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Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa

pierogi2000  4 | 226
6 Oct 2013   #1
"We need to expand economic and defence co-operation and other structures to create one state from Poland and Germany in Europe," he said.

Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany to form one European state

LOL! ! !
Crow  154 | 9531
6 Oct 2013   #2
interesting development of European politics.

It sound as something from the opus of Samuel Huntington, which ignores Polish Slavic background when speak of future Poland`s position within global civilizations. But, that one Walesa, ignore that, i didn`t expect. Or we should maybe think that idea of the German-Polish unity coming as some kind of political maneuver. It must be maneuver because i don`t see Walesa as man who gave up from Slavic civilization. But, what kind maneuver? what for? to prove Poland`s loyalty to EU/NATO (via warm feeling on Germany in time when Polish public, from time to time, more often day by day, rising its voice against EU/NATO). what is this, i`m just curious. Or maybe, creating picture of its (Polish) close relations to Germany, Polish politician (Walesa) underlines differences between Russia and Poland. What are fears of Walesa, what are his hopes,.... interesting.

In any case, what upsets me here and in similar cases when i tries to contemplate on future of Slavic civilization (in the light of all kind of political ideas), is that Slavs, ordinary Slavs, still knows so little about real Slavic history, about Slavic contributions to the global civilization. As a result, Slavs are easy target for those who have plans with them, with Slavic countries and Slavic civilization in general. Great deal of responsibility for this goes on the account of souls of intellectual elite in Slavic countries and business magnates. One who don`t have his history, obviously don`t have his future.
Polson  5 | 1767
6 Oct 2013   #3
Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany to form one European state

I think he didn't mean that exactly. I don't remember what it was tho (the article was in Polish).
Anyway, the idea is romantic. Although I don't see why Germany would want something like that.
At least, Poland would have better results in sports... ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305
7 Oct 2013   #4
Poland and Germany are already partly united in the EU, especially once Poland joins the Euro.

They share laws and a great part of their economy, but a military merger would be beneficial.
smurf  38 | 1940
7 Oct 2013   #5
If it meant better roads, infrastructure, better football, better beer, more boobalicious ladies then I certainly wouldn't be against the idea.
Easier language to learn too.

Convincing Germany to take on Poland? Now, that's simply never going to happen. They already propped up East Germany after reunification, I severely doubt they'd want to prop up another bottomless cash hole.
peterweg  37 | 2305
7 Oct 2013   #6
Germany is already paying for Poland and several bust economies via the EU.

So no change there. But no chance Poland would start speaking German. No F***ing way.

And Polish beer isnt much differant from German beer, after all the factories were Austrian at one time.
grubas  12 | 1382
7 Oct 2013   #7
I severely doubt they'd want to prop up another bottomless cash hole.

They do or they don't it doesn't matter,they HAVE TO pay for what they have stolen and destroyed during last world war.I am still waiting for payment for the livestock and produce they have stolen from my great grandparents.And to completely equel the score I guess I will have to kill one of them like they killed my great grandfather in Dachau.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Oct 2013   #8
they HAVE TO pay

No, they don't have to pay anything.

I am still waiting for payment for the livestock and produce they have stolen from my great grandparents.And to completely equel the score I guess I will have to kill one of them like they killed my great grandfather in Dachau.

Keep on waiting.
Palivec  - | 379
7 Oct 2013   #9
They do or they don't it doesn't matter,they HAVE TO pay for what they have stolen and destroyed during last world war.I am still waiting for payment for the livestock and produce they have stolen from my great grandparents.

Your grandparents were free to move into a completely furnished German house. They could also have looted a German castle in Silesia or East Prussia for example.
Crow  154 | 9531
7 Oct 2013   #10
If Poland merge with Germany, Poland would be assimilated and, with time, actually become just one of many regions (of the Slavic west) that was/is Germanized and annexed to Germany.

But, if Poland become leading country in a possible future new Commonwealth, most probably, Germany would become re-Slavicized with time. With new Commonwealth on the scene, Germany and Poland may replace strategic situation, in that part of Europe. It is Germany who shall then fear from partition.

So, we shall see who shall prevail. If Lech Walesa honestly suggests unity of Germany and Poland, it is for sure sign that he himself don`t see future of the Slavic Poland. If he just politically maneuvering, possible to buy time to Poland, its something else. We shall see
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2013   #11
But no chance Poland would start speaking German.

Not necessary. Look at the Canadians - their country is bilingual.

Poland and Germany are already partly united in the EU

Exactly, so why merge them again on a local level?
smurf  38 | 1940
7 Oct 2013   #12
I guess I will have to kill one of them like they killed my great grandfather in Dachau
Crow  154 | 9531
7 Oct 2013   #13
Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa

that`s a joke. Good one

he, he. That Walesa
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
7 Oct 2013   #14
Pan Lech did just turn seventy, kidsLOL

Then again, he may either have been on his meds when he shoulda been off 'em, or off 'em when he shoulda been on 'em.

Or, he's just joking.

Anyhow, considering that most Polish territory was only distantly "German" and has long since been in Polish hands, (let alone consider for a moment Herr Hitler's desire for total annexation!!!) let's do chalk his comments up to plain ol' shock value and leave things at that, huh?
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2013   #15
considering that most Polish territory was only distantly "German" and has long since been in Polish hands

You call 94 years and 68 years "distantly"? In history, that's just a blink of an eye.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
7 Oct 2013   #16
Guess my eye's just got glued together, bud:-)
To quote Einstein, putting your hand on a hot stove for even two seconds can seem like two hours, looking at a cute girl for two hours can seem like two minutes.

Length is as relative as history itself ^^
Crow  154 | 9531
7 Oct 2013   #17
You call 94 years and 68 years "distantly"? In history, that's just a blink of an eye.

its nonsensical discussion when we know that most of the today`s German state was created in a process called ``Drang Nach Osten`` ie Germanization and stealing of western Slavonic lands (most of it, particularly Polish).

We may conclude, at the end of this discussion, that Pan Walesa actually propose re-Slavicization of the Germans, former Slavs; so he propose unity of Germany and Poland to relax this process.

to tell this way, it looks like that Pan Walesa metaphorically spread legs of the Germany while saying in the same time- ``let us unite``.
Terry Zazoff
7 Oct 2013   #18
I think this is a good idea.
The trains would start running on time again like they did the last time Germany occupied.
Kebab standards would improve due to the Turkish influence.
Germany would not be much of a beneficiary to be fair.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
7 Oct 2013   #19
Historically correct, Crow old man! "Der Drang nach Osten" of course predates the last century by quite some time:-) One can indeed trace this Germanic thirst for border lands comprising present-day Russia back to around the period of the Livonian Knights, round about the early 11th or 12th centuries or thereabouts. In those days, the Teutonic Knights as they became known were greatly feared by the Slavs, much as the Germanic Vandals were feared by the Romans some thousand or so years earlier.
TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Oct 2013   #20
...stealing of western Slavonic lands

Don't be silly. Conquering lands of weaker neighbors is an old human "tradition" not only cherished by Germans and Poles, but also by Serbs and the rest of the creepy crawlies that inhabit our little planet.
McDouche  6 | 282
8 Oct 2013   #21
You know...a union between Germany and Poland would be a very good idea for Poland.

Poles can learn a lot from the Germans. Despite what many ignorant people say, the German people are hard-working, intelligent and very unlikely to be bigots.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
8 Oct 2013   #22
Those same hard-working Germans are interestingly enough the most "vacation-rich" nation on the continent, with more paid time off than almost anywhere else I can think of. "Hands off our holidays!" (Haende weg von Urlaubstagen) was one of the first things with which Ms./Dr. Merkel had to contend as newly appointed chancellor. Many at the time felt she was "Americanizing" Old Germany just a liiiitttttlllle too quickly and ought to follow suit with the more Socialist-friendly of her seasoned predecessors, such as Gert Schroeder and Kohl, for instance:-)

A United States of Germany and Poland???! Naah, it'd be a marriage of (in-)convenience made in HELL!!!!
McDouche  6 | 282
8 Oct 2013   #23
Those same hard-working Germans are interestingly enough the most "vacation-rich" nation on the continent, with more paid time off than almost anywhere else I can think of.

Maybe but the Germans get the job done. That we know for sure. They have proven they are excellent in science, engineering and business. BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, etc..

Does Poland have a successful auto maker like any of those? Nope...
legend  3 | 658
8 Oct 2013   #24
I thought there was already a topic which discussed this although the title was about something else maybe.
Palivec  - | 379
8 Oct 2013   #25
Historically correct, Crow old man! "Der Drang nach Osten" of course predates the last century by quite some time:-)

This "Drang nach Osten" is one of the great Polish myths. The Teutonic Knights were invited by Poles, because they couldn't conquer the land themselves. The settlers in Pomerania and Silesia were invited by the local dukes, who Germanized their lands by choice.
xzqbq7  2 | 100
8 Oct 2013   #26
Does Poland have a successful auto maker like any of those? Nope...

Had they not attack us in 1939 and immediately proceed to arrest our university professors, we just might have one, or two.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
8 Oct 2013   #27
The Drang was NO myth! As to who "invited" whom, this, as with ever so much supposed history, remains subject to debate. I've yet to see reliable sources for such (and I DON'T necessarily mean Wiki either)!!!
Valisz  - | 4
8 Oct 2013   #28
If that happens Poland will become a multicultural crap hole without a culture just like Germany is becoming.

And LOL @ Wulkan talking about German Science.

Most of the best German Scientist were Jews.

Germany has the highest amount of German Jewish inventors of all the European nations. Notice how after the holocaust, and the forcing of Jews into America the scientific production of Germany slowed tremendously. The majority of their most famous scientist are Ashkenazi Jews.

German Science and engineering has always been overrated. The French, British, Italians, & Russians have always been superior, and they did it without the help of a majority of Jews.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
8 Oct 2013   #29
Watch the rants, Valisz! They're most unbecoming:-)

And while we're on the subject of "German" scientists (German-Jewish symbiosis notwithstandingLOL), there were plenty who were not only gentile, but fervidly anti-Nazi, witness: Max Planck, Walther Nernst, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann (both of whom split the atom), Erwin Schroedinger (an Austrian, but "Germanic" nonetheless I guess), Klaus Fuchs (a Communist and later naturalized Brit!!!) etc..

As far as being a "crap hole", sounds like more filth coming out of your (com-)posts than anywhere in either Poland or Germany.

Always gave you Czechs credit for being a tad more enlightened. I see I was mistaken ^^
Valisz  - | 4
8 Oct 2013   #30
If being dumb means not wanting the culture of your nation destroyed or allowing it to become a liberal hell hole like Germany, Britain, as well as Sweden is becoming limiting freedom, with its forcing of neutral genders and all that crap on people. Then i guess so. Sorry keep the west out of the East.

Save the crap this forum is full of nazi ideals you guys masturbate over Germanics and make subtle racist comments towards slavic people, yet i don't see any protest coming from any of you when this happens. But say something negative or TRUE about Germany oh the protest come flooding. Why are you on a slavic/polish forum. Why not one of your own.....why not? because your forum is like your cities are dominated by Arabs, Africans, & Turks? perhaps?

Stick to your EU, we don't want nothing of it.

We have seen what you have become with our own eyes. Your culture is dying and you replaced it with a generic pan-American culture worshipping materialism & pop culture. We don't need or want your "help" in the East, thank you. There's enough of Little America's running around already.

Home / News / Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa

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