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German state declare diplomatic war on Poland.

OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #31
I have a guess was surely about Syria.

Sorry, that is only your guess, In fact it could be about anything.

it was Poland

That what you say, you even might believe it if you are in denial, facts claim otherwise.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
17 Sep 2018   #32
How many European leaders did Merkel consult

She had been in close contact with pretty much all the countries on the Balkan route to Germany on whose insistence she decided to not close the borders. Southern Europe needed solidarity and it should have been the natural reaction of especially those Eastern European countries who are demanding solidarity at every turn to make at least a token effort to help.

If you want to know why Poland will receive next to support on any European issue in the foresseable future, it is because of its' shortsigthness.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #33
Poland will receive next to support on any European iss

So what's new? Solidarity is when Germany wants something, if someone wants something from Germany those are just irresponsible demands, don't do Poland any favor but stop pretending that you care about EU laws which you break any time that suits you.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
17 Sep 2018   #34
facts claim otherwise.

It was PiS who after taking power needlessly raised the nonsensical reparation claims purely for domestic reasons without concern for the diplomatic fallout. Germany has under Merkel never done the same. It is Poland who has started a senseless (and doomed) diplomatic battle with Germany, not vice versa.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Sep 2018   #35
if someone wants something from Germany those are just irresponsible demands

Not so. It's because PIS are simply hopeless at diplomacy. They haven't a clue how to conduct themselves outside of their own home turf. How come Ireland has managed to get the support of virtually every EU member including Germany, on the Irish border issue for Brexit, every member except Poland of course. That's an example of EU solidarity with a small and relatively unimportant nation.
mafketis  38 | 11127
17 Sep 2018   #36
Southern Europe needed solidarity

Tell it to Greece, stuck in depression for..... 10 years now and no hope of ever getting out of it?

on whose insistence she decided to not close the borders

which story is this, there've been a few trying to explain her irrational act
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #38
How come Ireland has managed to get the support of virtually every EU member including Germany, on the Irish border issue for Brexi

Because they are using that issue to blackmail Britain. IF Britain would not enforce a hard border the EU will - they said so. So they are not your friends you fool.

with a small and relatively unimportant nation.@ Atch

Exactly a small and unimportant nations chose they patrons and follow its lead, they do not have issues or cause issues, they do not stand up to them, if you walk the line you are a fine vasal, gay marriage all BS EU liberals promotes introduced in Ireland.

Poland is not Ireland and you can tell yourself that due to some mythical diplomatic skills - in fact it is not. Look at Orban that dude has impressive diplomatic skills it hasn't helped him. Well in the May next year we gonna see which direction EU will take ....

It was PiS who after taking power needlessly raised the nonsensical reparation claims

Sorry I think you calendar is a bit off. These claims were raised tis year, and they are no nonsensical. Germany started a diplomatic offensive against Poland soon after the election in Poland on the issue of illegal immigrants. Trying to force them on EU countries. Also BND supported opposition in Poland .... and many German institutions and politicians directly supported opposition and incited them to rebel against a legal gov in Poland .So you confused who stared what and when ....

Maybe general German public is unaware of those little acts of war. There are out there to find if someone doesn't take my word for it.

PiS is pretty weak and mild in their response - if I were in charge German would have strong and painful response right their face...a series of responses, so, many thing that can be done...

So much anti-german crap here....@ Bratwurst Boy

So much German crap everywhere. Strat shoveling and put those commies out of power in Germany. Maybe some normal people in power would change the way German state is acting.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Sep 2018   #39
Orban that dude has impressive diplomatic skills it hasn't helped him

Only a Pole would consider Orban a master of diplomacy. He's a slippery customer I'll give you that, but that's not quite the same thing as diplomacy.

IF Britain would not enforce a hard border the EU will - they said so.

What are you on about you? They never said such a thing. You do know what a hard border is don't you??

Why do you always feel it necessary to resort to name-calling? It's very silly and childish. I hope you're not really as incandescent with rage as you appear to be or you'll have a stroke one of these days. Do you have your blood pressure checked regularly? If you're over forty you should. But here's a little tip for you. Extract of olive, two 500mg tablets per day and it's clinically proven to reduce blood pressure by up to 11 points on the what's-it scale, the upper bit and around 5 points on the lower. I'd consider it if I were you. Or you can take a couple of tablespoonfuls of olive oil per day, that's not quite so dramatic but it does make a difference.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
17 Sep 2018   #40
Maybe some normal people in power would change the way German state is acting.

You will so miss Merkel an Co. once she is gone. Nobody will be more considerate and polite to Poland than her, I can give you that.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #41
personally she maybe considerate and polite or that is the way she acts. In fact German state is nothing but... so your argument is based on your opinion and on your view what going on. However it is invalid because obviously the German public is misinformed about all that issue or most of the issues.

I can say that Kaczynski is a very considerate towards Germany and Merkel, a fact you probably aren't aware of. So what?

Only a Pole

A Polish person if you please. Ah you are an expert on diplomacy now. lol!

They never said such a thing.

Oh the EU dude said it. No is not an official statement of the EU. Yet, it could be used to gauge their intentions.

Why do you always feel it necessary to resort to name-calling?

What name calling? I have-not call you any names and if I do it is due to fact it is much shorter to sum up someone by naming him this or that than go into a lengthy diatribe that no one would read anyway and that would amount to do the same.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Sep 2018   #42
a lengthy diatribe that no one would read anyway

Never stopped you before now.

the EU dude said

And who might he be? Do you mean Michel Barnier. He never said such a thing, officially or otherwise. A hard border on the island of Ireland will not happen.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #43
Never stopped you before now.

Ok name calling beside being concise is fun.

He never said such a thing,

I'm pretty sure he said it, maybe he didn't use that phrase a hard border but it means that IF Britain won't impose any restriction on the border in case of no deal the EU will. So EU are not your buddies.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
17 Sep 2018   #44
In fact German state is nothing but... so your argument is based on your opinion and on your view what going on.

Heh:) And your's is not?

Iron, we all here are only exchanging personal opinion and views. I would never claim for myself to be the only wise one around...
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #45
I only claim to be better informed that all.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Sep 2018   #46
It's confusing I know but 'the border' you're referring to in relation to Barnier is not a hard border on the island of Ireland.

EU are not your buddies

We've had loads of disagreements with the EU over the years including the business of collecting that tax from Apple but we've managed to maintain good relations with them despite that so they will stand by us on certain matters. Poland is not good at dealing with people, so they'll never have that luxury. Look at how we've retained the Common Travel Area with the UK, despite Brexit, with no argument from the EU. That will place us in a very priviliged position in terms of our continued freedom of movement and rights in the UK compared to other EU citizens. As a nation, Ireland can usually generate a certain amount of goodwill towards us but Poland does the opposite. It always ends up putting people's backs up.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #47
t's confusing I know but 'the border'

Is not confusing is not the topic. The point is that EU countries do not help Ireland to solve that problem but created that problem in the first place.

we all here are only exchanging personal opinion and views.

Your media are obviously controlled by the establishment that support your current gov so you are not getting much of the info.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Sep 2018   #48
EU countries do not help Ireland to solve that problem but created that problem in the first place.

It's Britain who created the problem, they're the ones who want to leave the EU so they're the ones who are obliged to come up with a solution on the border. Do you really expect other EU nations to simply allow the UK to use the Irish border as an excuse to have their cake and eat it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
17 Sep 2018   #49
Your media are obviously controlled by the establishment that support your current gov so you are not getting much of the info.

That would be so easy, wouldn't it?

To declare any political opponents and their arguments as being "brainwashed" and "misinformed" when your own arguments don't do it anymore

But believe me Iron, I have the same access to the world of information as do you, I speak and read english, the whole net is open to me to look for information...and contrary to you I speak and read German too. I have a much deeper insight into the german politics than you can ever dream of. I'm not dependent on foreign blogs explaining to me what happens in Germany.
Crow  154 | 9525
17 Sep 2018   #50
Afro-Germans are restless.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
17 Sep 2018   #51
I have a much deeper insight into the german politics than you can ever dream of.

hmm, do you have the same insight into Polish politics? You're depending on one-sided narrative. Info in English about goings in Poland are generally very unreliable.

I don't need to know much about German internal policies because I talk mostly about well know facts and acts of the German gov.

To declare any political opponents and their arguments as being "brainwashed" and "misinformed" when your own arguments don't do it anymore

You're not my political opponent we are exchanging opinions on the internat. I haven't said brainwashed or misinformed. I said you have no info on certain subjects. I apply logic here. It tells there are two options.

Either I'm right and you have no enough data on the subject or you simply in denial. In that case you will/would claim that everything that German gov does is Ok an dandy. That It is Poland which is behaving irrationally or is at fault. In all you would mirror the attitude of that other German dude here.

I assumed that to be former, as I have a good opinion about you. If I'm wrong about you, please correct me.
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jun 2021   #52
Ukrainian Open Dialogue activist Lyudmila Kozlovska has been deported from Poland.

Today we know it was an intrigue plotted by secret services under PiS control. They didn`t like the fact that her husband is openly antiPiS and they decided to retaliate by blackening the woman and deporting her from Poland.

Btw, she has had the second court ruling which states she is not guilty of what PiS is accusing her of, yet those maniacs are stil not allowing her to come back to Poland to her family.

but are intervening directly and openly.

Yes,. coz nobody believed in PIS allegations which proved false.

That is war.

Try to take a deep breath or two and start thinking rationally before you post such stupidities as this thread.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Jun 2021   #53
Today we know it was an intrigue

WE don't know German stodges have your scrip, so I guess that is what Berlin thinks it was or like it to be..
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jun 2021   #54
WE don't know anything..

By We you mean ex-Polish expats living far from Poland. Yes, correct, you know nothng about the case.

what Berlin thinks it was or like it to be..

Not only Berlin, darling. PiS tried to block the woman`s entry into other European countries but none agreed. That intrigue was just too thick.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
6 Jun 2021   #55
By We you mean

I assumed you used royal 'we' and mocked you...

Not only Berlin,

It doesn't matter the fact is you take your clue from Berlin and that is all that matters here..
pawian  226 | 27364
6 Jun 2021   #56
While you take your clues from the Kremlin in Moscow so there is a perfect balance of nature. hahahaha

I assumed you used royal 'we' and mocked you...

This is slightly incomprehensible.

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