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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

OP Novichok  4 | 8784
12 Oct 2024   #91
Sometimes I guess all that green/woke/leftism

Exactly. Everybody needs a cause. The younger, the dumber...

Wokism is Marxism, fascism, communism, and terrorism rolled into one new religion for the stupid.

The old-style Soviet system was coming from the top: 12 guys plus NKVD. Terrible but with no staying power.

The new Western-style wokism won't get you executed but will get you fired. It will be a lot harder to eradicate since it's organic, bottom-up mental disorder.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
12 Oct 2024   #92
Actually, it's worse than that...It's so perverted that the victims - women - support their enemies, the trans freaks. Unbelievable...

Since it's impossible to reason with women, all we can do is step back and watch in disbelief. I am already in this mode within my family.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 Oct 2024   #93
Don't be unfair, Novi.....there are so many feminist women fighting against the trans-movement they got their own insult: TERF! Don't forget them....
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
12 Oct 2024   #94
Don't forget them....

I would love to meet them.

So far, only women over 30-40 make sense. Under 20 are from a different planet where sane adults just don't venture.

Thanks to you, I learned what TERF is. I googled it and got this website:

Quoting from it:

It Bears Repeating: Trans Women Are Women

No, azholes, they are not women. If they were women, they would be exempt from the Selective Service registration requirements since only men must register - or 5 years in prison and 250,000 dollar fine if they don't. I called the SSA and asked if I am exempt as I self-identify as a woman. No! was the answer.

I got that argument down to one question and it's over.

Another point...Trans "women" never see a gynecologist to have their ovaries checked for cancer.

I tried to make an appointment with a gynecologist but the clinic refused... I actually did it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 Oct 2024   #95
I actually did it.

Somehow I believe you! 🤣
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
12 Oct 2024   #96
They quickly saw through me and burst out laughing. Instantly, we were on the same page.

They told me that the Medicare would not reimburse them since they don't cover ovaries in men. Only in women.

Alien  26 | 6565
12 Oct 2024   #97
Another point...Trans "women" never see a gynecologist to have their ovaries checked for cancer.

There are many women who have had their ovaries removed who still go to a gynecologist.
They quickly saw through me and burst out laughing. Instantly

Doctors do not laugh at patients, as a rule. Furthermore, genius, men with breast cancer are also treated by gynecologists, the effects are unfortunately much worse than in women.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Oct 2024   #98
There are many women who have had their ovaries removed who still go to a gynecologist.

And there are also women with XY chromosomes who are therefore male according to some, yet they menstruate and have babies.

He seems obsessed with the issue.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
13 Oct 2024   #99
Sweden offers foreign scum 34,000 bucks to leave.

I would give then 6 months to leave or 34 years in prison if they don't. A lot cheaper...

It would also be a deterrent to 34,000-dollar tourism. "Asylum or 34 grand...white woke azholes..."

OP Novichok  4 | 8784
13 Oct 2024   #100
Memo to all azholes: There are men, women, and one per 100,000 freaks.

Freaks do not create another gender.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
13 Oct 2024   #101
The difference between freaks and trangender morons is that the freaks are born with defective bodies.

Trans freaks, born with defective minds and very normal bodies, believe that mutilating their normal bodies will fix their fvcked up minds.

Happily, the suicide rate after the surgery is actually higher than before. Good.

It's the fake trans like Bruce Jenner that are a problem to girls and women - in showers, sororities, and sports.

But not when dealing with the US government. The feds - the Selective Service, specifically - don't play those idiotic self-identification games and want your male ass registered when you turn 18.

You are free to tell your "I self identify as a woman" BS to your friends and other idiots. Never to the US government. For those who didn't get the memo, they have 5 year prison term and 250,000 dollar fine.

I am relieved to know that this idiocy has a wall.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #102
freaks and trangender morons

Maybe they're just people unsure of their identity for whatever reason. Or maybe they have certain medical/psychological issues... or were led astray by Satan, or are simply confused kids overwhelmed with all the nonsense swirling around on the internet and in mass media. Why do you have to be so uncharitable towards them? They're people and as human beings they deserve respect. If you admit that unborn children have inherent value as human beings, then why do you seem to refuse the same humanity to the people you call "freaks", "morons" and whatnot.

Happily, the suicide rate after the surgery is actually higher than before. Good.

How can you say that? If a person commits suicide, they die. Are you pro-life or not? Or are you only pre-born pro-life, and living people can die if they don't conform to your standards (whatever they are)? WTF are you, Novi? A pro-lifer? A Christian? A decent human being? Or a hater troll?
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
13 Oct 2024   #103
Maybe they're just people unsure of their identity for whatever reason.

All they need to do is to pull the pants down. Right there is their identity.
If a person commits suicide, they die.

Good - as long as they do it solo. Some want company. I hate when this happens.
Are you pro-life or not?

I have two lists. Those I want dead. That's List A. And List B - those I don't care if they live or die. Legally, of course...

Which one would you like to see first for a review and editing?
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2024   #105
WTF are you, Novi? A pro-lifer? A Christian? A decent human being? Or a hater troll?

None. Just an obsessive attention sicker who will say anything to attract your attention.
mafketis  38 | 11284
13 Oct 2024   #106
WTF are you ..... ?

Wanna buy a vowel?

_TT_NT_ _N
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
13 Oct 2024   #107
I am so sorry. I didn't realize that the rest of you post to be ignored.

Now I have a question for the PF freaks who post to be ignored: Did you consider posting blanks? Same outcome...less effort...

Or you could try this: YndgisaDHJSA[pfs[a]cfjsza'cp[jsxzacPACJ

Hey, GK, did you ever meet anyone who didn't know the difference between a dick and vagina?
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
13 Oct 2024   #108
attention sicker

Attention seeker...... are you really an English teacher???
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Oct 2024   #109
.. are you really an English teacher?

You are just full of insults today aren't you.
Is that because of your insecurities ?
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Oct 2024   #110
Wanna buy a vowel?

  • IMG_0952.jpeg
AntV  3 | 670
15 Oct 2024   #111
What do you think about this?

An 80-year-old former East German Secret Police (Stasi) officer was sentenced to 10 years in prison Monday for killing a Polish man trying to escape to West Germany 50 years ago, the Washington Post reported.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
15 Oct 2024   #113
What do you think about this?

Did you notice how the assfucker skillfully wiggled out of answering your question?

Yes, assfucker, we know it was discussed and where. The question was what you think about the verdict.

My answer: This verdict is a crime in itself. Premeditated murder is life-no-parol in the US - the country I adore for this specific reason.

In Michigan, the judge has no discretion in the matter once the jury finds the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree. By law, it's LWOP. Period.

I love Michigan and hate Euro weasels.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Oct 2024   #114
Did you notice how the assfucker skillfully wiggled out of answering your question?

That is why he has the nickname, Mr. Twister
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
16 Oct 2024   #115
Why I hate Brits more than Nazis and KGB...

Explanation available on request.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
14 Nov 2024   #116
I've seen a thousa good brits. I know the lame ones are everywhere, I just laugh it off. Trust me English is pretty cool!!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Nov 2024   #117
I know the lame ones are everywhere,

Especially on this forum.
I have only met one respectable one and that is Vincent.
The rest of them are pretty much arrogant...... fill in the blank, that like to split hairs arguing over stupid shlt.
Most of them I have had to put on my Ignore List.
The Polish adult members seem much more mature than the arrogant Brits.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
14 Nov 2024   #118
The Polish adult members seem much more mature than the arrogant Brits.

Poles are the stupidest tribe on earth.

Only a total moron would continuously remind his next door neighbor who is ten times stronger how much he hates him and what a primitive lowlife he is...

That's Polaks, the supermorons...That's why I never admit that I used be one of them and don't speak Polish when I am with them.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Nov 2024   #119
That's nice.
Are we done hearing about you today ?

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread - part 4

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