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Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ?

Crow  155 | 9699
22 May 2018   #1
Well, that`s something. Finally. How strongly evil and ugly EU hold Poland we can easily say that, if there isn`t strong opposition by Russia, Poland would be gone in oblivion.

I know, I know, Russians have their sins, they are wild and all that. I agree. But let`s thank them for positive things so that we can condemn them for their mistakes. Let us be hones, after all. Honest to ourselves, firstly.

Let us talk as sane people.

Now we thank to Russians. With a song. We unleash on ourselves little bit of Russian culture, their aspect of our common Slavic heritage. We then give us and them little bit of Polish culture, Polish aspect of this common culture.

Farewell of Slavianka - Dina Garipova & Alexandrov Ensemble (2013)

Then we say > Thanks Russians

Now, Poles

Białe róże Rozkwitały pąki białych róż- Buds of white roses flowered- Polish patriotic song

This is how it function in my world, in pubs of my people. On the land where Christ and Svetovid walking hand in hand, and oldest where oldest ancestors sit on right shoulder of those who believe, at least twice a year, where angels fly together with fairies.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
25 May 2018   #3
Not that ugly, actually.

But, tell me my virtual mutavi prijatelju, what maleficarum bringing you back to Polish forums?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 May 2018   #4
My place has gone to the dogs thank to this new EU data law..*hates the EU now also a tiny little bit*
OP Crow  155 | 9699
25 May 2018   #5
Pray to Svetovid. A lot of. Travel to Arkona and pray
25 May 2018   #6
In a way I like the data law. Because unlike the u.,s. that splashes criminals or even people accussed of crimes all over the internet and news, eu has some privacy laws after all. That cant be a bad thing now can it?

People sharing their dirty laundry online either on purpose, drunk or by accident; those accussed of crimes; people showing their naked pics online; we all have a right to privacy and that stuff exposed to the world by some ahole online or an agenda. We also have the rights to change our mind and clense already psoted data and media Dont you guys agree? Do you really want your drunk posting stuff to stay up forever?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 May 2018   #7
Bit like getting pissed and having a tattoo, lessons to learn. post in haste repent at leisure.
Velund  1 | 497
26 May 2018   #8
Do you really want your drunk posting stuff to stay up forever?

What about reviving of people, killed by drunk drivers?

I think that right to hide result of stupidity will not make anything good.

And yes, you have a right to change your mind. Write another post with excuses, for example. But right to hide proofs of a completed crime .... A bit too much.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 May 2018   #9
EU is a sick experiment which hopefully will run its course and fall apart just like the USSR. I will celebrate the day when it happens. Like the fall of the Berlin wall.

In the meantime, EU is going to sit like a monkey on America's back for protection and trading while giving the host all kinds pointers how the host can be more moral, loving and, above all, more agreeable with their new trading buddy, Iran.

And if things go bad, EU has "America" on speed dial. I hope that every-so-often Trump checks if both of his middle fingers are where they should be,
cms neuf  2 | 1943
27 May 2018   #10
A sick experiment with some of the highest living standards in the world - certainly much higher than in Russia (unless of course you are Putin and able to sit on your 50m yacht that your friend bought you).

You will be waiting a long time for your Berlin wall moment but while you wait then maybe ask the people of East Berlin if the EU is like the USSR.
TheWizard  - | 217
27 May 2018   #11
Best thing that ever happened to europe is the EU. Very closely behind that is the deportation of rich mazur back to russia when he was busted stealing toilet paper thinking it was silk.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2018   #12
This thread I must say, proving to be good experiment of mine. Let me explain.

I noticed general rise of anti-EU feelings among Polish diaspora and ethnic Poles in general. For obvious reasons. And Poles are more and more willing to openly criticize EU. Expat persons in Poland have mixed feelings. They would like to follow Polish feelings but, their feelings often differ. For obvious reasons. Comments on EU are various.

Now, when one initiate thread that in its title on one side underlines EU-Russia conflict and on the other side benefits for Poles from it, you get something like we have so far in this thread. First, Poles rather ignore such a thread. Poles would hardly dare to criticize EU in situation when it (to those who looking from outside) may look like that Poles rather support Russia then EU. Actually, most of Poles start to speak of positive sides of EU, no matter that in other threads they criticize that same EU.

This is so humanly, I must say.

But, its not nice that due to constant Polish-Russian antagonism, hostile non-Slavs, always have open maneuverable space to molest Serbia and Serbians just because we exist as Slavs. We must have assistance of Poland and of Russia to be able to survive as Slavs who live in region where we live- in the heart of Europe, exposed to influences of Western and Eastern Roman Empires and plus influences of Islam. If Russia solely coming in our aid, hostile non-Slavs say its over Orthodoxy. When Catholic Poles are able to do something for us, hostile non-Slavs have less maneuverable space to manipulate. Not to speak of combined effect of Polish and Russian support. Effect is then multiplied by fact that are hostile non-Slavs terrified by the possibility that Poland and Russia founded something in common interest, even if speak only of interests that both- Poles and Russians share positive feelings for Serbians and do have interests that we survive as Slavs.

As a Serbian, which tries to write here having in mind interests of Serbia and Serbians, I would like that Poles and Russians understand how is also their own best interest that normality prevails in their relationship. Normality means behaving normally. No big positive emotions, no big negative emotions, no alliance, no too much of cooperation but some minimum level of cooperation when both sides have interest, rather peaceful coexistence as good neighbors.

What is my point here? Point is that Poles and Russians must start to show respect to each others when there is reason for respect. See, my sisters and brothers, there is time for critics and times for respect. If you don`t have this in your relationship, you don`t have normalcy. Without normalcy, sooner or later hostile non-Slavs would grab that opportunity and put you in situation of mutual conflict.

So, I must say, behavior of Poles in this thread so far, does not change next facts:

1 - EU is increasingly hostile on Poland and Poles, for all sorts of reasons.

2 - Poland and Poles do profit from fact that is Russia able to resist to EU, because thanks to that Poland have bigger maneuverable space to itself resist to EU. If not for Russia, in Europe, EU would be unstoppable and resistance of Poland would be impossible. Anybody`s resistance would be impossible.

3 - If EU pressuring Serbia and Russia is able to support Serbia, that is also Russia`s support to Poland.

27 May 2018   #13
And yes, you have a right to change your mind.

people change their minds all the time. Just look at Teump. He changes his mind snd retracts his tweets or statements every 5 minutes. why should someone be judged for even a crime they did when later they were a diff perosn or lewrned from it or why should a newspaper that works for the cops in that area or gets funded by the city govt and lawyer union that oversensstizes something or bloes it up be the gate keeper and truth teller on something occuring and have other people online who were never there at the i cident get all their i formation that way? it should go down adter a while esp if like all media in america it is fake anyway.

Also, having a hireable or employable society like poland and much of eu is the goal of any society that isnt divisive or divided among races or groups like america is. if you make people unemployable and create a huge criminal and recidivist class, you get all those gangs and human trahs and homeles sthat america has because you put all their i formation onlinefor all to see and easy accessible toemployers, who will hire them? why do you think europe has so much less ciolenge, gangs, prisons and crime?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 May 2018   #14
2 - Poland and Poles do profit from fact that is Russia able to resist to EU, because thanks to that Poland have bigger maneuverable space

Crow, I hereby name you as the smartest guy on this forum. That sentence above is brilliant.

Poland's future depends on if Poland can say to the EU to pound sand. For this move, Poland needs friends like Russia, Hungary, Czechs, and Serbs. Or Poland will be told to open its borders and become, just like the Western Europe already did, a global human sewer collector. It's really that simple.

Just look at Teump. He changes his mind snd retracts his tweets or statements every 5 minutes

My apologies to Crow: I don't want to kidnap your thread so I promise to keep it short.

Easy. Trump does what serves him well so far. Being predictable and stick to your word for the principle is what morons do.

Back to the thread's main subject.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
27 May 2018   #15
A human sewer where the Russian kleptocracy choose to hide their money in Londin and Cyprus and buy houses in Paris and Vienna - ready for the day when the masses rise up and kick them out.

Of course we could leave the EU but we all know it is better than Russian rule - last time we tried that we ended up bankrupt, standing in line to buy shoes and soap and with an industry that was a mass of rusting obsolete equipment.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 May 2018   #16
Poland needs friends like Russia

I think your agenda is painfully obvious. Last time we tried "friendship" with Russia, look where it got us. You left as a result of that "friendship", didn't you?
Joker  2 | 2447
27 May 2018   #17
EU is a sick experiment

I`ve been saying the same thing for over a decade.

Hopefully, it falls apart before the PCness destroys what little is left over there.

The EU is a just another Brexit away from an impending implosion and they're too daft to ever realize it. Just like the take over of Londoniston, Paris, and Stockholm all used to be nice European cities and nothing more than a toilet bowl now.

You have to admit Poland was intelligent enough not to let these terrorist/refugees into their country.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 May 2018   #18
Last time we tried "friendship" with Russia, look where it got us.

When did you try it and where did it get you? Don't be shy.

all used to be nice European cities and nothing more than a toilet bowl now.

Shame on you. You just insulted toilet bowls.

I have four in my townhouse and nobody was ever raped in any of them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 May 2018   #19
I`ve been saying the same thing for over a decade.

Because it threatens America, doesn't it? Nothing could be worse for American interests than a strong European bloc of nations that would support each other over American interests.

Still, the best thing is that the EU is even stronger without the UK than it was with the UK. Give it 10 years, and the UK will be begging to rejoin the EU in the face of endless chlorinated chicken exports from the US.
Ironside  51 | 13083
27 May 2018   #20
Still, the best thing is that the EU is even stronger

The EU is BS. If it would like to have a future - all the rules should be scarped and rewritten anew. Germany needs to stop to try it take all over as they are not suited for a rule being a control freak with the obsessive compulsive disorder.

Then and only then it would work.
Right now the EU is a mess with issues trying to address the issue by pushing smaller states around. I say F them and leave.

chlorinated chicken exports from the US

Hmm ...I think Brits would rather swim a sea of chlorine infused chickens than take their quota of rape-gees or put up with an uncontrolled immigration from Europe.

By the way what is your obsession with chickens?
TheOther  6 | 3596
27 May 2018   #21
take their quota of rape-gees or put up with an uncontrolled immigration from Europe

Many Brits that voted for BREXIT had a problem with East Europeans, and not so much with Merkel's friends. They were promised border controls, but somebody forgot to tell them about the Commonwealth citizens from Nigeria, Pakistan and Bangladesh that are settling in Britain.
Ironside  51 | 13083
27 May 2018   #22
rom Nigeria, Pakistan and Bangladesh t

Oh they know about them all right but are under the impression that immigration from those countries is CONTROLLED. Whatever it might be - who cares? Whilst not all would agree Britain will have a lucky escape IF they will go through with the Brexit.

Yet again Poles saved Britain. lol
TheOther  6 | 3596
27 May 2018   #23
immigration from those countries is CONTROLLED

A closer look at London suggests otherwise...

Yet again Poles saved Britain...

... and as a thank you, they will probably kick you out of the country. Or not, I don't know. Any news on the "settled status"?
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 May 2018   #24
Many Brits that voted for BREXIT had a problem with East Europeans, and not so much with Merkel's friends.

More fools them.

They were promised border controls, but somebody forgot to tell them

that the neoliberal consensus absolutely depends on a large pool of interchangeable disposable worker bees who don't have much rights...

this is where democracy dies - when all major parties agree with each other and against the citizenry
TheOther  6 | 3596
27 May 2018   #25
the neoliberal consensus absolutely depends on a large pool of interchangeable disposable worker bees

I disagree with you here because worker bees in the traditional sense aren't needed in large numbers any longer. Their work is done by robots now. If you look at the migrants and refugees that flooded Europe over the past years, it's quite obvious that only a small fraction (according to most German sources I've read around 4%) have the skills that are actually needed in advanced European economies. That's where the brown stuff will hit the fan.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2018   #26
What Britain doing is next. Accepts millions of Poles, hold them on lowest as possible standard of living and that way make them socially equal to peoples from colonies, use them for sedimentation of blood of all those from colonies (by stimulation of intermarriages and multiculturalism), use them as cheep labor force, pump them against Russia and everything Slavic- against Poland after all, assimilate Poles in various ways.

Wait. Germany, France, they all doing the same to Poles? What was population of Poland? 40? 37? Less then 35 million?

See, that is how we coming to thread like this one. This isn`t of Russia being perfect. Far from that. This is about that Poland profit on clash between EU and Russia. And why not? Really, why not? Russians aren`t perfect kin people but Brits are lethal friends.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 May 2018   #27
One of traits of an intelligent person is to be able to see things through.

It truely fascinates me how stupid whites can be, and not just the current crop of liberals.

What was the long term plan involving black slaves brought here to pick cotton?

What was the long term plan under which the stupid Brits were giving away passports to the Africans and Asians?

Why does the US allow Latinos in after the miserable experience with the blacks?

Why NAFTA? How many US factories were planned for transfer to that hellhole?

How many years and how much money will the US spend protecting Europe? From what? And why?
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 May 2018   #28
What was the long term plan

The answer to your questions: greed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
28 May 2018   #29
Than they should have bought only the castrated slaves.
Velund  1 | 497
28 May 2018   #30
A sick experiment with some of the highest living standards in the world - certainly much higher than in Russia

Now compare national debt of Russia and national debts of parts of "sick experiment". If Russia will get somewhere and spend 26,556€ per person (current stare of finnish debt) on a infrastructure and public utilities, it will be quite a nice place to live. Especially central and northeastern regions, that is already not so bad...

Home / News / Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ?

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