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Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ?

Crow  155 | 9736
13 Sep 2016   #1
What is this? How i didn`t know for this earlier. Wtf?

Serbian musician Goran Bregović .............. is due to appear at the Life Festival Oświęcim, in southern Poland in June 2015. This annual festival takes place near the Nazi death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, and is a music festival with a message: of peace and rejection of racism and anti-Semitism. .............. There is no place for Goran Bregović at this event, and all efforts should be made for his invitation to be withdrawn.

Source: Crimea Matters: Boycott Goran Bregović!

mafketis  38 | 11287
13 Sep 2016   #2
How i didn`t know for this earlier. Wtf?

He's supporting military aggressive expansionism against a peaceful country. Crimea may be Russian for the time being but it will also be an economic no man's land. And that's as it should be.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
13 Sep 2016   #3
Bregovic is artist. Artists also have their personal opinions. Why ban artist for his personal opinion? Especially when world isn`t united in stance what is right and what is wrong when it comes to Crimea. Its open question.

Not to mention that Bregovic`s opinion don`t endanger Poland. On the contrary. Ukrainians as unique nation first time in history forming their ethnic state and it would be alright that they found common ground with Russians and Poles and also, let us not forget, with Ruthenians, while we also knows that even Serbians had two their historical provinces in the region. Now, Russians care for their interests in the region. Official Poland don`t care. Is that problem? So now Bregovic have to be victim of the situation.

All in all, i don`t see any transgression of Goran Bregovic. Just, his right to speak as a man has been denied and then he was punished as artist.
mafketis  38 | 11287
13 Sep 2016   #4
Why ban artist for his personal opinion? E

He's not banned because of his opininion (which no one cares about, artists are typically stupid about everything but their own field of art) but because of his actions which violated the sanctions regime against Russian occupied Crimea.

Ukrainians as unique nation first time in history forming their ethnic state and it would be alright that they found common ground with Russians and Poles

What common ground can you have with a military invader? In the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Poland is on Ukraine's side.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
13 Sep 2016   #5
but because of his actions which violated the sanctions regime against Russian occupied Crimea.

How for his actions? Please

Bregovic is from Serbia. Serbia didn`t introduce sanctions to Russia. UN didn`t sanctioned Russia.

What common ground can you have with a military invader?

what i know there was referendum and then region joined to Russia. Then, actually, Russia there prevented war.

In the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Poland is on Ukraine's side.

i would now tell you my personal opinion.

No, we don`t know what is stance of Poland. But we see that official Poland isn`t on Polish side. We also see that official Poland just blindly follow western Europe (EU), USA and NATO. What i know Polish patriots also desire to negotiate with Ukraine about borders at the moment when unique Ukrainian nation wants to form their first ethnic state in history. You know, Poland also have historical rights in what is now Ukraine, many open questions.
mafketis  38 | 11287
13 Sep 2016   #6
Bregovic is from Serbia. Serbia didn`t introduce sanctions to Russia. UN didn`t sanctioned Russia.

The EU has sanctions against doing business in Crimea. He was doing business there (performing and presumably getting paid). That means he can't play in Poland for the time being.

i know there was referendum and then region joined to Russia

The referendum was carried out under military occupation (Putin later admitted the "civilians" who took over government buildings were Russian special forces in umarked uniforms. There was no debate (beyond labelling anyone who wanted to stay in Ukraine a nazi) and there was no option for the status quo on the ballot. It might be that if a free and fair election were to be held then a majority would vote to join Russia but it wasn't free and fair (by any rational standard) and so Crimeans are paying the price for aiding and abetting lawlessness.

And if that weren't enough it was completely fraudulent. Some places had more votes cast than residents.

I understand that you (and maybe most Serbians) don't believe in the rule of law. but it's kind of an important European value.

Poland also have historical rights in what is now Ukraine, many open questions.

For proponents of thugonationalism maybe. For normal people there aren't.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
13 Sep 2016   #7
The EU has sanctions against doing business in Crimea.

Why would EU impose sanctions against somebody who doing business in Crimea? What factor is EU? Some self declared regulator of things? And by that, Poland is obliged to ban Bregovic? For the time being? How long then? Until somebody from western Europe make deal with Russia and that become official EU policy and by that Poland`s, too? So?

The referendum was carried out under military occupation .................... lawlessness.

Oh my dear, i assure you on Kosovo was much worse, when Albanians declared independence but still, no sanctions for Albania or/and NATO countries. So this argument of yours means nothing.

And if that weren't enough it was completely fraudulent. Some places had more votes cast than residents.

on Kosovo was worse. You can`t imagine what chaos can create islamists who are organized as narco cartel, while giving their best to create Muslim caliphate in the region and all that have to be coordinated with Saudis, Turkey, USA and western Europe. Believe me, total mess

I understand that you (and maybe most Serbians) don't believe in the rule of law. but it's kind of an important European value.

don`t tell that to me. Its not Serbia and Serbians who destroyed world order. Point finger at NATO and EU powers.

For proponents of thugonationalism maybe. For normal people there aren't.

Who knows what is normal in world without order.

For sure its not normal to ban artists because of political reasons. Artists such is Goran Bregovic that are BDW very popular in Poland.

and this man is banned from Poland?


Goran Bregović - Zabrze - Poljska - 2014

Krzysztof Krawczyk & Goran Bregovic - Moj przyjacielu [Official Music Video]

Kayah, Bregovic, Goran Bregovic - Prawy do lewego
mafketis  38 | 11287
14 Sep 2016   #8
Why would EU impose sanctions against somebody who doing business in Crimea?

Sanctions are a normal part of diplomacy. The current rule is (roughly): Do business in the Crimea or the EU, your choice. He chose Crimea.

What factor is EU? Some self declared regulator of things?

It's a multi/supra-national entity that has some foreign policy in common and sanctions against Russian military expansionism is part of that common policy.

its not normal to ban artists because of political reasons

It's actually pretty normal. In 2008 Bjork has a performance in Serbia cancelled because she had dedicated a song to Kosovan independence during a concert in Tokyo.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
14 Sep 2016   #9
The current rule is (roughly): Do business in the Crimea or the EU, your choice. He chose Crimea.

nonsense. Serbia doing business with anybody.

Indeed, we have problems but, we begins to profit from our interdependent policy.

See, must be that EU decided to demonstrate its courage by molesting Goran Bregovic. i mean, somebody in Poland wants to prove its fanatical loyalty to EU even if it means to work against Poland. Fortunately, not many of such people in Poland.


i wanted to say `independent` but interestingly, `interdependent` also sound correct.

To ban Serbian artist from Poland, so that he can`t perform and sing there, is unheard and unthinkable. As would my grandmother say- `these are truly last times`. There would be revolution in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11287
14 Sep 2016   #10
`these are truly last times`

Here's a song you might enjoy:

What you're feeling now is called "triggered" :)
OP Crow  155 | 9736
14 Sep 2016   #11
What you're feeling now is called "triggered" :)

no, i`m just observing. But, on the contrary to you i understand what`s going on. i truly do. See, i have contacts with friends from Macedonia. Balance of power in the region severely shifted, since destruction of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbia. Slavic factor weakening and hostile anti-Slavs advance on the wings of Anglo and Germanic support. Albanians (Shiftars- as you can see even on the video, as they call themselves) practically imposed Albanian as official language in Macedonia. Macedonian Slavs don`t go to Adriatic during holidays but rather in Albania (Shiftaria). On the other side, Croatia stays strongly in German sphere of influence, oppressing there both- Catholic and orthodox Serbs. On Kosovo rule islamic narco mafia, under NATO protection.

What i want to tell you, here in the region, in every corner, one can easily see that Poland, in last 25 years done all to destroy all her interests and positions, on the behalf of its own enemies. Same is now with Goran Bregovic. Poland banned him to prove loyalty to its own enemies. To distinguish itself in blind obedience.

And what`s wrong with Bregovic`s political opinion. Hey, its a small price for Russian turning blind eye on Serbian re-export of Polish apples to Russia.

Or, look what Italians doing. They make business with Russia via Serbians. All using Serbians to come to business with Russians. Just, somebody decided, via certain Polish politicians, obviously deeply corrupt, that Poland must play role of eternal joke.

Duda help to Brega! F*** EU for that Racow! Let us begin with this little miracle and then let us show them that we didn`t say our last. Neither, sang our last

Goran Bregović - Kalashnikov (Poznań 1997)

Krzysztof Krawczyk & Goran Bregovic - Platna Milosc [Official Music Video]

Krzysztof Krawczyk & Goran Bregovic - Ojda Ojada [Official Music Video]

GORAN BREGOVIĆ & Wedding and Funeral Band "Gas Gas" Live @ Wrocław 2013
21 Sep 2016   #12
its a typical paranoia of paranoid idiots.

for many Poles, Russians are like their (poles') dark jungian shadow, which Poles will never accept in themselves - thats why they hate Russians.

the same idiotism like closing northern border with Russia for visa free crossing for local people. polish minister says thats its because of "national security" (buahaha, whenever I hear that from any government I smell ********), yet what they are afraid of is Polish people buying cheap gasoline, vodka and cigarettes in Russia (2-3 times cheaper than in Poland).

generally speaking Poles (or at least - many of them), with their rusophobia are great NATO's dog, dog that will always try to bark loudly as first at that big russian bear and even bite it... yet, that bear's patience is not unlimited and one day it may got angry

instead of making business and profit together, what they do is enemies for no profit and no sense whatsoever
OP Crow  155 | 9736
21 Sep 2016   #13
What we Serbians seek is to have normal relations with Russians. Sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler but still normal. That`s what Poles need, too. Not hate. i even think that on the personal level hate don`t exist among people- Poles and Russians, especially when they meet in third countries. What appears to be hate sometimes coming from political influences. But, Polish and Russian normal relations are in vital Serbian interest and we would have it.

See, people like Goran Bregovic can always help that Slavs found scent of mutual understanding. Minimum of it.

Goran Bregovic is rare Slavic musician that is popular equally among Poles and Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians. In whole former Yugoslavia. Generally, music and songs in Serbian are gladly listened from other Slavs. i presented some of his performances in Poland. Here is the one from Russia >>

Goran Bregović - Maki maki (live)

Bosnia >>

Goran Bregovic - Serbetico

Spot this ..... especially for fans of Goran Bregovic

Goran Bregović - Ne Siam Kurve Tuke Sijam Prostitutke (i`m not w****, i`m prostitute)

ahahah ahahahah hahah Wroclaw had broken the blockade! Goran Bregovic performed in Wroclaw! Poles love Brega and Brega love Poles!

Wrocław: X lat Ethno Jazz Festival GORAN BREGOVIĆ & WEDDING AND FUNERAL ORCHESTRA - Hala Orbita, 07.09.2016 godz. 20:00

Goran Bregović z zespołem Wedding and Funeral Orchestra wystąpi we wrocławskiej Hali Orbita 7 września w ramach obchodów X- lecia Ethno Jazz Festival.

Down with ban of artists and down with idiotic politicians!

After all, free passage for Sarmatians anywhere in Sarmatia ;)

MUST SEE >> interview >>>

BREAKING MUSE: Goran Bregović ma pomysł na Wrocław / Bregovic's idea on Wroclaw 2016

Goran Bregović - Kalashnikow (Wrocław 2016 - Hala Orbita)
mafketis  38 | 11287
27 Sep 2016   #14
Down with ban of artists and down with idiotic politicians!

Bjork must play in Serbia!

Brega love Poles!

And he wants Ukrainians who don't want to be Russian vassals to go fvck themselves!
OP Crow  155 | 9736
27 Sep 2016   #15
Bjork must play in Serbia!

what i know Bjork isn`t Slavic (ie Sarmatian) and Sarmatian connection can`t help her. Seams that to be problem. See, we Sarmatians from time to time makes few mistakes but it all finishes within Sarmatia in mutual gain.

But, as for me Bjork can sing.

And he wants Ukrainians who don't want to be Russian vassals to go fvck themselves!

We Serbians recogniozed Ukrainian nation when Ukrainians themselves decided that to be. Back in those times Serbians opposed to both- to Russians and to Poles, in order to support Ukrainians. It was dangerous, you know but, Serbians despite that supported Ukrainians.

simple, must listen and see

Kayah i Goran Bregović - Warszawa - Hala Koło - 08.09.2016 - Live - Byłam różą

Goran Bregović - Ne Siam Kurve Tuke Sijam Prostitutke (i`m not w****, i`m prostitute)

bdw, as additional info, for those who don`t know >

This title of song isn`t in Serbian but in Macedonian language.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
28 Mar 2017   #16
News in case with Brega > Air Serbia named one of its A310 Airbus planes by the Goran Bregovic, for flights to Poland




Poles likes Serbian rhythm

ZPiT "Śląsk" - Goran Bregovic "Gas, gas"
gregy741  5 | 1226
28 Mar 2017   #17
And he wants Ukrainians who don't want to be Russian vassals to go fvck themselves!

Ukrainians in Crimea?what Ukrainians?

He's supporting military aggressive expansionism against a peaceful country

that would be ukronazis aggression on peaceful novorussians.

it will also be an economic no man's land. And that's as it should be.

glad that you are concern about well being of common folk in Crimea...arnt they "Ukrainians" according to you?
so now i dont get it. first you claim that Crimea is occupied part of ukraine,and now you want to punish "ukrainians" living in Crimea with economical sanctions.

can you clarify?
mafketis  38 | 11287
28 Mar 2017   #18
Crimea is occupied part of ukraine,and now you want to punish "ukrainians"

I care about the rule of law. If the people of Crimea really wanted to join Russia then there are ways to do that peacefully. A wildcat referendum carried out under de facto military occupation (where some precincts had more people voting that resident) is not the rule of law.

But Russia (and it's supporters) have always favored brute force. that's one reason Poland will never allign with Russia willingly.
gregy741  5 | 1226
28 Mar 2017   #19
Russia then there are ways to do that peacefully. A wildcat referendum carried out under de facto military occupation (where some precincts had more people voting that resident) is not the rule of law.

lets say that this rubbish is why would you want economical represion on people who are victims of brutal occupation by foreign power?

you talk rubbish,its reminded me of ukra nazis claim that Crimeans are true Ukrainians,victims under occupation,and then proceed and cutting their power and water supply at the same time. wtf?

my friend,there were people from Poland attending this referendum,and they are in prison,without any charges,just for going there.

But Russia (and it's supporters) have always favored brute force. that's one reason Poland will never allign with Russia willingly.

of course,,we were dropping flowers in Iraq.and some polish speaking unknown people were having occupation zone there.lawfully of course
humanitarian bombing,like in Yugoslavia.
gregy741  5 | 1226
28 Mar 2017   #20
never mind..that "news" is 2 years old..he was suppose to have concert in Poland in
OP Crow  155 | 9736
28 Mar 2017   #21
news about that is old. True. But you must admit that thread nicely develop with other news about Brega.
mafketis  38 | 11287
28 Mar 2017   #22
of course,,we were dropping flowers in Iraq

Glad you recognize those facts! Anything is better than an alliance with Russia! (has any country ever been a Russian ally and not regretted it bitterly? No!)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Mar 2017   #23
Mmm... maybe Armenia at the minute?

(nice question)
gregy741  5 | 1226
28 Mar 2017   #24
(has any country ever been a Russian ally and not regretted it bitterly? No!

you still unable to answer me simple question.
why would you call for sanctioning on people who are supposedly under brutal occupation of foreign power(as you claim they are)?i am trying to understand your logic,if there is any here
OP Crow  155 | 9736
28 Mar 2017   #25
He won`t answer because deep in his heart, he is ready to support even Nazism, just to satisfy some fictional interests of western European elite (ie EU ruling establishment).

In fact, EU already sponsored spread of extreme Wahhabi Islam and Nazism in former Yugoslavia. So, gregy741, dobri brate, what understanding you expect from brainwashed zombie such is mafketis???
gregy741  5 | 1226
28 Mar 2017   #26
its just twisted idea of patriotism he has..polish patriotism is hatred towards all Russian without any reflection.i dont get it.
when soviets killed few thousands poles -evil Russians.
but when poles slaughtered 30% of russian population and burned kremlin in 17 century-they are proud of this.making videos on youtube with hussaria and stuff.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
28 Mar 2017   #27
Don`t worry. Serbians changing rules and bringing balance to Slavic world. It really happening.
mafketis  38 | 11287
29 Mar 2017   #28
why would you call for sanctioning on people who are supposedly under brutal occupation of foreign power

The same reason the US (rightly) placed economic sanction and trade restrictions on Poland after martial law was declared. Or do you think that western powers should have done everything to help the communist government stay in power?

do you support Nazism?

No. Do you support Serbian hegemony in the Balkans?
OP Crow  155 | 9736
25 May 2017   #29
RISING PUBLIC MORALE AND MOOD >>>> One suitable song of Goran Bregovic. Suitable for hostile time in which we live. War-cry >>>> Juriiiiiiis...... bum bum... puc puc .....

Goran Bregović - Kalashnikov (Poznań)
OP Crow  155 | 9736
9 May 2020   #30
By the God, help elderly Poles improve their cardio! There is new Serbian summer music hit for Poland. Spread the word!






I am totally addicted on this. TRESI TRESI is like anti-Corona mantra in my head

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