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Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 May 2018   #31
EU is divided like never before and the eurocrats are constantly trying to put out fires yet new ones keep popping up before they can extinguish an old one. Eu was a great thing till social Marxists starting trying to influence the politics of countries and trying to push a monoculture on 28 different nations. Naturally it didn't work in eastern europe as we fought too hard to win our independence from Moscow just to hand it to brussels
Ironside  51 | 13109
28 May 2018   #32
A closer look at London suggests otherwise...

You're assuming much. I wouldn't be so certain.

and as a thank you, they will probably kick you out of the country.

Probably. lol Depends on a political expediency.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
28 May 2018   #33
Well Velund first Russia will need to find people willing to lend it that kind of money at a reasonable rate - unlikely to happen when the rule of law is doubtful and the economy reliant on one very volatile commodity (half of which is stooen by the boss man)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 May 2018   #34
Russia called in a huge chunk of the venezuelan oil company recently.

So my fellow Putin loving Americans, make sure you tank up at your local citgo this week. Putin thanks you in advance.

Maybe, just maybe, one day our citgo gas stations (which tend to be the most ghetto gas stations in chicago.... They're so ghetto chief keef raps about them) will be renamed in honor of Putin or Russia and have the double headed eagle as their new logo. Although I think the marketing team knows that definetelt wont help them gain market share =/
cms neuf  2 | 1959
28 May 2018   #35
He he - never heard Chief Keef but giving it a blast now. Good stuff !
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 May 2018   #36
Yea he's alright he use to live right by me and we hung out a few times.... but he stopped paying his rent and got evicted...
cms neuf  2 | 1959
28 May 2018   #37
Yeah - dont know much about Chicago rappers. My friend was raving about Mick Jenkins but i couldnt ger into it.

Please back on topic
OP Crow  155 | 9722
6 Sep 2018   #38
Putin: I Told Europe in 2007, They Didn't Listen, Now "Enjoy Your Meal"!
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
6 Sep 2018   #39
Russia has never,ever done anything positive for Poland.
And that is not likely to change soon.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Sep 2018   #40
Bad Russia - considering how many positive things Poland did for Russia. Wasn't it Poland that helped Napoleon or did I miss that class?

Now Poland is getting a bunch of gifts from the US that can go boom to make Russia really happy by being so close. That will put Russia in the mood to kiss Poland on the lips.
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
6 Sep 2018   #41
Most Poles would have executed you as a traitor by now.
Your love of Russia and hate for Poland is truly sickening.
You even seem to hate your adopted land of The must be a Russian.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Sep 2018   #42
I don't hate the land. I hate the mf***rs who ruined that land. 20 trillion in debt, and 20 million illegal Latinos - and it's getting worse. Not good.

Most Poles would have executed you as a traitor by now.

Is this how Poles express their admiration for the USA and the concept of the 1st Amendment? A brainless mob rule?
OP Crow  155 | 9722
7 Sep 2018   #43
And that is not likely to change soon.

But this happening.

You think Poland would be able to offer resistance to EU if EU already isn`t forced to face Russia? If EU and Russia have perfect relations, you think Poland would be able to escape to EU?

See, do you realize now?
pawian  226 | 27817
1 May 2024   #44
If Russia will get somewhere and spend 26,556€ per person (current stare of finnish debt) on a infrastructure and public utilities, it will be quite a nice place to live.

Russian regime never spent this money on making life easier in Russia. Quite the contrary, they spent it to deepen the miserable conditions there.

Now we thank to Russians. With a song.

OK. Do it at will. Go to Moscow and sing in the Red Square.
But leave Poles and Polesses out of it. Right now, Russians evoke quite abominable feelings in most decent Europeans.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2025   #45
positive for Poland, by successfully resisting

Ukrainian fight is very positive for Poland. It seems that Ukrainians have learnt from Poles/Polesses how to resist foreign occupation.

Another assassination of a Russian war criminal by Ukrainian resistance!!!

Amasingt!!! Reminds me of Polish underground assassinations of German Gestapo or SS officers in occupied Poland during WW2.
Russian commander Konstantin Nagaiko was seriously injured in the explosion, Ukrainian intelligence reported. The officer is in critical condition after the attack. Kiev indicates that he led the attack, in which dozens of Ukrainian civilians were killed.

Check it out how Poles and Polesses dealt with German murderers. Ukrainians are taking excellent example.

OP Crow  155 | 9722
4 Jan 2025   #46
Date when I started this thread.

22 May 2018


Russia saved Poland.

Just that Poland survive. We are almost there.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2025   #47
Russia saved Poland.

:):):) No, you got it all wrong. It is Poland who saved Ukraine by showing her how to deal with invaders and occupiers.
OP Crow  155 | 9722
4 Jan 2025   #48
Poland only managed to upset Serbians. So we now needs to act to make sure Poland survives Russian helping.
Alien  26 | 6551
5 Jan 2025   #49
Poland survives Russian helping.

Has anyone ever survived Russian helping?
OP Crow  155 | 9722
5 Jan 2025   #50

If not for Russia, Poles would be Germans by now. Serbs, too. Other Slavs, too.
Korvinus  3 | 633
5 Jan 2025   #51
little bit of Russian culture

But what is the real Russian culture? Is in the era of Communism and " workers of the world unite" , or Putin's nationalism or the era of Yeltsin and attempts to create a real Democracy. Russians unfortunately have never experienced the sustained benefits of Democracy and freedom that most of us take for granted which is why it was relatively easy for Putin to convince his supporters that " the world\West is against us "
Korvinus  3 | 633
5 Jan 2025   #53
Poland, Slovakia and Czecha are in NATO, which is the best bulwark against any 'unity' with Russia. Serbia is negotiating its entry to the EU. Only Belarus is cut off from the West, because it is under the boot of a man who knows that nothing good awaits him in a democratic environment, so he has to cling to authoritarian shithole that is Russia.
OP Crow  155 | 9722
5 Jan 2025   #54
You brate don`t understand how much depend on Serbia. Serbia is spiritual and moral core. Crucial. That is why Serbs are target.

Its clear. If just Serbia manage to survive this ongoing plot of Vatican, Constantinople, western Europe and Turks, Serbia will show path to all the Slavs, Russia included. Then, not only to survive but to strengthen and expand.

Role of Russia is to endure and support. Until Dragon arise from the blood. Stronger then ever.

To preserve that fire, Russia entered WW1. Now is even more clear how that was necessary and wise.

So Russia coming.
Korvinus  3 | 633
5 Jan 2025   #55
If just Serbia manage to survive

Your Serbia, last time I heard it tried to join ASEAN :-D
But keep believing Russia stronk. I heard it's a common disease in the Balkans, particularly around Serbia.
So far our alliance with the US is bringing us benefits. How is friendship with Russia working out for ever tinier and tinier Serbia? Soon we will need a magnifying glass to locate you guys on the map.
OP Crow  155 | 9722
5 Jan 2025   #56
How is friendship with Russia working out for ever tinier and tinier Serbia?

Serbia is not tinier because of Russia but because Vatican want that. Rome is powerful. Still, we Serbians believe we are stronger.
OP Crow  155 | 9722
5 Jan 2025   #57
BDW, future of Rome is to be part of Serbia. So say Geo-strategic readings.

Home / News / Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ?

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