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Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Sep 2015   #211
That's what you get when monkeys are allowed to vote...
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Sep 2015   #212
Another expert on Polish matters who doesn`t live in Poland but knows what is good for Poles. :):) Panu już dziękujemy... :)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
30 Sep 2015   #213
Poland would have built NOTHING without the EU. Ingrates who would still be struggling to get to their 1000 zl a month backward state-owned company "jobs."

Amazing that we are even having this moronic "debate."

The photograph is of the highway from Poland biggest container port of Gdynia, which links to the A2 motorway. It was built across moraine hills, has a distance of 4 km, and cost 235 million zlotys, of which the Polish government contributed a pathetic 60 million zl, obviously because they didn't agree that it was really necessary............

It is only the Polonia that don't have to live here, and idiotic visitors who haven't got an education, who don't want to see what the EU has done for Poland, or have forgotten what a hell-hole it was before accession.

Dangerous idiots
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
30 Sep 2015   #214
Much needed infrastructure, for Poland's first container port. This amazingly expensive (short) stretch of highway would not have been built without EU money, and neither would the rest of Poland.

  • rsz_img_20150927_165.jpg
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Sep 2015   #215
Amazing that we are even having this moronic "debate."

The debate breaks out regularly. Some guys are really persistent and seem never to give up... :):)

t is only the Polonia that don't have to live here,

Pity, but true. I can`t believe one can be so blind to obvious facts.
Or, are they such obsessed right wing Endecja maniacs that they are ready to push us even into Russia`s arms at the cost of our connection with Europe?

Or they are paid agents? :):)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
30 Sep 2015   #216
I can`t believe one can be so blind to obvious facts.

Yep :)

Roads, they build more and better roads during soviet rule than they build till Poland's accession to the EU.

Says one who doesn't live here, and who as a Pole should be very ashamed of that ridiculous theory. Maybe the poster has never even been to Poland? Daily life here was extremely hard before the building of modern infrastructure.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
30 Sep 2015   #217
Another expert on Polish matters who doesn`t live in Poland but knows what is good for Poles. :):) Panu już dziękujemy... :)

The same old nonsense when a monkey has nothing to say...

Poland would have built NOTHING without the EU.

edited - please stop name-calling Allmighty EU makes miracles, just look how beneficial it all was for Spain with their 25% unemployment rate and for Greece... Oh wait :))))

If EU was really so feckin cool, they wouldn't need to display these disgusting yellow stars on anything they touch and produce tonnes of other propaganda crap. EU is "helping" the way British, French and others were "helping" Negroes over the centuries. They weren't exploiting their natural resources and people, they were helping, building roads and so on and they even had their (that is) "calculations", "tables" and so to "prove" that.
30 Sep 2015   #218
"Wrong examples. US is ready to attack and smash any country in the world except Russia - do you know why? Think and come back with an answer. "

No. You are wrong. Have you ever heard of China? US wouldnt smash them either.

"You prefer roubles? :)"
You are thinking like a typical American. Its either 0 or 1, East or West, good or bad.
I prefer Polish currency.

"I prefer being slave to EU than Russia. At least we can learn sth useful. So simple. :)"
I dont know about you but I am not gay. I do not want Poland to lower pants for either EU, Germany, Russia or anyone else. Comprende?

"Reading posts suggesting Poland`s withdrawal from EU I start wondering how much you are paid for each post about it. :):):):)"
This is typical response of someone who is brainwashed by the media.
Eu is not in interest of Poland. So may I ask how many Euros is Merkel paying you?
mafketis  38 | 11137
30 Sep 2015   #219
Poland would have built NOTHING without the EU

And this means that Poland is no obliged to take in and try to provide for a large population with a proven track record of failure?

If there's a muslim population in Western Eruope that produces more wealth than social service debt then I've yet to hear of it (and sure the statistics would be bandied about).

Again, the story of mass muslim immigration to western europe is one of some individual successes set against a larger backdrop of dysfunction and failure.

Muslim immigration is at it's most productive when it selects for highly educated and more secularly oriented people. Bringing in large numbers actually has the effect of harming the more educated and secular.

a hell-hole it was before accession.

That's just plain wrong and displays vast ignorance of what was really going on in Poland. Yes, accession has helped Poland a lot. That doens't mean Poland is obliged to sublimate its survival instinct (as has happened in most of western europe).
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
30 Sep 2015   #220
You don`t

You said that you are contend to be a slave, after that declaration your opinion doesn't count, simple. Go back where a good slave belong and don't disrupt your betters with your chattering.

Daily life here was extremely hard before the building of modern infrastructure.

Sure dough, there were no roads, no trains and buses and no cars in Poland before 2004, people were ridding donkeys to get from point A to B. You are getting increasingly ludicrous.
Crow  154 | 9463
30 Sep 2015   #221
Check Polish history, Poles chose strong ties with Europe more than 1000 years ago. :)

not quite. At first, Poland was richer then western European city states. Not only richer but even more modern, cradle of democracy and pluralism, even multiculturalism (sure not in vulgar sense of the word). Then, when city states evolved into nations, they robbed Poland. Since then Poland run for western European money, while at the same time escaping from its own poverty and Russian backwardness.

Now, Poland have chance to again be richer then western Europe. Plus, Serbs would also have more money then western Europe and Poland can choose- to run for its own money or to run for Serbian money. Whatever Poles choose. When we speak of Europe, one who have more money, that one is the West.

Poland would have built NOTHING without the EU. Ingrates who would still be struggling to get to their 1000 zl a month backward state-owned company "jobs."

see. Its all about money.

EU is now like an old exhausted granny. Very ugly.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Sep 2015   #222
Allmighty EU makes miracles, just look how beneficial it all was for Spain with their 25% unemployment rate and for Greece... Oh wait :))))

Why do you blame EU for unemployment in Spain? I thought Spaniards should blame themselves. And Greeks too. They brought problems on their heads with their own policy.

EU is now like an old exhausted granny. Very ugly.

Yet, most Serbs are dreaming of joining it. :):)

Marsupial  - | 871
1 Oct 2015   #223
Yeah eu is responsible for greek tax failute, usa mortgage failure and gfc, massive fraud in uk banking committed by several individuals and future recession in oz due to technological failure and reliance on obsolete resources. Surely it must be responsible for Spains inability to produce anything the world wants to buy. What a joke!
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Oct 2015   #224
Yet, most Serbs are dreaming of joining it. :):)

to finish it, to finish it. But, i see that are Poles restless and wants all credit for themselves. Its not nice you know :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
1 Oct 2015   #225
Why do you blame EU for unemployment in Spain? I thought Spaniards should blame themselves. And Greeks too.

Perhaps because you're an English teacher... Just think what would happen If EA was shut down and we're back to national currencies like DEM...
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Oct 2015   #226
Just think what would happen If EA was shut down

One of eternal dreams of Russia`s! No EU, isolated countries, arguing with each other, played by Russians as they want. Sooner or later, however long it will take, 100 or 200 years, Europe under Russian domination. Political or military, whatever. The end.

Are you crazy? :):):)

Yeah eu is responsible for greek tax failute, usa mortgage failure and gfc, massive fraud in uk banking committed by several individuals and future recession in oz due to technological failure and reliance on obsolete resources. Surely it must be responsible for Spains inability to produce anything the world wants to buy. What a joke!

So true.
PiotrCieslik  - | 2
1 Oct 2015   #227
In my opinion, yes. Poland has its own culture and the UE imposes.
Marsupial  - | 871
1 Oct 2015   #228
Most of those suggestions are extreme. They are also ant -polish and reflect the views of a tiny minority. In this case they are made by what reads to me like the enemy.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
1 Oct 2015   #229
OK, my last post for a while,

reads to me like the enemy.

Some funny people with some funny notions which clearly have no gumption how things really work.
nothanks  - | 626
1 Oct 2015   #230
Putin explains who supports ISIS


Although the entire response to an American journalist question is quite interesting
Avalon  4 | 1063
1 Oct 2015   #231
Even preschool/kindergarten kids are for EU:):):)

Of course they are?
nothanks  - | 626
2 Oct 2015   #232
> This is the growing perspective of the West

French Euro MP sidelined after France is a 'white race' remark

"Morano told French TV on Saturday evening: "France is a Judeo-Christian country ... of white race, which is attracting foreigners. I want France to remain France. I don't want France to become Muslim."

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday removed one of his staunchest allies from his conservative party's list for December regional elections, punishment for saying France was a "white race" country that must stay that way.

After four days of silence over the latest outburst from outspoken lawmaker Nadine Morano, Sarkozy said her comments harmed The Republicans party's image and could not stay without consequences."

> > In 2013 France banned the word "Race" from the country's laws. From now on, the word "racial", as well as "race", will be dropped from relevant articles of the French penal code, or replaced by the word "ethnic."
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Oct 2015   #233
Uni-Polar world order is over. We now live in world that is in period of transition into the Multi-Polar world. Time for Poland to choose, to exist as center of one unique civilization (​​Miedzymorze) that emerged from within Slavic world, or, Poland may choose to stay in EU and to assimilate into Germanic civilization, in a world that globalize.

Now, its not only choice of Poland and Poles but of all of us who live on Baltic-Balkan-Black see line. All of us facing similar choices. Just, Poland have chance to lead, to become global power. Multi-Polar world is opportunity that Poland waited for centuries. No, not for centuries. For millennia.
InPolska  9 | 1796
3 Oct 2015   #234
@Nothanks: 1. What's the relationship with Poland???? 2. Obviously you don't know anything re Moreno otherwise you would know that everybody takes her for a hysterical and vulgar idiot in France, where she is called "la marchande de poissons". Even FN refuses her as she would embarrass them.

Anyone knowledgeable would know that there is only one human race, except of course that idiot Moreno and consorts.

PS: Nothanks, don't talk about what you don't know! ;)
nothanks  - | 626
3 Oct 2015   #235
> "What's the relationship with Poland????"

France is quite influential in the EU. Moving forward with people that are too ashamed to recognize their heritage or even more troubling their own skin color is scary.

In Argentina the people do all they can to proclaim themselves White. In backwards Western Europe, they are doing their best to feel ashamed for it!
InPolska  9 | 1796
3 Oct 2015   #236
@Nothanks: obviously you don't know anything re France and re Moreno who is considered no more than a mere joke in France and no party wants to associate with her. As said, don't copy-paste re subjects you don't know of. I bet you had not read/heard Moreno name before yesterday ;).

Furthermore, there is only ONE human race.
Polsyr  6 | 758
3 Oct 2015   #237
don't talk about what you don't know!

Problem is, everyone that talks like him is as stupid and self righteous as they come, especially those from across the pond, and some on this side too.

EU is the best thing to happen to Poland in modern history. Yes it is not perfect, but nothing is perfect in this world.
nothanks  - | 626
3 Oct 2015   #238
@Nothanks: obviously you don't know anything re France and re Moreno who is considered no more than a mere joke in France and no party wants to associate with her. As said, don't copy-paste re subjects you don't know of. I bet you had not read/heard Moreno name before yesterday ;).

Furthermore, there is only ONE human race.

The focus is her statement and the revolutionist outrage created.

> EU is the BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO POLAND SINCE 1989. Whose asss should I kiss?

Such a black or white perspective. Would you be sharing these same feelings if Poland had switched to the Euro currency? Considering your apathetic post above, I'm guessing yes you would.
InPolska  9 | 1796
3 Oct 2015   #239
@Nothanks: if you knew who the idiot is, you would not take her seriously but obviously you don't know about her ;). Also, the "big deal" lasted no more than 1 day in France and people have moved to other things. Believe me, I know ...
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Oct 2015   #240
Only when is Poland out of EU, in a realm of ​​Miedzymorze, humiliation of Poles would come to its end.

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