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France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants.

Novichok 4 | 8281
23 Jun 2024 #61
Are you saying that leftists are smarter than fascists?

Yes, I am.

And that is why it is my prediction that Trump will not be elected.

We just don't know how the scum will pull this stunt off...
Miloslaw 20 | 4980
23 Jun 2024 #62
And that is why it is my prediction that Trump will not be elected.

Well,I think you are wrong, I think Trump will win, just......
TheOther 6 | 3746
23 Jun 2024 #63
leftists do it all the time...They travel, fake docs, and vote again.

You have proof, of course, because there were just a handful of irregularities during the last election and most of them were from Republicans. Yeah, yeah ... stolen election ... waah waah waah ... we heard that one before from you numb nuts. Put up or shut up.
Novichok 4 | 8281
24 Jun 2024 #64
How did you like my progressive agenda for Poland, leftist azholes?

1. 50% of Poles must by law be LGBTs
2. The other 50% must be Muslims
3. Abortion on demand for both men and women at any moment during pregnancy and 30 days after that
4. Every other "fetus" must be black
OP Ironside 50 | 12584
24 Jun 2024 #65
Well, Germany continues to send illegals from Germany to Poland but the Polish government denies it, still, people in bordering towns report what is happening.
Novichok 4 | 8281
24 Jun 2024 #66
In democracies, people get what people vote for.
pawian 224 | 24674
24 Jun 2024 #67
the Polish government denies it,

Quite rightly coz you are lying like rightist media.

report what is happening.

No, rightist reporters do it to diminish the current rulers. Don`t fall for that. Only halfwits do.
OP Ironside 50 | 12584
24 Jun 2024 #68
No, rightist reporters do it to diminish the current rulers

We are talking about people who live in those places, not about reporters.
In democracies, people get what people vote for.

That is not true, I didn't vote for them.
jon357 74 | 23022
24 Jun 2024 #69
people who live in those places, not about reporters.

Who are they saying this to?
Novichok 4 | 8281
24 Jun 2024 #70
That is not true, I didn't vote for them.

I know you didn't. I am just having fun playing with the "freedom and democracy" azholes...
OP Ironside 50 | 12584
24 Jun 2024 #71
Who are they saying this to

social media?
jon357 74 | 23022
24 Jun 2024 #72
Not a generally reliable source.
OP Ironside 50 | 12584
24 Jun 2024 #73
Better than a lying government.
jon357 74 | 23022
24 Jun 2024 #74
No, much much worse.

Politicians in modern liberal democracies can be held to account if they tell lies.

Random people on social media (including r*SSian, Chinese, Iranian, Endek or trumpist bots can and do say anything they like without consequences.
Korvinus 3 | 583
24 Jun 2024 #76
Germany continues to send illegals from Germany to Poland

Solution like take all the immigrants and shoot them just a few steps from the border, it will end up destroying the entire organization, despite its effectiveness. A number of other EU or cross-EU institutions, such as the ECHR, make it difficult to deport them once they has slipped in. The protection for NGOs provided by the EU (some of the migrant organizations are probably also financed by it to some extent) does not allow us to hang collaborators on our side. EU is a world of foxes, officials for 10 generations. Unwanted migration is a problem that in turn is solved by brute force and bloodshed. That's what the Saudis did recently and you'll never guess - it worked.
Lyzko 42 | 9510
24 Jun 2024 #77
Well, Johnny, I'm glad to hear one of youse admit it!
Miloslaw 20 | 4980
24 Jun 2024 #78
1. 50% of Poles must by law be LGBTs..

PF would not allow me to quote all your posts, because they were too many.

You have definitely lost it Rich......I feel so sorry for your wife and daughters who have lost a decent man and gained a nutter.
Torq 8 | 1169
24 Jun 2024 #79

Hey! :-/
Novichok 4 | 8281
24 Jun 2024 #80
You have definitely lost it Rich...

I guess it's true that it is impossible to please everybody...When I rant against gays - bad. When I am for gays - I "lost" it...

How did you like my other three progressive ideas for Poland?

2. The other 50% must be Muslims
3. Abortion on demand for both men and women at any moment during pregnancy and 30 days after that
4. Every other "fetus" must be black

johnny reb 48 | 7425
26 Jun 2024 #81
The reason Britain, France and Germany want to flood Poland with illegal's is so they have someone to share their misery with.
Novichok 4 | 8281
26 Jun 2024 #82
The more I read about migrant floods the more I like Nazis.
I would gladly join them to delice Europe and America.

Just imagine...Europe...all white...crimeless...Christian...women going for a asylum crap...
Torq 8 | 1169
26 Jun 2024 #83
Apparently thousands of migrants are being pushed back to Poland by the Germans...,nId,7598870

... but hey, Tusk talked to Scholz about it, so everything will be all right. *rolls eyes*
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #84
Apparently thousands of migrants are being pushed back to Poland by the Germans...

Around 4000 and if those migrants claimed asylum in Poland then Germans have the right to do that.

... but hey, Tusk talked to Scholz about it, so everything will be all right. *rolls eyes*

Talked about what exactly?
Novichok 4 | 8281
26 Jun 2024 #85
claimed asylum in Poland

Nobody can claim asylum from where they are safe already. Country shopping is not permitted under the UN rules.
Torq 8 | 1169
26 Jun 2024 #86
about what exactly?

About German police just dropping people on our side of the border. I bet Scholz was mildly amused.
Novichok 4 | 8281
26 Jun 2024 #87
About German police just dropping people on our side of the border.

Wait till the Germans go away and drop the scum right back.
Crow 161 | 9414
27 Jun 2024 #88
Its kind of ping pong with illegals.
OP Ironside 50 | 12584
27 Jun 2024 #89
I bet Scholz was mildly amused.

I bet Tusk knew about it. I bet it is coordinating action, I bet it is that agreement that Tuske signed, I believe there will be more, and there going to be people who have never been to Poland before. Wait till France starts sending their migrants to Poland.
pawian 224 | 24674
27 Jun 2024 #90
I bet it is coordinating action,

I bet it is paranoia on your part. :):):)

Home / News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants.