feelings.
Enlighten yourself with this article that explains it quite well.
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Nov 2021   #70
but they implied it,

Quote what they said.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Nov 2021   #71

No, I won`t do it for you coz you are a nasty women-hater. I will only do it when another decent poster asks me. HA!
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Nov 2021   #72
Fiscal liberal not social liberal is essentially communist. Depend on the state and the state will provide. Didn't work out so well the last time it was done here.

When every day citizens start changing their spending habits because of prices rising to the point where they are willing to sacrifice a vacation, children's sporting activities, classes for the arts that are extra curricular you are starting to see a real problem with personal finance. These things are happening in Poland now.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Nov 2021   #73
Again, this is happening world wide, not just in Poland.
It's about time people start getting their priorities in order and start living within their means.
The generation of "entitlements' is just starting to get the wake up call and it is only to get worse for them.
Just wait until they can't afford their cell phones anymore.
And it was all predicted and why by Paul Harvey back in 1965.
I will see if I can find that video for you.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Nov 2021   #74
Found it PolAm.
It's called, "If I were the devil."
56 years ago the Rightists (as you call us) nailed it perfectly what was happening and how it was happening.
All civil comments welcome yet I doubt I will get many.

Kind of nails it dunnit.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Nov 2021   #75

That was interesting actually. I dont bring religion into things though, personal belief should not influence intelligent discussion.

While you are right, inflation is everywhere. Other bad fiscal policy is not everywhere, and I am talking about Poland. These are my observations and what I see personally, not what other people tell me they saw.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Nov 2021   #76
I dont bring religion into things though,

Then you shouldn't bring politics into things either.
Any intellectual person (saved or unsaved) can see it was spelled out very well in the video clip that I posted.

personal belief should not influence intelligent discussion.

Then why are you banging on with your personal beef with the PiS ?

Other bad fiscal policy is not everywhere, and I am talking about Poland.

It sure is everywhere in the world's failing economy as a blind man can see that and I won't even mention the giants of America and China.

Tell us how Poland's PiS has anything to do with the world's economic meltdown.
This boils down to the reset of Green and unfortunately Poland has to rely on other sources of energy besides their own to stay warm this winter.

Your sports equipment and vacations will be the last thing on the Poles minds as must doo's.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Nov 2021   #77
@johnny reb
PiS has nothing to do with the world meltdown, and the whole world is not melting down. PiS has everything to do with the current and oncoming fiscal disaster.

I have no beef with PiS at all when it comes to their social agendas on immigration and things. I support a lot of their agenda. But as a business person, these guys are clowns operating a bank with a printing machine. They have no clue what they are doing. Keep throwing ideas at the wall and see what will stick.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Nov 2021   #78
Tell us how Poland's PiS has anything to do with the world's economic meltdown.

and the whole world is not melting down.

I was referring to HYPER INFLATION world wide and yes the world is.
What country are you comparing Poland to ?

you are starting to see a real problem with personal finance.

Just wait until you see your heating and other energy bills next year.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Nov 2021   #79
PiS is to blame for all the other bad fiscal policy.

I'm done repeating myself to you PolAm as your angle is zeroed in on one thing, your personal pocketbook.

prices rising to the point to sacrifice a vacation, children's sporting activities, you are starting to see a real problem with personal finance.

Oh Boo Hoo Hoo
My parents never went on vacations or played organized sports.
They were more concerned on survival with food and shelter.
I'm sorry your business is selling sporting goods which are not a priority during a world wide recession.
And Buddy it has just started.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
2 Nov 2021   #80
@johnny reb
My business is not sporting goods. And no, my views are not from my pocketbook. I have multiple business in different industries and when one may be low the others are usually high. I mentioned sports because I have friends who have pulled their children out of sports participation because the costs are getting too high, and they did not take a holiday this year for the same reason. No worry for me though, I really enjoyed Spain.

I did actually get an electricity bill for one that was considerably higher. So yes, it will effect everyone. Hyper inflation world wide is not my concern. My concern is the people on the street that make economies move. The small business owners, and those employees who we can not survive without. Big business is not what drives the global economy and it never has been.

Some small countries are flat on growth and some are actually still growing. Most are poorer countries to begin with, but they positioned themselves to rely on small business out of necessity and it is helping them get through the crisis.

Poland, and this is a Polish forum, is not helping the small business owner and the government is not making good fiscal policy. Does it make sense to force small business to close if they can not pay the rent when the same government forced them to close their business without financial backing to get through the closure? When all the big money went to big state owned corporations?

Does it make sense that the state owned gasoline companies did not lot prices when oil was at historic lows, or during the lockdowns? They gouged the consumer in Poland and enjoyed record profits while people lost real business and real jobs. In the US gas prices fluctuate with the price of oil, not in Poland.

The world is in a position of change. Change is always painful even when it is a good change someone is going to experience pain. The question is, when will the world leaders actually step up and look at the people they allegedly represent, not just in Poland, and when will those "leaders" actually do things for the benefit of those people?

PiS in specific, is loosing grip. The Polish Deal will be their demise within 12 months of its passing, when ever it eventually passes. The EU fight has shown they are not smart enough to put the money for the country ahead of their own internal beliefs. Though I think personally they may be right in their stance, it is still a stance that places people in danger of not receiving what they have expected and was promised.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Nov 2021   #81
and when will those "leaders" actually do things for the benefit of those people?

The answer to your question is in the quote marks around leaders. Other than that, good post.
pawian  224 | 27236
2 Nov 2021   #82
good post.

How can you be so inconsistent, darling? In your posts to me, you sing Glory Alleluja and other paeans of praise about PiS, while here you say "good post" about the one which is largely critical of them. You are like a feather in the wind.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
2 Nov 2021   #83
Maybe he appreciated the argument, and good post does not mean he agrees with everything in it. Appreciating opinion and intelligent thought does not mean changing ones own mind. This is the difference between emotional argument and discussion.
pawian  224 | 27236
2 Nov 2021   #84
Appreciating opinion and intelligent thought

Yes, indeed, I didn`t take it into account that you are able to compose extremely intelligent and logical argumentation. Sorry, my bad. :):):)
Actually, Novi doesn`t care about PiS, he only fakes a support for them to wind me up. :):)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Nov 2021   #85
Maybe he appreciated the argument, and good post does not mean he agrees with everything in it.

I also thought it was an excellent post as I learned from it.
Thanks PolAm.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Nov 2021   #86
Maybe he appreciated the argument,

Not only the argument but the style, the paragraphs, and the care you took to make reading your post a positive experience.
As far as PiS, I would support the Satanists if they could make leftists' heads explode. As far as PiS policies and politics, having hit the bottom with the American leftist morons aka Democrats, PiS is way up there on the brilliance scale.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
3 Nov 2021   #87
Not only the argument but the style

Absolutely, no 'morons' or F-offs or 'idiots' or any other diminishing nasty remarks.
A sign of a true scholar and gentleman.

My business is not sporting goods.

I know, it is commercial real-estate.
I was just being sarcastic.
May I apologize to you.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
3 Nov 2021   #88
@johnny reb
Not commercial real estate either. Thats just a hobby. Apology accepted lol
gumishu  15 | 6227
3 Nov 2021   #89
inflation October 2021 (year to year): Poland - 6.8 %; the US - 4.2 % ( ) and here:
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Nov 2021   #90
6.8 %

Shocking and likely to worsen under PiS' poor stewardship of the economy.

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