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Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia

pigsy  7 | 304
7 Jan 2015   #31
Asia's food quality is just as safe as America's

I will agree to that as whenever I bought frozen oysters and tiger shrimps in US or Poland they are from bangladesh.They wouldnt be sold in every supermarkets if they were not of quality.I dont know about vegetables and meat though.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jan 2015   #32
I will agree to that as whenever I bought frozen oysters and tiger shrimps in US or Poland they are from bangladesh

Most shrimp in the U.S. comes from Thailand and the oysters come from Korea.

.I dont know about vegetables and meat though.

Foreign canned meat is much more healthy than American.
Why do you think ten and twelve year old girls are developing so young these days in America ?
Thanks to GROWTH HORMONES (GMO"S) by Monosato Inc.
Cows are fed styro foam pellets injected with growth hormones, fed GMO corn (corn is not a natural food to cattle nor is
styro foam pellets) all to put weight on fast for meat and to make cows give three times as much milk all for more $$$$$ profit.

(Not to mention milk in America is HORRIBLE for you)
Foreign cattle are grass fed naturally (not grain fed) and the meat actually has flavor not to mention what you are
putting in your body.
Vegetables in America are grown with Monosato's chemical fertilizers, Monosato's GMO seeds,
sprayed with Monosato's chemical pestisides (Round Up & ect.). Yummy
Ask again why autism and cancer rates have sky rocketed in the last two generations in America.
Did you know that three or four companies in the U.S. control all the food in the U.S. ?
So before the thread got hijacked...... back AGAIN to my question:
Would the Polish people prefer the GMO's that are used to grow grains and growth hormones injected
in the meats of America or the natural foods from Russia and Asia by joining the Eurasian Economic Union
also increasing Polands food exports to Russia ?
7 Jan 2015   #33
So Russia and Asia's food quality is just as safe as America's.

So not safe then. Poland is in the EU which ban many of the products legal in the US.
Russia produces no food for export, it imports it .
EU bans the GM and other products from USA,
Poland is a majorfood exporter

So again, you question is meaningless. Poland wont be importing crap from America, Russia or Asia.

The Russian economic area is utterly irrelevant to Poland because it has nothing to offer and the member countries unimportant besides their natural gas supplies.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Mar 2015   #34
unfortyunately, i have bad news people. Bad news for all who value Polish apples

i just heard on TV that Russian inspection gave order for additional control of apples and other fruits that Russia importing from Serbia. They said how they noticed that from Serbia arriving abnormally great quanties of apples. It was just the matter of time before Russians react to the Serbian re-export of Polish apples. Well, they can`t blame Poles and Serbs for they tried. It is in our nature that we try.

Now we can only pray and rely on Russian slavophilic emotions.
skrud  - | 36
23 Mar 2015   #35
unfortyunately, i have bad news people. Bad news for all who value Polish apples

I wouldn't worry so much , and this is why :

Export of apple juice concentrate from Poland

According to the data from Eurostat, between July and October 2014 its volume increased 6.6-times to 9.7 thousand tonnes, while comparing to the EU-28 recorded a 9% reduction. Particularly important in enhancing delivery from Poland to non-EU countries had a significant increase in exports to the Russian Federation, visible especially in the fourth quarter of 2014. In total, in October and November 2014 ZSJ exports to Russia amounted 10100 tonnes, so it's 10 thousand more than in the same period a year ago

Which means rather than exporting whole apples to Russia (which they don't want ) Poland found another way of sending them anyways ...
Concentrated Apple Juice is flowing across the border to Russia like no tomorrow :)
"In the last quarter of last year export of CAJ to Russia increased by 10000 tons comparing to last year" my translation .
I guess we don't need help from Serbia afterall.
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2015   #36
I wouldn't worry so much , and this is why :

Export of apple juice concentrate from Poland

That is very very good. Its always better to export finished product then just raw material. With sanctions or without.

Which means rather than exporting whole apples to Russia (which they don't want )

They want Polish apples. i can tell you that one. Its just that they needed to respond to the challenge of leading EU countries over the sanctions. Why that goes via heads of Poles, is the other question. Still, its already normal and exactable historical situation.

Poland found another way of sending them anyways ..

yes, in any case feed them with Polish apples ;)

I guess we don't need help from Serbia afterall.

well, never say never. :)
skrud  - | 36
23 Mar 2015   #37
"That is very very good. Its always better to export finished product then just raw material. With sanctions or without"
This may not always be the rule especially in this case , as for example this apple juice may also have been made out of premium apples which should have been sold at premium price rather than being pressed into juice , never the less some return on investment is better than none.

Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2015   #38

i almost collapsed after sow and heard last news, first on TV and then i founded confirmation on online media.

Russia gave Serbia 10 days to prove its innocence or Serbian products would be banned, too. Essentially, Serbia must now prove that Polish apples didn`t grow up in Poland but in Serbia. Sh**! It won`t be easy

Let me tell it publicly! Its not nice, i protest! Why would now Serbia or even Belarus sit on Russian penis and that Germany, for example, escapes? Let Russia stub Germany with penis, not other Slavs. Its not right that we Slavs suffer due to solidarity with each others in moment when Russian-western European penises swing over our heads. Its neither nice, neither right.

What was truly hilarious on TV (evening news in 19:30), was the moment when journalist asked Serbian agriculture minister about possibility of re-export of Polish apples to Russia, via Serbia... minister answered: ``Possible? i would tell you what is possible. Must be that somebody falsified Serbian documents. That is possible.`` Then, TV camera showed some Russian trader (while packing apples to truck) who said: ``i personally was present in many deliveries of Serbian apples to Russia. We in Russia knows how are Serbian and Belorussian traders honest.`` What a joke. It was obvious message to Putin that behind this `operation` stays Serbian-Belorussian-Polish Pan-Slavic circles. It was obvious begging for mercy over TV.

My God, we Slavs are totally crazy people.

Russians "could lose patience and ban fruit imports"

apples are innocent!

Belgrade, Moscow -- Russia's food safety agency Rosselkhoznadzor suspects that Serbia is re-exporting apples produced in Poland.

skrud  - | 36
23 Mar 2015   #39
Do you still consider them as allies? 😄
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Mar 2015   #40
We cooperate. Official alliance was never signed. Its just that some foreign media declare our relationship to be alliance. Must be that somebody wants that are things seen that way.

But, we see one other thing from this situation. Russian sanctions to Poland brings turbulence within Slavic world. Those who sanctioned Russia didn`t care of it (as if?), while calculated Russian respond. Russia on the other side must count on that, too.

How i see numbers in different sources, at least some 60-80.000 tons of Polish apples till now finished in Russia via Serbia. We would later see final calculations

development of situation seen by public media >>>

Russia's Apple Threat: Kremlin turns on Serbia over Polish apple imports

Serbia 'Reexporting Polish Apples to Russia'

March 23, 2015 / Novinite

Russia's food safety watchdog is considering a ban on fruits and vegetables imports from Serbia on suspicions that apples arriving from the country are originally from Poland.

Rosselhoznadzor, cited by Russian news agency RIA Novosti, has voiced its concerns over the sharp increase in apples imports and has demanded consultations with Belgrade over the issue.

Drama continues. Who would say that apples could be object of such an interest

Today, on TV evening news at 19:30 in talks with Serbian officials, Russian ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin said that Serbian export to Russia isn`t in question and that are Russian sanctions to Serbia excluded. He said that Russian side wants only consultations with Serbia.

Consultations aren`t problem. We can talk.

Good. For now.

Polish apples are innocent.

Poles, we can continue to do business. It seams that Russians just need some more papers to be in order. Ah, no problem with it. God knows how Serbs and Poles likes when it comes to paper work ;)

Ambassador: Russia will not ban Serbian food exports

March 25, 2015 | 12:39 / RTS, Tanjug

BELGRADE -- Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin has said that the export of Serbia's agricultural produce to Russia had not been compromised in any way.

The system implies the sending of scanned phytosanitary certificates even before a shipment is sent to the Russian market so the competent bodies know in advance the exact content of shipments expected to arrive in Russia, Ljajic's office stated.


first Poland was directly weakened by EU sanctions on Russia (and forced on even deeper economic dependence on west of Europe and USA) and now is being weakened by refuges that needs to receive. Not to mention how was Poland used in dirty CIA black ops prisons and forced to take part in illegal NATO war against Yugoslavia and Serbia. Actually, list of dirty use of Poland by her so called friends is quite long list.

For the sake of personal benefits and privileges on a west of Europe and in USA, Poland`s regime punishing even Polish farmers. Anti-Polish politics of Poland`s regime is demonstrated on every layer of Polish society >>>
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #41
Stuff and nonsense, unless you're seriously suggesting that Poland should give into Russian bullying.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #42
Polish government is obliged to tell truth to the Poles, not to tries to delude Poles for the sake of western European and USA interests (read ie interests of few greedy magnates there). Let`s not talk of `Russian bullying` when we on terrain in Ukraine have Nazi followers that abused rightful demands for changes of Ukrainian people (and even Russian people within Ukraine) and, at the same time pledge to commit genocide on Russian people, at the same time torturing Ukrainian people.

Right now regime in Poland endangering future of entire Slavic civilization. This what regime in Poland doing isn`t just betrayal. Its not irresponsibility. Its rather real dedication to destroy Poles first and then all other Slavs.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #43
is obliged to tell truth to the Poles

Probably one of the best informed populations in Europe...

Let`s not talk of `Russian bullying`

Why? It has been an issue in Poland for a long, long time and is continuing now.

Right now regime in Poland endangering future of entire Slavic civilization.

Don't be silly. BTW, after the forthcoming election, it looks like there may well be a government in Poland who are even more anti-Russia.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #44
i want to see pro-Polish government in Poland. That i want to see.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #45
We've had one for the past few years - in fact the last anti-Polish one was a long time ago.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #46
Title of the thread is > Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia. i didn`t start the thread. i just came to say what i want. So, let regime in Poland just serve people in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #47
So, let regime in Poland just serve people in Poland.

Which they very much are doing by standing up to Russia as well as being in a free trade area with most of Europe.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #48
Being against Russia doesn`t necessarily means to be pro-Polish. Sometimes yes, that was the case. What we see these days is that is Poland`s regime anti-Polish and that no matter Russia. In numerous areas we see how is Poland betrayed by `its own` government.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #49
Being against Russia doesn`t necessarily means to be pro-Polish

In the current climate of Russian aggression, in order to be pro-Poland, any government needs to stand up to Russia as well as forge stronger links with the rest of the EU and NATO..

In numerous areas we see how is Poland betrayed by `its own` government.

Nope, in none at all.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #50
Russia, Russia, Russia, bla, bla, bla.

Russia won`t dare even to think moving against Poland. That strong is Serbian love for Poles. It would be exactly as we Serbians want and we want peace and elementary normal relationship between Poland and Russia. Only that.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #51
Russia won`t dare even to think moving against Poland

So the sanctions that Russia has imposed and their invasion of a neighbouring country are but a dream...
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #52
again you with your repetitive nonsense. Are you now total moron jone357? We Serbians managed to perfectly articulate what we want and we want that Russians and Poles forget to their conflict now. We Serbians demand that. Its part of our plans and scheme.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #53
We Serbians managed to perfectly articulate what we want

Unfortunately for you, nobody else wants it. And nobody in Poland wants stronger links with Russia; in fact most want as little as possible to do with them.

We Serbians

Are a candidate for accession to the European Union, so apart from sharing in the sanctions against Russia, it looks like your dream of stronger ties to Poland may be realised, as two member states in the same Union.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #54
F*** stronger links between Poland and Russia. We Serbs aren`t utter morons to want that. It would be mission impossible. We Serbs demand peace and normality between Poles and Russians. Only that we want and, we Serbs always get what we want. Poles and Russians love us and won`t act against our Serbian interests.

Are a candidate for accession to the European Union

European Union? what European Union?
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Sep 2015   #55
We Serbs demand peace and normality between Poles and Russians

And what shape would 'peace and normality' take? Apart from Russia being hobbled to the point where it can interfere no more. Peace and normality would be Poland having the same sort of relations with Russia that it has with, say India. Less strong that those with, say, Turkey and obviously far less strong than those with the UK or Germany.

Serbs always get what we want.

Like a united country?

EU? what EU?

Why, the very same EU that you're begging to join, Crowie..
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Sep 2015   #56
Normality is to accept that we Serbs want peace and normal neighborly relations between Poland and Russia. Its the first necessity in our Serbian big plan.

Like a united country?

battle is battle, war is war.

Why, the very same EU that you're begging to join, Crowie..

jone, stop delude yourself, you have to understand reality. Serbia would be annexed by EU... he, he, same what Austro-Hungaria done and then Poland suddenly got its independence.

POLACY W OBRONIE SERBII Polish support for Serbian brothers

and we Serbs are with you Poles. Eternally. If we can do something and right now we can, we won`t let anything happen to Poland.

Poljska, Poljska, Poljska!

Back to the topic please

Back to the topic please

yes pane (or panka)

Freedom to Polish apples!

Let us all eat Polish apples in solidarity with Polish apple producers!

repeat after me: ``Full mouth of Polish apples! Full mouth of Polish apples! Full mouth of Polish apples!``

Story says that when Russian trade ministry informed Putin that Serbian apples aren`t Serbian but Polish, Putin assured trade minister that are apples Serbian.

Good news, good news! why only Anglos, Chinese, Brazilians, Russians and Germans? We all want money

Russians and Serbians signed new documents and memorandums on cooperation in October. New chances for Poles and Czechs to stay and enter in business via Serbians. Russians decided to close their eyes. They even love it.

Russia, Serbia sign documents on cooperation
Sparks11  - | 333
5 Nov 2015   #57
Know any orcharders in the East? There are special white and red trucks which everyone just calls putins fleet. They dont even go through Serbia. Theyre waved right through in belarus. There no way stupid sanctions will stop business. No one cares.
Crow  154 | 9463
5 Nov 2015   #58
Theyre waved right through in belarus.

yes. Belarus also done great job for itself, Poland and Russia. Belarus imported quantities of Polish apples at least as much as Serbia did. i think that Belarus and Serbia saved (still saving, to the end of year) at least 40% of Polish apple production and re-exported it in Russia.

Keep calm and eat Polish apples

22 Nov 2015   #59
Interesting that everyone is fixated on Russia banning Polish apples, yet no one has said why the beloved ally (US) has banning them for decades???

As I understand they are not top class and contain too many chemicals for the US market.
TheOther  6 | 3596
22 Nov 2015   #60
Are you serious? Non-organic apples in the USA are made of a ton of chemicals and a little bit of apple. There's usually enough pesticide in them to kill off all bugs in your backyard. I cannot imagine that Polish apples are worse.

Home / News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia

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