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Poland highest inflation in 20 years

GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
17 Sep 2021   #31
almost 40 per cent of adult Polish population

More like 20 per cent of adult population (only about 50-60 percent usually turns up for the elections). There might possibly be around 3-4% of wyborcy among them, but the rest are typical wyznawcy, you can't reason with them, you can't argue - they just believe that PiS are godsent saviours of Poland (and bishops like Jędraszewski are only reinforcing the belief :)).


I mentioned it some time ago in a discussion with Iron - there are simply no sensible parties to vote for in Poland. One is always force to vote for so-called "lesser evil".
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Sep 2021   #32
One is always force to vote for so-called "lesser evil".

Why wouldn't a greater good run as well as? What's the problem? Is that that every single country has criminals at the bottom and the bottom?
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Sep 2021   #34
One is always force to vote for so-called "lesser evil".

for me it's exactly PiS that is the lesser evil - but I do realise that they fvck up things quite often
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Sep 2021   #35
Why is everybody so shocked by the criminality or the stupidity of governments anywhere?

Just think about who wants to be in the government industry - the very worst power-hungry corruptable scum that lacks the ability to create, invent, design, sing, act, or start a business - many of them dreaming about being little Hitlers, as covid demonstrated it so very well.

The only thing they are good at is lying so maybe I shouldn't have included acting...
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Oct 2021   #36
The latest figure today: 6.8 % inflation.
Thank you, PiS.
Great Expectations for the beginning of 2022: 7 to 8 %.
Fek you, PiS.
Alien  25 | 6353
29 Oct 2021   #37
4,5% in Germany without PiS. It is Inflation-time in Europe
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Oct 2021   #38
in Germany

I don `t care about Germany, I live in Poland.
Alien  25 | 6353
29 Oct 2021   #39
But you have to care about Germay. 30% of polish export goes to Germany.
Novichok  4 | 8748
29 Oct 2021   #40
I don `t care about Germany, I live in Poland.

The guy just tried to tell you that PiS is not the reason but you are too stuck on something to accept the comparison.
Inflation is caused by printing money caused by the lockdowns. Period.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
30 Oct 2021   #41
It is also caused by poor fiscal policy, and bad investments. Coupled with cash giveaways, and printing money during lockdowns is exactly what I said it would be a year and a half ago. I said it would be a financial disaster and it is. Now toss in no new EU cash for the time being, and Poland is in trouble. Dont get me wrong, I am not buying what Tusk is selling either. This inflation though was completely predictable.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
30 Oct 2021   #42
This inflation though was completely predictable.

Yes,and raising interest rates might backfire too.In my case I am just fine,hope they dont raise interest rates till December and I will be a very happy man.Gas prices are over 6 pln a litre.Inflation was 6.87% in September,lol hopefully crosses 8% in October and will take time to bring it down.With holiday season starting and no supplies it is bound to go up in December.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
30 Oct 2021   #43
@Cargo pants
Looking like the zloty will be 4 for 1 USD in the next day or so. 10% loss in the last few months. That could escalate as well. If the EU does hold back funding from Poland, we could see things get very bad before the end of the year or early in 22.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Oct 2021   #44
If the EU does hold back funding from Poland,

It's amazing and infuriating to watch a country become so dependent on what foreigners think and do. Strangely, the US must borrow to exist. Or print. Stupidity is international.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
30 Oct 2021   #45
we could see things get very bad before the end of the year or early in 22.

Yup,right by me 2 restaurants are closed and 1 shop is closing,I talked to the owner today and she started crying,she was there 32 years and the Gemina wants rent for the lockdown period also and forcing her out.I talked to someone there and she said the clerks/inspectors get bonus to get as much rent they can squeeze out.Lots of small business are going under.Old ones lost money and now new millionaires will be made.

Looking like the zloty will be 4 for 1 USD

Man I still miss the days in early 2000s,when a $ would get you 4.50.Its bad for importers,my friend imports furniture and the container costs over 22k euro was around 2500 euro,he is looking for new business to manufacture something in Poland now.

In US I lost a tenant cuz he cant find anyone to work so he shut down too.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
30 Oct 2021   #46
@Cargo pants
The self service restaurant in Krakow, near plac dominikanska was there since 1890. Closed and empty now. Sick to my stomach to see some of the devastation, and more is coming.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Oct 2021   #47
Sick to my stomach to see some of the devastation, and more is coming.

I feel the same way. The maddening part is that it is self-inflicted.

Actually, it's inflicted by the "democratically" elected representatives who passed for themselves the power no communist regime ever dreamed it could have AND make the victims support the destruction at the same time. That's what is new.

Way back, we knew who the enemy was. Today, the victims support their oppressors because they bought into that crap about "democracies" being democratic. Nothing further...

See: Australia and Canada.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Oct 2021   #48
But you have to care about Germay. 30% of polish export goes to Germany.

I used a mental shortcut, I was sure you would get it - sorry for the misunderstanding : I do care about Germany in general but I don`t care about inflation in Germany, it is their problem. While my problem is that PiS promised turning Poland into economic Paradise but everything is collapsing.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Oct 2021   #49
While my problem is that PiS promised turning Poland into economic Paradise

You are lying again. They didn't promise "economic Paradise".

BTW, using proper English would be nice - lies or not. Try:

While my problem is that PiS promised to turn Poland into an economic paradise.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Oct 2021   #50
They didn't promise "economic Paradise".

Yes, they did, darling. You are ignorant about a lot of Polish issues.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Oct 2021   #51
Yes, they did, darling.

Link or quote.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Oct 2021   #52
No, thank you. I don`t need them.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Oct 2021   #53
You don't have them.
It's an old trick to exaggerate opponents' promises and then claim that they didn't deliver.
Practice this kind of crap on your gullible students, not here.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Oct 2021   #54
It's an old trick

Yes, it was PiS`s trick which too many voters believed. Now they regret their naivety but it is too late.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Oct 2021   #55
it was PiS`s trick

And yours.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Oct 2021   #56
No, it isn`t, you are prejudiced, of course.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
31 Oct 2021   #57
Paradise was not promised, but paradise is what people thought they heard. This is a comprehension issue and it is systemic throughout Poland on many issues. Paradise does not come from 500+ or an added pension payment. But people in the countryside thought it would be a huge difference, and for some it was. Now though it means nothing with this inflation, all that money is worth nothing.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
31 Oct 2021   #58
This is not just happening in Poland, it is world wide.
So please don't try to blame it on PiS.
Put the blame where it belongs and that is on the Liberals and their FREE ENTITLEMENTS !
Nothing is free and it now caught up with the lazy free loaders.
Hold on because it is wake up call for them and is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Oct 2021   #59
Now though it means nothing with this inflation

Nudging 7% soon here; when the price rises start to hit, it'll be another nail in PiS' coffin given how much they trumpet about their stewardship of the economy.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
31 Oct 2021   #60
Like I just said, your blaming PiS propaganda on inflation in Poland has nothing to do with PiS, it is world wide.
Just look at China or the U.S.A.
Here in the U.S. the banks use to give car loans for three years, then it went to five years because no one could afford the payments.

The banks now are giving car loans for SEVEN YEARS !
At that point your car has depreciated well below the value of your payment yet people have no choice.
So see, the PiS ARE NOT to blame for the inflation in Poland.

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