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Will Poland help defend Greenland against US Imperialism

Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Jan 2025   #271
Truth in Art Act that bans purple from azfvcker rainbows would help, too.

A ban on LGBT parades. No AIDS treatment when gotten from another azfvcker. No LGBT marriages and adoptions.

Special and separate classes for LBGT students. Mandatory surgical castration for men who try to enter women's private spaces and sports by claiming that they are women. simple and so effective...Pure genius...again.
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Jan 2025   #272
It's hard to think of any western democracy that has 'crazy laws'.

Stupid UK has 'crazy laws' and 1984-style Ministry of Approved Speech.

"I hate Muslim migrants and azfvckers" is illegal in your gulag.

Placing rapist men who claim to be women in women's prisons to share cells with women is legal.

Memo to Vlad: Drop the first one on these morons...We will not miss them.
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Jan 2025   #273
UK has 'crazy laws

It doesn't.

Name one.

1984-style Ministry of Approved Speech.

It doesn't have that either.

BTW. Saying what you hate (and you do seem to hate almost everything) isn't illegal. Encouraging murder or inciting violence is illegal and rightly so.

Perhaps you should calm down a bit.

rapist men who claim to be women in women's prisons to share cells with women is legal

The government decided not to do that since it was a bad idea but hey, why care about the truth. You don't.
13 Jan 2025   #274
Who is going to stop him - you?

No, but it's certainly not Poland, the UK or France that stop the Russians should Trump pull the US out of NATO. What's your solution? Just let Putin flatten Europe?

are not stupid enough to withdraw from NATO

Hold my beer and watch this, as they say.

They don't work and we are not scared.

You don't need the big ones. Tactical nukes will do. They work and will scare you, guaranteed.
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Jan 2025   #275
Name one.

Any "hate speech" law.


In England and Wales, statues which criminalise hate-speech are often found under the Public Order Act 1986 and subsequent amendments made to said act, under both the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, and the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.

I know more about the UK than you do because I hate it. You learn more about the people you hate than those you love.

For reference:

The United States does not have hate speech laws, since the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that laws criminalizing hate speech violate the guarantee to freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Eat shlt...

I love the US and hate every shlthole without the First. That includes the UK and the malignant mutants of it...Like Canada...
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Jan 2025   #276
The government decided not to do that since it was a bad idea

...but for a while your stupid government thought that was a good idea?????????

Is there a bottom to woke LGBT stupidity?
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Jan 2025   #277
Any "hate speech" law.

So that's a no then.

There are no 'crazy laws'.

Just eminently sensible ones.

I know more about the UK than you

You don't. You've never been there and hardly ever leave your scruffy house nowadays. A shut-in.

because I hate

We know. Your hate has eaten you.

Eat shlt

The hate that ate you did exactly that.

Enjoy life each day!
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Jan 2025   #278
There are no 'crazy laws'.

No, moron. Your fascist laws are crazy because enforcement depends how another person presumably feeeeeeeels.

No evidence that someone's feeling got hurt is needed. Just an assumption...

So it's enough that some gov imbecile in the Ministry of Approved Opinions thinks that somebody out there had his feelings hurt.

3000+ Brits are arrested every year for posting "hateful" stuff - the kind I do daily here...

You've never been there

I was in the UK once and needed an interpreter to understand your idiotic version of English.

When I finally got on an AA plane to go home, I asked the flight attendant if she was an American. She said: Yes, we all are...I was ready to hug her.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
13 Jan 2025   #279
I was in the UK once and needed an interpreter to understand your idiotic version of English.

Simple answer.You need to learn English.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jan 2025   #280
Russian state media personalities have been pushing for a partnership with Trump to split ownership of Greenland.
Apparently Russia wants Greenland too only Trump beat them to the punch.
Joker  2 | 2468
14 Jan 2025   #281
Trump beat them to the punch.

Teflon Don isnt playing around this time. I wonder if Iran/Hamas heeds his warning they only have 6 days left. Maybe he will take out their nuke operation or their crap Navy like Ronald Reagan did.[

Your fascist laws are crazy

You can get sent to jail just for offending someone on the Internet over

Thats why Euro trolls post on PF an American forum.
Novichok  4 | 8789
14 Jan 2025   #282
Simple answer.You need to learn English.

You could say the same about my knowledge of Polish. I am having a hard time understanding what two Poles standing 15 feet away from me are saying.

Two Americans - no problem. That's the beauty of the American language.

Thats why Euro trolls post on PF an American forum.

Damn right. It's so obvious...Brits are in Europe. Poles are in Europe. Germans are in Europe. Russians are in Europe. Irish are in Europe.

Where do they go to post? To America!!!!!

Then they lie to me that they have just as much freedom in Europe as we have here.

No, you don't.
Ironside  51 | 13124
14 Jan 2025   #283
You could say the same about my knowledge of Polish

I think it is about your declining cognitive ability, not a language.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2025   #284
You could say the same about my knowledge

Compared to what ?
I think it is about your declining cognitive ability,

He can't even stay on - topic anymore with his yattering.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2025   #285
I ran into some people last summer from Greenland that were quite interesting.
I over heard them speaking and had never heard such a language so I ask them.
Did you know that they have their own unique dialect of Kalaallisut or West Greenlandic.
Only 57,000 people in Greenland which means it is the least spoken language in the world.
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2025   #286
Did you know that they have their own unique dialect of Kalaallisut or West Greenlandic

A best selling book from the 90s, called Miss Smilla's feeling for snow, touches on Weat Greenlandic. It's a good book, a murder thriller and I recommend it.

Only 57,000 people in Greenland which means it is the least spoken language in the world.

There are languages with far fewer speakers than that sadly. Especially moribund languages. There is one in Poland that has fewer than 100 living speakers. It's been mentioned here a few times. Its name is Wymysiöeryś.
OP Barney  19 | 1763
14 Jan 2025   #287
Miss Smilla's feeling for snow

That is a great read
mafketis  38 | 11284
14 Jan 2025   #288
Miss Smilla's feeling for snow

Interesting case of translation.... the British version translated the title of the book from Danish very literally. Supposedly the publishers of the North American version were unhappy with the British translation and either commissioned a new one tailored for an American audience or... (more likely) heavily edited the British version for the NAmerican audience. They also renamed it as 'Smilla's sense of snow' which, faithfulness aside, is a much snappier memorable title. I read the American version and IIRC there was no translator's credit...

Not so great as a murder mystery per se (you know who did it pretty early and the question becomes more.... why? and who else was involved) but a great fun read with a broad picture of Danish society in its strengths and weaknesses. I also like the way it neither turned Greenlanders into angelic indigenous figures nor demonized the dysfunction that characterizes modern Greenlanders. The picture that emerges is very much real people with real problems who deal with them the best they can... which is often.... not very well.
Novichok  4 | 8789
14 Jan 2025   #289
From Post 285:

I ran into some people last summer from Greenland that were quite interesting.
I over heard them speaking and had never heard such a language so I ask them.
Did you know that they have their own unique dialect of Kalaallisut or West Greenlandic.
Only 57,000 people in Greenland which means it is the least spoken language in the world.

1. People are who, not "that".
2. "Over heard" is one word.
3. asked, not "ask".
4. "Did you know"...needs ?, not a period.
5. "which" does not belong in this sentence.

I think it is about your declining cognitive ability, not a language.

I worry about your ability to detect and react to JR's declining ability to use proper English or Grammarly.

As a favor to me, could you kindly point to a post of mine that would support your diagnosis? With over 8000 on my record, it should be a snap...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2025   #290
JR's declining ability

In all fairness it woddent even day light here yet Rich and for got to turn my wordperfect on when I post that nor did I have my first cup of cofee yet.
Thanks for stratening me out on my mystakes.
What vertion of grammar corect do you use ? Hoot !
Ironside  51 | 13124
14 Jan 2025   #291
What's your solution?

No, what is your solution? You are all over the place, so let's narrow it somewhat.
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2025   #292
1. People are who, not "that".

Merriam-Webster, a popular American English dictionary, disagrees. In Standard English it can be used in defining relative clauses though it is less comfortable in non-defining relative clauses. In general, "who" is restricted to humans (and sometimes primates and household pets) however "that" is more flexible.

5. "which" does not belong in this sentence

It is fine in that sentence. I would however have started that sentence
Novichok  4 | 8789
14 Jan 2025   #293
In general, "who" is restricted to humans

"People" refers to humans.

"People who" returns 6 times more hits than "people that".

Which means that my feel of English is correct.
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2025   #294
"People who" returns 6 times more hits than "people that".

So what? If is much more common than whether however both have their uses.

Which means that my feel of English is correct.

It isn't.

Stop digging yourself deeper into a hole. You'll be lying in a cold one soon enough.
14 Jan 2025   #295
No, what is your solution?

Since you were perfectly fine with the US to take back the Panama Canal and annex Greenland, I would be absolutely okay if Russia takes back Ukraine and invades Poland. They should then resurrect the German Empire within the borders of 1914. Sounds good?

Why should a powerful country like the USA be allowed to invade other countries at will, but Russia and China not? Now your solution. Mooching off EU funds and using the cash to pay the Yanks for protection?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2025   #296
Mooching off EU funds and using the cash to pay the Yanks for protection?

What a marvelous idea for a change !
Alien  26 | 6565
14 Jan 2025   #297
pay the Yanks for protection?

protection money?
Ironside  51 | 13124
14 Jan 2025   #298
Panama Canal and annex Greenland,

Those are two different issues. You are confused.
I would be absolutely okay if Russia

Well, that's your problem. You would probably be fine about it regardless. Do I care? lol!
Just don't make a connection where there isn't any.
Why should a powerful country like the USA be allowed to invade other countries at will, but Russia and China not?

The question you should ask yourself is - who is that higher power that would be able to stop the US?
Mooching off EU

tsk tsk When someone talks not nice like that, he is just a greedy, jealous plebian. Poland enriches the EU greatly, that is a fact, Those funds are a drop in the ocean.
What's more, regardless of anything else that is not my solution. Imagine that. lol!
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2025   #299
'Smilla's sense of snow'

I think I prefer Miss Smilla's feeling for snow. The register feels more accurate.

Not so great as a murder mystery per se (you know who did it pretty early and the question becomes more.... why?

I'd guess that Hoeg expected his readers to guess quickly. That or he realised they would and moved towards the somewhat strange ending.

He's good at building suspense though and as you say, great fun and as Barney says, a great read. His Book of Danish Dreams is good too but not an especially jolly read due to the dark subject matter.

You're right about the way he approaches Greenlanders, both in a realistic and a romantic way. That contrast reflects the paradoxes of dual heritage.

The heritage thing reminds me of a really good book I read last week. The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. It was on the Sunday Times and NYT best sellers lists and was Barack Obama's book pick.

Not off topic since some of it concerns Greenland and the Inuit too. A lot to do with dual heritage, asylum and migration and the paradoxes around that. I expected it to be painfully politically correct though it isn't. It doesn't make light of racism and unconscious bias however it also takes the pıss out of Identity Grievance and fixating on a part of your ancestry.

Exciting too, set mostly in London (and the Arctic) and has lots of killings and spook stuff. The ending of the book and sting in the tail really isn't so predictable and I recommend it.
Joker  2 | 2468
15 Jan 2025   #300
Anyway, he'd not get away with invading and nor is Greenland for sale.

Every prediction you have ever made about Trump has been wrong. You claimed he was going to jail multiple times, wasnt going to win the election twice and all that stormy, russia , russia hoax, russian hookers, all fake news etc...... You eat all that TDS garbage hook, line and sinker! Its too bad there isnt a medical or mental cure for TDS.

Anyhow, it will be nice welcoming our new friends from Greenland:) And you will be wrong again as your head explodes! LOLOL Denmark LOLOL

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