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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

johnny reb  46 | 7516
25 Sep 2024   #61
Poland is letting the illegals cross their territory to make their way into Germany.

Thats nothing, Europe is sending their illegals to the U.S.A.
Migrants are being smuggled into the US by legitimate travel agents based in Europe, the State Department has said.
US authorities accused rogue agencies operating in Europe of orchestrating illegal immigration.
The State Department said it had sanctioned the owners and executives of agencies selling fraudulent travel documents as well as flights "designed primarily to facilitate irregular migration to the United States".
Officials declined to say how many travel agencies were involved.
One more reason the U.K. sucks.
Alien  22 | 5460
25 Sep 2024   #62
Chokes and vomits...

In the official language it is called extradition or expulsion from the country.
OP Novichok  4 | 7630
25 Sep 2024   #63
One more reason the U.K. sucks.

Europe's tumor...
jon357  72 | 22778
25 Sep 2024   #64
Europe's tumour was excised the day Ryszard emigrat.
gumishu  16 | 6181
25 Sep 2024   #65
Hope Poland chokes on these illegals.

the comment is pure ignorance and arrogance on the part of the German who commented - Poland doesn't just let immigrants from Belarus - they sometimes do manage to cross the border IN SPITE of the border wall and a lot personnel protecting the border - what is more German AUTHORITIES and legal circles not so long ago whined about Poland performing PUSHBACKS on those who illegally crossed the border with Belaraus (there is also the question of those illegal immigrants who manage to cross the EU border in Lithuania and Latvia and who travel through Poland (with the help of human traffickers) on their way to Germany)

and there is one other question - this whole issue of illegal immigration through Polish-Belarusian border hadn't start spontaneously - it was started by delibarate actions of the Belarusian (and probably also Russian) authorities hostile to Poland (they advertised flights to Belarus with a chance to get to the EU from there to people in third world countries - they also earn hard cash doing so, so in essence they are human traffickers)

in other words Novichok: before you believe Germans try asking Poles (otherwise you may believe it was Poland who provoked Germany to attack them in 1939 as many German believe even now)

Edit: you imagine Germany and the EU helped Poland build the wall on the Belarusian border? Think again
johnny reb  46 | 7516
25 Sep 2024   #67
It may be time for Europe to commit to a European military as the threats by their enemies increase.
Bobko  27 | 2124
25 Sep 2024   #68
Poland criticizes new German anti-immigration controls. Berlin's passport checks will only worsen relations with Warsaw, Foreign Ministry has said

Why doesn't Poland also enforce passport control on the border with Germany? Then the problem is solved through reciprocal action.

This may prompt Germany to rethink its very selfish position, and reopen the border.

The hundreds of thousands of East Germans who will no longer be able to easily purchase cheap Polish cigarettes, will force the Scholz government to change course!

If the Germans are still not convinced, just copy Lukashenko and help the migrants by equipping them with some bolt cutters and ladders. Since many of them are big city boys, from places like Mosul and Basra - you may also need to also provide a forest ranger to guide them safely to the German border.

It would be very funny to then watch Germany build a wall on its border with Poland.

Alien  22 | 5460
25 Sep 2024   #69
Why doesn't Poland also enforce passport control on the border with Germany

A united Europe means a Europe without borders. It really works.
Bobko  27 | 2124
25 Sep 2024   #70
a Europe without borders. It really works.

But there are borders between Poland and Russia? Also, there are borders between Russia and Finland, and Russia and Estonia...

How does that work? Should we also complain to Scholz that his behavior we find very distressing?

Currently, if we want to help Poland with flooding Germany with illegal immigrants - we need to use quite lengthy logistical routes originating in Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, or the Kola Peninsula.

I drew a map below, for how Russia can send more illegal immigrants to Germany, after the shorter route through Belarus was unfortunately blocked.

My concern with these routes are several. First and foremost, I worry for the health of the migrants, while traveling through the Arctic Circle. Also, the distance is quite a bit more than going from Libya to Sicily, or from Syria to Greece.

Does Poland have any kind of naval fleet capable of assisting?

  • IMG_3676.jpeg

  • IMG_3675.jpeg

  • IMG_3673.jpeg
Alien  22 | 5460
25 Sep 2024   #71
But there are borders between Poland and Russia

Because that's where Europe ends....
Bobko  27 | 2124
25 Sep 2024   #72
Because that's where Europe ends....

Europe ends at Polish border with Kaliningrad?

Does that mean that Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are not in Europe?

Ukraine is also not in Europe?

How about Belarus?

Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus?

Georgia will be especially upset to learn its not in Europe, since they are a little bit more obsessed with Europe than the Ukrainians.

Israel competes in the Eurovision Song Contest - what does that mean? Kazakhstan plays football in the UEFA Cup, and not the AFC - also very strange.

From your words, I get the understanding that Russia warps the fabric of time and space near its borders, forming a sort of black hole.
OP Novichok  4 | 7630
25 Sep 2024   #73
White suiicide in slow motion...
Alien  22 | 5460
25 Sep 2024   #74
Despite the introduction of border controls between Poland and Germany, 99% of vehicles are not checked, which means that on average every 100th car is taken aside. How many cars are not checked on the Polish-Russian border?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
25 Sep 2024   #75
on average every 100th car is taken aside.

I guess because they are looking for human trafficker, with specialized transport cars....not your everyday border crosser!
Bobko  27 | 2124
25 Sep 2024   #76
How many cars are not checked on the Polish-Russian border?

How would I know - orcs are not allowed in Europe?

We all go to vacation in North Korea and Afghanistan now - no visas required for Russian citizens.
jon357  72 | 22778
25 Sep 2024   #77
How many cars are not checked on the Polish-Russian border?

I'd guess that right now they check all of them very well.

It would be sensible to seal the border between occupied Królewiec and both Lithuania and Poland. The orcs can hardly complain since they sealed off West Berlin and also currently block traffic between Crimea and the rest of Ukraine.
gumishu  16 | 6181
25 Sep 2024   #78
I'd guess that right now they check all of them very well.

as far as I know Polish-Russian border (i.e. the border with Kaliningrad region) is practically closed now (edit: for personal travel at least)

The hundreds of thousands of East Germans will force the Scholz government to change course!

very good idea, Bobko - however I wouldn't expect Donald Tusk to enforce such drastic anti-German measures
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 day ago   #79
You folks will be getting very heavy rain this next week so baton down.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 day ago   #80
Thats nothing, Europe is sending their illegals to the U.S.A.

Good! You have a lot more space than we do..... time for more immigration to a country built by immigrants...... :-)
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 day ago   #81
Trump will be sending them back to you.......time for more immigration to a country run by Muslims.

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread - part 4

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